Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Philip found Nathanael and told him,
“We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law,
and also the prophets, Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”
But Nathanael said to him,
“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him,
“Here is a true child of Israel.
There is no duplicity in him.”
Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?”
Jesus answered and said to him,
“Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.”
Nathanael answered him,
“Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
Jesus answered and said to him,
“Do you believe
because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree?
You will see greater things than this.”
And he said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you,
you will see heaven opened and the angels of God
ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” JN 1:45-51
The belief of the early Apostles in the identity of Jesus is strong according to this Gospel on the Feast of St. Bartholomew. ”We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”
Is there any greater gift than a friend asking you to, “come and see” Jesus? Friends could ask you to “come and see” at a retreat, at times when we are going through a difficult time in life, a moment in a quiet Church, or kneeling before the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus may reveal Himself to you in prayer after communion, prayer after confession, kneeling by your bed, reading the Bible, the catechism, or a spiritual book. On the flip side, He may reveal Himself to you in your struggle with sin, in the midst of tragedy, in suffering, or during a pandemic.
Jesus can read our hearts just like He does Bartholomew’s (Nathanael). “Jesus loves you more than you love yourself, He knows you better than you know yourself, and He wants you to know God’s will for your life.” –Fr. Mike Schmitz (mirror material) Come and see this God man, Jesus, the Christ and get to know Him. Why? He will change the way you think and live which brings great joy and fulfillment, purpose and mission. He died to take away your sins, but most importantly to be with you in every moment of your life and be your best friend aiding you in your journey back to the Father.
Interesting fact or maybe gross fact: Legend has it that Bartholomew was skinned alive when He died a martyr.
Today’s challenge: Come and see who Jesus is in the Bible, spiritual reading, Eucharist, Confession, silence of your heart so you can be a missionary in your home, school, workplace, community.
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
when they said can anything good come from nazareth i thought can anything good come from us we sin and make mistakes all the time! then i realised yes something good can come from us but thee only way it can is through jesus because without him we are nothing.
The cross of christ means everything to me and my family. Without it we would be is sin and pain.
“Here is a true child of Israel.There is no duplicity in him.”Nathaniel said to him, “How do you know me?” this is a great example of how God knows everyone on a personal level. He inset just there fore us to pray to and he doesn’t even know us, He knows and He aloes us.
the cross is the place that Jesus died. it is a brutal death that he went through to save us from our sins. that is why i am here today the cross.