Humbly submit your will to God (thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 4:14-22: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Jesus reveals the greatest Truth today, He is the Messiah. He stands in His home Temple, reads the prophecy of Isaiah, then says, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing”. Is there any other way we need to hear it then straight from His mouth?
Jesus just spoke to the world, He is the Messiah. The One to set us free from sin and death and reconcile us, the poor sinner, with God. This is life changing, it is revolutionary. It is the most bold statement by any person. C.S. Lewis says, “based on Jesus’ claims to be divine, he is either who he says he is (God), a liar for knowingly making false claims, or a lunatic for believing he is God when he is not.”
Therefore, it is easy to see why the Jews rejected Him. He was a poor man (from the other side of town), the son of a carpenter, an ordinary family. When He reveals himself to his closest companions, the disciples, they often have a hard time believing him and reject him, too. It is so difficult to wrap our heads around the idea that Jesus is the God-Man. It requires an extraordinarily free gift from God, faith.
Love changes that for all of us. As John closes his letter in the first reading, he says, “And the victory that conquers the world is our faith”. Human reasoning can only take us so far. We are asked to take the leap and rely on faith. It is a difficult leap, but it conquers the world, it is a great adventure and leads us to the promised land. It has one requirement, total surrender. We belong to God and His plan, take time each day to ask Him what He made you for.
Do you believe Jesus and what He revealed to us today? To believe means to belong. We belong to God, branded by Him at our baptism. Are you ready to start loving? Love is a decision. We are asked by God to respond to His love for us and be loved.
The Good News: Jesus, the long awaited Messiah, is the God-Man, died on a cross, resurrected, and restored our relationship with the Father. Our brokenness is restored, we are loved, we belong, the lowest of the low belongs and is loved. God’s love is more powerful than all the powers of this earth and this love lives in us.
It is what we are designed for and how we have entered into existence. Stop fighting it, stop doubting, and begin not only to exist, but live. St. Pope John Paul II said the Christian life is “a great adventure”. ”Be not afraid”. Start living!
Today’s challenge: Prove to God you love Him by following the commandments and treating others the way you want to be treated. Love. Believe. Belong.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
I think that Jesus is trying to tell us that he is the messiah and that he is the only God and that no matter what there is he will always be there for you.
Jesus is the messiah. it must have been hard for Jesus to proclaim the word when people thought he was lying. even his disciples had a hard time believing him.
I believe Jesus is trying to tell us that he fulfilled his promises and was able to do it with the Father’s help.
“And were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth” The people who listened to Jesus were amazed and I feel that most Catholics are waiting for Jesus to amaze them but little do they know they need to listen to Jesus and their eyes and ears will be opened. So stop waiting for Jesus to amaze you and listen to him then he will show you the true way to get to him.
Something that I got out of this was that even though someone can be so right, and perfect, people will still hate on them and try to find anything that they could spread as fake news. Jesus has said multiple times that we are not made for this world but we’re just passing by for a short time. In this short time you might as well be the best version you can be of yourself. You do only live once, but don’t waste it on doing bad things, and going out into the world and partying, but do what Jesus did. Take advantage of what you have, and the knowledge you have and go into the world and spread the word of Jesus.
The thing that stuck out to me the most was this “Love is a decision”
This stuck out to me because you have to choose if you want to love, no one can choose for you. Jesus sacrificed his life for us, that’s the type of love we have to give e up for our peers, neighbors, friends, etc. We are called to love one another and spread the good news of the world. So go and spread love throughout the world.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me” this is the phrase that is standing out to me today, I believe that the spirit of the Lord has come upon me, I have felt the Lord call to me in my prayer and that he is the spirit that I need to follow to take the right path and make it to heaven.
“To believe means to belong. We belong to God, branded by Him at our baptism.” I feel like this was important because when we believe is when God branded us. God is always whating for us.
Today Jesus tells everyone that He is the Messiah. Nobody during that time believed that He was the Messiah. At that time they thought He crazy which is why they tried to get rid of Him. People today are like the people that Jesus told He was the Messiah. Some people believe in Him but some people do not. We need to believe in Him and trust in Him. God calls us to follow Him so we need to do the best we can by going to mass and praying to Him on a daily basis.
in todays scripture it says “And the victory that conquers the world is our faith”. We are asked to take the leap and rely on faith, we should always have faith in everything no matter what it is, we need to have faith in God. he is patient and he is waiting for us to follow him.
If Jesus is not who he says he is he Is a bad person, but when you think of it someone or something had to make the world. Someone had to create all the people all the living things everything. So why not take the risk and believe in God and believe in all the powerful things he has in store for us. No one really knows what happens after we die but something has to happen we won’t just be looking in darkness after we die. There has to be a place that we go to, which is heaven or hell. Going to heaven is easy you have to put in the work and dedication and you have to be willing to give your life to God and love him.
Todays scripture is about how Jesus is the truth and how when he revealed himself to his followers some rejected him and left just like how Jesus has revealed himself to us through the holy spirit we can either embrace him and love him or reject him and leave him.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”
I feel like this is meaning, you take the words the way you hear them. Like in prayer life some people can pray deeper than others and can find deeper meaning. While some find just what is givin to them. So I think in this saying he means how fulfilled you feel is how you took the scripure. We can use this in our life, trying to take prayer to a deeper level.
Today something that really sticks out to me is that he had so many followers and people wanting to hear his teachings. It doesn’t say this directly but it says that news of him spread throughout the world. It’s crazy to think that everyone in the synagogue thought his word was amazing and beautiful, but that others thought that it was blasphemous and he was just a crazy man trying to get attention from the people. Now I think there are a lot of people that are trying to speak false news of Jesus to try and get attention.
In today’s gospel the Lord speaks of the will of God through the scriptures in the synagogue all the eyes were on him for they had never heard of these scriptures but they were amazed of the gracious words that came from him, for they did not know he was son of God Christ the King.
At the mass the priest is at the moment where he is reading the gospel the word of God in which the truth. Jesus said that the passage has been fulfilled. Do you believe what Jesus says, do you believe that he is the son of God, the living bread, savior, and your father. His word is truth, Jesus has been saying the truth for years now and the people are trying to shut them down because they are against the blasphemy that he is committing. What I still don’t under stand is the fact that the high priests know that they are children of God but they can’t say it out in public. They are so afraid that Jesus has to take matter into his hands and proclaim the truth and never stop. Who do you put your trust in. Friend, mom, dad, sister, brother. Or are we trying to find something out of the world. if we are trying to find something in the world we are looking for a light that cannot be seen there. If we are trying to look for the light never try to find by sight, but by faith. Jesus will show you the truth and not only that you should proclaim the truth but shout it from the mountains rooftops in the darkest areas. This is what Jesus is trying to say to us, he loves us, he loves us because the fact of his truth we are saved. By his truth we are risen. By his truth we are loved. So I ask you, are afraid of what you are going to say. As children we try to lie about what we say because we are AFRAID to tell them the truth. Never be afraid to tell others the truth, because they may not realize it but they are in the truth that they are children of God. Give,pray, love , Do not be afraid!!
The one to set us free from sin. To me this stands out because it says that this is the most bold statement by any person. It is because Jesus is saying that He is God. He is the chosen one and the people back then didn’t believe that. It was such a bold statement they killed Him, and yet He still loves them just as much as you or me.
In today’s Gospel Jesus says to the people that he is the Messiah and the people are amazed by the words Jesus said. Jesus told us that He is the Messiah and the Son of God so we have to choose to believe Him or not believe Him. If we do choose to believe Him we will need to follow Him and listen to His teachings.
In today’s Gospel reading these words stuck out to me”power of the Spirit”.
I think These words stuck out to me because the power of the Spirit is like no
other power it is like the power of God and Jesus witch makes sense because
1 God in 3 persons is what we believe in. In the name of the FATHER (God) and
of the SON (Jesus) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. That is what we believe in.
We were God’s children the moment we were born. Jesus was born into the world. He tried to teach the word of God, but nobody believed him. We were branded with Christ at the moment of our baptism. When we go to Church we see Jesus so we should spent time with him.
This Scripture is telling me that Jesus is the true messiah and that no one will and can replace him.
He stands in His home Temple, reads the prophecy of Isaiah, then says, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing” This stood out to me because He literally just revealed that He is Christ to everyone in the temple.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reveals Himself to us and, like the other people in the synagogues, we are amazed. I feel like I don’t get amazed enough at Jesus because I just take Him for granted and like He will just always be in my life and I don’t have to keep Him in my life.
something that stuck out to me was “Jesus just spoke to the world, He is the Messiah” this stuck out to me because he is the messiah and he has been trying to tell people that for a long time now.
Jesus was telling me to always proclam the word of God. and to always belive in him an to pray to him.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” when this was said I thought that Jesus is telling us that the bible and the scripure and everything he has done has been for us. He doesn’t do anything selfishly his goal is to help us get to heaven and if that means he has to die on the cross or write a whole book to do so he will.
In today’s Gospel God is reading scripture to the people. He then tells them “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” This tells us that he has come and is ready to lead us to heaven.
When He reveals himself to his closest companions, the disciples, they often have a hard time believing him and reject him, too. It is so difficult to wrap our heads around the idea that Jesus is the God-Man. It requires an extraordinarily free gift from God, faith.
i feel like this is a very important message to everyone that we should trust God no matter what he says and never doubt him and that we should trust our family and believe them!!
It was telling me to stop fighting the good news and stop fighting in general.
something that stuck with me when I read this is that “Believe means to belong, we all belong to God because we are branded at baptism, are you ready to love? why this stuck with me is because We belong to God he made in his likeness we are perfect in his eyes. also when it says are you ready to love it sends a shock or message to me and telling me some of the things I do aren’t so nice. Like I may not like someone for being weird, or they are different, and whatever it is but what I should do is love so when it says are you ready to love it is telling me, when are you going to stop being so rude and learn to know one another, love one another, and be friends with one another even if were different we all have our own struggles and that is what makes us US.
Something that stuck out to me is that even though people think hes crazy a part of them still think that he is God, the messiah. We still believe he is God because we have a gift from him called faith, and i think for God to give us this amazing gift he has total love for us even though we dont believe in him and all he wants back in return is our love.
God gave us his word today. This is something great as the lord has come for he is the true holy and venerable son of God! He has come today to fill our hearings with his words and to come into our life. This would be so amazing to have Jesus our savior read to you that he has come to save you all, and that there is something better on the other side of life. The Lord wants to save us we just have to accept him in all that we do!
Today I think God is trying to tell us that there was no way of knowing if Jesus was God or not, unless you followed him, heard him, sought him, and watched him. For he is knowing but they who do not believe are not. They will only see the Lord and will only believe him if they had followed him. No one believed him because they didn’t want to believe. Not that they thought that he was supposed to be rich because he is KIng, but because they judge wrongly they judge people for whatever they want to believe. And they didn’t believe that he was Christ because they wanted someone richer that would make them rich if they were poor, but he heals the soul he heals the hungry for if they ate his body they would no longer be hungry and if they drank his blood they would no longer thirst for they would live forever.
Well I do think that he is God and that that was cool that he was not afraid to say what was on is mind.
in today’s Gospel Jesus tells us that he is God he wants us to know that he is God
Today in the Gospel, Jesus reveals Himself to His Disciples. He tells them, “today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” To me, that means that He will be ready for us whenever we need Him. He will be waiting for us in Heaven.
Jesus said to them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. I believe that whenever we need to talk to Jesus, he will always be open to listening. All that we need to do is learn to hear him!
“He is the Messiah” Jesus is the messiah. Some people might not believe that he is telling the truth that he is indeed the Messiah. Trust people. Jesus will always be there for you if people cannot trust you. Jesus can trust you and you can trust Jesus. If your having a hard time just ask Jesus and he will listen to you.
“TODAY THIS SCRIPTURE PASSAGE IS FULFILLED IN YOUR HEARING.” What this means to me is that Jesus tells only the truth and we need to keep on believing in the words of God. Jesus has already proven everything that he has taught us through the scripture.
The message I got from today’s gospel is that we need to believe in Jesus with our whole heart. If we trust in Him, then we will get to Heaven because He loves us.
“Today the scripture is about hearing”.
I think that means that the person that wrote the scripture listened to God when writing it. Also I think that means God is always talking to you or trying to but sometimes you may not hear him if you don’t believe strong enough. for example yo may think its just you its not!! Its God trying to talk but you ignore him because you thought it was you’re own conciance you will never know unless you talk back. Even if you do he may not respond but that doesn’t mean it’s you’re mind, its still him. Never stop believing!
God is telling us to be like him. Be kind and be respectful, but most of all in this passage spread the word.Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit,
and news of him spread throughout the whole region. Be like him, lets bring everyone to heaven by spreading the word.
I think that Jesus was trying to tell them that they will be saved if they believe He is the Lord. And if they believe He is not a lunatic or a liar and that He is Christ the King, the one Everlasting God.
“TODAY THIS SCRIPTURE PASSAGE IS FULFILLED IN YOUR HEARING.” Jesus spoke to the world, gave us his word, and yet some still didn’t believe he was the son of God. Rejecting him was easy for them, he didn’t look like a king. But now we know Jesus and still reject him? Instead we should be opening our hearts for him and letting him in. We belong to God and his plan for us so we should open up and allow God to guide us on our path to heaven.
Jesus revealed himself through the passage that He read. “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing,” Jesus meant by that sentence that whatever you hear only you will know and understand.
I think today in the Gospel God is telling us that He will set us free from sin, but first we must believe in Him and try our best to be stronger than sin.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is telling me that we have to always believe what he has to say. When he told the people that today the scripture has been confirmed some people probably didn’t believe him but the ones that truly believe in Jesus are the ones who truly listen to him.
What I think God is trying to tell me is that there will always be people who might reject you or bring you down, this happened to Jesus but he still believed in God and trusted him. Jesus still tried His best and followed God instead of the world.
“To believe means to belong.” This stuck out to me because when you believe you feel like you belong to God. God will always love even if you don’t feel that same kind of love and feel like you belong to God.
when he said that he had fulfilled the scriptures means that everything is possible with him
hate on them and try to find anything that they could spread as fake news. Jesus has said multiple times that we are not made for this world but we’re just passing by for a short time. In this short time you might as well be the best version you can be of yourself. You do only live once, but don’t waste it on doing bad things, and going out into the world and partying, but do what Jesus did
Today Jesus tells everyone that He is the Messiah. Nobody during that time believed that He was the Messiah. At that time they thought He crazy which is why they tried to get rid of Him. People today are like the people that Jesus told He was the Messiah. What I still don’t under stand is the fact that the high priests know that they are children of God but they can’t say it out in public. They are so afraid that Jesus has to take matter into his hands and proclaim the truth and never stop. Who do you put your trust in. Friend, mom, dad, sister, brother. Or are we trying to find something out of the world. if we are trying to find something in the world we are looking for a light that cannot be seen there.
“Love is a decision” is what stuck out to me. To me that means that Jesus gives us a choice to love him but he is trying to prove to us that he is our savior.
Today’s Gospel is telling us that the scripture passage is fulfilled in our hearing. I think that means that God tells us everything we need to know about the kingdom of Heaven. The Bible teaches us what we need to know as well so we can fulfill our purpose on earth and get to Heaven.
In the Gospel Jesus tried to teach us the word, but no one believed him. He came back to preach to the people, and when he finished, they were all amazed. This just shows how amazing our Lord truly is.
Jesus is trying to tell us he is the Messiah. He is here to set us free from sin. Jesus was poor, he could’ve been born into a castle but he decided to be born poor to be closer to us. Jesus created Heaven and the earth. He could’ve lived forever but Jesus loved us so much he died on the cross.
Jesus is saying that he is the king and the Messiah and we should follow him through are whole life even when life gets hard.
And the victory that conquers the world is our faith”. what this means to me is when God come again we all need to be mentally ready
In Today’s gospel, Jesus finally out loud claimed to be God and everyone was amazed by the grace and knowledge he had. If we look to God we will find grace and knowledge. Then there will be no doubt about how he is God.
in todays gospel jesus reveals he is with the spirit of God by reading the scripture and this infuriates the people because you cant claim to be God we are like the people we will not believe in God so that he can save us and this is why we are sinners because we dont believe in God so we need to follow him to the path of safety and his love.
what I understood from this scripture reflection is that God always reveals himself to us but.. we have to believe he is and trust in him. with all out heart and faith.
Today what stuck out to me is that Jesus is true and real and we have to believe. Many people did not believe and disliked him but we truly need to believe with all our heart and listen for him.
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells everyone that he is the Messiah. We should humbly submit ourselves to Him for He is the Chosen One of God.
We often reject the things we don’t quite understand fully and that is why it was so hard for everyone to accept Jesus. This is also why faith is so hard. We don’t believe the things we can’t see or touch so we just give up on it.
“based on Jesus’ claims to be divine, he is either who he says he is (God), a liar for knowingly making false claims, or a lunatic for believing he is God when he is not.” To me it is so crazy that people didn’t believe that He was God. Then I think if I was one of those people I wouldn’t believe that he was God. This shows me that I need to let go of all other things and believe and trust in God.
The scripture today talks about Jesus and how easily it was for the Jews to reject Him because Jesus was poor, He was the Son of a carpenter, and They were just an ordinary family. The reason why God sent down Jesus was for Him to save us from sin and unlock the doors of Heaven so that we can all go to Heaven. Jesus is the Messiah and He is the only person that can save us from Satan. If we believe in Jesus, we can make it to Heaven and be with God forever.
In today’s gospel Jesus returned to Galilee and read a scroll that had the prophet of Isiah. Everyone was amazed by what he had said. We should always listen to what Jesus has to say, it can be in prayer or even when reading the Bible.
Something that stuck out to me was “And the victory that conquers the world is our faith”. God is more powerful than anyone else. We need to start relying on him and our faith. We always have faith in something and we always rely on something. We need to start having faith in God and relying on Him rather than all of the other things we have rely on.
In today’s Gospel, I hear that Jesus is talking about how the Lord God has come upon him. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.” He also talks about the mission that God has given to him. “He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.”
It is not that crazy for some people to not believe in what God says because a dude comes out of nowhere and says I am the messiah. Then do miracles only in front of his followers, but this is a down fall of humans we dont have blind faith and sometimes that is what we need I know that this doesnt make sense but it doesnt have to it is a miracle it is something that we never thought would happen. all we need is some blind faith.
In today’s Gospel Jesus reveals Himself as God to the people in his town. The people’s reactions to this are understandable. A human born of, as far as they know, two human parents saying He’s God. It is even harder for them to believe because of how they thought the messiah would be: a king that would come down and free them from their roman overlords with pure power, so how could they not think that Jesus was a blasphemer.
Today’s Gospel is telling us about Jesus saying that he is God and Jesus revealing himself to us. He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me” This is an important message because it is the truth. Jesus is God. Trust in Jesus because he will save us, — “He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.”
Jesus is telling us he is Messiah and that we should always believe in him and follow him.
Love changes that for all of us. As John closes his letter in the first reading, he says, “And the victory that conquers the world is our faith”. Human reasoning can only take us so far. We are asked to take the leap and rely on faith. It is a difficult leap, but it conquers the world, it is a great adventure and leads us to the promised land. Love Is needed to go forwards in life love is needed to go to heaven with God.
in todays scripture it says “And the victory that conquers the world is our faith”. this quote stuck out to me because its very true. the faith rules over everything and always having faith hope and love inside our hearts will lead us the right way.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” This part of the gospel stuck out to me because it is telling us that what we are reading is going to fulfill us. This gospel will fulfill us in the same way Jesus can because we are reading about his past and also getting closer to him and opening up as we do so.
Through this gospel reading, I learned that it’s extremely hard to trust. If someone came back from the dead, would you trust them? No, of course not. That isn’t normal. But Jesus is able to do just that. Jesus is all powerful and is able to rule over us. This shows that Jesus loves us. Jesus promises with you through prayer and all we need to do is have faith and trust God’s plan.
“Rolling up the scroll, he handed it back to the attendant and sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him. He said to them, ‘Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.'” This part of the Gospel sticks out to me today, because to me it seems like Jesus would’ve had all the attention in the room. He acts deliberately and calls for us to pay attention to Him and His word. The passage He speaks about has been fulfilled because He fulfilled it. He wants us to give him our ‘all’, everything we have, all of our attention and love.
I feel like the big question from this reading is Do we believe in Jesus and what he has revealed to us? You probably go oh yeah definitely. But are you sure? Are you really answering this? Are you just answering without thinking. We have to believe in Jesus, Its our faith. Whether that means going to Sunday mass every Sunday. Or praying with God is silence. We have to believe in God. We will need to sacrifice.
Today, we get yet another revealing of Jesus to our eyes. He preaches in the synagogue about how he has anointed and saved all of us. Just as the congregation in this gospel, we too stand amazed with all of the just doings, wise words, and miracles spoken and done by Jesus.
I think that the gospel is trying to say is that, Jesus is the Messiah. Not because he said he was the Messiah but because God made him the Messiah. Even after all of the nonhuman things he did like turn water into wine, no one believed in him. After all of the good things he did to the people, they still didn’t believe in him. Even after all of that, he still died for us in the most painful way possible. Just to save us.
Jesus is God. He tells us that today. We can choose to believe it and live our faith with him, or we can reject him. He is ever-loving and ever-forgiving but we still have to choose to be with him.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” I chose this because I think it says a lot. The scripture can be spoken to us all the time but it does us no good if we do not act upon it. We have to firmly believe what we are hearing and act upon Jesus’s word. When we do so we show others the way like a shepherd.
Something i got out of today’s Gospel is that everyone will find something bad to say about you. You could be the most holy person in the world and never do anything wrong and be the nicest person but someone will still find a negative trait you have. So with that we need to stop living for others and start living for God. We will never be able to please everyone so lets just start trying to please our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
todays scripture is about how God is the truth and that we should put all of our trust in him. He has made so many sacrifices and literally died on the cross for us so what’s the point in lying to get with that kind of outcome?
Jesus is trying to tell us that He is the Son of God and He is here to save us from sin. When He says “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” He is trying to tell us that He is the spirit of the Lord.
Jesus revealed He is the Messiah and proved it, but people still rejected Him. There are always going to be people who dislike you or think certain things about and you can’t control that, but we can control what God thinks of us. We have a life to prove to God that we are worthy to go to Heaven and we need to only worry about what He thinks of us and how we can change and be better for Him.
I think it is kind of funny how he walks through them like they aren’t even there and says ” this is not the time nor the place” and he just walks away poof gone.
“And were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth” this stuck out to me because it shows that Jesus is truly an amazing person. Not only his words are gracious and amazing he is also amazing.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” This stuck out to me because I feel like its telling me that I can hear what I want to hear. Like if I don’t reach out to God won’t reach out to me. We have to open ourselves to God and if we do that, he will open to us and we will be able to feel him, to hear him, and to see him in our soul.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Today this quote from the passage stuck out to me. Jesus is God, Jesus is the Messiah and the One true King. He will make your life peaceful and filled with joy if we accept that and carry our cross and follow him. We must be like the people in the synagogue and talk highly of Christ and be amazed at what he can do if we want to live in paradise with him forever. The only way to real joy and peace is through Jesus Christ. Therefore, go out and be a servant of Christ and be an example of how to live in faith.
this stood out to me “To believe means to belong.”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus goes back to his hometown of Nazareth. This is the place where he was raised, where his childhood took place. His friends and family are here, the people he knew since he was a baby are there to hear him speak. And he tells those people, the ones who have known him his whole life, that he is God. I just want you to imagine that scene for a second. Imagine what Jesus had to be feeling. Nervous, maybe? Scared? Anxious? I know I’d be feeling all of those things. After all, it’s human to feel things and Jesus was human despite his divine nature. I feel like putting yourself in the scene is just a good way to meditate on this gospel or really any story In the Bible. Just put yourself in his shoes and see things through Mary’s eyes or the Apostles eyes.
“And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?”” I thought this line was interesting. I don’t know exactly what they meant when they were asking this. I think they either were saying it because they thought Joseph wasn’t very smart and they were surprised someone related to him was intelligent, or because they didn’t believe what he was saying and wanted to know where he was from. Either way this line just stuck out to me.
I think he is telling me to believe he is real and the Messiah even tho other people might not believe he was the Messiah are that he is real he will still love you no matter what you do
In todays gospel Jesus is trying to tell us that he
is the only true God and that we shall not worship
other Gods but him .
Can you imagine being in that room when Jesus said the scriptures where fuffilled.This is amazing to think about that our messiah has come to save us and he loves us.This means someone will always love you.
what I think the gospel was trying to tell me was that when you are sick you can just sit in quietly and let the Lord talk in your ear and you will be healed
Something that stuck out to me was that Jesus reveals the greatest Truth today, He is the Messiah and The One to set us free from sin and death and reconcile us.
Today’s Scripture is telling me today that we have to realize God’s greatness. Also, how he works through all of his prophecies that were put out. How people react to his goodness.
I think this Gospel is telling me to trust in Him. Some people believed him when Jesus said He was the Messiah but some people didn’t believe him. We need to be the people who believe in His power.
Today Jesus tells me that he will fullfil everything in his name. When Jesus says this he is saying that if you have true Faith and love the Lord then your prayers will be answered.
“Is there any other way we need to hear it then straight from His mouth?” This made me think of the fact that we take praying and reading the Bible for granted. I feel like that we just go through the motions especially when were at school.
“He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” This stood out to me because it shows that Jesus is all good. He is truly here for all the right reasons and he is our savior. He sent his son Jesus to save all of us and truly out of his care and love for us.
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing”, I feel like when people read the Gospel, it can really mean a lot to them and it can really make a good impact on their life. When people start to drift away from God, if they were to read some of the Gospel, it would really pull them back into God’s path.
what stuck with me was “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” they were all there and couldn’t believe him they thought that Jesus was just tricking them or lying but Jesus was saying the truth Jesus is God.
What stuck out to me was when it said “Love is a decision”. This stuck out to me because Jesus died for us and that’s the type of love we need to show and give to others. I also liked how it said “We are asked by God to respond to His love for us and be loved.”.
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that he is the heavenly Lord, Messiah. In the synagogue, he proclaims that the Scriptures are fulfilled, but the people who listened to him did not believe him. They called it blasphemy. These are the same people who awaited the coming of the Messiah. When you pray to God, do you really think you are talking to God or a false one? Or, do you not believe that the person you are praying to is God? God is constantly chasing after us to come back with him, but if we push him away, calling him ‘fake,’ then that’s the true blasphemy and sin. We must believe in God and his omnipotent powers to change us and let him help us to grow in his faith to become saints. We must believe that God is our savior, our one and only true King to praise. This is our Lord, not a fake or lunatic, but the true, Lord our God.
“And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth”. and that really stuck our to me because I don’t really understand why they asked him if he was the son of Joseph. But they should believe that he is the son of Joseph and he is also the son of our father up in heaven for when we die and may get eternal life with Jesus Christ. When Jesus said I am the Messiah,That part really stuck out to me because God is reveling his big secret. And that secret is that he is the messiah. Which means he is our Lord our savior our God and our friend. And his only two jobs he has to do is to save us and also to proclaim to the world. And the world is us we should listen to his words and to his amazing grace and love. Just how he proclaimed the word to his disiples and now we are the followers of Jesus Christ. We thank God for being here and saving us and just loving and taking care of us to the beginning of eternity. Have a good rest of your day! God loves you! God Bless!!