Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Imagine being banned from your family, friends, school, workplace, community, everybody. There are other lepers living with you in misery outside the towns. You may have lost all hope. Then, you hear that there is a Man that can cure you and set you free of your illness. Just as the leper did, we would fall to our knees and beg Jesus to heal us.
Now, stop imagining and instead of a leper insert you and me as a sinner. Jesus wills to heal us and He willed to die on the cross to fulfill His Father’s will to redeem us from Adam and Eve’s original sin. We can’t forget this part of our identity. We inherited a loss of holiness. The only way back to the Father, our Creator, is through a Savior.
His body and blood, soul and divinity without sin, His life is the sacrifice needed for the covenant between the Father and His people. Jesus saw each one of our faces and our past sin, present, and future. He willfully chose to take our place to redeem us. God’s love is unfair. Do we appreciate it?
Jesus wills Baptism, reconciliation, and gives Himself to us totally and completely in the Eucharist, so that we have an opportunity for His grace and to be forgiven when we fall so that we can come back to Him healed of our infirmities, holy, and enter heaven. There is no limit to His mercy, never tire of returning to Him after you have fallen.
There are no whoppers too big for His grace. Grace restores what sin has damaged, allow yourself to be forgiven and healed. What will you do with this grace, this powerful love? Sin again or fight harder. Be careful not to take advantage of this great gift and sin again because you know God will forgive you (sin of presumption). God is not a slot machine. Jesus wants to cleanse us, but we must respond with love, thanksgiving, and avoid the near occasion of sin.
Jesus told the leper to show himself to the priest to be cleansed by what Moses prescribed, so that the priests would allow him back into their religious community. We too must forgive and allow people back into our lives. Forgiveness sets free the chains that bind us filled with hatred, anger, frustration, worry, anxiety, and bitterness towards another. Forgive and experience peace.
“Say please, thank you, and I’m sorry every day.” –Pope Francis
Today’s challenge: Allow Christ to heal your wounds, come before Him begging on your knees.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
The leper had lost all hope, and then he had heard about Jesus. A man who could heal him, and the only cure for leprosy. So the leper got down on his knees in front of Jesus and begged to be healed. Jesus, who was moved by the man’s faith, healed him, and then go told him to show himself to the priest. We should be like the leper and come to Jesus with faith, who will heal all of our wounds and afflictions.
In today’s scripture it talks about the lepers . Being a leper in that time no one would go near you or help but one person did in this scripture that was Jesus our god never stayed away he came closer to care for the lepers just as he does with us.
I think that God is trying to tell us that no matter what you do he will always have pitty on you because the lepor wasn’t really a good amn but he asked Jesus for help and he curned him and he turned to Christ.
Today, Jesus heals a blind man in the scripture. Jesus knew suffering. He became human. He knew what we were going through. He knows and love us more than we could ever know. Even though we are undeserving he loves us so much.
There are no whoppers to big for His grace, to me this means that’s no matter what we have done He will love us. When we don’t love ourselves He will love us. He will always love us more than our future spouses and our parents and who ever else. That is why we need to have a relationship with Him above all. Have a relationship with Him is the most important relationship in my life.
Today’s scripture reflection tells me that we must forgive others, as it says in the reflection “We too must forgive and allow people back into our lives.” We have to forgive people for what they have done or what they did. Forgiveness is a key part of life and if you don’t forgive then how will you build better relationships in your life. Forgiving is like saying sorry and if you don’t do that then your relationships in your life will thrive to grow bigger and better overtime.
“If you wish, you can make me clean.” this phrase was the one that I felt God calling me too,what I think God wants me to take out of this phrase is,God will still love me no matter what I do and he will be moved with pity everytime I ask for him that he will show himself to me if I truly need his forgiveness.
I believe in this Gospel that Jesus is trying to tell us that He will always be there but in order for us to find Him we actually have to look. As I say this, I direct this to the people that choose not to go to Mass. You should always go to Mass when you can and participate and even if you aren’t able to go, pray at home every day to God and He will listen to you!
God is so good he does such amazing things for us and there are people who fall away and hate him but why? all Jesus ever did was love and protect us people just think he is bad because in the bible it he says depart from me for I never knew you. this scares a lot of people because they don’t have faith they will make it to heaven they don’t believe. you have to trust and have faith in God you have to know that what he is making you do and what he is putting you though is to help you be with him in heaven. many people don’t trust in God but when he does something that benefits them all the sudden they want to be with him. being in a relationship with God is more than just good times it also bring heart ache.
In today’s Gospel I think God is showing how flawed humans are. Jesus cures a a man of lepersy and says don’t tell anyone and the guy goes and tells everyone who and what happened this to me shows that humans only come to God when they need help not when they are happy. Many people get something from God and then right away turn away from him and sin. When we should get something from God and share it with others and immensely thank God for such gift.
Today something that sticks out is the fact that Jesus went to this place filled with lepers people cast aside from society, and he healed them. I think this sticks out to me because the fact that this person who didn’t even do anything and got sick had to leave society, but he was able to be brought back and get to be reunited with people all because God willed it. I think this Gospel really shows that God is powerful and can stop evil. In this Gospel i interpret the lepersy to be evil and God just casts it away because he wanted to he didn’t have to do some big ritual he just told the evil (lepersy) to be gone and it was gone.
Today instead of us being lepers we are sinners. Just like how Jesus healed the leper he forgives us for our sins. Once the leper started sharing to the town about what happend they all started to want to know Him. If they really wanted to know Him they would have came and listened to Him when He wasn’t healing the sick. We cant have the mentality to just say I can do this sin because God will forgive me. We have to be sorry for our sins. Jesus will forgive us because of His mercy.
We have to appreciate what Jesus did for us when we died. He loved us so much that he gave his life to save us. We can honor God by fulfilling our obligation to go to Mass every Sunday. Pray and live a holy life.
In today’s Gospel Jesus cures a man who came up to Him asking for Him to cure his leprosy. Jesus does and the man rejoices and spreads the word. When the leper asked he said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” The leper only wanted God’s will so he asked Jesus to do it if He wills it. Jesus answers him with, “I do will it. Be made clean.” Things only happen according to God’s will.
There are no whoppers too big for His grace. this stuck out to me because it’s true no one is too big for gods grace in his infinite grace and wisdom there are no limits.
The thing that stands out for me in this Gospel, is thinking about being a leper. Like imagine you’ve always been pushed away and get mean comments, even from ones you love then suddenly one day you meet a man and instantly hes not afraid of your leper and he heals you immediately. Thats is like God to us. What we think is ugly and people dont like about us God is not afraid, your perfect in his eyes.
In today’s gospel Jesus says “I do will it. Be made clean” when he removes the leprosy from the leper. In the same way Jesus does this when we go to confession we are the sinners who need to be made clean so we can enter the kingdom of God and when we repent Jesus says to us “Be made clean”.
A leaper. Sometimes being a leaper is really difficult because your basically separated from the world. You don’t get to be with your family or friends. You are deserted, isolated. But when we realize that we are in need of help we start asking people what I need to do. They don’t help you, because they know nothing and don’t care. We sit there alone and lost as a sheep that ran from their flock. So as you are so dirty you try to hide the fact you are a leaper and put a mask in that is not yours. You start feeling whole again but your still not clean your just getting others contagious because you didn’t get help. They find out who you really are and so you leave because of all this humility. You find this man, this man you can see that he might help. You ask for help and you are cleaned. Jesus is who you should be running after not the world. the world never helped you in the beginning, so why wait and run back to the father. You should never rely on the world but when you can trust the man that will always count on his word. Never leave him, never ask the world. You are not an accident, you are chosen. Be who God meant you to be. have hope. Give, pray, love, Do not be Afraid!
In today’s Gospel these words stuck out to me
“See that you tell no one anything”. These words
stuck out to me because it is kinda like God’s little
secret that everyone who reads the bible will unlock.
Yes scripture is like a key read it and the door shall
be open to you.Like in the song “I stand at the door
and knock knock knock BEHOLD BEHOLD”
“God’s love is unfair. Do we appreciate it?” I feel like today God is telling me that we don’t appreciate His love for us enough. It may or may not feel like you are unlovable at time and that God isn’t there, but truth me He is. He has always been by your side and always will be by your side until the day you die, and even then He will still be by your side. That shows you how much He cares, that He never leaves us even after everything we did. We aren’t always the best and we make a lot of mistakes, at least one every single day. He forgives us though and we can do nothing for Him to stop loving us. Don’t forget, if you feel like you cant talk to anyone, then talk to God for He will guide us and show us true love.
Today’s scripture talks about Jesus wills to heal us and He willed to die on the cross to fulfill His Father’s will to redeem us from Adam and Eve’s original sin. We can’t forget this part of our identity.
Jesus wills to heal us and He willed to die on the cross to fulfill His Father’s will to redeem us from Adam and Eve’s original sin. This stood out to me because nobody would want or will to do this except for God.
This writing is telling me that Jesus loves me. No matter what we do, see, and touch, he will always love us. He loves us so much that he gave his only son to the world.
Jesus was telling me to always accept others and to be kind to every one because you don’t know what they are going through
“If you wish, you can make me clean.” This stuck out to me becasue it menas that if the thing you are asking God for is not in his will he is not going to do it for you. You have to trust in his plan even if you think you know whta is best.
In today’s Gospel God heals a man from leprosy. God will always love us no matter how dirty or unclean we are. He will forever try to get us into his kingdom.
“I DO WILL IT.BE MADE CLEAN.” MK1:40-45.In todays gospel Jesus heals a faithful leaper.I believe that the leaper is suppose to be a role model in how we should live our lives in faith.He also tells us that we need to go out into the world and spread his miracles with others
I think at the beggening it talks about how we are like lepers and in out sin we are by outselves and nobdy can help us except the foregiveness of the lord. He gave us one chance when he died on the cross and hes giving us another to help people go closer to God in his grace and love.
In today’s Gospel, the leper came to Jesus with immense courage and humility asking Him if he wanted to heal him. He has great humility here because he could have just asked to heal him but he asked if He wanted to.
Today Jesus cleanses the leper of his leprosy. Likewise when we ask Jesus cleanses us from our impurities and faults. We better thank him for this because no one else in the whole world after sinning against them as many times as we do against God would ever give us genuine forgiveness. All we have to do is ask.
In todays gospel Jesus tells me that there is no limit to His mercy, he is never tired of returning to Him after you have fallen. He will always forgive you no matter what happens.
I think today’s scripture is trying to tell us that no matter what weve done or what were planning to do or even what we look like God will still love us. He will still love us because he loves us and is all merciful he wants us to be close to him but we cant do that unless we leave sin behind and willingly fall into the grace of the lord.
I think it was telling me to imagen being all alone, nobody to see when waking up, and you see your self lost and only see lepers, how could you/I make it the world.
Today God told me that it is ok to come to him with your hurt and sorrow. Like today’s challenge we shall go to him with everything. He shall heal us of our sin and hurt or wait until we are ready to. The Lord wants us to come to him but most of the time we don’t. God does know everything but when you come to him with the truth he will forgive you. Like somebody else talking to you about something that someone else did but you would prefer to be told by the actual person. The Lord is loving and caring we just have to accept it.
In today’s reading it talks about how Jesus wills to heal us , Jesus wills Baptism, reconciliation, and gives Himself to us totally and completely in the Eucharist.It also talks about how we are the leapers, and Jesus told the leapers to show himself and to be cleansed by the priest by which Moses prescribed.We too must forgive and allow people back into our lives. Forgiveness sets free,the chains that bind us filled with hatred, anger, frustration, worry, anxiety, and bitterness towards one another. We must forgive and experience peace.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is healing a leper and Jesus could not enter the town without being crowded with people. Just like how if we do what the Lord does and tells us what to do and we listen to God and does what he says then we shall go into Heaven and when we do we will be crowded also. For if you do what God tells you to, God will see you when you come up and He will proclaim “Holy, for you have done right in the ways of me, therefore, you shall come join me and the rest of my family here and you will become my child too and all shall be great for you here in Heaven.” And if you stay that way you shall be in Heaven forever but if you turn sour then you shall go to a sour place in hell.
I feel like it is trying to tell me that if I need Jesus to help me I just need to ask.
believe in god with your whole heart. He loves you but he needs you to believe in him. Every day thank him, because he died for you. God loves YOU!
In today’s Gospel talks about Jesus healing a leper, we are the leper begging Jesus to heal our soul and just leaving him after he does it
I think that the Leper is a sinful person but Jesus helped the Leper like He can help a sinful person
Today the Gospel talks about Jesus healing the leaper. I think the moral of what the Gospel is telling us is that God has the power to heal and do anything no human can do. (EX walk on water, heal a leaper, cure the blind ect…) The Gospel is also trying to say that people wanted to see Jesus for his amazing work at healing a leaper ( there was no cure back then). The Gospel helps us understand Jesus’s power!
“Now, stop imagining and instead of a leper insert you and me as a sinner. Jesus wills to heal us and He willed to die on the cross to fulfill His Father’s will to redeem us from Adam and Eve’s original sin.” Whenever we get or, get down about ourselves, or even get a bad grade on a test. Jesus will come over and tell us that we make mistakes in life it’s happened to everyone in the world. And he will heal you.
Today was cool because God an infinitely greater person and God healed a lowy leper.
“I do will it. Be made clean.” Today in the Gospel, Jesus healed a leper. It made me realize that I can come to Jesus whenever I need Him. He calls us to be children of God! He will clean us if we are dirty, clothe us if we are naked, and feed us when we are hungry.
“I DO WILL IT. BE MADE CLEAN.” What this means to me is that God can forgive us through confession and make us be clean spirtually. God can protect us from evil and can heal us physically. That what I thought this Gospel meant to me.
in today’s gospel a leper came to Jesus with immense courage and humility asking Jesus to help him by curing his illness but only if he wanted to this is another example of ask and you shall receive and we need to thank the Lord for all he has done for us and everyone else
“If you wish, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched the leper, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean. Then, warning him sternly, he dismissed him at once. Then he said to him, “See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.” In this Gospel, I think that Jesus was trying to tell me to believe in God because he can do amazing things for us. If we go to confession, it is like we are being cleansed. We need to pray for each other and listen to God in our own ways.
When Jesus cleansed the leper, its just liked when he cleanses us from our sins after confession. Jesus knows when you are truly sorry for your sins. Jesus will heal you when you believe and love him.
In the gospel it talked about how the one leper told others about what God did and others went to him. It reminded me of when one person spreads the word of God it helps other get closer with him and allows them to let God help them.
What God is trying to tell me today is that we have to believe that Jesus can do miracles for anybody the sick the poor the rich but that he can heal all along as we have faith in him he will help us.
I think today in the Gospel God is telling us that He loves us a lot. He will keep forgiving our sins, even though we sin over and over again.
I think God is trying to tell me that there is nothing too great that he cant heal. The power of God is strong enough to heal our wounds on earth, but we shouldn’t forget that he can heal our spiritual ones too. In a way we are all like the leper, we all fall short of the Glory of God. Confession is the way we can be healed.
in today scripture i feel like he is telling us that everyone is willing of his forgivness and that is why no matter what you do as long as you show God that you really are trying to be the best person you can be than you will be given into the house of the Lord.
In todays Gospel it talked about Lepers. Back then no one wanted to be near the leper but God was there supporting them even if they were different.
In today’s gospel it talks about the leper and how he is healed by Jesus. This Shows how Jesus can heal anything. It shows confession and prayer can lead to Jesus. He was healed because he believed in Jesus and was sorry for all that he did and that is a reason why we should believe because Jesus and God can heal any of us spiritually and physically.
In the Gospel today it talks about how the leaper came to Jesus and asked for help. What that tells me is that we can go to Jesus and ask for help and he will help us but we can’t be to greedy.
I think Jesus is telling us that He will always love and forgive us he will always be there with you no matter what is going on in ur life or what your going through. He will always wipe away your sins and forget as long as you do also.
“I will do it, be made clean.” This stuck out to me because, it shows that when we are hurting and suffering in sin, God will always come to us and help us. We are the leper, suffering, in internal pain, from our sins, and we beg for God to help us, and when he does, we are made clean again.
In today’s Gospel I think God is showing how flawed humans are. Jesus cures a a man of lepers and says don’t tell anyone and the guy goes and tells everyone who and what happened this to me shows that humans only come to God . He shows how he heals in many ways. Jesus is who you should be running after not the world. the world never helped you in the beginning, so why wait and run back to the father.
Something that I got out of this was that nobody is too messed up in the eyes of God, this Leper is seen as an outcast by everyone in the world at this time, yet the king of kings, Lord of Lords, prays for him, and even touches him. I think this is Jesus showing that even though we can make mistakes and to bad things, he will still give us another chance, and we should try and take advantage of it.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is talking to a leaper and the leper says “If you wish, you can make me clean.” In my eyes, I think that Jesus understood that the leper believed in him so he healed him.
When I read this gospel passage, I first think of the courage and trust that the leper must have had to approach Jesus and ask him to heal him. It is very important to trust Jesus with his plan for you, but we hear that a lot. It is just as important to come to him and be open. It can take courage to let everything go, but if you want a good relationship with God, then that’s what you need to do.
When Jesus tells the man not to tell anyone and he immediately tells everyone. I think when we see something really cool we want to share it everywhere too. We are all a little bit like the man. When Jesus tells us something, we need to listen, but we often think out plans are better. Jesus should be first and nothing else.
What I got from this is that Jesus left his family to save us it is hard to image how hard life would be without them but he had to so Jesus made lots of sacrifices to save us so we should do the same.
Jesus is trying to tell us that he will heal us. Jesus wills Baptism, and gives himself to us through the Eucharist. Jesus’s grace helps heal what the devil has done to our soul.
this stuck out to me because saying we are like lepers is kinda like, we have an illness which is temptation and sin. We hate that stuff about ourselves and other, but its gods eyes, he doesnt care about that stuff. he loves and cares anyways.
in todays gospel Jesus heals a leper. just like the leper we are separated from our savior and we need to get back to him. the only way to do that is through Jesus which means we need to get close to him and grow a relationship with him.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus healed a leper and the leper went into the town to tell everyone about how Jesus healed him. This Gospel made me realize that we are the lepers but instead of being lepers, we are sinners. Jesus heals us because He loves us so much and he actually cares for us. We can be healed by asking for God’s mercy or going to confession to be healed from sin. God still loves us even though we sin and he will always love us, no matter what sins you have committed. God will always love you
This is showing that Jesus can do anything cause he his powerful. Jesus helped the man because Jesus loved him just like Jesus loves us. We are like the man who had leprosy, we sin and that is our sickness and once we go to confession the sin washes away. Kind of like when Jesus reached his hand out on the man and the leprosy went away.
In today’s Gospel we are like the leper. We have so much wrong within our soul, but If we find the courage to ask Jesus for help, He will be there for us. What Jesus did for the leper is almost exactly the same as what he does to our soul in reconciliation. We ask Him to make us clean, and He does.
What stuck out to me was Jesus healed the leper who no one wanted to talk to. Sometimes we can feel the same way though. When we feel that way, we should look back at this story. Jesus listened and helped him even when he felt hopeless. We can always pray and ask Jesus to help us when we need help or we feel in despair. Whether you have problems with friends, parents, siblings, sickness, and sin we are trying to overcome. We can always go to Jesus and he will always help us.
Imagine being banned from your family, friends, school, workplace, community, everybody. I have never really thought about getting pulled away from my family. That is scary to think about. You wouldn’t be alone though because you will always have Jesus at your side. Even if you think He isn’t. God is always trying to welcome us into His grace but if we keep ignoring. If we listen to Him when He is calling for us then we will have eternal life to look forward to.
Today’s gospel talks about Jesus healing a leper. I feel like he is trying to tell us to forgive other people. Any time we go to confession God takes away our sins. I feel like we need to be like that towards other people. We are constantly sinning and turning away from God and he forgives us and continues to chase after us. I think today God is trying to tell us to be more forgiving and start seeing the better in other people and not always seeing the negative in others.
I think today’s scripture is telling us that no matter what we do we will be forgiven by Jesus. No matter how messed up we think we are Jesus will still love us and be with us through everything. If we do something wrong then that just helps us learn from our mistakes. Everyone is messed up a little bit so lets just start living with Jesus and not against Jesus because he will love us no matter what.
“Be made clean” This is telling us that Jesus is all powerful. Jesus can save us from the devil as long as we let him into our hearts and trust that he has the power to save us. Jesus will always love us, no matter what we have done or what we look like.
People pushed away lepers and did not welcome them anywhere. The lepers thought their life was over and pointless, but Jesus saved them like he saved all of us. Jesus is our God. He will never leave anyone behind he is our savior.
I think God is saying he will always clean us from our sins. when we go to confession God cleans our souls from all of our sins.
Jesus came to save us all by dying on the cross. This gospel story shows that Jesus healed a leper because the leper listened to Him. It takes faith in God for anything to happen towards you. God is always watching you and will always forgive and heal you whenever you feel down or have a habitual sin.
Today’s Gospel was about Jesus and the leper. This story is about how Jesus cleans the leper. Jesus chose to make him clean and the leper chose to have Jesus make him clean. We can do the same. We can ask Jesus to make us clean and he will do so.
I think todays Gospel is talking about how we always go to God when we need or want too. the line “Grace restores what sin has damaged” stuck out to me.
“He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from everywhere.” this part stuck out to me because Jesus doesn’t demand attention. In fact, He would rather not have attention. He wants to help us quietly. He is not like the gods from other religions where they present all of their works in big, demanding ways. He just wants to help, for no other reason that He loves us. He will quietly ask us to love and receive Him, but He will not force Himself on us.
His body and blood, soul and divinity without sin, His life is the sacrifice needed for the covenant between the Father and His people. Jesus saw each one of our faces and our past sin, present, and future. He willfully chose to take our place to redeem us. God’s love is unfair. Do we appreciate it? He sacrificed himself for us because we are sinners. We need to believe that Jesus is with us. He put himself to the cross and you still don’t sacrifice somethings in your life.
We are the leper. We need Jesus’s grace and healing. Just like the leper, we crawl to Jesus every time at confession begging him for his mercy and saving, because we know we can’t live without it. We are called to yearn for Jesus’s healing and to spread his good news to everyone.
I think the gospel is saying that with faith in Jesus Christ all things are possible. As the leper said “If you wish, you can make me clean” the leper has true faith in Jesus when says that and Jesus heals him right after saying that. We need to have Faith in God and not worry about the future and have peace in the present.
What I get from today’s scripture is Jesus truly wants us. The leper said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” He said if you wish implying Jesus did not have to but he did anyway. It also shows how merciful he is towards us. Imagine instead of a leper it is us as sinners and we come to Jesus. If we come to him he will heal us no matter what we have done. There is no sin too bad for God to forgive us and we need to remember that so we are not always caught up thinking we need to be perfect because no matter what we are sinners.
the leper did the exact opposite of what Jesus told him to, “Jesus said go to the high priests and let you be proof for them” the leper then told the whole town and Jesus couldn’t go anywhere without being crowded.
I would not blame the leper but I would do exactly what he told me before I spread the word to the entire town.
I think today’s scripture reflection is about lepers. I think that what it means in the story is that we are the lepers begging for Jesus to heal us from our sins. Jesus heals us from our sins because he cares for us and he loves us. Jesus will always love us and care about us to the very end.
Jesus heals the leper, and we are like the leper. We are unclean but he heals us and forgives us. We need God’s forgiveness and we should forgive the people in our lives.
We are the leper, we are the sinners. We need Jesus to save us, we cannot save ourselves, he is the only one who can. We have to turn our life over to him and beg for his mercy and forgiveness. God will forgive us because we are his children, and he loves us. Even if we have abandoned him so many times, he will never abandon us.
I think that the gospel is trying to say is that, we make fun of other people for fun but when they make fun of us its not funny. We always do stuff to other people but never like it when there doing it to us. When we make fun of our friends its “just a joke,” but when they make fun of us it isn’t a joke anymore. The only difference between us and the lepers is that they just get made fun of no matter what. But instead of being mad or sad most of them turned to God asking for a miracle. And God heard there prayers because he made them “normal” to us. But they were always normal in Gods eyes, never did he once thought that they looked weird or disgusting. He loved them from the start just like how we need to.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is talking to a leaper and the leper says “If you wish, you can make me clean.” I think that when Jesus helps the leper he is showing that everyone is forgivable by the Lord and that no matter what everyone is loved by god.
Today Jesus healed a leper. We are like the leper, we are unclean. The leper asked for cleansing and Jesus cleansed him. If we ask for healing and forgiveness of our sins he will forgive us too. When we ask for forgiveness and say that we are sorry, then we actually have to prove that. Jesus knows we will sin again, but he still loves and forgives us. We can show that we are sorry by going to confession and trying our hardest.
“A leper* came to him [and kneeling down] begged him and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” I thought what the leper said to Jesus was interesting. He didn’t say “make me clean, I know you can” or ” why can’t I just be healthy?” He said “If you wish, you can make me clean,” I think the way he said it was very humble, like may your will be done kind of.
this scripture taught me that we are kinda like the leaper. we are unclean and dirty of sin and the only person who can save us is Jesus. we can try to save ourselves from sin and run away from God, but we actually need to run towards Him and have faith in Him that He will forgive us and cleanse us of our sins.
Something that stood out to me was that no matter what we do Jesus always loves us for all eternity.
“Grace restores what sin has damaged, allow yourself to be forgiven and healed. ” This means to me that we need to understand that God will always forgive us. He loves us unconditionally, and he will forever.
In the gospel Jesus heals the leper of leprosy .Lets think about leprosy.I think it’s a symbol of sin for us.Sin is are leprosy.But Jesus is merciful enough to cleanse us from”leprosy”.But the key thing the leper had is FAITH.We need to have faith in God to heal us from the mark of sin
Lepers had a bad reputation and Jesus touched him without pity. This shows me that no matter who, we should always treat them with generosity. We should be like Jesus and care for our neighbors and the people we love.
“he leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean,” This reminds me when we go to confession, when we confess our sins to Jesus, and he forgives us, we just feel so much better and we feel cleaned from all our sins.
“The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean. Then, warning him sternly, he dismissed him at once.” This shows me that with everything Jesus does it is because he loves us. He felt pity for the leper so he made him clean. Jesus is the only one that can do this and this gives me an even bigger reason to believe and trust in him.
I think he is trying to tell me that I need to love everybody how they are like the gospel it talks about a leper and how like no one wanted to go near her/him but God because he will protect us and love us no matter what and we need to also love everybody because that is his creation and if we don’t like it that makes him sad.
What stuck out to me in today’s scripture reflection was when it said “Be careful not to take advantage of this great gift and sin again because you know God will forgive you”. It stuck out to me because we shouldn’t take advantage of everything He has done for us, instead we should respond with love.
Todays scripture tells me that when nobody likes the lepers they are called outcasts. But Jesus shows and tells us not to care about what someone looks like but who they are inside. Jesus healed the leper because he loves us all.
what I think the Lord Is trying to tell us is that Jesus will accept us in any way shape or from and love us with his whole heart and soul
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that we are sinners. Sinners who are made to be healed.
As humans, we are sinners who need to be cleansed, like the leper who came before Jesus and begged him to heal him. Jesus healed the leper and he went happy. We are like the leper. We come before Jesus and ask for mercy and forgiveness of sins. When we receive our absolution, we feel renewed, cleansed, and happy. We go out into the world as a new person, cleansed of sin. Then, we try our hardest to avoid sin and serve God willfully.
God is our one Lord who gives us mercy and cleanses us of our sins and renews us, just like how Jesus healed the leper.
In today’s Gospel I think that Jesus is trying to
tell us that we are like the leapers were dirt of
sin and we need Gods forgiveness and we need
to go to mass and we need are sins to be cleaned
The Holy Spirit is telling me through this Gospel that Jesus is so good that if you saw him and you knew who he was then you would go to him no matter where he went.
In today’s scripture God healed a leper. Which is a terrible thing because it’s a horrible illness. Which means you can’t see your family or anybody you really are close to. This story reminds me that we are unclean and sin is what is dirty on us. But Jesus is the only person who can ever save because he loves us so much. We are dirty when we sin because sin makes us feel bad and being bad means your dirty of sin. That’s why we have confessions. If you want Jesus to save you and your sin you have to love him and have faith that he will save you and care for you! Have a good rest of your day! God loves you!! God bless!!
I think God is trying to tell me that we go to Church to be replenished as if it is a new thing. We should think everytime of the sacrifices that He has made so that we may be here living on today. We should be eternally grateful but we treat Mass like an old think that once we see it it becomes boring again, like a routine we must do on Sunday. We should be able to go to Mass and experience the wonders of God everytime we go to Mass and it never getting old for if you can truly understand what miraculous things are happening then you WANT to go back, not just for the routine of it.
In this story Jesus healed a leper. which means you are unclean but Jesus healed him. This reminds me that whenever we sin we are unclean and the only person who can help us, clean, and save us is Jesus Christ. Jesus is are healer, helper, and savior.
The message I got from the gospel today is that Jesus really has the power to do what may seem impossible. He will even help those who are rejected by all society because he loves everyone. Jesus will love anyone who believes and has faith in Him.
In today’s Scripture Jesus is telling me that he does not care what you look like or what blemishes you have.He will always and never let you fall away without him putting up a fight to get us back to him. He will move us to go to confession
In the Gopel Jesus healed a leper. We are the leper and the leprosy is our sin. He can heal us if we have faith in him.
Jesus healed a leper. He is healing us and it is our sin. He can help everyone and heal everyone. Nothing is impossible for him.
“Sin again or fight harder. Be careful not to take advantage of this great gift and sin again because you know God will forgive you (sin of presumption). God is not a slot machine.” this stood out to me because I have sinned and everyone else has sinned one or more times and I feel that sometimes we take advantage of His love and forgiveness.
In this gospel it talks about Jesus healed a leper. we are like the leapers were dirt of
sin and we need Gods forgiveness, We are the leper and the leprosy is our sin. He can heal us if we have faith in him.