Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MT 6:1-6, 16-18: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Jesus teaches us 3 important lessons in being Christ-like. Repent means to change our heart (the way we look at life/they way we think) to be more like Christ’s most Sacred Heart. A servant. An instrument of God’s peace, love, and joy. We are called to holiness through our baptism.
Jesus died to have a relationship with us, so that we may know Him, imitate Him, and return to the Father. We are called to fight Satan and profess a creed that states who God is and who we are. Fr. Mike Schmitz says, “What we believe in is what we belong to. What we belong to is how we live and what we are willing to die for.” This is our Christian identity branded onto us at Baptism. We have a duty and responsibility, a purpose and mission!
In fasting, we search for the temptation in our life that is leading us the furthest from God and work on it. We may need to “cut off our hand or pluck out our eye” if it is causing us to sin. We may need to fast from our cell phone, computer, tablet, TV, to help us avoid the near occasion of sin. In essence, we rewire ourselves during Lent to remind us that we can control ourselves and tell ourselves no.
Fasting is the first step in fighting addiction. Which addiction do you need to work on? The 3 areas of our life that must be controlled or rightly ordered are world/culture (electronics/social media), flesh (7 Deadly Sins), and material goods (unnecessary material goods) to enter into the Kingdom. The Gospel is a Gospel of detachment (8 beatitudes).
God’s grace is necessary and surrendering into His loving arms to make small gains and continue the journey towards holiness. This will help us to be more present in our relationships and communicate more which leads to peace and joy. This may help us to not rush through our work to get to our entertainment, but concentrate on what we are made for, relationships. Our Creator, Savior, and Guide are a relationship of love.
Most importantly, our relationship with God, prayer and reflection on the Scriptures, silence and listening. We might feel empty the first week when we give something up, this is okay, we must walk through the desert, fall to our knees and tell God we need Him to help us with His grace.
Once we recognize that we need God, we are well on our way to growing towards Him. This in turn opens our hearts to good deeds and giving alms to the poor. In prayer, we get back to center where Jesus is and He will guide us to what is right. Jesus is Truth, reality, what is. This helps guide us and lead us.
Repent means to change your life and grow in holiness. It is difficult and maybe even impossible, but with God’s grace anything is possible if you believe. What do you need to change or fast from to improve your relationships?
Today’s challenge: Recognize you need God through fasting from something that is keeping you away from the most important things in life, God, family, friends, and work. Receive God’s blessings and love and share them with those in greatest need. Love the unlovable.
Give to those who do not deserve it, just like the One who had no sin took our place who doesn’t deserve Him and loves us anyway (agape love)! We killed God with our sins and came back with love and forgiveness. God’s love is the most powerful thing in the universe and it conquered death and sin so we could get back to the Father! Be grateful for this amazing gift!
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
I think that God is trying to tell us that no matter what happens in life you just got to keep going through with it because he will always be there for you not matter what.
“Fasting is the first step to fighting addiction” this stands out to me because it just shows that to let go of something that we want to let go of we have to let stuff go little by little, we have to gradually get better at fasting, this will only happen if we let stuff go to begin with and we start to find what we really need.
Jesus teaches us 3 important lessons in being Christ-like. Repent means to change our heart to be more like Christ’s most Sacred Heart. A servant. An instrument of God’s peace, love, and joy. We are called to holiness through our baptism. God’s grace is necessary and surrendering into His loving arms to make small gains and continue the journey towards holiness. This will help us to be more present in our relationships and communicate more which leads to peace and joy.
During Ash Wednesday is an imporant during lent. lent is realing impotant to me giving thangs i like brings me joy. His loving arms to make small gains and continue the journey towards holiness. His loving arms to make small gains and continue the journey towards holiness. and pray
This ash wensday was beautiful I really liked the gospel about how we must take up our crosses daily. We must follow him and fix our sins through fasting and prayer.
Jesus tells us that we need to do three things during the season of Lent. Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Each has a reason for why they are used in Lent. Jesus died for us at the end of this time, so doing these things is the least we can do to honor Him, and what he gave to us.
I think that Jesus is trying to say on today’s Gospel that if you want to follow him its going to be difficult he says “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Taking up your cross daily doesn’t mean literally take up a cross and getting crucified to it it means to do things that you don’t like for God and offer it up to him. Self denial means that you have to say no to the urge to sin.
Yesterday the Gospel hit me hard. I think this can relate to me not in the way that I blast my faith so everyone knows I’m so faithful. But I think that I do not pray to myself in secret. I do not have the confidence and knowledge yet to spread my faith to people on the street. I have not built the courage and have not asked God for the courage to spread the word.
Something that I got out of this was that lent is not about us. The goal of lent is for us to give ourselves up to other people, and God and go through some hard things. The things that most people are doing for lent are not easy things for them to do, and that is a good thing for them. We should do the same as that, and give up our cross for other people this lent, and hopefully into the next season.
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”,this is what I need to do is to deny myself and follow God. I will not just lie and say that I’m not a sinner but I will admit it. I am a sinner and I will pray that God will see that I am truly sorry for what I have done and he will give me.
Todays Gospel is about when we fast we don’t do it to impress others and look holy we do it so we can stop the worldly temptation or sin that is driving us away from God so we can spend eternity with him in heaven
“When you fast don’t let your left know what your right is doing” says Jesus. we should not try to use prayer to show off, or don’t look gloomy when you fast so you don’t make people pitty you.
In today’s Gospel God talks about taking up the cross for him, which is true. In order to love Christ and have that connection with him you have to put him first not yourself. You have to realize that God wants what’s best for you and what is best is for you to put yourself last. Put others needs before yours but most importantly put God first.
In the Gospel today Jesus tells us to not draw attention to ourselves when we give alms, pray, or fast. We should do this all in secret and not be hypocritical. During Lent we need to fast and give things up and try our hardest to deepen our relationship with God. We need to be prayerful and have great intention when we do the things we need to during Lent and we need to strive to keep a sturdy fast and try our best not to break it.
this scripture was about lent mostly so it made me think what i can do to fast alms give and pray.FASTING to fast i will try to stop eating so much junk food and try not to buy any energy drinks.ALMS GIVING I will try to donate as much money as I can toward the church so they may continue helping kids stay on the path of heaven.PRAYER to keep up with my prayer I will try my very best to pray at least one our father before I go to bed every night.AMEN
In fasting during lent we give something up that we usually have an addiction to like phones or sugar. Some times it is better to add some things in prayer for lent because during lent if we abstain from something like our phones we are more likely to just get back on it after lent I over. When we create a habit in our prayer life we will likely keep doing it after Lent because it has become a habit. When giving Alms we get closer to Jesus and which then He can lead us back closer to Him.
The reflection talks about Ash Wednesday. The day of Ash Wednesday is a time to pray, fast, and give. Prayer is just another step closer to God. We fast because Jesus went without anything for a long time and we give our time by fasting meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday during lent. Finally giving, giving is more so giving time to Jesus to thank him for what he has done for us, also giving can be giving tithe to the church, or giving time to help others, somehow giving time in some way is an example of give. So, pray, fast, and give, and you will become just one step closer to Jesus himself
Jesus is talking about all the praying and alms giving. On how people pray on the street corners is a sign of showing, and giving in public is showing. Jesus is wanting you to pray and give in secret. Because Faith is not a sign of showing it’s giving. We should never show off that we are Holier than people. Because we are not the holy ones. We are put into Gods holiness. We should never have to think better than the other because we are all different. We are all to have our own beliefs and our own way of celebrating our beliefs. Give never show. Because when you give something so small, like making a treat basket for a neighbor and you leave it on there porch with a card. You ring the bell and leave. They are filled with what’s in the basket. People can be filled with what’s in it. So pray in secret because we all have our own secret place with God and no one can get in. For me its my internal thought of my place. It’s not an external because no one can get into my internal thoughts but they can get into my external. Give never show. Because when you give. You give what God has given you.
In Yesterday’s Readings God is telling us to Fast, Pray and give alms.
To fast is to give up something or abstain from something for the
Lenten season. To pray is to talk to God with memorized prayer, a
prayer card, or just simply sit in silence and talk to God because
he is there we just don’t always hear him. Alms giving is the act
of giving charity to another.
In fasting we attempt to grow closer to Jesus. When we give up something for lent we are doing to not just avoid sin but also grow closer to Jesus. Prayer affects our relationship with God, lent is a time for prayer and fasting. We give ourselves completely to God he will help us with everything that is hurting us.
“Repent means to change your life and grow in holiness. It is difficult and maybe even impossible, but with God’s grace anything is possible if you believe.” Today God is telling me that we all should repent. Lent has just started and during lent we are going to suffer by not having things that we want and instead giving them up. At the end of lent you should see the progress you have made to give up an addiction to something. By giving up things that could bring you closer to God and see what He had to do also. During this time we can also give, instead of take. If you start doing this during lent then maybe it will become a habit for you, and lead you to doing better things instead of being lazy or doing things you aren’t supposed to be doing, so take this time and use it wisely and remember to repent.
Fr. Mike Schmitz says, “What we believe in is what we belong to. What we belong to is how we live and what we are willing to die for.”
All it takes is to believe in God and then when we believe in him we can grow closer and closer to willing to die for, love. The 3 important things are fasting, prayer, and giving alms. In fasting I like the way he says to fast something that is the root of your sin. Then in prayer i like to do my own prayer, it helps me feel closer to God. Than lastly giving alms to the poor, to help others get to a better place.
In this Gospel, I believe Jesus is trying to tell us about Ash Wednesday. He tells us how important prayer and alms giving is and how we should pray in silence without anyone else knowing. He says how the people who pray outside on street corners and stuff, that they have already received what they want. He wants us to be different though, He wants us to pray to Him in silence and talk to him just like we talk to anyone else today. He doesn’t want us to brag about praying to Him. He just wants us to be humble in our prayer and able to lead people to Him.Then he brings up fasting. Fasting is very important in our Church today. It shows that we are able to give up things for God and ask him for forgiveness of our sins. When we fast we will be welcomed by God in the Kingdom of Heaven. God Loves YOU! God Bless!
“AND YOUR FATHER WHO SEES IN SECRET WILL REPAY YOU.” MT 6:1-6, 16-18.In todays Gospel told what must happen to him.I think this is kind of a sign of humility knowing that he will die and telling the apostels
“We rewire ourselves during Lent to remind us that we can control ourselves and tell ourselves no.” This stood out to me because normally we never tell ourselves not to do something and rarely tell ourselves no when it comes entertainment.
This Scripture is calling me to repent. Which is why we are doing sacrafice, fighting addiction. To change for Christ, and for the better. It’s also calling me to feed the poor, and help the poor. And to pray, also sacrafice my time for Christ.
In today’s Gospel Jesus says to follow Him and deny yourself for Him. What does it mean to deny yourself? You have to deny all of your inner thoughts that aren’t from God and you must follow Him. It is always better to follow Him and bear all of the pain on earth than to go through the flames of hell.
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” This stuck out to me because Jesus is trying to tell us that if we don’t make an effort to follow him and make sacrifices it will be hard to have a relationship with him.
“Repent means to change your life and grow in holiness.” Repenting is a hard thing to do but in order to reach God we must repent. Giving up something for Lent and seeing how it changed you once its over is a very powerful feeling.
God was telling me to fast and to try my hardest to not fall in to temptation and to never give up if you don’t do or do it one day.
“AND YOUR FATHER WHO SEES IN SECRET WILL REPAY YOU.” MT 6:1-6, 16-18.On ash wensdays Gospel Jesus to pray with faith and to not be hypocrites.He also talks about Preforming righteous deeds.I think God is telling us to do good things in this time of lent and to be a good samairitan
“Jesus died to have a relationship with us.” I think people dont recognize the pain Jesus went through just to be a role model for us and for us to know his love for us. He died just so we can see and beleive that he is with us in our hearts and for our sins and the sins of the world to be lifted and for us to be able to see him and heaven.
I think what the scripture is trying to tell us today is that when we give something up for lent we grow closer to God. It is the same with fasting as we can give up that suffering to God which is how we grow and know to love him because sometimes in the pain and suffering is where we find him.
Something that stuck out to me was “What we believe in is what we belong to. What we belong to is how we live and what we are willing to die for.” this stuck out to me because we belong to Jesus .
Today I got from the gospel that Jesus want to see you. When you go and pray on the street corners everybody can see you so they think that you are Christian but the Lord wants to see you he doesn’t want the world to just know that you’re praying. He wants to have personal time with you, like a friend like any relationship. We have to go to our room to be with the Lord and the Lord only because that’s when we are closest to him. Not on the street corners or just “saying prayers” so we look Christian.
In today’s scripture it talks about Ash Wednesday,and how if we give something up then we must add something for lent, For example,building a closer relationship with God,Says prayers more often than usual,and most of all reading our bibles and Sacrificing for God like he did for you .
Something that really stuck to me when i was reading this was that in fasting we give up things that lead us farther away from God, so i thought was it really leading me away from my lord ans savior Jesus Christ and i thought evrythhing since i am human i have temptations all this day and every hour. So Lent and fasting is somehting when you think about what our Lord did he died on that Cross bled out died and rose from the dead so we can have eternal life with him in heaven. and Fasting is thinking about all the sins that ead us away from him, so that is why for thsi Lent the tihng i gave up that leads me away from the Lord is cursing/saying bad words. everyday i say alteadt 10 and it is really bad for my soul. So this Lent I will try to keep everything in mind of what is happenin and all the bad things I do like lie,Curse, sloth, and much more.
I was telling myself that we need to know the three areas of our life and that the only way to get to know God is by Prayer.
“Take care not to perform righteous deeds
in order that people may see them;
otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.”
I think today God is trying to tell me we shouldn’t perform good deeds and try and show other people, we should perform good deeds in secret, because if you try to show other people then you are a hypocrite and you don’t need to show other people what your doing at all times, if you want to pray to God then pray to God, but if you want to do it so other people will see you, go to another room and pray to him in secret.
pray is one of the most important things to do during Lent
Fasting is the first step in fighting addiction. We need to sacrifice just like Jesus sacrificed for us dying on the cross. When we give thing up we fight temptation and it helps us grow stronger in fighting addictions outside of lent.
Jesus tells us to do only three things during lent time. Prayer, Fasting, Giving. Prayer is to pray for everyone to everyone and even Jesus too. Fasting is too fast like He did. He didn’t eat for 40 days and 40 nights, at least two small meals or one big meal. Because He did all of this stuff for us. Giving is to give to the church at least one dollar to the church because every school/church does everything they can to treat there students right.
Today, Jesus is saying that whoever wishes to follow Him must stand up and fight for who/what they believe in. Jesus doesn’t want us to be embarrassed or scared to love and fight for God. He wants us to believe in Him! If anyone is struggling, He will be there. If you are tired, sad, mad, happy, Jesus will be right there next to you. “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
at the end where it said “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” I think it was telling us that in the end all that you gain you will lose so it is important to focus on your self and what you gain or lose
Something I can take from the gospel today is the message of sacrificing because of our love for God, and not because we want to be seen with others. We need to have integrity. I think that sacrificing during Lent is important because God the Son gave His life for us and he fasted in the desert for 40 days to be an example of what He wanted us to do.
What God is trying to tell me today is that when we do good deeds, we don’t need to go around and start bloating that we did something nice for another person. Let’s say that you helped someone with their chores. After you help them you don’t need to mention it and make it be know by the whole world, but God will know that you did a good thing and after you do it don’t boast about it in public. It should be just between you, that person, and God.
The Gospel talks about how we aren’t doing this for ourselves, were doing it for God. We are sacrificing food, or anything else for 40 days just hoe God did. God did it with no food it is truly the least we can do. When you pray you have a encounter with God, and Mary. Maybe even some saints too!!! if you get distracted during prayer, and end being distracted that is not a good form of prayer. You must start focused and try to end focused the best you can. If you get unfocused its ok just try to focus on God again before you end you’r prayer. Don’t end prayer just to be with you’r friends, end with a mindset that God is with you and always beside you (my focus today was to stay focus during prayer)
this gospel reminded me of what fasting really is not just giving up something because God wants you to. but to grow closer to God and get the father son bond with God this lent I have been praying a decade of the Rosary a day so I can not just get closer to God but to understand what he is trying to tell me
In lent there are three things you should be trying to do. Fasting, alms giving, then prayer. God tells us to go in our room to pray, don’t be like the hypocrites that say they pray every day and brag . Be silent, be humble, which your father knows the deed your doing. Fasting, pick an item which you are loving a little too much and give it up for God. Almsgiving, give money to your local parish, pray more, or feed the homeless. In lent try your best, and if you mess up its ok your father will forgive you.
I think God is telling me that we should pray in silence by ourselves. The best way to hear God’s voice is to pray in silence. We should still our minds and bodies to try and hear God’s voice and to then follow His will. We don’t need to pray, fast, or give to show off how we love God, but rather do those things alone and through our actions quietly we reveal God to others through our love for each other.
“cut off our hand or pluck out our eye” this stood out to me because in Lent, we remove or at least attempt to remove what is causing us to sin. If the music you listen to is sinful, you stop listening to that music, as if you cut off your ear.
Today it was telling me that, when you give something up for lent you have to deny yourself to not do it and you remember Jesus and how he died for our sins. So do not let yourself do whatever you gave up for let and deny yourself.
“In prayer, we get back to center where Jesus is and He will guide us to what is right. Jesus is Truth, reality, what is.” God always knows what is best for you. when we get lost in all the distractions and forget about what should be the center of our life, we will fall back into our old sins. You have to break bad habits to be able to create new and stronger ones.
Ash Wednesday is a day to think about and remember how much God loves you. When we give something up for God, it is a reminder of what he had to do for us. Praying and fasting on Fridays are all ways to help us grow closer to God. Today’s Gospel says, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Sometimes sacrificing things for God can be hard or uncomfortable, but we need to try to remember that in order to get to Heaven, we must do our part of suffering like he did. If we want to get to Heaven, we need to do things to help us grow closer to God, and not further away from his love.
I think that God is telling us that we must look like we are not fasting when we are because if we are making our appearances look like we are fasting on purpose so that others can see, then we are doing that so people will say that we are holy. Fasting is meant to help us get rid of the distractions that are making us sin, not for showing off to people how great you are. Fasting in secret will help you grow closer to God.
He is proficing and is telling people how to follow him and get to heaven.
Jesus tells us that we need to do three things during the season of Lent, Prayer Fasting and alms giving. Each has a reason for why they are used in Lent Jesus died for us at the end of this time so doing these things is the least we can do to honor him and what he gave to us.
That we are all sinners and we have ash Wednesday to call ourselves out because no one is perfect, and we need to repent.
Jesus tells us not to boast when we pray. He tells us we should not pray in public for attention. He said to pray in private because the Father will see us praying in private. He wants us to pray not for the attention but for the grace we get from praying.
Jesus tells us that we need to do three things during the season of Lent. Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. it talks about Ash Wednesday,and how if we give something up then we must add something for lent, For example,building a closer relationship with God,Says prayers more often than usual,and most of all reading our bibles. I am trying to read the bible more and get a stronger relationship.
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” I think this means that we need to let go of ourselves, and go to Jesus. As long as Jesus is the number one thing in our lives, we are good.
In the Gospel it says “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” I feel like he is saying that it isn’t easy to follow him but he wants you to try.
Jesus wants us to repent and be a servant to God. God will always help us. We are meant to fast because God has done so much for us we can at least give up something for 40 days.
What I got was that to become closer with God, we need to break away from our addictions. Jesus and God gave up so, so much for us, so we can do the same thing. God gave up his only son, so we can give up some screen time or some sweets or something. We will always know throughout our suffering of going without what we want that we’re are doing it for God and all of it is for getting closer to Him.
something that stuck out to me was We may need to “cut off our hand or pluck out our eye.” because if something is causing us to sin we should get rid of it
“But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret” Some of the most important time in our relationship with God is just one-on-one with him. Praying by yourself with no one knowing that you are praying shows God that you care about him. God is always watching over us and all of our actions. When we fast we should not try to make a big deal about it. Be silent and trust God.
Jesus says to the Apostles, “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father. When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” To me, this means that Jesus wants us not to just have our good deeds between us and God. He also wants us to have humility.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us not to make known when we are praying. I think that Sometimes when we are praying, we are like the Pharisees. We try and make known how much we are sacrificing, how much time we spend in prayer, and stuff like that. Jesus tells us that his father sees everything and he already knows how much we pray. We should not be bragging about how much time we spend with the Lord. That is what this gospel is about.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is telling us that we must take up our cross and follow Him. Following in Jesus’ footsteps is not easy. We can only try our best to do what He does. We must follow him into the Kingdom of God, walk the same road Jesus has walked, and eventually get back to the Creator.
in todays gospel jesus tells us not boast but to be humble I agree with what Jesus says here boasting is rude and undesirable but when you don’t people do not get annoyed.
God’s grace is necessary and surrendering into His loving arms to make small gains and continue the journey towards holiness. God’s grace is necessary. That is so weird to think about because God will and does love you but you can only get his grace if you try looking for it. He wants to give us his grace but He can’t because we aren’t looking for it or don’t even know how to look for it.
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” This stuck out to me because we need to really just follow Him and not let anything get in the way of Him.
“In fasting, we search for the temptation in our life that is leading us the furthest from God and work on it.” This stuck out to me because, this shows how we have to learn to get away from whatever we gave up. If it was so easy, everyone would do it, but it’s not supposed to be easy, because it’s a sacrifice. When we work on that temptation, over time, we can get closer and closer to God, and he will help us through it all.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus explained to the people how to follow Him. They must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Jesus. Giving everything up to follow Jesus sounds easy, but it is very challenging. This is why Lent is here. Lent is a time that helps us get closer to God by Prayer, Fasting, and Giving. When you pray, you are talking to God one-on-one and getting closer to him. When you fast, you are sacrificing something important like what Jesus did in the desert. When you give, you are helping others with your own treasure.
“And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” I believe that in saying this Jesus is not only telling us that we must not be boastful in our prayer, but He is also telling us that God will know what you do, whether that be good or bad. God is all knowing, so He will always know every single thought, word and action that we think, say, or do, so there is no reason to hide anything from Him, because He already knows.
God is telling us to keep going through life because he will always be there with us.
If we want to go to heaven we have to realize our flawed human nature. We have to take up our cross of sin and follow Jesus to Calvary. We have to lose our earthly possessions and life to gain everything and eternal life in heaven
Jesus said “anyone who loses their life for my sake saves it and anyone who saves their life loses it in heaven”
this does not have a lot to do with the 3 pillers of our faith but it has a lot to do with giving up ourselves to God and trusting that he will follow through.
For Lent we all try and spend time closer to God. We do this in prayer, fasting, and giving alms. In this Jesus tells us that we should do these things. In Lent we focus on what Jesus did for us and how we should give something or many things up to honor him and his sacrifice to save our sins. Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lent season and the start of giving things up for Jesus.
In this Gospel what stuck out to me was that Jesus knew who was going to crucify Him and He still loved everyone the same. He knew Judas was going to betray Him and He still made Him, His disciple. The Lord is Love. All he can do is love and we must trust in him and carry our crosses just like He did when he was being crucified.
To be able to make it to Heaven we must have open hearts and eyes to God’s Grace. His grace is a blessing and one of the main things we truly need or could ask from him. He gives us so much and is only asking for us to spend time with him in heaven and quite literally gives us a free guide.
Lent is starting so what we must do is Fast, Pray, and Almsgiving. By limiting ourselves, we can stop sinning and learn how to fast. If we are able to pray, our relationship with God will grow. If we do the right thing, we are giving alms and setting a model of Christ. These three things should be the most important thing for you this Lent, so follow it and give your life up to Christ.
We are called to sacrifice for God, not so that others will see, but truly for God. If we do that, then we are serving God how he intended.
Something I got out of this is that if something in our life is causing us it sin then we need to remove it from our life. Yes I know we won’t all be perfect and we can’t not sin, but if something is making us sin or hurt others or hurt ourselves then why don’t we just remove it from our life so that we can be a better person of Christ.
“Fasting is the first step in fighting addiction.” I think that is very true. People can be addicted to their phone or candy, but fasting during lent is a really good way to fight it. It’s also a great way of feeling calm not always wanting whatever it is we are addicted to. We have to fight the urge and once we make it through lent we might not have the same feeling of wanting whatever it was.
In the Gospel today, God talks about how we should fast, give alms, and pray. We are called to do these things to get to Heaven, but we are not meant to do these things for attention. When we give glory to God it is meant to be for God and only for God. If we do it just for the attention, there is no meaning behind it and the only reward we get from it is that attention.
I think God is telling us that he loves us so much that he will repay all of our wishes. We cant use God for granting all of our prayers when we dont show him respect. If we sin all the time and dont care to repent, God wont listen to our requests, but if we sin and feel sorry about it and go to confession, God will answer our prayers.
“[But] take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them;otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.” I think today we learn about being humble when we pray and fast. Sometimes we want recognition for what we think we do well. We like getting a pat on the back and being told “good job, you’re amazing!” But this is not what prayer is about or what lent is about, and this is not why we should be doing it. We should be doing it for us, for our souls, and for God. Giving everything to get closer to Him, not worrying about getting recognition. God sees our sacrifice, and that should be enough.
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Today this quote stuck out to me. Jesus tells us directly that if we want to follow him and make it to heaven we must give everything up. We must not be attached to any earthly things and we must give up everything to follow him. Jesus tells us to be respectful and treat others as we would want to be treated. If we do these things and take up our cross everyday then we will receive the gift of heaven.
What I got from (yesterday’s) Gospel is that we should not be praying, fasting, and stuff like that so others can see us, but we should be doing it for God. When we pray and fast it should be coming truly from our hearts for God not so other people can look because what’s the point of praying if you’re focused on others rather than you and God talking to each other.
I think today’s scripture is about ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is about prayer, fasting, and giving. With prayer we can grow closer to God and get to heaven with him. We fast because Jesus went 40 days fasting so we are doing the same thing as him. We give thanks to God and Jesus because they love us. They will never stop loving us and they always care about us.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell us is that we don’t fast because God told us to. We choose to fast to show God we love him because he loves us. We don’t think about how Jesus spends 40 days in the desert. And yet we struggle to go 40 days whatever we gave up on. If your going to struggle on something you should make it something that would be hard to live without, and not like a phone or video games, but like not sleeping on a bed. Some things might be hard for you mentally but is better if you live without. We should do something that means a lot to us. And we should also add stuff. Like maybe pray a Our Father every day or being nicer to people, maybe even praying the rosary a day. Some people do that stuff everyday and yet others find it hard to do it everyday. That is why we should use Lent as a time to do something for our God and savior.
In this scripture it tells us how we can grow in Christ with fasting, prayer, and alms giving. God gave us these graces to help us grow closer to God. Lent is a time to really take gratitude for what we have, including what God has given is like these gifts. It’s a time of sacrifice, so instead of scrolling on your phone for an extra 10 minutes, maybe pray a decay of the rosary. It’s so easy to do things for God but also easy to not. Just take 10 minutes out of your day to do at least one of these gifts, and after you will feel Gods grace upon you and you will feel good.
the scripture is saying to put God first, to obey Him, and to follow Him. If we do these things we will have a long life, but if we choose to put ourselves or other things or other gods before Him we will perish. It is up to us what path we want to take and if we want to get to heaven and live a long life we have to give ourselves to God and put our trust in Him.
the scripture is saying to put God first, to obey Him, and to follow Him. If we do these things we will have a long life, but if we choose to put ourselves or other things or other gods before Him we will perish. It is up to us what path we want to take and if we want to get to heaven and live a long life we have to give ourselves to God and put our trust in Him..
Jesus died to have a relationship with us, so that we may know Him, imitate Him, and return to the Father. We are called to fight Satan and profess a creed that states who God is and who we are. Fr. Mike Schmitz says, “What we believe in is what we belong to.Give to those who do not deserve it, just like the One who had no sin took our place who doesn’t deserve Him and loves us anyway (agape love)! We killed God with our sins and came back with love and forgiveness.
i will fast and give alms for god and for the church i will donate to help it continue and thrive.
I think he is trying to tell me to never give up no matter how hard it is because he will be with us every step of the way.
“Jesus died to have a relationship with us”. God sent his only son to die for us and he showed us how much he loved us by doing that. Jesus also showed how much he loved us because he did not have to die for us but he did.
In yesterday’s Scripture Jesus is telling me that you must give something to God and not boast about it. He is saying that I should give something bug up and add a lot of prayer. Not out loud but in secret so I can concentrate on him fully without any distractions
The gospel is telling us that God is in the silence.He isnt in the big cities and the loud suburbs.He is in the silence of your room ready to talk to you.It is also telling us is that when we pray don’t make a big deal of it.
God is telling us here the three main deeds of Lent, almsgiving, fasting, and prayer. He tells us that we must do these three things from the love of our heart and the Father, not to impress others. When we give in ‘secret,’ God will repay us in secret, When we fast in ‘secret,’ God will repay us in secret. When we pray in ‘secret,’ God will repay us in secret. We should not be like the hypocrites who do these three things just to win over the hearts of people and to impress. We should do these things to honor God and to get closer to him so that we may be in Heaven with him.
The three things that God is telling us to do this Lenten season is to FAST, PRAY, and GIVE and we should always put Jesus first in our lives.
What this Gospel is telling me is that you need to praise God simply to praise God. Although its good to be a role model, everyone needs to focus on God and not what others think about you. Pray in secret to God and don’t be like the hypocrites is what the Gospel is saying. Put God first and focus on him.
Jesus doesn’t need you to be recovered or healed for you to come to him. Instead you should be suffering when you come to him. We must deny ourselves and carry up our own cross to follow Jesus.
Jesus is saying in the Gospel today that if we want to follow Him we must take up our cross that is filled with sin, hatred, and all of our brokenness to Him and he will guide us through the unbearable path.
God is telling us about fasting, praying, and giving. Fasting is the first step to fighting addiction. We should give to the poor because it will help us get closer to God. Prayer strengthens your relationship with God.
And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you.” What I got from this is that those who stay humble will receive their reward in heaven. You should always stay humble about your blessings and your misfortunes. Don’t do things just to get praise and worship out of it. Stay humble within everything you do and great things will come for you,
In the Gospel, its saying we will be able to grow closer to God and become more Faithful we just obey him and pray, we will be able to life an everlasting life with him in Heaven.
What I think the gospel is saying is that we have to do our best to beat sin sometimes we just have to go with the flow and try to not sin we have to give something up in these 40 days to show Jesus our love for him. and how much we appreciate him .
In today’s gospel it is talking about how lent is a very important time for us, including Christians. This is a time of prayer, fasting and alms giving. This is time for us to pray and a time to get closer to God and know that we can do hard things like giving up things for lent. We should add more prayer in our lives this lent and should start praying as a family like praying a rosary during this lent. It’s also a time of fasting. On Fridays we give up meat because that is the day of sacrifice and love and being strong and not eating meat. Also many people fast from something like pop or candy or your phone. We do this because we are hoping that by the end of lent, we are closer to Jesus and be happy when Easter comes. Last thing alms giving we should donate to a local food bank or just help people in need that need food or water of clothing. If you do all of these things you will most likely be closer to God by the end of this lent season. Last thing when tempition of doing what you gave up, and refusing it is only going to make you stronger and more happier. When you get that craving for example candy and you gave it up for lent, crave to have Jesus! Have a good rest of your day! God Loves You!! God Bless!!