Happy Catholic Schools Week!  This week we celebrate all Catholic Schools.  The theme is Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service.  Sometimes we put our Catholic Faith second or third in our life.  We must always strive to put it first, allow it to direct us, and bring it into all that we do.  Your faith helps you to know your Creator, Savior, and the Holy Spirit which guides you until Jesus returns.  This should direct all of our actions.  The Catholic Church is a alive with Jesus at the head, Pope Francis as the Christ Vicar (visual head), and all of us make up the Mystical Body of Christ.  When each one of us does something good it helps the whole Catholic body, when one of us sins it influences that body the other direction.  Be proud to be Catholic and share with others what it means with your actions and as St. Francis said “with words when necessary”.  
God Bless our Catholic Schools Week!
Christian YOLO!