Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
The one who comes from above is above all.
The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things.
But the one who comes from heaven is above all.
He testifies to what he has seen and heard,
but no one accepts his testimony.
Whoever does accept his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy.
For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God.
He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.
The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him.
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life,
but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life,
but the wrath of God remains upon him. JN 3:31-36
Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus in the middle of the night telling him who He is. Nicodemus is a high ranking Jew and one who actually believes Jesus could be the Messiah the Jews have been waiting for. Jesus continues to teach us that He is God and the Father has given Him everything. He also says very strong words about the afterlife. We have to believe in the Son to enter eternal life. Afterlife is a radical belief. It is not something easy to believe in since all we know is our earthly life, our physical world. Jesus asks us to trust in Him and be not afraid. He is here to teach us about our heavenly home.
It might be important to read a book on near death experiences (NDE) or near death experiences of the blind. These are cases when people are dead/unconscious for a few minutes, see a light, dead relatives, or themselves and the doctors/nurses working on them. It is proof consciousness exists outside the body or after life. Most importantly, Jesus proves this to us with the resurrection of His body. The gospels are not a myth or an entertaining fantasy novel. Jesus rose from the dead. This changes everything and should change the way we live each day for this life in preparation for the next. It means this world is not all there is. It changes the way we live our life to prepare for the eternal world with God in all of his glory, no pain, suffering, sin, death, and brokenness.
“The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to Him. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.” Jn 3:31-36
We have a Father in heaven who radically loves us and His one greatest desire is for His children to be back with Him. Choose wisely, belief begins in your heart and Christ reveals that we must believe in Him to enter eternal salvation. Christianity is the only religion that matures. It has a past, present, and future. Learn more about Jesus, pray, and share this Good News with others. He is alive, be present to Him, and spend time with Him!
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
This shows us that we need to belive to have eternal life.
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
Jesus teaches us that he is the son of God, the one who can give eternal life. At this point, he has given us every reason to believe that. Some try to give us every reason to believe otherwise, but that shouldn’t stop us.
If we believe and trust in God then we shall be rewarded with eternal life. He brings us eternal life if we truly believe in Him we will be tested by Him giving us problems but also solutions. We will be tested by other people who don’t believe so we should just let them know that we believe what we believe and why we believe it.
The scripture said, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life.” If you believe in Jesus you will go to heaven but if you only want the benefits you will not. God should be the way not the thing that we get something from. We should strive to follow God and strive to be holy.
Today the scripture is telling me that God came for a more important purpose than just saving one nation from the oppression of the Romans, but to save the entire world from the oppression of Satan and Sin. This is much more important than the independence of a small country.
Jesus tells us to believe in Him so we may live with Him forever in Heaven with eternal life. Jesus gave himself for us so we can live with Him in Heaven, so let’s accept what God has given us and to use it to get back to Him.
This scripture is saying that we always need to trust God and know that he is listening to our prayers.”The one who comes is above all” this means that God is above us, he died on the cross for us and may people do not realize how big of a deal that is. The only reason we are living is because of him
What I took out of this gospel is that God’s love for us is unconditional. God will love us no matter what we do, but that isn’t saying that we should do bad things because God will forgive us no matter what we do. This shows that God is always there for us and will also be there when we need him.
I think that this is saying that we have to believe in Jesus and his teachings to be able to grow closer to Him, or get experiences with Him. If we don’t believe, we wouldn’t see it if God were to give us something.
In todays gospel God is telling me that He is above all. Nothing is over Him because He was sent by God Himself.
In today’s gospel, Jesus is revealed to be the Son of God. This is really difficult to explain to a non-Christian person. Jesus is fully Human and fully Divine. He was sent by God from heaven to be our Savior. Whoever believes in Him will live forever. I need to be more confident in my faith.
Jesus is trying to reveal Himself to us everyday but we don’t always open up to listen and realize. The only thing that He wants is to be happy with us in Heaven.
Jesus is the only way of life. We can do other things but it won’t make us happy and we won’t be satisfied nor fulfilled. God has a plan for all of us and we have to remember this when times get hard because it could keep us going knowing that God loves us and He has a plan that is gonna workout. We just have to believe and have a relationship with God.
i need to start believing and God will do the rest
Jesus is more imprtant than anything, no matter if we don’t think so. He bled for us. That is enough to let us know that Jesus loves us more than anything.
Jesus talks about how He is above all. How He is greater then the people on Earth. Jesus is our King, our God and our savior.
The bible tells us that whoever believes in the son has eternal life.
Just as the first line says, “The one who comes from above is above all.” God speaks the word, but people choose to not learn. However, those who listen to learn prove that what God says is true. We should be the ones to listen and learn, and we should spread the word to others as well.
In the Gospel Jesus talks about how if we accept God we will be with him. We need to know that Jesus was sent from God the Father down to earth to help us reach him. We need to have faith in him and believe in him.
In today’s scripture I feel like it is saying God will never try and hide from us even if we feel like He is gone and we are lost He is still there with us. It says “Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus in the middle of the night telling him who He is.” This means to me that Jesus will talk to us whenever we start to listen.
It’s saying that God sent down Jesus to save us from sin. If we continue to sin and don’t go to confession to get rid of our sins then when we die we wont see Jesus in heaven.
The scripture is talking about that we must trust Jesus and we can always trust Him. If we disobey we will not be doing the right thing, but when we trust Him and obey Him we are doing what is right. So we must always Trust and Obey Him and we will be rewarded if we do.
For me this scripture means that Jesus is above all. We are only doing earthy things, but Jesus is the Messiah. He is the greatest, the best, he’s above everyone. Including the Pope, Bishops, the President. He is above all those people so we should obey him. Jesus DIED for our sins, but yet we still disobey him.
God is the greatest. We should not believe we are better than him. We should follow the first commandment: I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have false gods before Me.
This scripture is telling us to realize Jesus’ true self. We often forget that He saved us, that he did what he had to do for us. Not for himself. We have true trust in the fact that he is the savior of our souls.
most of the Jewish officials don’t believe that Jesus is the messiah but Nicodemus has seen some of the things he has done and thinks there is a chance that it is true. he talks to Jesus in the night and Jesus explains to him why he was sent and shows him the plan of salvation.
“He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever accepts his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy.” Nicodemus believes that Jesus could be the Messiah. That He is the one who was sent by God. You need to have faith to believe. That was our religion is based around, faith.
In today’s reading I really focused on the first line. “The one who comes from above is above all.” I think it stuck out to me because we know that God is out main focus, but I feel like we all sometime forget that Jesus was just like us but also wasn’t like us he was human and divine. Proving that he did all the miracles through and with God but came down to our level to show us the truth.
This scripture is saying that the ones who don’t believe like falls apart etc and the one that does believe is like saved and etc and this scripture is also saying that when Nicodemus kinda thought that Jesus could be the messiah he could of not chosen to think that but he did and he was curious that he could have been the Son of Man.
most of the Jewish officials don’t believe that Jesus is the messiah but Nicodemus has seen some of the things he has done and thinks there is a chance that it is true. he talks to Jesus in the night and Jesus explains to him why he was sent and shows him part of the plan for salvation.
People sometimes think they are the best, but how can you be the best when you are of earthly things. Jesus was of heavenly things and he shows that to us in our daily life. Jesus even though He is on earth His actions don’t show earthy things, ours does. We need to face it we will never be born of heavenly things on earth. But we can put heavenly actions into our lives.
You have to believe in the lord to have eternal life.
God is always there for us. We need to start bealiving in God and he will help us through life.
In this Gospel Jesus speaks to Nicodemus in the middle of the night. Jesus tells him that He is God. Jesus tells him that he is above all. God has given everything to Jesus. We must believe in Him because if we believe in Jesus we certify God as trustworthy. Jesus is the way and if we don’t follow Him we go to a place of darkness.
Jesus talks about how He is our savior and truly the son of God, so we must believe in order for us to have eternal life in heaven with Him.
Today the scripture is telling me that God came for a more important purpose than just saving one nation from the oppression of the Romans, but to save the entire world from the oppression of Satan and Sin.
Jesus tells us that He is from heaven. He is the Son of God. He is above us. His kingdom is not on Earth but in Heaven.
We should know that God is above all of us. We can never go above Him. If we don’t believe then we won’t get what He says He will give us.
“But the one who comes from heaven is above all.” God is above everything in existence. Think about a time you saw the emptiness of space, he created that. All the stars, planets, galaxies, everything. He is the lord of all, we need to give him the respect he deserves.
We have to believe in God to have eternal life. Eternal life just does not come knocking on your door. You have to knock on its door. It will only answer if you are worthy of it. You can be worthy by going to mass praying and doing all things God wants you to do.
I think today’s scripture passage is trying to tell us that Jesus is more important than anything or anyone in the world. We should not worship other materials/people as if they were God or as if they are more important than God. If we truly believe in God, we will be able to have eternal life in Heaven with Him.
The one who comes from above is above all. i saw this and i thought about it. He is better in every way but he still makes time for us. A man who loves so much that he could care for the ones that hate him. we need to respect God more
God gives us signs, so we must believe in them. He loved us so much that He has revealed himself to us and loves us conditionally. We are His creations. We are His children. He loves us and wants what is best for us, but we must believe in Him in order to share our love with Him. Without God’s love, there is nothing.
what the scripture is telling me is that we need to beleive God in everything we do. If we dont beleive in him we dont go to Heaven but if we do beleive we do go to Heaven.
This scripture says that we have to believe in Jesus so that we can get to eternal life in heaven.
What I learned from this Gospel is that God’s love is never ending and that God did not just come to this Earth to die on a cross,but to save all of existence.
I think that this gospel is saying that we need to spread the scripture because if people do not believe in God will turn to believe in Him. We should try to get as many people as we can get closer to Heaven.
In this piece of Scripture, Jesus is telling us that He is the Son of God, that He is one with God so therefore He is above all. “The one who comes from above is above all. The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things. But the one who comes from heaven is above all.” Jesus is saying that while He is from above, we are from earth so we only speak of things on earth. Later in this passage, He says that whoever believes in Him will have Eternal Life.
What stood out to me was that we will have eternal life if we believe in Him. We gotta believe in Him because then life will be happier. Life shouldn’t just be thrown away; we have to live our lives to the fullest. We shouldn’t give up on God; we should love Him everyday.
God is so great that he created man to come to our earth and preach. The lord is so powerful. We have to trust him. If you betray God then you will be cast away forever. You should always put God first and love him with your whole heart.
Without Jesus we would be nothing in this world. His love is the most powerful thing in the world. Jesus will always be there for you no matter what.
Without Jesus we would be nothing in this world. His love is the most powerful thing in the world. Jesus will always be there for you no matter what. We all need to believe in him.
“WHOEVER BELIEVES IN THE SON HAS ETERNAL LIFE” JN 3:31-36. God tells us that if we believe in Him then we will have eternal life. Everyone wants eternal life because it is he best thing but not many people believe in Him so they don’t get eternal life and that makes them mad. But all that they have to do is have eternal life and they will live forever.
“The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him.” God is so loving that he gave everything to us. Has given everything over to him. We need to trust in God and in his plan he has in store for every single on of us and let God take control.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is trying to reveal Himself to US. WE the people don’t open up and listen to what He has to say. WE the people and I need to work more on opening myself up and letting HIM reveal himself to US.
Jesus is the way of life we need to do our best to follow His lead and we will reach eternal life in Heaven with Him. We try to follow other things that aren’t God and that will not get us to Heaven.
What this scripture reflection says to me is that we all need to try to accept God more in our every day lives. So that then we can all get to heaven and live our lives to our fullest.
I think that this scripture is saying that God is above all and is the most powerful thing known to man.
Jesus wants us all to live a happy and holy life and as it says in the Gospel “Whoever believes in the son has eternal life” Jesus wants us all to be with him and he will always be there with us. He loves us so much and wants us to be the best of ourselves.
In today’s Gospel it says “He does not ration his gift of the Spirit”. Jesus will never not give you the Holy Spirit if you ask for it. He even gives you the Spirit when you don’t ask for it. The reason Jesus sent the Holy Spirit down to us is to give us His presence and when we need it He will always give it to us so don’t be afraid to ask for it.
This scripture is telling me Jesus is above us all. Jesus came from the Father who is above all. We are earthly people. Jesus knows all and knows what happens.
In today’s gospel the line “The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things.” stuck out to me, it means you do not, and cannot, know what God knows, we can only know Earthly things, unless God decides to reveal it to us. We are finite and God is infinite. He is The known unknown to us humans, who are so used to being able to discover anything.
“Whoever does accept his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy.” This phrase stands out to me because it tells us how to trust God. Trust is one of the most important virtues to have. If you accept Jesus testimony, meaning that we believe that Jesus is the son of God. We certify that God is trustworthy. If you trust God you can experience peace even if you are in a very difficult situation.
I think that this Gospel is telling me to always believe. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life.” It’s saying that everyone who says they believe in God, and actually believe it, you will go to Heaven.
We are all earthly creatures. We speak about earthly things. Jesus was on earth. He told us He came from Heaven and that He was God. We continue to speak and obsess over earthly things instead of listening to Jesus and His teachings. The Messiah came to save us. We have to listen to Him to have eternal life. That means to listen and BELIEVE. Disobey Him and you will not see eternal life. Jesus has come, so listen. Don’t worry about earthly things. Focus on the Heavenly things Jesus gave to us. Eternal life.
“Whoever believes in the Son will have eternal life.” This gospel to me really all ends at this one line. How can we share our faith and love of Jesus if we don’t have faith. This is what speaks to me in this gospel as to how I can live my life better.
Today, Jesus is telling us about God and how he works. About how you can only go to the father through him, and whoever believes that Jesus is God has eternal life.
The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things. The one who comes from heaven is above all. In this scripture, “The one who comes from heaven is above all.” is God. God made us in his image and likeness, with His love. God sent his only Son to earth to die for us and for our sins.
The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things, this is just saying how we need to give up all our sins to Him. Also how I can speak of earthly things but never fully have the capabillity to really understand Him. Most of the time we don’t deserve Him but he forgives us anyway after all the hurt and damage we have caused Him.
Jesus came from heaven and he loves us all and cares enough to have become man to die on the cross for us. Jesus Christ is literally the best thing that has ever like hes the coolest.
Jesus is trying to relate to today world because a lot of people have given up on their faith due to the pandemic and other things and we need to preach the word to get people back to believing and going to church.
He is telling us to believe in Him so that He can save us and we can have the fire lit in our souls. He longs to meet us all one day and He loves us deeply and in return we should love Him and believe in Him everyday.
¨Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life.¨ This quote really sticks out to me. Its telling us that we need to just follow Jesus and do what he says instead of what the devil says and we can have eternal life with Him in heaven.
To me this means God i saying to us that whoever believes in him and the the eternal son Jesus then we will get to spend eternity with him in heaven. Now he does not say this part but I feel like he meant it. If we are not loyal to him then we will pend eternity with the devil in Hell so we need to stay with God.
In todays Scripture, Jesus is telling us that we need to believe to have eternal life. We need to believe in God and listen to him because so we can have eternal life with him in heaven
We need to believe in what He tells us or signs He gives us.
The more we believe in Jesus the better chance we have of being sent to heaven. We can’t only believe in him. but we need to follow his rules, and go to Mass. We need to show him that we believe, and believe in his works.
What I think about this is that who ever believes in him for forever will live with him forever. There are some people that don’t believe in him. There are people that worship him and love him but sometimes don’t care. Then there’s the people that put their whole lives around Jesus. We should want to love Jesus more than anything and want to go to heaven. Some people try to go to heave and some people don’t you can choose if you want to or not.
A phrase that sticks out to me is “The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him”. I like this phrase because it reminds me of the bond that can happen between to people. It doesn’t even have to be Father and son just so long as you are committed enough to the relationship that you are willing to give anything to them if they are in need.
The gospel is telling me that the Lord is trying to save all of us in this one nation. But if we want Him to save all of us then we all have to work for it.
What stuck out to me while I was reading this Scripture was, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.” Do we think it’s okay to disobey God? God is our Father, and the fifth commandment says to obey our Father and mother. We obey God on the path to Heaven. He is there and wants us to be with Him. Let us come to Him through the Word of His Son, Jesus Christ.
If your pray to Jesus and you have eternal life with him.
In this reading Jesus tells us the importance of faith. In the last three lines he says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.” This is highlighting to us why we need to believe in God and what He says. There may be things that the Catholic Church teaches that you have a hard time following and that is okay. We just need to know that it is the Truth and we need to believe it because all of the rules are put there for a reason and you just have to figure out what reason it is.
Jesus says that we will have eternal life if we believe in Him. To live, one must give uo his life the the Father. We worry too much about earthly things, when really the only thing to worry about is sin, because sin is the source of all evil.
I look up to the mountains Does my strength come from the mountains? No, my strength comes from God Who made heaven and earth, and the mountains When confusion’s my companion And despair holds me for ransom I will feel no fear I know that You are near When I’m caught deep in the valley With chaos for my company I’ll find my comfort here ‘Cause I know that You are near My help comes from You You’re right here, pulling me through You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness All on Your shoulders Your shoulders My help comes from You You are my rest, my rescue I don’t have to see to believe that You’re lifting me up on Your shoulders Your shoulders You mend what once was shattered And You turn my tears to laughter Your forgiveness is my fortress Oh, Your mercy is relentless My help comes from You You’re right here, pulling me through You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness All on Your shoulders Your shoulders My help comes from You You are my rest, my rescue I don’t have to see to believe that You’re lifting me up on Your shoulders Your shoulders My help is from You have to see it to believe it My help is from You Don’t have to see it, ’cause I know, ’cause I know it’s true My help is from You Don’t have to see it to believe it My help is from You Don’t have to see it, ’cause I know, ’cause I know it’s true My help comes from You You’re right here, pulling me through You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness All on Your shoulders Your shoulders My help comes from You are my rest, my rescue I don’t have to see to believe that You’re lifting me up on Your shoulders Your shoulders My help is from You have to see it to believe it My help is from You Don’t have to see it, ’cause I know, ’cause I know it’s true My help is from You Don’t have to see it to believe it My help is from You Don’t have to see it, ’cause I know, ’cause I know it’s true My help is from You Don’t have to see it to believe it My help is from You Don’t have to see it, ’cause I know, ’cause I know it’s true My help is from You Don’t have to see it to believe it My help is from You Don’t have to see it, ’cause I know, ’cause I know it’s true
Today is about God. It is telling us how he functions and deals with everything.
Today’s Scripture passage is saying that our Heavenly Father, who love and cares for us very much wants us to believe in Him so that we can have eternal life with Him. Deep down in your heart you will find the love and grace in Jesus Christ and want to be with Him forever and ever. When we finally do belief, we will do anything for Him so that we can earn trust between each other. We have to start by praying to Him and wanting to get to know Him through Scriptures. Our Father loves us very much and will do anything in His powers for us, so we should want to do the same for Him.
I think the Scripture is saying we have to believe in Jesus. We can’t just pray because we’re told to. We have to pray with meaning. God knows when we are truly praying.
The who comes from Heaven is above all. The one who God sent speaks the words of God. Jesus is saying that since God sent Him, He will do only as God wantes Him to do.
Jesus is telling Nicodemus that He is telling the scriptures of God, yet no one believes him. And I think that says a lot about society. It’s been eons since this was said, and nothing has changed.
Belief begins with our heart. We choose to believe in Jesus. God gives us the choice to. It is our free will. He could’ve forcefully made us believe, but he didn’t. We all have a choice, and in our lives we are called to believe in Him.
jeaud is all was with us dring the hars t and sad tims and wen you ar felinfdon m and jesu sakfis him self for us and savd us
I think this Gospel is just flat out saying if we do good we go to Heaven but if we do bad we go to Hell. I think this is an important message to everyone so we all know the consequences of doing bad things. I think we just need to keep following God’s will and we will get to Heaven.
Today’s scripture had many meanings and points to it. I think today’s scripture passage was trying to tell all of us that Jesus is the most important. He is more important than anyone or anything in this whole world, whether you think He is or not. We should never worship or bow down to other people/ material goods as if they were “god”. If we truly believe in our true Savior, we will have enteral life with Him in our true home, Heaven!
Jesus was one of the first people to be from Heaven and in this scripture it specifically says that someone that comes from Heaven is above all and the ones on earth are earthly and should bow down to the ones in Heaven. Jesus came down from Heaven to save us and what we did do Jesus was not what we should have done. We killed our savior and thought nothing about it and now we are facing our actions.
Today i think the gospel is talking about the way to get to heaven. Jesus says whoever believes in the son will spend eternal life in heaven. God is trying to tell this to us all the time but we just have to realize hes there. That hes with us. Once we do that then we can spend eternal life with Jesus.
in this scripture it talks about how God sent his son to earth and was to preach the word of God and to save us from sin. A lot of people did not believe what he said. Jesus also kind of talks about how the trinity works together.
The Scripture is telling us that if we love God and love our neighbors then we shall live eternally with Him in Heaven.
Jesus in today’s Gospel is telling us he is the Son of God. Who gave us eternal life.
Jesus is the eternal life and will give us life forever and we can see him once again if we obey every thing he says
A phrase that stuck out to me is who is above is above all things. I like it because it is talking about God. I also like it because it talks about how earthly things and only earthly things. This phrase has so many meanings that you can make hundred reason you like it. But the finally reason is that if you are on Earth you are under God grace and glory.
This reading tells us that we need to believe in God to have eternal life. People may say that we won’t even be alive to witness eternal life. But as a Catholic we know that our souls will inherit this reward and our lives will be amazingly perfect with this reward.
This tells me God wants us to be happy and live with him forever we already have everything we need when we are with him.
I believe that this Scripture is saying that even hundreds of years later, will people still think the same way about you as when you were alive? How have we heard this thousands of years ago, and yet there are still millions of people who don’t believe?