Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MK 9:41-50: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today’s Gospel should lead us to reflect on what leads us to sin and to avoid the near occasion of sin. What part of our life do we need to become poor? Why? We are baptized and called by God to a very high expectation, sanctity, holiness, a saint. I fall short of this expectation every day.
It is God’s grace that will help us reach our goal, heaven. Today, Jesus gives us a great lesson for any time in our lives we are struggling with sin. God gave us the spiritual powers of intellect and will. We can choose after we reflect to change our habits. St. Teresa of Avila wisely said, “Don’t let your sins become habits”.
Every time we turn on the TV, Internet, radio or read the newspaper, a magazine, or book we are being lied to and this information is forming what we believe. Only Jesus is the Truth. There are good things on these media outlets, but the hard part is the bad is right there with it.
We need to educate ourselves in the ways of God, so we use our devices to lead us toward Him and not away. Many of these things can become addictive, so we need to take time to take a break from them and spend time with others.
The Good News is God gave us a great power, self-control. A conscience and intellect to learn the good and avoid the bad. A free will to choose the good. Everything we allow into our eyes and ears forms who we are and what we think. This is powerful! We must protect ourselves and keep our eyes on heaven. What a difficult task in this technological age! We are not called to fit in with the culture, we are called to be saints.
Today’s challenge: What are you looking for? What is the true intention of your heart? What area of your life do you need to become poor in so you can be rich in God’s blessings? You control you, nothing is too hard to stop with God’s grace. Lent is coming, reflect on what is leading you to sin. It is usually some underlying factor you are missing.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
I think that Jesus is trying to tell us that whatever is causing you sin you need to stop trying to do it because sin is bad and we all want to go to heaven after this life because heaven will be the best place you can ever go in your life.
I think that Jesus is trying to say that our actions have consequences I think this because he talks about how if our hand causes us to sign then we should cut it off and go to Heaven instead of going to hell with two hands cause we sinned. Also I think that Jesus is showing that we need to not sin as much if we want to enter into Heaven and have eternal life with Him.
In order to get to heaven, we need to follow Jesus. He wants what is best for us, and he knows what is best. But God gave us free will, and with it the choice to follow Him. Sin rips us away from God, and by dying on the cross, Jesus gave us a chance to repent and go to heaven. In order to do so, we must listen to the word of God, and in doing so, fight sin.
In todays scripture reflection I read that some things can be addictive and lead you away from God. We need to be able to take those things away from us and be able to steer ourselves closer to God.
In today’s gospel the lord talks of how if you sin with your cut them off sin with your foot cut it off if you sin with your eye pluck it out the lord tells that being blind, crippled, and maimed is better then the devils place in the end for only the good go to heaven and the bad go to the devils place.
We need to educate ourselves in the ways of God, so we use our devices to lead us toward Him and not away. God’s grace that will help us reach our goal, heaven. God gave us the spiritual powers of intellect and will. We can choose after we reflect to change our habits. St. Teresa of Avila wisely said
“Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.” this is the phrase that I feel God wanted my heart to take in.I believe that if you do wrong you can fix it and God will forgive you.
Today in the Gospel Jesus says that if you are sinning with your hand you shall cut it off because it is better to have one hand and be spiritually healed than to go into the afterlife with two hands and be unholy. I think he is kind of saying that you need to stop sin at its roots. I don’t think he actually means to cut off your foot or your hand or pluck out your eye. I think he is really just trying to emphasize how important it is to stop sin at its roots. He also says to keep salt in yourself and you will have peace with another. I think this also kind of symbolizes that saying don’t pull out the splinter in someone else’s eye until you clear out the plank from your eye.
God’s grace is the most high blessing we could receive. Obviously God loves every one of us but having his grace is just a different level. it shows you how caring God is and how willing he is to save you and let you live a life of happiness. I think this is also a reason we should surround ourselves with people who love God as much as you do. People who will bring you closer to God not separate you and your Lord.
Todays Gospel is about sin something we all do every day. sinning doesn’t make us bad people its only if we continue to sin and don’t ask God for forgiveness because in order to make it to heaven we must be sorry when we sin and repent.
“You control you nothing is too hard to stop with God’s grace” this stands out to me because it just shows that God’s grace is unstoppable and we can do anything with Him, we just have to trust in Him and trust that He will leads us to what we are and who we are, we can control are life but God already knows our life, and we need to just let Him take our lives.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about sin. He says, “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire.” When we are sinning we need to realize it and act on it. We need to try better to correct ourselves and not let sin become a habit. We need to work harder to achieve eternal life in heaven.
Today God said that if your hand causes you to sin cut it off because it is better then going to Gehenna. This is a very extreme case of what I feel like is confession. If we know we sinned we confess it and God forgives us. It is like God removes all sin from out soul when we go to confession. He also says that it is better to enter Heaven with one eye than Gehenna. This shows that Heaven is all worth it so try to do whatever you can to not sin but we all will so confess them to God and He will forgive us.
Jesus is trying to say to us that whatever causes us to sin we should not have it. Like if your eye causes you to look at something for you should not be looking at them you should pluck it out. Jesus wants us to come into the kingdom of Heaven with a fresh cup instead of a dirty cup. We need to break these habits that are causing us to sin. What is it that is causing you to sin. Whatever it is you should not have it. Try to put yourself in a clean spirit. Focus on Jesus and nothing else. Try to think to yourself ” What am I going to do that will break out of these nasty habits”. Get into a habit of less screen time, less junk food, just less of the things that are causing you to sin. Then you will experience something where you don’t need all of this stuff. You just need Jesus.
In today’s Gospel these words stuck out to me
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
It is better for you to enter into life maimed
than with two hands to go into Gehenna,
into the unquenchable fire.”These words are
telling us that God does not like sin and he
wants us to throw it away but he does love
sinners (Human Beings)No matter what they
do unless they do not want to be forgiven then
that is the only unforgivable sin that exists.
Sin is already a horrible thing but causing others to sin is just even worse. striving to help others go way from sin is great. The holy spirit is always their to help us go on the right path.
In this Gospel, I believe Jesus is trying to tell us that if we sin we should cut off all links to it by going to confession. Or that we should avoid sin at all costs because it will only get in the way of our path to the Kingdom of God. If we do sin we can look back and reflect on what we did and why it was wrong, learn from our mistakes, so we never have to make them again.
“Don’t let your sins become habits” Today God is telling me that sin can become a bad habits if you do it too much. If you sin you should try not to do the sin again and try to stay away from it too. The more we sin the farther away we are from Heaven, especially if you knew you it was wrong, but proceed to sin anyways and if you had an option to not sin too. Sin doesn’t make you evil, we are all human so we all will sin at some point. The difference between someone who isn’t a bad person compared to a bad person is that the better person learns from their mistakes and tries not to, and goes to confession. On the other hand the bad person doesn’t care on if they sin or not, they wont go to confession and they wont feel bad on what they did, they wont change anything about it, and instead they will make it a habit. Staying away from sin isn’t easy, but it’s worth it, at the end of the day you want to be with God and by doing that you need to work hard in life to stay with Him even if the world and others try to break you apart from Him, things will get in the way and you will question your faith at times, but once you figure out the truth then you will realize that what we suffer on earth is worth it to go to Heaven. Staying close to God doesn’t mean that your life isnt going to be fun, you can still have fun while giving yourself up to God. Praying will help you stay away from sin sometimes, because the more we pray and focus on God or whatever we are praying about, then it will keep you away from bad activities at times. Remember that God is your way, and its your choice if you want to give up your glory to Him. He also suffered and died for you.
I like this whole Gospel, there is a lot of good advice and lots of things to reflect on. Like how it tells us, if we use something to sin then cut it off. They used it in a physical way, but you can use it inther ways too, like if apps are causing your sin then cut off that app like not going on it. I also like how they say “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” Because I feel like its showing our innocence when we dont mean to sin and how we believe in everything and everone.
It is God’s grace that will help us reach our goal, heaven. Jesus loves us and gives us so many great gifts but he also knows that we are struggling with sin. Jesus doesn’t want us to suffer from sin and he even loved us so much that he died on the cross so we could go to heaven. I believe that if we just pray to God and Jesus more everyday of our lives we form a relationship with him that can prevent us from sinning less.
Something that I got out of this was that, we need to give up worldly values to get into heaven. Many of these things that are in this world are meaningless in our goal of going to heaven. If something does not help us get into heaven, then we should not do it or use it, sadly many christians have fallen away from the church because of these things, and we need to try and resist it, and become one with God, and Jesus, and don’t do these things.
something that I got out of this is the we need to use our devices for good and not bad. we need to use it to lead us towards god.
What stood out to me was “God gave us the spiritual powers of intellect and will. We can choose after we reflect to change our habits” this stood out to me because the only way for somebody to change a habit is to pray and repent for doing it.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is saying that sin is very bad. believe this, but it feels like I don’t because I sin a lot. I know this isn’t just me sinning a lot it is all of us. We need to stop sinning, and get on the track to heaven.
This scripture is telling us that our devices are addicting and sometimes lead us away from God. But, it also says we can control this and make it so then our devices can teach us about God. Which is what we should do. We should not follow culture, but follow Christ!
¨If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.¨ This stuck out to me becuase God doesnt want us to sin so he i think he is saying if there is someone in you life that cause you to sin you need to cut them out.
God was telling me not let sin ruin good Habets and the trust in him to help you do better.
I think todays gospel is trying to tell us that in this modern day there are so many things that drag us away from God. Everytime we read books and get online we turn a tiny way away from God. Even though it does not seem like this tiny bit matters it builds up into an unholy addiction that is hard to stop and it has the chance to drag us away from God entirely.
In today’s Gospel God tells us that we must leave everything that causes us to sin. If you continue to sin you are feeding a fire that is unquenchable.
I think this is telling us that need to treat sin as something more serious. Everybody sins and nobodys pefect but people think that just cause of that we should be able to more often. You cant think of it as something that you just just be forgived for later =, you need to be sorry for doing it.
something that stook with me when I read this is that avoiding sin is very important is because that is true. Every little sin like lying or cursing or murder all have the same weight every sin is equally bad. even tho murder is worse than lying its still a sin that can send you straight to hell without a question about it everyday we sin and sin and get further away from him but Jesus is always there for us and waits to be with us and he even DIed for us. Jesus wants in heaven so bad he died for us, and open tghe gates of heaven and saved us. We all have free will we can choose to follow him or not to follow him. So when they said avoid sinning they’re saying to me, get closer to God so you can get to heaven one day and be with the Father.
The Lord told me today that we have to get rid of anything that makes us sin. If we have a group chat that makes us sin to delete it it doesn’t have to be your arm and your foot it could be anything that we need to take out of our lives to sin less. The Lord wants us to know what is causing us to sin he wants us to see so we can become aware and once we become aware of it and don’t get rid of it then we are turning from God.
Today Jesus talks about sin. When Jesus says “If your hand causes you to sin cut it off” he means that if something is tempting us to sin we need to get it out of our life and replace it with the love of God and neighbor. Since so sin can enter heaven anything sinful we cut out of our lives on earth is something we don’t have to deal with later in purgatory. Also if we always act out of love we will surely have our reward in heaven.
In today’s gospel it talks about what is leading us to sin? What is making us sin? We are all called to God’s very high expectations,holiness,and sanctity ,and playing or being holy like a saint. But his most biggest and highest expectation of them all is getting our way into heaven,and being there with our Father who keeps his promises. God doesn’t want our sins to be habits the only thing that we should have a habit of is praying our rosary, reading scriptures,and going to mass to spend time with God the Father.
“Every time we turn on the TV, Internet, radio or read the newspaper, a magazine, or book we are being lied to and this information is forming what we believe”
NEVER fully believe the internet’s sayings… most of the time we can be lied to.
“We need to educate ourselves in the ways of God, so we use our devices to lead us toward Him and not away. Many of these things can become addictive, so we need to take time to take a break from them and spend time with others. ”
yes, phones and TV’s and laptops can become addictive. and we do need time to get away from them and educate ourselves and other people. but the phones and TV’s and laptops can also be used for spending time with Jesus and other family members.
I think that it is like the one with the goat and the sheep and the one where whatever you give to the least of my people you do unto me.
“WHOEVER CAUSES ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES WHO BELIEVE IN ME TO SIN, IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR HIM IF A GREAT MILLSTONE WERE PUT AROUND HIS NECK AND HE WERE THROWN INTO THE SEA.” What this means to me is that we should not force others to sin due to sin being bad for our soul. God will always love us even when we sin but we want to try to avoid it in are daily life.
If something in your life is causing you to sin then cut it out of your life. If you can then pray on it to God and he will take care of it! If you keep sinning then you will be sinning your entire life cause it gets to be a habit and because it will be just like a fire and you keep fueling the fire.
“Everyone will be salted with fire.
Salt is good, but if salt becomes insipid,
with what will you restore its flavor?
Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.”
I feel like this line is saying that we are the salt. we must need God to restore our “flavor” (faith)
And that if you have flavored salt in you. You will have peace with one another.
Jesus is within us, he lives in us. He is with us.
If one thing causes you to sin don’t do It again or don’t do another.
If you sin you will not find peace within yourself to share among others.
Jesus wants us not to sin but we can’t help but sin
In the Gospel today Jesus said “I have the power.” Which basically means Jesus has the power to do anything. Jesus Christ is power. If we are having a tough time with school or with anything, He will have the power to help us. “The Good News is God gave us a great power, self-control. ” We also have power too. We have the power to listen, hear, taste, smell, and all of those things. But most importantly our greatest power is Jesus.
Today in the Gospel, what I got was that we need to cut out things from our life. It doesn’t have to be our actual parts of our bodies. The Lord wants us to cut out TV, bad things on the internet, or the internet itself. God wants to teach us a lesson that when we get to Heaven, it is better to have all the bad things that caused us to sin when we were on the earth, than to have all the bad things brought to us in Heaven. So, cut out the bad things in your life. Give yourself to God!
I think God is trying to tell me is something or someone causes me to sin, I should remove them from our lives. I think he’s also trying to tell me that too much of anything that causes us to sin is bad and we should avoid it. As humans we have a fallen nature we must strive to resist the temptations of the devil.
what God is saying to me is that he wants us to cut off the part of us that is giving us the temptation if not we would be thrown in hell and he said keep salt in yourselfs and have peace with one another this means he wants us to be peacfull no matter our feelings
I think in the Gospel today God is telling us that we must always try to cut sin off at the source. If we do not cut off the source of our sins, we will keep sinning.
The lesson I got out of today’s gospel was that if something is causing you to sin, cut it out of your life. The gospel said if your hand is causing you to sin, cut if off. If your foot it causing you to sin cut it off. If your eye is causing you to sin, pluck it out. He said it is better to go to the kingdom of God clean than be thrown in Gehenna. If someone in your life is causing you to sin, God is telling you to cut them out of your life. If something is causing you to sin or do bad things to get rid of it. Because it is better to lose something you love than to be thrown in Gehenna.
When it says that if your feet or hands make you sin cut them off its better for you to enter life like that then to keep sinning and it also makes you think about what makes you sin.
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that if they wish not to sin, they need to get rid of everything that may lead them to sin. Even though he takes it extreme, we should always get rid of anything that can cause us to sin. If worldly objects cause us to sin, take them away. Even though it can be hard we need to do it. Once we learn how to be able to let go of what we desire, we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
God is telling us to limit yourself about what you are seeing (sinning) your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna,into the unquenchable fire.
And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off.It is better for you to enter into life crippled
than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna.And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.don’t actually do those things but if they are causing you to sin prevent it, the devil is tempting us in anyway possible like through the gospel, he might tempt you through your hands, your feet. Whatever it might be don’t give into temptation.
“The Good News is God gave us a great power, self-control.” We can choose to sin and fall away from God, we can also make the choice to come back to God. Just because you sin and make bad choices doesn’t mean you are a bad person.
The message I got from today’s gospel is that sin is horrible and that we should do everything we can to avoid it. The gospel says that it would be better to enter into Heaven missing a hand or missing an eye, rather than being thrown into hell with both hand or both eyes. This shows how much emphasis the gospel puts on staying away from sin and blocking it out of your life.
I think what God is trying to tell me today is that when he says that if your legs or arms or eyes are making you sin that you should cut it off rather than go into hell with both legs rather than going into heaven purified. because when it comes time for us to go to heaven we should be completely holy and pure of sin. Instead of being full of sin and hatred.
think that Jesus is trying to say that our actions have consequences I think this because he talks about how if our hand causes us to sign then we should cut it off and go to Heaven instead of going to hell with two hands cause we sinned. Also I think that Jesus is showing that we need to not sin as much
In order to get to heaven, we need to follow Jesus. He wants what is best for us, and he knows what is best. But God gave us free will, and with it the choice to follow Him. it shows you how caring God is and how willing he is to save you and let you live a life of happiness. I think this is also a reason we should surround ourselves with people who love God as much as you do. People who will bring you closer to God not separate you and your Lord.
We should not sin. Everybody sins but that does not make it good. Sin is the root of evil. We should not sin but spread grace. We should value the lives that God gave us by spreading the virtues instead of sinning.
What I understand from this is that do not let sins become habbits sinning once is a mistake sinning again and again and again is making a bad habbit.
What the Gospel told me today was that its better to get rid of something that makes u sin the to go to hell.
in today’s scripture reflection, Jesus talks about how bad sin is. I think that the message in this gospel is pretty clear. Everyone sins, and it is important to try your best to not. While we may not take this gospel literally word from word, it is important to try our best not to sin.
“Everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good, but if salt becomes insipid, with what will you restore its flavor? Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.” I think this means that Jesus knew that we were going to sin. That’s part of our fallen nature, but if we come to be attached to sin, that could lead to very bad things.
Jesus is trying to tell me to not lead other people in the direction away from God. We are supposed to help each other get to God not bring us away from him. In the Bible it says “WHOEVER CAUSES ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES WHO BELIEVE IN ME TO SIN, IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR HIM IF A GREAT MILLSTONE WERE PUT AROUND HIS NECK AND HE WERE THROWN INTO THE SEA.” If we help each other we will reach our goal getting to Heaven.
Today, the gospel talks about how we should avoid sinning as often as we can. It is telling us that God would so much rather us go to Heaven than Hell. He talks about if your eye causes you to sin, then pluck it out. THis shows he would rather have us be devoted and faithful with one eye than sin and hurt oursleves more with both of our eyes.
Jesus said, “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Jesus is not meaning this literally. I think that he could be saying that if you are friends with someone who might hurt your relationship with God then you should stay away from them. We should avoid stuff that could hurt our relationship with God.
I think the gospel is about Jesus telling us that if whatever causes us to sign we need to cut it out of our lives so we can be more holy and closer to him.
I think that in today’s Gospel, it is trying to tell me that I should cut out anything that causes me to sin. It is better to go to heaven with that part of your life cut out, than to go to hell with that part of your life.
In the gospel today I think God is trying to say that you need to stop your bad habits before it is too late. He is also saying that we shouldn’t lead others to believe if we don’t believe ourselves. God knows your habits whether they are good or bad and the bad ones can’t get you to heaven.
in todays gospel Jesus gives us advice on haw to stop sinning. he says that if your hand is causing you to sin cut it off. now this is a big deal because we think of sinning as bad but not “cut your hand off bad”. however if it is necessary to get into the kingdom we must do it.
I am understanding from this that we should not allow sin to control our lives. we have to have control over our self to stop sinning. “if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” now obviously this isn’t literally speaking but its saying like, “if you keep doing the same sin over and over, control yourself to quit.”
I think the gospel is saying to let go of what makes us sin. We know we don’t want to sin but we do everyday and we keep thinking we will do better the next day but we keep making the mistake of committing the same sin.
Every time we turn on the TV, Internet, radio or read the newspaper, a magazine, or book we are being lied to and this information is forming what we believe. I have never thought about it this way. Everything we watch, read, or listen to is forming what we believe. We don’t even notice it until we understand what our purpose is.
In today’s Gospel, God says that if your legs, hands, and eyes make you sin, cut it off. It would be better to go to Heaven crippled, blind, and maimed than going to Hell with your full body. God literally didn’t mean this but what He meant was that we should stop doing the sins that we are addicted to. We should enter Heaven with a loving heart inside of a heart with full hatred. God made us to love others and care for them.
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.” In saying these things I believe that Jesus is not telling us to literally cut off our leg or hand, or pluck out our eye. I believe that Jesus is instead telling us to remove the root of the sin in our lives, whether that be a friend, social media, or something else, we need to get rid of whatever is bringing us to sin,so we can be with Jesus in heaven.
God gave us everything we need to be able to go to heaven. Its just the matter of if we use what he gave us for good. We have a ton of distractions in our life that are tempting us to sin including our phone. Every time we get on our phone we are told lies and tempted to do what’s not right. It’s our choice if we are going to be tempted and do wrong or if we are going to use our phones for good and use apps that will lead us toward him and not away. A lot of the things we think our good our turning us away from God more than leading us to him. We need to start paying more attention to what were reading, listening, and watching because a lot of it is leading us away from God.
I think God is telling us that believing in him or not sinning is the best thing we could ever do. We should never tell people to sin or spread false things about God.
Jesus wants us to be able to enter heaven. The only reason why we aren’t able to get into heaven is because of our sins. There are people in this world that are trying to get us to sin. If we are able to understand who and what they are trying to do to us, we can stop it. If we sin, we can go to confession and try to learn from our mistakes. We can’t let our sins become our habits, but our virtues instead.
“And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.” Stuck out to me because if you keep looking at the same stuff and know it is bad for you then you need to stop doing it or you will keep being a sinner
For us to get to heaven we need to follow God. We need to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. God gave us freewill so that means we can choose any path and do anything we want. We should always choose the better path because it will make us closer to God and get us to heaven.
“And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off.” this part of the gospel stuck out to me because it is saying that if something is causing you to sin get rid of it. We all don’t want to sin and we are all not perfect so we will sin, but if something is causing you to sin try and get rid of it so you can get closer to God.
Jesus is saying, in today’s gospel, that it is better to suffer greatly on earth than to suffer the worst things imaginable, eternally in hell. We have to “cut” whatever causes us to sin early, because we never know when it will catch up to us.
This Gospel passage today is focusing on sin and the harms it may cause to be the punishment if not going straight to heaven. doesn’t mean we will got straight to hell but rather spend some I’m in purgatory. In the end God is really trying to help us to be a batter person and he truly does care and get hurt if we sin.
In today’s Gospel it says “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Jesus doesn’t really want you to cut your hand off He is just showing the importance of not sinning. Jesus wants us to be with Him in Heaven but if we keep sinning without repentance and asking for forgiveness we will not be with Him in Heaven. Jesus Christ is the only who can save us.
Jesus said “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” This stuck out to me in today’s gospel. I think what Jesus is trying to say is that we shouldn’t sin. Sin is very bad. If we want to live a good life we shouldn’t sin so much. We need to stop sinning.
the gospel today, it seems like the whole thing is about kindness.
if you give something up in my name, yours is the kingdom of heaven.
giving something to someone who has less is a sign that you trust in God not your own earthly abilities.
“Every time we turn on the TV, Internet, radio or read the newspaper, a magazine, or book we are being lied to and this information is forming what we believe. Only Jesus is the Truth. There are good things on these media outlets, but the hard part is the bad is right there with it.”
Don’t always trust what you see on electronics Because they could be harmful for your belief in God. It could also sway how you think and other things.
the scripture was saying to not rely on things here on Earth but to rely on God. God has all the power, all the strength, and He can do anything He wants with it. We can’t rely on ourselves or the world, but we need to rely and put our trust in God and follow His footsteps to be able to receive His mercy and to be able to get into heaven because without having faith in Him, we can’t get that.
“It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna,” This part of the Gospel stuck out to me today. We are called to be separate from physical things. We will not have our physical body forever. Our bodies will rot away, but the impact on the world we made will last forever. What will last is the things that we do for good. We have no need for our physical things In Heaven. We will have everything we ever need. So, do not be so attached, for it is only a thing, if it is causing you to sin or to fall away from God, leave it behind. And this goes for much more than just our arms or legs or eyes.
Jesus said today in the Gospel that “If Your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” I think he is saying that if we want to get rid of our sins, we cannot try to get rid of that sin unless we remove the thing that causes the sin. We have to attack the sin, and remove it from our lives, or else we will not get to the eternal celebration of heaven.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell us is that. We should use the gifts God gave us too lead us to him. Everyday we get on our phones or our television so we can talk to people or play games or watch videos. But what we don’t do is use it to follow God. Even though that is our purpose of living, some people don’t want to worship him by saying “they don’t have time” for something that takes a minute or two. We can’t spend a minute praying and thanking God but we can get on devices all day long? How can we do something that doesn’t do us any good while we could be worshiping our God! Yet, some people choose too not worship them even if they know they should. We should get off of out devices or at least use them for good. Like pulling up a video of the rosary, or researching stuff about what Jesus had to go through. I’m not saying that we should not do what we usually do on our phones completely. I’m just saying that we should lower our time on social media and video games so we can worship our God.
Today Mr. Goertz mentioned in class that Jesus always goes to extremes when talking about sin, which is something I’ve also wondered about and don’t nessecarily understand because he is pure love, as Mr. Geortz said. But I think he does that to highlight the fact of how bad sin really is and how harmful it truly is. In Jesus’ time, sin was a big deal and I think in a way, it was taken more seriously. Given, the ways they used to punish their sin were definitely cruel and sometimes inhumane and shouldn’t have been done but nowadays sinning is something we tend to overlook a lot. It’s become something that we are able to choose without consequence and maybe that’s something Jesus foresaw and so he used the more extreme examples to maybe help knock some sense into us or something like that.
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Today this quote stuck out to me. We’ve heard this before, but we might not get what it means to actually “cut it off.” Jesus wants us to leave all of the sin in our lives. He wants us to cut it out of our lives. He is waiting at the door knocking for us to let him in. Jesus wants and needs us to cut out the sin if we want to enter the Kingdom of heaven. We must also help other people cut it out of their lives too. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” Jesus even says that we must not cause others to fall into temptation. We must cut the sin out of our life and help others cut it out for theirs too.
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna,” Jesus is saying it is better to lose something here in this temporary life than to be sent to hell eternally. I think this verse could have a lot of impact on people because it gives a new perspective because cutting off one sin in this life will do you much better than being forever sent to hell.
We have to resist things to follow God. God says that we need to use the things that he has given us for good things and not bad ones. We have to follow God the right way.
I think Jesus is saying do whatever you can to avoid sin. He keeps saying to cut off whatever from your body that is causing you to sin, which sounds kind of extreme, but I think what he means is go to those extreme measures if you have to in order to not sin. It is really hard to avoid sin and to do what is right instead of what is easy, but Jesus doesn’t say it is easy, or that it will not be hard. He just tells us the hard things we need to do in order to not give in.
something I got out of this was that we need to cut out whatever it is that is making us sin and break that habit and try to be closer to God through Scripture and prayer. Somethings can lead you to Him or make you fall down the wrong path and make you sin. Choose Jesus over sin.
God is saying that you need to stop your habits before they lead to addictions. God does not really mean that you should cut off your hand or other body parts, he is saying that you should stop your bad habits.
The Holy Spirit is telling me that it is better to go to heaven without something than to keep it and it causes you to go to hell.
in today’s Scripture Jesus is telling me that I must get rid of all the things that cause sin. Maybe, not you’re hand but whatever tempts you to do that sin. Jesus will always be loving you but, if you keep sinning with no regret he will send you to hell.
In the gospel Jesus tells us to do anything to not sin.Sin is a thing we keep going back to.We know we should not do it but we do.We should try to do anything not to sin.
“everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good,but if salt becomes insipid, with what will you restore its flavor? Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.” I think the Gospel is trying to say like if you stay close to God and keep following in the Faith, you will have peace with one another.
“Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.” This stood out to me. If you keep yourself from sinning, spread the Gospel to others, and always go to mass, you will have peace with Jesus and the others around you. Keeping peace with yourself will eventually spread to you keeping peace with others.
I think God is trying to tell me that to not to give into temptation. Sin can hurt our relationship with God, the people who care about you, and the people around us. Sin is Satan and God wants us to be with him, not the devil.
Anyone who shares his word and truly believes Jesus says Amen to you. If you cause someone who believes to sin and feel hurt. That is sin and needs to be forgiven. It is better to go into Heaven with one eye than have the other one which caused you to sin. Just like it is best to leave the people who cause you to sin out of your life so you can grow stronger with God. Don’t let that one sin cause you to follow Satan.
In todays Gospel Jesus is trying to
tell us that he would rather us be crippled than to sin against the father
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that we need to be mindful of our sins. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to remove the things that make us sin, and it would be better to enter Heaven without those things than to enter hell with those things. We are enslaved to many material things and we sometimes put them at the center of our lives, like electronics, social media, sports, etc. But, those things later turn against us and make us sin. What God is trying to tell us here today is to let go of those addictions and follow him, for he has a plan for us. We need to put God in the center of our lives and make him the model of a Christian disciple. When we sin, it hurts our relationship with him. So, we need to be careful when we enter a predicament and choose the better option that follows the teachings of Christ. And, if there is anything that keeps causing you to sin and sin, over and over again, then simply remove it. That is what God is telling us in this Gospel.
What I think God is saying In the gospel is that if something is causing you to sin you should try to take it out of your life . I think this because Jesus said “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” we need to do our best to reach Heaven because heaven should be our goal we have to do all we can to reach out goal.
In today’s Gospel it is talking about how we have my things that are great! But they don’t help us get closer to God or to praise God in any way, shape or form. Yes I know we love our phones and stuff that aren’t God, but we should learn how to use them respectfully, we should use them for more loving ways. “If your hand sins, then cut it off.” Wow that line really stuck out to me because it sounds so much like when we sin and we don’t go to confess our sin to a priest. But we should because if we don’t then we will be left feeling guilty and shame for ourselves which we don’t deserve. Its like this when you do something bad you will most likely get grounded. And the part saying then cut if off. It is basically saying the consequences of sin and not being christlike. God is the reason you are here right now. If God didn’t save you from sin there would be no purpose in God no purpose in God and No purpose in living on this earth that we are not even made for this world, but we are meant for heaven! Jesus died and Saved you from sin! Jesus died for you! Have a good rest of your day! God loves you so much! God Bless!!
I think that God is telling me not to let sin and mistakes mess up good habits and to always remember god is there for me.
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off” this stuck out to me because sin can be so so hard. It often takes a while to stop sinning. It isn’t always the easiest but Jesus says to cut off whatever is making you sin or the sin completely for whatever it is. Jesus loves us so much that he died on the cross for our sins. We should always try our hardest to stay away from sin and always thank Jesus for saving us from our sin and for helping us all.
In today’s scripture God is telling me we need to rely on God not the earth. God has so much power and so much strength, he can do anything. He will always protect us and he will be the better option then the devil. The devil doesn’t care about us, but God does. We must sacrifice everything for him and if we do we will have eternal happiness.
In Today’s scripture reflection God is trying to tell us that we need to be careful what we put in our eyes and ears and we must protect ourselves and keep our eyes on heaven.
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna.” I think Jesus is trying to tell us that if only one part of your body is causing you to sin, stop thinking about it and think about if you cut it off. You need your hands to do a lot of stuff, but to sin, you have no need for it. For your foot, the same thing, you need it to walk and run, but you have no need for it if it causes you to sin. I mean you don’t have to cut it off, you just have to pray to God for help.
“It is God’s grace that will help us reach our goal, heaven.” We have to try our hardest to resist sin and temptation from the devil. We have to trust in God with everything. And know he loves us very much.