Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Jesus said to the Pharisees:
“There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day.
And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table.
Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.
When the poor man died,
he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham.
The rich man also died and was buried,
and from the netherworld, where he was in torment,
he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off
and Lazarus at his side.
And he cried out, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me.
Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.’
Abraham replied, ‘My child,
remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad;
but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented.
Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established
to prevent anyone from crossing
who might wish to go from our side to yours
or from your side to ours.’
He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him
to my father’s house,
for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them,
lest they too come to this place of torment.’
But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets.
Let them listen to them.’
He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham,
but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
Then Abraham said,
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded
if someone should rise from the dead.’” LK 16:19-31
Jesus teaches us today what happens if we don’t bring the Gospel to people. We have one shot to get this right (#Christian YOLO). This is why God gives us time, He likes to see things grow. We may not get it right the first time and we may need more time to get it right. We are living in the end times, the times after Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus can come back at any time for the Second Coming. “If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.”
We have the Word of God in the Bible, God’s breath, to teach us how to gain salvation (God’s will for us: He has one great desire, that you and I are with Him in heaven, our salvation-Pope Francis) and lead others to Christ. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us to virtue. We have the Apostle’s Creed and the Sacred Traditions they passed down to us. The Church has been preserving and defending these Truths Jesus revealed for thousands of years. Many people have died to defend and uphold them.
Today’s Gospel teaches us there are no second chances when it comes to eternal life. The time we have here is a gift. Since Jesus rose from the dead, this life is not the final horizon. We are made for a spiritual homeland. It is time to start rearranging our priorities and live putting our full trust in God.
Today is a great time to rearrange priorities and dust away the cobwebs of a hardened heart. It is a time to love our soul more than our body. We cannot take THINGS, power, money, pleasure or honor (4 things we must despise that we think will make us happy-St. Thomas Aquinas). All we can take is the times we were unselfish and put others before self, the times we loved as Jesus loves us.
Today’s challenge: Live like today is your last day on earth. What would you do differently? What legacy do you want to leave behind. Most regrets on death beds are not loving as much as they should have; love of spouse, love of parents, love of children, or spending more time with God and family. Put down your electronics and spend time loving God and family. There are no second chances after we die. We don’t know the day or the hour the Master will return. We don’t know when God is going to call our number. Most importantly, He just wants to be your best friend!
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
“Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.” Why should Lazarus do anything in the after life when he did nothing for Lazarus. We should be kind to everyone while we still can for when it comes time to be judge we will be judged on what we did for others. If we want to live eternaly with Jesus then we need to start acting like it.
I think what Jesus is trying to tell us is that we need to help the poor. The rich man didn’t help the poor and he was sent to hell. The poor man went to Heaven and he became rich and the rich man became poor in hell. He begged Lazarus in Heaven to give him one drop of water. The roles were reversed and the rich man became the poor man and a beggar and the poor man became a rich man.
In this scripture Jesus says that if we do not want someone to give to him he is always willing to take in the sick, the hungry, the poor sinners and saints. It doesn’t matter to him, he loves us all the same.
In this Gospel, Jesus tells us to give to the poor. The reason why the rich man went to hell is because he did not give to the poor. Lazarus was at the rich man’s house and still did not get any food. We should help the poor. Giving to them is a way to get to heaven. We should donate to the poor because Jesus is in the poor.
Jesus teaches us to pay attention to those around us, but in this passage, He tells us what will happen if we do not. God loves us so dearly and truly wants us to be with Him, but if we do not follow His word there are consequences. By our prayer, fasting, and alms giving this lent, we control ourselves and bring our hearts back to God so that He might save us from eternal damnation.
What reached out to me was, “If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.” What this means to me is that we have been given many resources to follow God with, and we need to take advantage of them. God has given us scripture, sacraments, the rosary and so much more that we can be using to grow closer to him.
“Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.’ Abraham replied, ‘My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented.” During Lazarus life he went through many hardships and challenges he had to overcome while the rich man had no such issues. Lazarus didn’t just give up though he had to keep working throughout his life while the rich man did nothing to help. We have to be like Lazarus to join God in heaven.
Jesus tells us we need to take up our crosses if we want to get to Heaven. We need to suffer to atone for our sins. We should care and love others. We shouldn’t brag and be selfish like the rich man. We only live once on Earth and this is our chance to prove to God that we love Him and want to be with Him eternally.
Jesus was telling us what happens if we don’t bring the Gospel to people. He is warning us, yet how many of us are embarrassed to say you’re catholic in front of people who aren’t, because you’re scared?! That is no excuse just because you don’t want to get judged. Embrace your faith and be proud, don’t hide!
We have one life to share the Gospel and follow it ourselves. If we have what is good and share it and preach the Gospel, we will be doing what is good and we will find favor in God. Likewise, if we have what is good and do not share it, we will not be doing what is good and we will not find favor in God. We have one life to do what is good, and that means that we can’t let the worldly desires and temptations lead us astray from doing what is good.
In todays reading I think its telling us that we may have to have a few more chances to get it right. But that doesnt mean we should just never do anything nice and then at the last minute randomly donate a whole bunch of money. You have to continuously be kind, do good, pray, and respect others.
In today’s scripture passage Jesus wants us to give to the poor and live like them and be meek and humble of heart. He is okay if you’re rich you should give to the poor because there are people in this world that also need food and water and shelter. Imagine it was Jesus who was Lazarus we would help immediately but that’s in everyone Jesus is inside all of us and we need to see that Jesus loves us and others.
A phrase that stuck out to me is There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores. I like this phrase because whenever I read this story I think I need to be Lazarus and not the man who dresses in fine garments and dined sumptuously. Another reason I like it is because the story has a powerful message that we should not have riches on earth because they do not matter in Heaven.
In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches us that our main goal should be to get to Heaven. You should not prioritize your comfort on Earth rather than getting to Heaven.
There are no second chances of life. God gives us one shot to make the best out of this life. He loves us so so much that he gave us life. He expects that in this life, we will grow in faith and learn to serve one another. That we commit to a life of stewardship. He expects us to use life to love Him and to love others. He wants us to spread the word of His love. He wants us to spread the scriptures. We don’t need to be afraid. We don’t have to care about what the persecutors tell us. If our faith is strong enough, we won’t care. We will continue to love and serve God no matter what.
I think that we are Lazarus and the rich man and that we need to be both to live a good life.
We could leave this earth any moment are we really ready to be judged by God? We have one chance to live out Gods word we have to make the most of it .
“Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.” It shows we should be good always God will judge us any time now so you must be ready for his return.
In this Jesus says that we need to help the poor. And to love everyone and that Jesus would help everyone no matter if they were poor or sick, he would care for them.
in the scriptures. the poor person went to heaven and the rich selfish person went to hell. who are we more like? the peron like lazaurus who only asks or the rich person who hates to share? you choose your own future. are you going to be slefish or sharing, helpful or unhelpful, kind or mean? love your neighbor as yourself. love others as God has loved us.
Jesus dosen’t care how much money we have. He loves us so much he dosen’t care about money or if we have the coolest new clothes. Why do we care if Jesus dosen’t. God sent him to act as a model of holliness. God wants us to follow him because on that road to calvary Jesus leads us to God.
Jesus is telling us, we need to help the poor. Jesus helped the poor, and we need to follow His example, it is important that we help them, because there are not many others. We may not be rich like the rich man, but they are poor, so we could help them with small things, they don’t have to be big. There are no second chances at life, for both us and the poor, so all we need to do is help.
this scripture tells us to treat everyone with care, and if we don spread the word. The truth. Go out to your people and encourage them to spread the word and go to daily mass. there are no second chances when it comes to eternal life. The time we have here is a gift. Since Jesus rose from the dead, this life is not the final horizon. We are made for a spiritual homeland. It is time to start rearranging our priorities and live putting our full trust in God.
Jesus tells us to help others and to be Christ-like and if we don’t we will not get to experience eternal life in heaven with him and this scripture shows us exactly that. So it we should always give when we can.
We need to make the best out of this life meaning give to others pray come close to God love others show God through all things you do cause when it comes to the final judgement day there are no second chances so be kind to others and giving and be an example of Christ.
We only have one chance to get this life tight, no second chances. Literally any second Jesus can come back, when I’m writing this, two seconds after I write this, or He could come back when I’m 6 feet under in 3857. this is why we need to start following Christ the earliest we possibly can. we should always live like it’s our last day on Earth, like once we close our eyes we are dead, because first that is how we should always live and second we should always be anticipating the second coming.
We only have one chance to get this life tight, no second chances. Literally any second Jesus can come back, when I’m writing this, two seconds after I write this, or He could come back when I’m 6 feet under in 3857. this is why we need to start following Christ the earliest we possibly can. we should always live like it’s our last day on Earth, like once we close our eyes we are dead, because first that is how we should always live and second we should always be anticipating the second coming.l
I think that we need to be kind and put ourselves in others shoes and help people or we will live a terrible eternity in the flames, burning. It will be torture and you will do anything to get out but, its to late you will beg its to late so do as hes says right now and you will not have to beg and be ground down you will be loved and love in heaven you will be singing in harmony with the angles.
Jesus tells us a story of the rich man and Lazarus. He tells us to be like Lazarus who suffered on earth but receive eternal greatness in heaven when your body dies, Otherwise we will be like the rich man who had great wealth and power but when he died he received eternal torture in hell. Abraham in the story tells us why we should not want a miracle, because we have mosses and the prophets (now it is missionaries, priests, the Bible, the rosary, and prayers.) Jesus wants to tell us to not be great here on earth but be humble so we to can be at Abraham’s side, heaven.
We get one chance at life,so we can either choose to accept that God is real and he did send his son Jesus down to take away while dying on the cross.Or.We could refuse to believe it and just go on with our lives and ignore the father,the one that loves us more than anything.
I think that we need to be kind and put ourselves in others shoes and help people or we will live a terrible eternity in the flames, burning. It will be torture and you will do anything to get out but, its to late you will beg its to late so do as hes says right now and you will not have to beg and be ground down you will be loved and love in heaven you will be singing in harmony with the angles
This reading and the last few are all connected. They all say that the rich and selfish in life will be a servant in the kingdom of heaven. But the poor in life will be among the angels. There is no 2nd chance at life. He saved us so that we could be free of our sin and live with him for eternity. You can’t serve both God and mammon. Lent is a time to be stripped away of our earthly things and love God more than anything else. Lent is like a diet, you can’t just do the 40 Days and then quit. Lent is a time for us to create a habit. If your giving up tv the second lent is over we can’t then go and stare at the tv for the rest of the day. No! After lent we should be able to resist.
“Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.” Why should Lazarus do anything in the after life when he did nothing for Lazarus. We should be kind to everyone while we still can for when it comes time to be judge we will be judged on what we did for others. If we want to live eternaly with Jesus then we need to start acting like it.
Share and give every thing that you have to the people that need it
While on earth, we should be doing things to get up to Heaven and not for our earthly comfort. That is partially why we go to Mass on sundays. We may not want to, but we go out of our way to praise God.
treat people like how you wanted to be treated. “People are being kissed on their feet because how rich they are or the people who are weak are the people who are pure. Have we not seen who is there, yet you can see your wealth? Do people not have despair for the people that clean you? Open your eyes and you’ll see the truth but open your wallet and you’ll only see wealth.”
I think this scripture reflection is telling us that we will get many try to get it right and be a good and nice person. You will make many mistakes along the road. Its how we are treating people is what matter when your about to die you cant just start donating to charities just so you may look like a nice person but your not your just being fake and God will see that and when it gets to judgement day he will say that and that what will matter in the end.
God has one desire that everyone is with Him in heaven, and to lead others to Christ. The time we have here is a gift so it should be fun but still where we are praying. It is a time to love our soul more than our body because our soul will go to heaven but our body wont go. We cannot take money, power, video games, phones, or anything else to go with us to heaven.
What God is saying is that we should give God our life here because we only have one life, so we should cherish it will compassion and merciful actions. God is our hero and Father we should be grateful for him doing what he has done for us.
All that receive good on earth and have no pity will suffer and all that suffer on earth will be comforted and cared for. God looks down with pity on those that are suffering. We should help all that are in pain because it is the will of God to do good. We should do all we can to help because God will also comfort us when we are in pain. We will be rewarded for all that we do good and punished for all the bad things that we do.
Jesus tells us don’t treat someone differently because they have less than you treat them with kindness and respect for you shall be rewarded in heaven in this story the rich man dies and goes to hell while Lazurus the poor man is at the right hand of Abraham from where he is raised from the dead because he was faithful.
This is telling me that we get one chance no matter what. We need to use it right, because this is our only chance. We have ti listen to His word, and get to know and love Jesus.
What stuck out to me was that It is a time to love our soul more than our body. We cannot take THINGS, power, money, pleasure or honor (4 things we must despise that we think will make us happy-St. Thomas Aquinas). All we can take is the times we were unselfish and put others before self, the times we loved as Jesus loves us. This stuck out to me because sometimes we think thats money or fame it what will make us happy in life but that’s not true the things that actually make us happy are family friends and of course God and love.
I think the scripture is telling me that there are no second chances in the eternal life. Once we are there, there is no way to get from hell to heaven. that’s our end. Jesus gave us everything we need to get to heaven. How are we going to use it? Are we even going to use it? that’s how we get to heaven. the scripture meaning reminds me of the other parable that Jesus said where he named the people going to hell. The tax chief and the thief and liar, but he also said the coward. We are the cowards. When have we spread the gospel to everyone we see? When have we helped every single person we see? We are afraid. Afraid of what people, what the world will think about us. Jesus died in public for you, will you in public for him, or live in private for him. There’s only one chance.
I think Jesus is trying to tell us that we will not live forever on earth. To go to confession and ask to be forgiven for our sins because “Nothing unclean shall enter Heaven.” If we do not spend our time on earth trying to be holy how can we expect to be let into Heaven? Be holy and you will be happy and trust God because he will always forgive us for our sins.
Today I feel like, what He is telling us about is that if you don’t believe than you don’t believe and you might go to hell. That’s that but if you do believe you have a very high chance to go to Heaven. Just because you are homeless and don’t have the best life doesn’t mean you won’t go to Heaven. If you have riches and all the things that keep you away from God in life then you might not go to Heaven because you stopped believing.
Today’s Gospel is telling us that our life after death depends on how we live on Earth. If we are poor and we are suffering on Earth God will bring us to His house where we can live with Him forever. If we are rich on Earth and we do not share what we have God will make us suffer after we die. The rich man said this “Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.” But when Lazarus was eating the rich man’s scraps, he didn’t think twice about it.
If we do not believe the words of God or his prophets, then we will not go to heaven. God gave us the ten commandments and the Bible, but do we believe what they are telling us or what God is telling us. We should ask the Holy Spirit if we are struggling to understand what God is telling us.
God has one great desire. For us to live with him in heaven. God wants us to be with him no matter how much you think he isn’t on your side. We have the Word of God in the Bible. This is going to teach us how to gain salvation. We also have the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us to virtue. There are no second chances in eternal life. Our time on earth is a gift. Death is not the last thing.
Whenever you are lost, Jesus will always have your back. Whenever you are anxious or worried, Jesus will always have your back. Whenever you are in trouble, Jesus will always have your back. Jesus is always here for us, whether we listen to Him or not. He is always wanting us to be happy, but that doesn´t mean we won´t have to suffer. We all will have to take up our cross just like Jesus did, and keep our hearts open for His call. You don´t have to be perfect to get to Heaven, you just have to love God and your neighbor with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul. You also need to do God´s will.
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded
if someone should rise from the dead.’” This stuck out to me a lot. I feel like it is telling me that we need to trust. We need to trust Jesus and all of His plans. He is almightly and great, so beileve. He is real. We have to put our faith out their and stop being scared. If you ask, he will help you. During this Lent, let us try to practice trusting in him.
Our choices now affect what ultimitely happens to us in the afterlife. What happens, whether it’s Heaven or hell, we can’t change when it happens. We’re stuck there. So we need to change how we act now, so we can allow God to help us choose the right place.
We should always be thankful for what we have. We should be greatful for the gifts God has given us.
Heaven is our eternal life. We don’t need to be rich, or the most popular here on earth, it doesn’t matter. But what does matter is if you treat others kindly, you follow God’s commands, and go to mass.
“Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.’
Abraham replied, ‘My child,remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad.”
We cant drink water if we just put our finger in it. We have to open are mouth to drink. Just like we have to open our hearts to receive Jesus or it does nothing.
what the scripture is telling me is tat we should not be greedy and have glutoney and share our gifts that God has given us. we shouldnt prioritize earthly items because they wont make us happy in hell. whatever God gives to us we should equally give back to Him and not take his offering for granted.
What I think this is saying is that we all have a goal and that is to get to Heaven. We may not be living the best life and we may have bad things happen to us in our lives but that shouldn’t stop us from going to Heaven. As long as we look towards God and do what he is calling for us to do we will get to Heaven. No matter how many sins we have. If we follow God we will go to Heaven.
Jesus teaches us that there aren’t any second chances in eternal life. We need to live our lives in holiness so that we can make it to Heaven. We can’t just live our lives with sin and hatred and then ask God for a second chance. We only have one chance, so we need to make the best out of it and do with it what we can so that we can make it to heaven and have eternal life with Jesus.
I think this is scripture is about how the people who get all they want in their life and are greedy will be sent to hell and have to suffer. But those who suffer in this world, will be sent to heaven. If you have a rough life just remember that one day you will be forever happy with God.
“If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.” This stood out to me because a lot of people didn’t believe that Jesus rose from the dead at first. We all believe in different things and we all think things are true that sometimes others don’t agree with and that is okay. Not everyone has to believe in everything that I believe in. All I know is that we are all children of God. We love Him and trust Him and He loves us with His whole heart.
Good things take time. God wants to see us grow in Him and that we take care of each other while serving God. Not only should we follow God’s commands, but treat others how we would treat God. When we ignore those in need, it is a sin. This worldly life is simply a test and we need to pay attention to others rather than ourselves to get to Heaven.
Jesus wants us to give of ourselves. he wants us to give spiritual and physically. we can do this by donating and giving your time and talent to better your communities church and other aspects of OTHER peoples lives. we can also give spiritual by praying to god and reading to scripture. we need to remember our goal here on earth is to make it to heaven. give all you have to make it there and help others to make it to.
Jesus is telling us to give to the poor. The wealthy people who are greedy will not see heaven. The poor aren’t different people. They aren’t just people laying on the streets. We have to try to put good deeds into our lives. This is how we get to heaven. Jesus hints at hell a lot in the gospel and we need to wake up and pay attention.
There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. I think today’s gospel is trying to tell us that we are all the same in Gods eyes. IF there is a rich successful person who does everything better than you God would still call you the same to him. He never stops loving you, and for all the bad things you will end up doing in your life he will not be mad at you but only forgive.
We need to enjoy the Gospel. We only look for physical things in life. We want money and electronics, but what we should also want is spiritual joy. We have these prophets that tell us to get ready for the Messiah but we don’t. We need to follow Jesus so that we may not be tormented.
In the Scripture Lazarus died and he went to Heaven. A rich man also died but instead he didn’t go to Heaven. He was not kind to Lazarus or other people who were poor or were in pain. He cared not for others but only for himself. The rich man saw Abraham in Heaven and asked for forgiveness from Lazarus from all the pain he encountered.
the rich man was blessed in life and did not share his blessings with people less fortunate than himself so he was not given the best things later in life. Lazarus suffered during his time one earth so he was given great rewards in heaven. being rich doesn’t mean you will go to hell but being greedy and not helping others is not the reason God blessed you with wealth.
I think this gospel is telling us to step us and share the word. We need to help people out and pick up our crosses like Jesus did and care/help others. There is a place in heaven for everyone we just have to follow Christ and proclaim the gospel.
I think this gospel is telling us to step us and share the word. We need to help people out and pick up our crosses like Jesus did and care/help others. There is a place in heaven for everyone we just have to follow Christ and proclaim the gospel..
God is telling us to believe that he is real. I always think that God isn’t there. It seems like He just is made up by people who needed something to hope for. But I know that He is real because I see Him in other people. There is some sort of Joy that people who don’t have a relationship with God don’t have. That’s how I know God is real.
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded
if someone should rise from the dead.
We are like the rich man in todays scripture, we all think it’s only us in this world and no one else. When there is someone at our doorstep asking for help we need to help him or her out and give them a place to stay or at least something to eat.
“He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.” Even in hell, the rich man thought that he would command Lazurus. He tried to have him do things that the rich man should have done while he was alive. We need to remember that how we act on earth will determine where we spend eternity.
I think this is telling us that we must help the poor. No one is on this Earth that is not made in the image of Christ. Just because we think we are better than the poor and homeless does not mean we should not treat them the same. Everyone has a purpose on Earth and everyone is made to be treated like a Jesus.
Many peoplelive in luxury with much money. Some of those people are good people. They treat people with kindness and see them eye to eye. Others see themselves as better than the ones poorer than them. Thse people perish and are tormented in Hell. The disadvantaged who love, treat people with kindness, they live with the father.
I think that this scripture is very important. It shows us that we should spread the Gospel. There’s also not just one way that you can spread the word. You can tell people in person, in a call, or even through social media. I feel like we are all afraid of people judging us, but God isn’t. Christ will never ever judge you. No matter what you do.
The phrase that stuck out to me was “Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.” Lazarus wanted to help his brothers. He wanted to save them from the place of torment that is hell. But Jesus said that his brothers had Moses and the prophets, and that they could prevent them from hell. We really can’t save other people, it is kind of their responsibility to do good and save themselves from hell with the help of Jesus.
In the scripture today Jesus is telling us that we are gonna have to help the poor because they matter just as much as everyone else does and it is lives that need to be saved. We may have stuff that we don’t use anymore that we can give to the poor and help them out. No one should be disrespectful to each other and we should care for everyone no matter what.
This scripture reminds us to not drown in the pleasures of Earth. We should focus on what is to come – Heaven. The rich man was tortured in Hell, while Lazarus was peaceful in heaven. We should remind ourselves that God will pay us for our goods deeds, so we should focus on that instead.
I think the scripture is saying that we must be aware. We must be aware of not only ourselves but those around us, the people suffering and Jesus. For if we are not aware of those around us we may be ignorant and think those who have less than us are worthless, but to the Father we are all His children. God has sent many prophets including His own Son to help us get to heaven to be with Him. We must all answer the call to be with Him.
I think the Scripture is saying we have to listen to God. We always have to be listening for His call. We don’t know when we will get God’s call. We also don’t know when the second coming will be here. We always have to be ready.
This Scripture is talking about how there is a rich man and Lazarus and when the poor man died he was taken by angles and the rich man was also killed and Abraham was judging them on their acts of kindness the poor man went to heaven While the rich guy was in flames(hell) and the rich man was asking for forgiveness and Abraham said that you had many opportunists and like you did nothing and since you do no good they you must pay for those actions.
There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. I think today’s gospel is trying to tell us that we are all the same in Gods eyes. IF there is a rich successful person who does everything better than you God would still call you the same to him.
It is saying that we should give to the poor and donate our money to charities. We should not look down on those who are less fortunate than us. Jesus taught us to take care of others when they need help.
I think it is really important to realize that we have one chance to live our best life and be what we are called to be so we can reach the ultimate goal, Heaven. It’s really important that we try our hardest to do everything we can to preach the Gospel and live out that message throughout our whole lives. These are things that Jesus has told us to do from the very beginning of Jesus’s ministry. Will you be the one to live it out?
We need to understand what we need to do to get to Heaven. We only have one chance to do so so we best get it right. Even though bad things may happen to us, as long as we still trust God, we will go to Heaven just as Lazarus did, otherwise we will suffer for all eternity in Hell like the rich man did.
The time that we have on earth will decide what we have for eternity. God watches our every move so he knows what we did. If we go to hell, that is not going to change. You can’t fool God. Once we make our choice to do good on earth or bad on earth, we are stuck with it. Think hard and wisely and trust that God will help you so you can get the peaceful eternity not the mopst aganizing pain you have ever and will ever experience.
it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, clean or unclean, pretty or not. As long as you have a love for God your soul and heart will be perfect.
“and from the netherworld, where he was in torment,” I think most of us (Including me) mostly do good so we dont go to Hell. while that is good i dont think were seeing the bigger picture. We should be fighting to get to heaven, not striving just to not go to Hell.
The scripture says that the poor man went to heaven and the rich selfish man went to hell. We need to give to others that are in need and stop keeping everything to ourselves. We need to give our money to charities or churches. Some people have no home and no food. We are given everything and we should share what is given to us to people in need.
There are no second chances when it comes to eternal life. The time we have here is a gift. Since Jesus rose from the dead, this life is not the final horizon. We are made for a spiritual homeland. It is time to start rearranging our priorities and live putting our full trust in God.
We have the Word of God in the Bible, God’s breath, to teach us how to gain salvation (God’s will for us: He has one great desire, that you and I are with Him in heaven, our salvation-Pope Francis) and lead others to Christ. We have resources to follow Christ the problem is that we don’t use them. We could have a pencil and paper but you can’t make us write so if you have a Bible in front of us who is going to make us read. So are you just going to do it yourself and read or are you just going to sit there till someone makes you?
If you compare your life to someone less lucky, you have it pretty good in their eyes. Yes we should acknowledge that Jesus has blessed us greatly but we have to be grateful, praise, and thank the Lord for these blessings. If we do not we will end up like the man in the purple garments.
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’ this shows how truly ignorant we are of God’s power. He made HEAVEN, a place of happiness and love where the devil will never reach us. He saved us, yet we don’t even look back to him when he says our name. We are completely unaware of the power that this man has. No one could ever match him in power and love. He is the one. True. God.
Oftentimes, we think that we can sin, and then just go to confession afterward. This is what is called “testing God.” This is a sin as well, so If you have a temptation to sin, just try to remember what happened. “You have received what was good in your life, while Lazarus received what was bad.” This doesn’t mean that we have to suffer in this life to go to heaven, but it means that we should comfort others when we can, and make sacrifices for others.
I think this Gospel is telling me about what will happen after we die. If we are rich and have luxuries then we will be tormented in Hell. If we are poor and don’t have luxuries then we will be welcomed in Heaven. The rich don’t think they need God because they have everything without Him, but when they die they will realize that they really did need them. The poor suffer on Earth and stay close to God and that stays with them after they die and they get to go to Heaven with God.
Today the scripture said to me that we should always help those in pain. Today the rich man never feed Lazarus and he was punished in the afterlife. we should give to the poor and we will find happiness in ourselves. the happiness we will find is God, if we love others we love God because whatever you do to the least of his people that you do unto him.
What i got from the scripture reflection is that don’t wait to be a holy person because Jesus could come at anytime so we should always act Christ like and love one another.
God will always be by your side no matter what. our relationship with him wont be like any other he loves every one and he will never ever give up on you no matter what. we will always disobey him and he will still love us. our bond with him should be so tight and good.
Today, the scripture is saying that God can do anything from making a blind man see, to raising someone from the dead. We must repent and be sorry for our sins. God has done so many things for us so we need to give up everything for him. He gave up his life for us, and during this lent, we should fast and pray for all he has done for us.
Most importantly,He just wants to be your friend. This stuck out to me because sometimes we think of God just to be there and He’s not letting us do the things we want but we have to understand that He is just trying to protect us. I think sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that God is our friend and wants what’s best for us.
3/9/23 Jesus is trying to tell us that we need to help the poor. The rich man didn’t help the poor and he was sent to hell. The poor man went to Heaven and he became rich and the rich man became poor in hell. He begged Lazarus in Heaven to give him one drop of water. The roles were reversed and the rich man became the poor man and a beggar and the poor man became a rich man.
We have only one life. Once we die well go Heaven or hell, depending on our actions. If we are like Lazarus, and follow God we will go to Heaven (or purgatory). But if we ignore God and everybody else like the rich man, well end up in hell. We need to follow God.