Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MT 18:12-14: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Sin is part of the human condition, due to the Fall of Adam and Eve. We have inherited Original Sin and after Baptism have to deal with personal sin. We wake each day with an inclination to sin (concupiscence). So what has Jesus revealed to us about how to deal with sin.
Surrender, trust, invite Him into your temptations, and respond to the One who is crazy in love with you and is chasing after you, even if you are the one lost sheep. Desire to be holy by allowing Christ to take over your life. Develop a personal relationship with Him, so you do not want to hurt Him with your sin. Give your sin, brokenness, pain, and suffering to Jesus, it is what He died for. Allow God’s grace to transform you.
The opposite way of thinking is the one who thinks they never sin or tries to rationalize their sin and does not reconcile themselves with God. The saints recognized their faults, weaknesses, and sin. Every saint I have read about went to Mass every day, adoration for an hour every day, and confession often. Why? They recognized they were sinners.
Catholic Culture.org defines repentance as “Voluntary sorrow because it offends God, for having done something wrong, together with the resolve to amend one’s conduct by taking the necessary means to avoid the occasions of sin. To repent is to be sorry for sin with self-condemnation.” More importantly, repentance means to change the way you think (God’s grace, faith, metanoia-a fundamental change in a person’s heart, mind, and perception) In the act of contrition, we pray to “avoid the near occasion of sin”.
Often times we forget this once we get back into the routine of life. Habits are important to pay attention to. We may need to change a routine we are in, a place we go, people we hang out with, or today an electronic device we use too much. God gave us life as a gift out of love, our identity is in Him.
As we celebrated all saint’s day and all soul’s day, we learned that we are made to see God face to face at the end of our journey through the death and resurrection of Christ in baptism. We have a high calling. We are called to battle and “avoid the near occasion of sin” by developing a personal relationship with Jesus, giving our sin to Him in prayer, the Eucharist and reconciliation. We can also form daily habits that lead us to God not away from Him. He gave us the spiritual power of intellect to know Him in prayer, divine revelation found in the Bible, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Our souls, our being, is a precious gift from God and He wills for us to come back to Him. The most beautiful part of this parable is that God unreasonably leaves 99 to go get 1. This is shocking! This is not logical. It is poor economics (Bishop Barron). God can do what He wants with His grace and it cannot be earned.
Some think this is not fair. God is love and unconditional love keeps on loving even if it is not fair or earned. I’ve got a lot of work to do to imitate Christ. We must make our will His Will to return His love. Pope Francis says, “God never tires of giving mercy, we tire of asking for it.” Repent, you have an entire heaven full of angels and saints waiting to rejoice!
Today’s challenge: Repent. Baby steps start one day at a time and come to God’s grace in the Eucharist and confession daily if needed. The saints often came to these two sacraments daily. God’s grace transforms, He just needs us to cooperate with His grace so that we may glorify Him! The Giver of all Good Things!
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
The Lord asks us today”If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray,
will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills
and go in search of the stray?” when this was said I thought of how much the lord loves that he would leave the others just to find this was very nice to hear after everything that’s going on.
“And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it
than over the ninety-nine that did not stray.
In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father
that one of these little ones be lost.”
In this Gospel I believe Jesus is trying to tell us that the kingdom of Heaven and God will always welcome us back from sin but you cannot over use him and sin like it’s nothing.
SInce we are sinners, we need God’s help. We can;t get to heaven on our own, even though many have tried. We need God’s help to lead us to heaven. It gets a little repetitive after a while, but we need to understand that we can’t do this alone. It’s a team effort. So follow God, listen to His word, and allow him to lead you home.
“What is your opinion?” God does not just care about the facts of the world he cares about what you believe, the opinion you have and that if he were to leave the ninety-nine to look for you he would be happier that if you were the ninety-nine he left.
Sin is a part of human nature. We can’t help sinning that is how we were made. After Adam and Eve ate the apple the human nature has forever been changed. Even though we don’t deserve the Lord and the amazing things he has done for us he still loves us and he will always love us. Humans are terrible to God and they aren’t worthy of the amazing things God has in store for us, but he loves us through all our pain and suffering he is always there ready to catch us if we fall.
In the scripture today Jesus talks about how He would leave the 99 to go and find the lost one. We are that one stray sheep. Without God we are lost and God is searching for us every day and we have to try and find Him. God wants to have a relationship with us that is why He tries to find us. Eventually if we try our best to find Jesus He will find us too.
I think that Jesus in today’s Gospel is trying to say that we are the sheep and everyone will be the lost sheep at some point and He will rejoice when he finds us when we come back to Him. So we need to come to Jesus and accept him because he has been waiting.
Today’s gospel is about how as humans we are called to be part of the 99, but most of us are the 1 the one who sins and has bad habits. still if we are the 1 we still have Gods mercy and God is chasing after us wanting us to become part of the 99.
In today’s Gospel Jesus says, “he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray.” When we turn away from God, we are like the lost sheep that goes astray from the 99 and God. If we turn back to God he will be very joyful because we were lost and have been found. Jesus will never stop chasing after us and loving us.
Something that I got out of this was that no matter what we do, Jesus will never stop loving us. We can do whatever we want, and try as hard as we can, but it won’t work because Jesus was already paid the full price, he payed our debt off, the biggest and most important sacrificial lamb. We have to realize, and try our best not to sin, but when we do realize that God still loves us. The Devil makes you think that God will never love you again after you sin, but it is actually the exact opposite, he loves no matter what.
” Sin is a part of human culture, due to the fall of Adam and Eva.” We are all gonna sin no matter how hard we try, we will never be perfect. We are gonna mess up and sin, but we can get it off our chest and go to confession and give God our sin. Jesus died to save us from sin, our own sin not His sin our sin. We have to be willing to give God our sin though.
“Our souls, our being, is a precious gift from God and He wills for us to come back to Him.” Today God is teaching me that God wants us to come back to Him after being put here on earth. He is with us, but He is not with us physically, but mentally. It might not feel like it, but you just have to believe in Him for it will all be worth it in the end. It will feel like hell to get to Heaven , but feel like Heaven to get to hell. Make sure you are trying to stay on the right track and not following someone else off track. It could possibly lead you away from God instead of towards Him, and that could be bad.
God cannot rejoice until the Heavens are filled. We are his sheep, he is the shepherd that takes care of his flock. The house will not be filled until everyone is there with God. Are we the lost sheep, are we the ones that ran away from our shepherd, did we forget our place. If you don’t know your place, look at where his arms are at. We are safe in his arms and nothing could get in the way of him holding us safe in our arms. God is chasing after us, have we stopped and think that we are lost, we could die without him. The shepherd rejoiced when wee has found his lost sheep more than the ninety nine that have stayed with the Lord. This story is just like the prodigal son. We are his beloved son, we are out looking at the world and living in the world. We are not supposed to be anywhere until our shepherd has told us. Run back to the father, climb that mountain to God, and never be afraid to come back to him. It is worth living in his presence, peace, grace, forgiveness, and love than to just hide from him and say that I am not perfect and the others are so I will leave so my shepherd is happy with the sheep he is with. I say no, God would rather have the seats filled than just a seat missing. So come back to him. BE NOT AFRAID!!
Give your sin, brokenness, pain, and suffering to Jesus, it is what He died for. This sentence stuck out to me in today’s scripture and i will reflect on this sentence until the day is over.The reason this line stuck out to me is because it reminded me of what Jesus went through and how he got crucified and died or how he was tortured at the pillar this line makes me think back on everything i know about him because its all true what Jesus did and had gone through.Amen
Today in the Gospel I think that the 99 is the people that are so close to him. We are the 1 lost sheep that needs help finding the Lord. Then once we find the Lord he becomes so over joyed that we are once again with him. God only loves and today’s Gospel really shows this because him going after the one lost sheep doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love the 99 that he left he knows that they will stay with him and that they will still love him. I think it just really signifies that if you want to build a relationship with him he is always waiting. You have to decide when you want to have a relationship with God. When he asks the disciples what is your opinion this kind of confuses me because is he asking if this is foolish but then it seems that he is telling a story and not asking a question. He may be asking if they believe him that at the bottom when he says in the same way you will be lost little ones. Or he may be asking whether or not that going for the one lost sheep is foolish.
In this Gospel it talks about the 99 sheep who stayed and the 1 that wandered off. It talks about Jesus rejoicing the one sheep that came back rather than the 99 that stayed. We are all the one sheep sometimes, we trail on into sin. When we find our way back to God he is happy and rejoicies we are back, even if its just us that ran away while the others stayed. God forgives us when we sin.
we all sin, no one doesn’t. Father Meng said, “there was only one perfect man and we crucified him.” Like mistakes and we need to learn from them, not leave them alone, not pretend we didn’t do anything, but learn from are actions.
Today’s Gospel is basically The story of the Good shepard told from the perspective of us(Mankind).
I like the story of the Good shepard because they teach it in Atrium(Nazareth House) and I like to
learn in the Nazareth House.
God’s love is unconditional he will keep on loving you even if we do not deserve his love. If we repent and pray, we will go to heaven with God in the eternal kingdom.
In today’s scripture reflection it talks about sin. Sin isn’t optional, everybody does it. Sin is like doing something you’re not supposed to be doing and you get punished for it. Everybody came into this world with Original Sin because of the Fall of Adam and Eve. Going to confession is a way to have Father forgive your sins and empty your soul. So go spread the Gospel of the World.
What stood out to me was:”Desire to be holy by allowing Christ to take over your life.” This stood out to me because it’s what everybody should do but only some people actually do it.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says if we go astray, He will always find us and He will rejoice when He find us. He will rejoice more over us than the other 99 he left to search for us.
God was telling me to always be humble with what you have and to never lose hope in God.
In today’s Gospel God talks about how He will leave His 99 sheep just to find the one that ran away. This tells us how much he loves us that even if we lost faith in God he will always be searching and waiting for us to come back to Him.
This scripture is telling us that we are lost. We are the stray sheep. We are running away from the Shepard. God. God is our Shepard. We are running away by not letting him into our temptation. Instead, we should allow him into our lives. We should let him heal us. We should let him find us, the lost sheep. He will abandon his 99 sheep for the stray 1. We should allow God into our lives and realize that he is the true God, the one and only God.
in todays gospel Jesus Is telling me that we need to trust him. Invite him into your life and respond to him. And don’t ignore him, Jesus will love you unconditionally even if you don’t love him back. He will be waiting for you.
I thikn its talking about how incredibly kind God is to us. “God is love and unconditional love keeps on loving even if it is not fair or earned”. is an example of how much God loves us. He is waiting for all of us to realize how important he is in our lives and start a new life of prayer.
God is saying he will always be there for us in our time of need even if we fall so far away from him he has to search for us. He believes in us and will not stop looking until he finds us and brings us back to the heavenly father.
something that stook with me when i read this is that invite Jesus into your temptations becasue Jesus is WAY STRONGER then the devil. Jesus overpowers him. so when your having temptations from the devil invite Jesus he will help you get rid of those temptations if your going to lie Invite Jesus, If your having temptations to steal, invite Jesus. whenever you dont know what is good or what is bad invite Jesus he will help you with everything in your life Jesus is real and love him.
“WHAT IS YOUR OPINION” MT 18:12-14.We are all born with sin we have sin because of the fall of Adam and Eve.If a man has a hundred sheep will he not leave the other ninety nine to go search for the one that is lost.This makes me think that God chases all of us but finds the ones that have left him
what Jesus is telling us is that we need to invite him to our temptations which means to choose a side[devil/or God] and that because of adam and eve we have original sin which is normal but that we should also confess our sins and we will be clean again and that sin is not optional but that we should try and stay away from it as much as possible to stay closer to God
I think Jesus is trying to tell us that we are not like the ninety nine we are like the one who runs away. God will spend all the time in the world trying to get us to turn back to his waiting, loving arms. We need to ask for the help God is just waiting for us to ask for. We can never run away from God’s love, he will love us no matter what. We just need to accept and embrace it, we must also share it to everyone we meet.
In today’s scripture it talks about surrendering to God trust in him allow him to come into your life. Invite him into your temptations, If you invite God into your life you can allow him to create a personal relationship with him,allow him to heal the brokenness,and sin. Let God wash away all of you venial sins,but to invite God’s grace to transform you.
In the Gospel today I think God is trying to tell us that no matter how far you travel or how far away you are God WILL try to find you, he WILL go anywhere and everywhere just to find YOU. YOU are everything that he will ever do. YOU are what he is willing to go to EVERY single place in the whole galaxy to find. It’s you. YOU are what he is willing to find. And once he’s found you, he will NOT stop rejoicing until you join him and even then he will not stop rejoicing.
It was telling me to take baby steps to get to God and heaven.
I think that today’s Gospel is trying to tell us that even if we are the lost sheep God still loves us, He stills wants us back, he wants us to repent. He wants us to realize how sin hurts us and that we must repent to live an eternal life wit him in heaven. One source defines repentance as “Voluntary sorrow because it offends God, for having done something wrong, together with the resolve to amend one’s conduct by taking the necessary means to avoid the occasions of sin. To repent is to be sorry for sin with self-condemnation.” That is what we need to have. We must crave to stay away from sin and repent just as much as God craves that of us. We must love the feel of him being in our lives so that we can live eternally with him in heaven, and rejoin the 99 as not the lost sheep but the found one.
the Gospel today tells that Jesus will find us if we walk away
Today’s Gospel talks about how he will go out of his way to come bring you back to you’re Faith if you fall out o faith. He will leave the 1,000 to bring you back to faith! God loves you more then you ever believe. God is just trying to lead you back to faith.
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray,
will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills
and go in search of the stray?
What this means to me is that God will come for us and leave the 99 just to come find me. He loves you so much he will leave just to find you.
He still found the 1 lost sheep so it could be rejoined with the rest 99 sheep. Jesus will always rejoice when we come back after leaving!
However many times I sin it doest matter God will still be searching for me and, everyone will have to continue to strive for heaven. Be the one God is searching for.
I think today in the Gospel God is telling us that He loves everyone, and even if a lot of people are holy and follow Him, if there is even one person who does not follow Him, He will go and search for the lost. God loves all of us, and will not rest until we are all in heaven.
In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that even if we run away from Him, or do not believe in Him anymore, He will come find us and love us still. Jesus will stop everything just to come and find us. He loves us so much, and we need to realize that! God will always be with us. When we need Him most, He will be there!
Today’s gospel shows that God will try to save us even if he has to leave 99 other sheep to find us and bring us back to him. He will try and bring you to him no matter what and that shows how much he loves us.
I think Jesus is trying to tell me that if I sin he will try to help me by bringing me closer to him.
What I think God was telling me today is that his love is never ending and that he would do anything just so we could see that he is always there, and to notice his never ending love.
What I think God is telling me that we are the lost sheep and if one of us falls away from God no matter what he will leave the rest of us just to find the one who strayed away
I think that God is trying to tell me no matter how many times I go back into sin He will always find me and welcome me back. God’s love can never go away, it’s an endless pool of love that He wants to share with us. We have to strive to feel God’s love, because it is there you just have to look for it.
In today’s Gospel, when it said, “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray.” I think that this really shows God’s undying love for us! If we were lost, he would go out just to find us to bring us back to him. When we sin, that is us choosing to leave God and go on a different path, which would be nothing like Heaven or what God would want us to do. Yes, we have free will, but there is still a boundary between doing the right and wrong things. Jesus wouldn’t want us to do that; he would want us to take up our pain and suffering and follow him. That is why we do the Stations of The Cross. To remember what Jesus had to go through and for us to learn how to do it too! In our own way though.
I think that Jesus is trying to tell me that He will not willingly let people stray from Him and He will go great lengths to get you back. “He rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father
that one of these little ones be lost.” I think that this also means that when you turn towards Him not away from Him He will rejoice more then when the others stayed.
What God is trying to tell me today is that no matter how much you care about him he will always leave the 99 for you. It doesn’t matter if you are a sinner or perfect no matter what he will always come and search for you until you are found and brought into the light of God and come into his kingdom.
In Today’s scripture it’s basically saying that Jesus will always love us no matter what happens to us in the world. If we get lost, He will always find a way to find us and bring us back to our home. If we get scared, He will comfort us like the Gospel said, He shall always find us. And if were sick or not doing to well, He will take care of us.
The message I got from today’s gospel is that we are all humans and we are not perfect. If we go astray like the one sheep in the gospel, God will still look for us and even leave the other “99” if it means He can find us. We need to recognize that we cannot follow God with our own power, because we are all sinners who need to be saved by Him as well.
This gospel tells us to be good and not stray but if we do He will be there to get you back and CELEBRATE.
God will always be there for us even if we don’t deserve it. We need to offer up all our sin for forgiveness to God so we can rejoice. He loves us no matter what we do and will always come to help us when we need it if we ask for it.
SInce we are sinners, we need Gods help. Without GOd we have nothing so this is the way. We need God’s help to lead us to heaven. It gets a little repetitive after a while, but we need to understand that we can’t do this alone. It’s a team effort. That means we must follow God and listen to his word and allow him to lead you home.
In the scripture today it is talking about the parable of the lost sheep and how he would leave the 99 other sheep to look for us. The Just shows us how much he cares for us, and how it shows that if we are lost he will come find us to guide us back to him.
In the scripture today Jesus talks about how He would leave the 99 to go and find the lost one. We are that one sheep. He would leave the others just so you could be found. We need to be found in our faith. Jesus will always love us no matter what happens to us in the world. If we get lost, He will always find a way to find us and bring us back to Him and our faith.
The Gospel says that if he has 100 sheep and one gets lost, he WILL find that one sheep. We are that one sheep. Satan gets in our way, and that temptation gets us lost from God because we are distracted. God loves us so much, he will never leave us, he will always look for us and keep us by his side.
To really be sorrowful for our sins, we have to repent. There are a lot of ways you can repent. You can go to mass every day and spend an hour in the chapel. You can also go to confession. We can learn from the way of the Saints and how they perceived their own sins. They never rationalized their sins, they always recognized them and knew they were at fault.
Today the gospel Is the parable of the lost sheep. It says that God would never leave us behind. That really stuck out to me because sometimes it feels that no one loves you. Jesus and God loves us so much though. Sometimes the devil with overpower our thought but we need to look back at this passage and remember that God would never leave us behind and always and truly love us.
Today’s gospel is all about how Jesus will go after us and find us no matter what. It tells us that no matter the circumstances, Jesus will always be there for us. When we go back to Jesus, he will be very happy and have a big celebration. I think that the gospel also teaches us that we are never alone. No matter how lonely we feel, we will always have God.
In today’s gospel Jesus explained to His disciples that he would leave the 99 sheep to look for the lost. This is just like us, Jesus will do everything in His power to get us back to Him. He loves us with a love only He can love, with a power so great it is impossible to escape.
We are His and he will rejoice greatly when He finds the sheep more so than the 99 that have not gone astray.
I think Jesus is saying that sin is apart of life and we are human so we will sin no matter how hard we try Jesus is the only person that is human and he is perfect.
we are the one sheep because we still need to be saved by our God because we are sinners and we are very bad people without the graces of the lord.
We are not bad people, we are God’s greatest creation. We choose to make bad choices sometimes or we forget how much God loves us.
Jesus is trying to tell us we are all going to sin. “Due to the Fall of Adam and Eve” there is sin in the world. When we sin we should try our best to get back to the Father by going to confession.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus told His disciples that He would leave the 99 sheep to find the 1 sheep that went astray. This Gospel made me realize that we are the lost sheep and Jesus is the Shepard trying to find us. Jesus loves us so much and cares for us so much that He would leave the 99 sheep to go find the 1 missing sheep. God’s love is infinite and never ending. No matter how much you have sinned, God will always leave the 99 sheep to go find the sheep that was lost.
In today’s gospel it is saying God will always find us even when we are lost or if we left on purpose. When we say we are lost it means we are lost in sin. When we say we left on purpose it means that we sinned even when we knew it was wrong.
“I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray.I say to you, he rejoices” I think that means Jesus loves us a lot no matter what.
“And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray” This is saying that God rejoices whenever we got to confession. If we ever fall away from the Church then God will keep on trying to get us back to him and he will rejoice once he does.
Jesus said to his disciples: If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.” The message that I got out of that was that we shouldn’t think people are better than us because they look better or are more athletic. God loves us all the same.
What I learned from this is that we need to understand that sin is apart of life and we need try to get away from that but at the same time no one is perfect so we need to understand that sin is almost in every thing so we need to ask for forgiveness and move on.
the message i got from today’s gospel is that we will always need Gods help and he will always be there to give us his help.
In this Gospel Jesus is showing us that we are important to God. We often see ourselves as not important enough for God’s Love or think stuff like “oh they’re so much better than me at this and that, so God loves them more”. In thinking that we think that we are just one of the 99, and even if we run away from him, he won’t follow. That is the opposite of what would actually happen though. Yes, sometimes we may be part of the 99 that stay, and it seems like God doesn’t love us, but we need to remember that He does love us and that He would go out to find us the same way because He is all love. He has the most love that anyone could ever give, and He never stops loving us.
Jesus is telling us to repent. We need to invite him into our life and pray.
I think God is trying to say that everyone has their own opinion in life. We tend to worry about what others think all the time and we need to focus on what WE think ourselves. God made us for who we are not what other people are.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep. He says that he will leave the 99 that are good and obedient to find the 1 that has gone astray. He will always pursue us because he loves us, and there is nowhere we can go where he won’t.
We are the lost sheep. Whenever we go astray from our flock Jesus tries his hardest and doesn’t relent until he has found and saved us. He will be forever rejoicing as he has found us because each individual one of us matters.
In today’s gospel it talks about how Jesus had left the 99 to go find the one lost one. In this case we are the lost one and Jesus has come to bring us back. There are many things that lead us away from Jesus and many things that lead us to him. Jesus wants us the be with him in heaven when our time is right and he dose not want us the be the lost sheep but he wants us to be one of the 99.
“Desire to be holy by allowing Christ to take over your life.” to me this is very important. If we let God take over our lives because we love him so much, some may say its losing your freedom. But its not, in fact, giving your life to God and loving him IS happiness. Its what we long for in life, we just don’t realize it.
The Lord is saying that if one of His children strays away from the faith he will go after them. He will rejoice once they come back to the faith more than the ones who stayed with the faith thought it all. The Lord wants all of His children to be with Him in Heaven but that doesn’t always happen. Some do not wish to be with Jesus their savior and creator. But the ones who do and live like Him through their faith and their actions.
The one thing pulling us down is sin. We have inherited original sin from Adam and Eve’s fall and have sins that happen naturally through bad habits. If we can simply add in a habit where we pray to God, we may be able to stop sinning as much. God gave us free will, but we have to know what is good and what is bad.
It would be more meaningful to save a lost sheep than to keep a found sheep if you are already found but another sheep is lost he might as well go find the lost sheep.
Sometimes our daily routine and habits are not always the best for us. But God says that we need to change those habits to good ones. Habits that bring God into our lives. God says that we can either choose the right path or the wrong path. The thing is with God though is that he doesn’t force us to choose the right path, we have a choice and its up to us to what we choose.
In today’s scripture it shows us that God will still love us even when we are blinded by the devil. He will leave his 99 sheep for his 1 lost sheep. God loves us even when we do something wrong like when we make a mistake he still loves us after the mistake we made.
God will never let us be led astray, he will come find us and love us just like he did from the start.
Something that I got out of this gospel is that no matter what we do Jesus will never stop loving us. We think that if we do something so bad that Jesus won’t love us but that is wrong. Jesus will never stop loving you. You could do the worst thing in the world and Jesus will still be there with open arms for you. Just remember to always live your life for Yourself and Jesus not for your friends because that is when your life becomes not so good.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell me is that, when we sin it is us who punish ourselves, not God. He waits for us to finish our guilt for sinning to get back on path to heaven. He isn’t the one who punishes us, we are. We might do stuff that is really bad and stuff but God doesn’t care. He let them free Barabbas because he loved him like he loves us. We are his children and he is our father. We need to follow the path he is leading us so we can go to heaven. He loves us and there is nothing we can do to stop him from loving us. He made us for a reason, not so we have to worship him or praise him and become his servants. He made us because he loves us, no matter what we do. So we need to follow him and stop punishing ourselves because we sinned. Jesus doesn’t care if we sinned or not. He cares about our health so we need to keep on going even if we fall.
“he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray.” Jesus calls us all to come back. He knows that the Faith has many followers, but He wants those who have fallen away to come back. He is constantly out in the world, searching for the lost sheep. And when He finds one, He throws a party up in Heaven and rejoices! Now, to me at least, this raises the question. Does He still love the sheep who have stayed all along? And may His actions cause the sheep to run away and come back just to feel loved again? Here are my thoughts on this matter: I think Jesus still loves us as much, if not more, than He did the day we were created, However, I think He just tends to show it a little bit less. He trusts that if we have stayed with Him, we know His love for us. And He still rejoices in us. He rejoices every day, just in small ways. And as for those sheep who try to run away just for the attention, I think they possibly need to run away for a little bit, they just don’t realize it. Then, when they are found again, they can be more fully grateful for the loving, caring and protecting shepherd we have.
Jesus’s will for us all is to get to heaven. He does not want one soul to go astray. He wants every single one of his children with him for eternity. So, when we get lost and fall into sin, he will come after us every single time. When we repent and let Jesus take control of our lives we will find joy and peace in life, Jesus, and in other people. “He rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray.” We are all human, we are all going to sin. But, there is a God so good that he forgives us every time we fall into sin. Jesus loves you!
The scripture said that if Jesus has 100 sheep and one gets lost, he would leave the others to find that one sheep and I realized we are that one sheep. We all struggle with sin and no one is perfect, we are lost, but Jesus is always chasing after us and He wants to bring us back to Him. He loves us so much that He doesn’t want to leave one of us behind.
The reflection talks about recognizing we are sinners. If we think we have to be perfect nothing will work out and we will have a high standard. We are planted with sin and will never live a perfect life. If we try to make our sin not as it is or try to hide them we are only hurting our relationship with God. We need to recognize we are sinners and keep our relationship with him.
What this means to me is that we are all sheep and if one of us get lost on the way Jesus will do anything in his will to help us get back to him. He loves all of us equally. All of us sin and do bad things but Jesus will always chase us to get us back to his word.
what I think the gospel was trying to tell me was that if I was the lost sheep out in the wild all alone God would leave the rest for me in an instant and would praise me because I was safe and with him
Today what I think God is trying to tell me is Surrender, trust, invite Him into your temptations, and respond to the One who is crazy in love with you and is chasing after you, even if you are the one lost sheep. Desire to be holy by allowing Christ to take over your life. Develop a personal relationship with Him, so you do not want to hurt Him with your sin. Give your sin, brokenness, pain, and suffering to Jesus, it is what He died for. Allow God’s grace to transform you.
I think what God is trying to tell me is that every life matters. He left the 99 sheep for the 1. I should go and help and care for others like Jesus did for us when He died at the Cross.
I think he is trying to tell me that I’m not perfect and no one is and that I need to be myself because if you try to be other people is not good to yourself and is not true to yourself and being yourself makes you feel so comfortable because your being yourself
Jesus is telling us through this gospel that God will not stop trying to get us to come to him so we may live an eternal life.
The Gospels is kinda saying that even if we do sin, we will still always find a way back to him and he will always accept us back to him and forgive us.
For in today’s Scripture Jesus is saying to me that if I run away from the faith Jesus we go looking for me, and when he finds he will say that is one more that will come with me to heaven. He will rejoice with the angels and they sing. Just because one person converted. For me that means that we mean the entire world to Jesus.
In today’s scripture I like how it mentioned developing a personal relationship with Him, so you do not want to hurt Him with your sin. I think it’s trying to tell me to have a more personal relationship with Him. “Allow God’s grace to transform you.”
“Surrender, trust, invite Him into your temptations, and respond to the One who is crazy in love with you and is chasing after you”. I
I feel like this is trying to tell us that we do not need to worry about hat others thinking and to stop trying to get others approval. Also that we need to stop “chasing after people” because we will always have God and that’s all that matters.
Would we leave 99 for 1? That is not even a question to many. But, for Jesus would leave 100,000 just to save one. When Jesus saves that one he states that if one comes running back to him he will always have open arms. Jesus shows how much we each individually mean to him.
In today ´ s Gospel it is talking about the
99 sheep and how Jesus Christ went to
go find the 1 lost sheep , it just makes me
realize I am the lost sheep and am trying to
find where i need to be in life and that is where
i was there the whole time and that is the Father in heaven .
Today the Gospel says that He will leave 99 for the one who is astray.We might think it is unreasonable that he leaves 99 for 1.Would we leave 99 dollars for the 1 dollar.No.We would take the more money.But we can sometimes
be the lost sheep trying to come back.But we must remember Jesus will try to save you
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that we are not alone. Why? Because God is always with us, everywhere, anytime. In this Gospel, it talks about the shepherd who left the 99 to search for the one lost. I particularly like this parable and Gospel, for it is very meaningful. God represents the shepherd, the one who looks for the lost one out of the 99. We represent the 100 total sheep. Even if one, two, fifty, or all of the sheep are lost, God will find all of us and bring us back to him. When we are lost, via sin and deceit, we must go back to God, the shepherd via confession. God absolution brings us back to God and helps us to become holy and one with God. When we wander away from God, God the Father will keep chasing after us until he catches us. He loves us better than we, that is why God is omnipotent and will go search for any lost sheep that goes astray from the 99 remaining.
What I think the gospel is saying today is that if we were completely lost and not sure if we truly believe in Jesus Christ God would lead us to him and when we would finally reach to were we believe in God with all our hearts he would be very joyful is also says “if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it” He would be rejoice since he found a lost sheep and brought him or her back to him.
In today’s Gospel something that really stuck out to me was when it said “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray,
will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? That really stuck out to me because it is really reminding me that is here and he is present in us. It also reminds me that God really cares about me and he loves me very much. It reminds me of when you lose God in your life God will always come back looking back for why? because he loves you and he cares about you very much. When the sheep is lost, it’s like when we lose God. And when the shepherd goes back to look for one of his sheep that has gone missing its like God coming back for you because God Is pure love. He died for you to live on this earth. Remember when you feel a feeling that you should leave the church don’t because God will always come back to you and find you because he wants to be with you til the end of time to eternity. Until you make it to heaven. Have a Good Rest of your Day! God loves you!! And God Bless you!!
Surrender, trust, invite Him into your temptations, and respond to the One who is crazy in love with you and is chasing after you, even if you are the one lost sheep. It sounds easy but when you try to surrender, trust and invite Him in. You make an excuse and it starts to make a wall between you and God. If you keep trying then one day there won’t be an excuse holding you back from God. That is showing that you trust, surrender, and invite God into your life.
Today we hear about how Jesus will never stop loving us, even after we stray or mess up. As humans it is really hard for us to forgive people who mess up a lot or hurt us. But Jesus never stops loving us or giving us more chances even when we mess up a lot. We don’t deserve His grace, but He never stops giving it because he loves us.
What stood out to me was “Develop a personal relationship with Him, so you do not want to hurt Him with your sin. Give your sin, brokenness, pain, and suffering to Jesus, it is what He died for. Allow God’s grace to transform you.”
In the scripture today it is talking about the parable of the lost sheep and how he would leave the 99 other sheep to look for us. That God will always be there for us no matter what
Surrender, trust, invite Him into your temptations, and respond to the One who is crazy in love with you and is chasing after you, even if you are the one lost sheep. Desire to be holy by allowing Christ to take over your life. Develop a personal relationship with Him, so you do not want to hurt Him with your sin.You should always trust in God.God always trusts in us because he knows that we can turn to him.
This gospel is such a beautiful one and is definitely one of my favorite parables. The story reminds me of the song “Reckless Love” because in the chorus it goes “There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb, coming after me. There’s no wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down, coming after me. Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God. Oh it chases me down, fights ’till I’m found, leaves the 99. And I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still you give yourself away. Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God.” This song is so fitting for this Gospel, not only because it actually references the parable, but because it paints such a perfect picture of the measures Jesus goes to, just to bring a broken sinner back to Him. And I know it’s hard for so many of us to believe, including myself, but he truly would climb every mountain and kick down every defensive wall you put around your heart. He lights up every shadow of sin and shame you try to hide in, He tears apart the lies you tell yourself and He gives you the truth; That you are a beloved child of His and His love is endless, His forgiveness is infinite and truly the only thing He wants is for you to give Him your heart. He wants the bruised and scarred heart we all keep hidden. He wants the parts you love about yourself and He wants the parts you hate. He wants every mistake you think you are and every beautiful and messy thing you have to offer. So we shouldn’t fight or hide from Him, even though it’s hard to be vulnerable sometimes. Because in the long run, He is worth everything you’re afraid of losing or exposing and He feels the exact same way about you.
In the scripture today Jesus talks about how He would leave the 99 to go and find the lost one. We are that one stray sheep. Without God we are lost and God is searching for us every day and we have to try and find Him.