Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Brothers and sisters:
Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.
Rather, he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness;
and found human in appearance,
he humbled himself,
becoming obedient to death,
even death on a cross.
Because of this, God greatly exalted him
and bestowed on him the name
that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend,
of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father. Phil 2:6-11
Jesus said to Nicodemus:
“No one has gone up to heaven
except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,
so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. JN 3:13-17
Today is not the feast of the Exaltation of Greg Goertz. It is not the feast of the Exaltation of our cell phone or the Internet. It is not the Feast of the Exaltation of wealth and power, honor, and pleasure (4 things St. Thomas Aquinas said Jesus nailed to the cross that we must stop seeking to enter the Kingdom). It is not the feast of the Exaltation of the best looks and popularity. It is not the Feast of the Exaltation of video games. It is not the feast of the Exaltation of work.
My pride and stubbornness get in the way of allowing God to love me. He has done everything He can by giving us His only Son through death on a cross and continues to sacrifice by staying hidden in bread and wine until He returns. He is with us in prayer, ““For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” MT 18:20 Christ died not to condemn us but save us. Save us from what? Our fallen human nature, the devil, pride, earthly possessions, envy, disordered passions so that we may have hope, peace, joy, love, grace and eternal life.
When we do not give ourselves totally and completely to the One who created us and has given us EVERYTHING we do not exalt the cross. When we do not offer our daily crosses and suffering up to Christ we do not exalt the cross. When we do not allow God to love us and forgive us, we do not exalt the cross. When we give into our human desires and do not fight the temptations of the Devil, we do not exalt the cross. When we worship our cell phones, electronics, big homes, fancy cars, our looks, popularity, we do not exalt the cross.
When we get caught up in ourselves and fail to live our vocation (which is to die to self and be in service of the other), we fail to exalt the cross. When we do not love God, others, and ourselves, we fail to exalt the cross. When we fail to get down on our knees and look up at the crucifix each morning we rise and give thanks to God for what He has done for us, we fail to exalt the cross. When we fail to pray and visit Jesus who is waiting patiently for us in the tabernacles of our Churches and Adoration chapels, we fail to exalt the cross. This leads to misery and a lot of confusion. I know I’ve lived it. I have failed at each one of these.
I need a Savior because I don’t know what love is otherwise and I can’t be with the One who loves me the most. ”Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord.” Pray before a crucifix anywhere in silence and get to know your Savior.
Today’s challenge: Pray before a crucifix anywhere and get to know your Savior. Share the love He gives you with others.
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Jesus gave Himself for us. We should believe in Him and know we will be saved.
In this reading it tells us how God became man and died for us on the cross. In this Gospel Jesus tells Nicodemus that he is the Son of Man and that he came down from heaven. We should be humble like Jesus was. Even though he is God, he still humbled himself and became man.
“he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.” This phrase stood out to me. I really like how it show that Jesus came down to die for us. He did not have to but He chose to.
In today’s reading, “Rather, he emptied himself,taking the form of a slave,coming in human likeness;and found human in appearance,he humbled himself,becoming obedient to death,even death on a cross.”stuck out to me because Jesus lowered himself sown to our level and died for us. And he gave up his life, his humility, and became obedient sand welcomed death to see his father.
Something that reached out to me is, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”. What this means to me is that God didn’t have to save us. He could’ve watched as the world tore itself apart, but instead he sacrificed his only son to save us and for that we should always be grateful.
The Lord loved us so much that he came, was tortured by the very people he was saving, and died on the cross. And that he would do it again. He came down from heaven, became a man, and rose to save me from my sins. No greater love has ever been. I don’t deserve his love and his grace yet he still gives it to me. Respecting the cross, loving our neighbors, following the 10 commandments. That’s the least we can do. He loves us so much and even though I don’t deserve it, he died, for me. All the glory and praise is God’s.
I think this Scripture passage is saying that we need to pray to Jesus more. As humans we always forget things and one thing we forget frequently is our morning and nightly prayers. We need to just pray and adore him more.
We pay far too much attention to our phones, popularity, and earthly things. If we get too wrapped up in these we can’t be happy. If we do not give ourselves fully up to God, we will get lost in our own desires. If we do not exalt the cross we probably won’t get to heaven. To be happy, stop trying to be someone you’re not. I achieve pure joy, follow God. He will lead us to a better life.
This scripture passage has many strong meanings. One main meaning I took from this was that God sent his Son to the world to save us. Each and every one of us are human, and we ALL make mistakes, that’s life. But for you to act like you don’t sin is wrong. God sent his only Son to save us. Saving us can be during confession or when the body hits your tongue. We all make mistakes so go and do what’s right when you do, and trust me Jesus will forgive you if you’re truly sorry.
Jesus died for us, he didn’t die for us just so that we can worship something else, He just wants to save us from all of the lies. He died because He cares for us and wants us to come back home to Him. We need to focus on Jesus and God more than a dumb phone or video games, sports etc. we need to spend more time with our Savior.
We have to remember that Jesus died for us and that he didn’t have too, he chose to. He did it because he loved us and wanted the best for us so that we could come to live with him in heaven. Now death is not the final frontier, but it’s just an end to this earthly life.
we need a savior. i feel like that when we struggle in life or with school assignments, Jesus wants us not only to turn to others for help but ask him for help to. he wants us to rely on him and others but to rely on him.
Jesus said to Nicodemus:
“No one has gone up to heaven
except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,
so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”
Something that sticked out to me is the verse ““For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” To me it means that God is always their for me.
Jesus said to Nicodemus:
“No one has gone up to heaven
except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. ” He died for us and we should love him.
Jesus died for us on the cross just so we could be saved and come back home to him in heaven but instead we spend time with other things like phones and sport and other things. He chose to die for us by because he loved us so much now we need to love him back.
Jesus died for us he saved us from hell and gives us to be in heaven which is our eternal goal in life. We should of course love him back we should believe in our faith and in him. You just need to trust and love if you do that you will be in paradise.
Jesus died for us on the cross he did not have to but he chose to love us, that is why died. He died for our sins to be forgiven, when he died he did not just want us to never believe in him.
Jesus died for us, out of love. Yet, we still don´t give him enough attention. We spend so much time doing other things, like watching YouTube or playing video games, that we don´t make enough time to spend talking to God. We all need to spend more time worshiping God.
Jesus is totally awesome. Why? Oh I’ll tell you why. 1. He came down from Heaven and He took on the form of a child. 2. He wasn’t looking for power He was just trying to spread the word of God. 3. He acted like He was a slave and was glorious unto the ages. 3. He DIED ON A CROSS for us. We need to remember that Jesus truly loves and cares for us. So we should never, NEVER turn out back to Him and love Him forever just as He loves us. What I think that most people forget is that God truly did send his ONLY son down to Earth so that Jesus and God could open the gates of Heaven for all of us to love Him. So in conclusion, never forget that God loves you, never turn your back on God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. JN 3:13-17
I think one of the things its trying to say is that we may not be able to see God but we need to understand that he is their even if cant see him we are always in his presence. I also think it saying that instead of being what the society is and what we want to be we need to give ourselves completely to God and be what he needs from us.
The thing that stuck out to me was god went down to our level to die for us. Jesus the Son of God was at the highest of highs with God the father in heaven. He loves us so much that he went down to filthy, unpure, and full of sin on earth to die for us. He wants a relationship with each and every one of us. He is always chasing after you he is waiting for you to get to heaven because he wants to spend time with you and talk to you.
The thing that stuck out to me was God went down to our level to die for us. Jesus the Son of God was at the highest of highs with God the father in heaven. He loves us so much that he went down to filthy, unpure, and full of sin on earth to die for us. He wants a relationship with each and every one of us. He is always chasing after you he is waiting for you to get to heaven because he wants to spend time with you and talk to you
he did not die on the cross for us to treat mass like another thing to do on Sunday. he died so that we can spend eternity with him in joy. he didn’t have to die on the cross for us, he could have just opened the gate of heaven and implanted that God is with us in our brains. he did it to show people that you have to choose whether you want to do what is righteous but hard and live with Jesus.
I think that we need to see that he does not care if your popular or if everyone hates us ( witch no one should) we need to worry if what we are doing is going to, help us get to heaven or ifs gonna make it harder for us we need to see that just because some one else does it does not mean that we have tom do it to and say no to others if the not doing something right and wants you to do it even if it looks fun or exciting say NO and you will have a better chances to get in to heaven.
Jesus died for us on the cross. And to believe in him that he will save us.
he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness;
and found human in appearance,
he humbled himself,
becoming obedient to death,
even death on a cross.
Because of this, God greatly exalted him
Jesus said that he chose to be a man to fit in but also to be a leader in his own way and he chose to come down as a human and not as a ball of light or angel. Jesus chose to be a slave not a wealthy man or a wealthy king but a slave, we should respect what he chose to be and what he was going to do.
the phrase that stuck out to me was, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”. -JN 3:13-17. this stuck out to me because it shows that god had intentions of helping the wicked, not condemning them.
“Jesus said to Nicodemus, No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”
My favorite part of this reading is
“taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself,
becoming obedient to death,even death on a cross.”
I like this part because it says taking the form of a slave coming in human likeness. When Jesus came to save us he did not come and act like he was the king. Jesus came and was humble, and treated everyone kind.
I think what God is trying to tell us is that we should pet others before ourselves. Because if you don’t respect others people well not like you and if you do talk highly about others they’ll respect you back.
jesus died for us and even tho we cant see him we have to find it in ourselves to have faith in him and spread the gospel and remember that he loves each one of us all the same.
He came down from heaven to save us and rose again for us so we could go to heaven. Jesus loves us so very much he sent his only son to die for us so we don’t have to. He was in the form of God but then he came down to us as God and Man to save us.
“No one has gone up to heaven
except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,
so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” We will not go to heaven if we don’t pray every day.
We need to kneel at the cross and worship him everyday. He is the reason we are here.
When we do not allow God to love us and forgive us, we do not exalt the cross. When we give into our human desires and do not fight the temptations of the Devil, we do not exalt the cross. When we worship our cell phones, electronics, big homes, fancy cars, our looks, popularity, we do not exalt the cross. I think this means that we spend to much of our time worshiping the things that don’t matter, we are not fighting the temptations of the Devil, we are just giving in.
What stuck out was Jesus came down and humbled himself as a human and died just to take away our sins. This proves just hpw much he loves us if he was willing to come down to earth as a child and die for us just so we might live and survive without sin.
the scripture is telling me that Jesus came down to earth and agreeded to save millions of people he never met. When God asked him to die for your sins your face came into his head and he knew you and loved you and wanted to save you. He gave up everything he owned for us and he wants us. He died so we can be with him forever. This is a sign of how much he knows you. That he wanted to be friends with you even before you walked the earth, even before you were in your mothers womb. thats amazing.
Jesus is telling us that we do not need to be popular or pretty or anything other than ourselves because it does not matter to him. This stuck out to me because I know a lot of people think they have to be perfect for everyone.
one thing that stuck out was that God went down to us and died for us, He loves us so much that he gave his son for us so our sins could be forgiven. He wants to have a relationship with us but we have to accept it.
What stuck out to me is that “Christ died not to condemn us but save us. Save us from what? Our fallen human nature, the devil, pride, earthly possessions, envy, disordered passions so that we may have hope, peace, joy, love, grace and eternal life.” We need to be more grateful for what the lord did for us and need to stop worrying about everything else .
No one has gone up to heaven,
except the one who has come down from heaven.
Jesus loved us very much that he died for us. He was tortured and he was nailed to a cross for us. He did everything for us to be here today. We need to realize the importance of that. Once we do we will live a true holy life.
taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, god will never brag he can never sin he is the perfect being he is amazing he dose not want to one up us he wants us to rise with him to the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus was sent down as fully God fully man because it was the only way for us to be saved. he suffered more than any other human and he did it willingly.
what the scripture is telling me is that we should know to preach the word of God and it should be a habit and not a forceful action. we should be doing it because of everything that He went through to save us.
This scripted means that we should try to humble ourselves to be more like jesus and how he humbled himself even though he was the son of God. We should also spread the faith as he did.
“So that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” If we believe in Him we will have eternal life. God will always be here for us. We need to be patient and understanding with Him. Life isn’t just something you throw away. Sometimes life can get hard but we just gotta trust the process.
I feel like we need to understand that Jesus was God but he was also human. We need to understand that we can follow the way of Jesus and that we need to sacrifice our lives for him.
Because Jesus gave up everything He had, we must do the same or in likeness to be like Him. He gave up everything to die for us on the cross. He gave up His power, dignity, and life for us. We must show the same kindness and love for Him and others as He gave to us.
Jesus gave His all for us. He sacrificed himself so we could go to heaven and have eternal life.
Jesus knew that He was gonna die and He didn’t do anything to stop it because He wanted us to live in peace and love and not have a ton of sins on our heart.
I think today’s scripture passage is trying to tell us that we should put others before ourselves. Jesus died on the cross, not for Himself, but for all of us. So we need to be like him and put others first like he taught us to.
Jesus has done so much for us we should be thankful for everything he has done. Without Jesus we wouldn’t be here today.
Jesus died on the cross for us. We need to preach his word and pray to Him. This will help us get to heaven. The cross is a very important part of our faith. We should adore the cross and the fact that Jesus died on it for us.
something that stuck out to me was… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”JN 3:13-17
That is a famous verse from the bible that is telling us that God sent his only son for YOU. because he loves you and wants you to spread the word of God to the world.
This gospel tells us how Jesus came down from heaven became a man and died on a cross for us. Even after he did that people are still now convinced that he is the one and only God. Some People treat other things and objects and spend more time with that stuff than the real God Jesus Christ. For example people will spend hours of time on there phones or PS4s but they can’t take a single minute out of their day and just look at their bible. God made us for reason so lets use our time like we really care because on judgement day it always ends with him.
Today’s scripture reflection is that we need to remember that God died for us and that its not okay to worship other false Gods.
God sent his only son, Jesus, to us for a reason. Not to punish us for being sinners, but to save us. This really tells us how merciful God is, and that he loves us.
This scripture truly shows how humble God is. God could have sent down this mighty warrior to be praised daily. But instead he sent down a human man, to see who would truly follow him. God planned this out so it wouldn’t be easy to find out the truth. Because life isn’t easy. He planned it to were we would find this man, and he would simply just give us hope.
The Gospel today is that Jesus died on the cross and He did this for us and that we call Him Jesus Christ and we should pray to Him and all of us confess the Jesus and we need to find who we truly are and we can do that by talking to Jesus
This Scripture is talking about how Jesus chose to save us and that he was so obedient to his father. Jesus was then talking to Nicodemus saying that the ¨no one has gone to heaven expect the one who comes down from heaven ¨ after he says this he says that who ever believes in him will have enteral life which i think it means that one we have to try to stop sinning and try to go to confession and also have more faith in Jesus because he is our savior.
In this scripture even our Lord Jesus made himself a slave and showed everyone that it does not matter to have power and wealth. Jesus lived a life of prayer and joy with His friends, the Apostles. In some way this is trying to tell us to give things to the poor because Jesus emptied Himself and made Himself a slave when He could have had anyone do ANYTHING for Him.
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” Jesus saved us from our sins. Jesus is carrying all our sins on His shoulders. We should thank Him for what he did for us because I don’t think I would die on a cross from everyone. Jesus is so brave and has so much courage.
I think this scripture is telling us to look at what God did. He is the most humble person of all. He is the son of God and willing to die for us sinners. He did not have to do that. He could have chosen to live and not care about any of us, but he didn’t. He chose not to be selfish.
I think the Scripture is saying God sent his only son to save us. Jesus died on a cross to save us. We cannot imagine the pain Jesus went through for us. Even though we sin, Jesus still saved us. Even the people who don’t believe in Jesus, He still saved them. We can sin time and time again, and God will forgive time and time again.
The scripture is saying that Jesus came down to Earth from Heaven in order to save us; both God and Jesus know our fallen human nature but still want us to be welcomed into the Fathers Kingdom. God loves us very much and so does Jesus no matter what.
It is saying that Jesus is here to save us, He didn’t just die on the cross for His own entertainment instead He died for our sins. He wants us to help each other to see that Jesus Christ is here for us, even tho many people don’t really know what He did for us. We can show them how much he truly cares about us.
“No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”
The only way into getting into heaven is by worshiping God. You can’t get into heaven if you don’t worship God. There are many ways on how you can worship God like for example go to mass, pray everyday, spread the love of God, ect. All those are ways you can worship Him. But not just by doing those things you think you are going to heaven right away. You need to mean what you are doing and do it voluntarily and believe that God is real, that He is the Father.
God does what he says he does. He says He will send his only Son, Jesus Christ. Okay…..but, does Jesus do what God wants?
The answer is yes. Yes, yes, yes. God wants nothing more in the world than you. You with all your imperfections, you with all your strengths.
He wants you.
So, how does he get this “you.” It’s not exactly like God walks up to a cashier and orders us. No. God is a gentleman and quietly knocks at our hearts’ doors. Do we let him in? That is what our basis for our foundation in the life of Christ is formed from.
God loves and longs for you. Will you let him in your heart?
Will you let Him be your Savior?
Even though Jesus is THE GOD, He didn’t think highly of himself. This is a really important point especially in the society because we think we have to be the biggest and baddest thing out there. Jesus came down to show us that we don’t have to bet the most popular. Jesus is the Lord and He was so humble He didn’t even put himself first. This says something because if our Lord and Savior doesn’t even put himself before others, why should we put ourselves before others. We need to take the hint and realize that if the one and only God doesn’t have to be first than neither do we.
It mentions that Jesus took the form of a slave. This seems like a strange metaphor or analogy or whatever you want to call it. It could mean a ton of things, but the thing I like to think of it as is Humans. All of us humans are just Slaves to our higherups.
This reminds me of how God will never forget about us and one day he will come save us
I think God is telling us that he sent his own son which he didn’t have to and that you should ask them for help more and not think you are the best when you do something good because you can always do better even if you get 100% you still could get 110%.
“No one has gone up to heaven
except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.”
This scripture truly shows how humble God is. God could have sent down this mighty warrior to be praised daily. But instead he sent down a human man, to see who would truly follow him. God planned this out so it wouldn’t be easy to find out the truth. Because life isn’t easy. He planned it to were we would find this man, and he would simply just give us hope.
“No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven.” This stood out to me because This tells us we don’t have to be perfect to get to heaven.
When we do not give ourselves totally and completely to the One who created us and has given us everything we do not exalt to the cross.
This stuck out at me because if we don’t give Jesus our complete attention then we may miss what he is trying to say to us.
This means that we should not worship anything other than God. If we are, then we need to think about our faith a little more, and stop putting things before Him.
If we do not give Jesus our suffering or our prayers of thanks and petition, we are diminishing the power of the cross in our lives. God is so intent on us going to Heaven with Him, He even became a limited, accident prone human, so that he could be the sacrificial lamb for our salvation.
This passage stuck out to me because, Jesus creator of heaven and earth, the savior, the Lord, Master of the universe! Came down from Heaven to save us?! That is so incredible because he is like a 10 and humans and all their sin and greed and lies are like a -2. He even took all the sins and went to hell. Jesus Christ died for us, that just got me straight in the heart.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. JN 3:13-17
Somethings that stuck out to me were that Jesus came down to our level or even lower just so he could save us from our sins. We do not give Jesus enough time out of our life. We need to stop and pray to God all the time. NEVER turn your back on Jesus, but even if you do he will still love you no matter what. He will forgive you and your sins no matter what because JESUS LOVES YOU. Jesus died on a cross with nails in His hands and feet for us. In conclusion, love Jesus no matter what.
What does it mean to exalt the cross? It means to hold Jesus’s death on the cross in high regard God loved us so much He sent His only son to die for our sins. That means everything Jesus saved so many people he didn’t even know. That is why Jesus’s death on the cross deserves so much respect and why we should exalt it.
What stuck out to me was were spending to much time on our phones and that popularity and luxury cars don’t mater. Those two things stuck out to me because it happens to me like I want to have all the fancy stuff that I need but I just need to focus on God and other things.
When we do not allow God to love us and forgive us, we do not exalt the cross. And when we dont give ourselves fully to him we dont exalt the cross. He has done everything he can for us by giving up his only son and through death on the cross. And he continues to sacrifice himself through being hidden in the bread in wine until he returns again.
I know this isn’t EXACTLY what Jesus meant but as if today this is how he would mean it: Jesus gave up so much for us to be in Heaven and for that we shouldn’t be caught up in our work, phones, and addictions all the time but instead give up your time for Jesus because that’s what He did for us
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. JN 3:13-17
Somethings that stuck out to me were that we need Jesus in our life. Do not turn your back on Jesus, but even if you do he will still love you. Jesus will forgive you or your sins no matter what. JESUS LOVES YOU never forget that. We do not spend enough time with Jesus in our life. Try to drift away from him. Jesus died on the cross with nails in his hands and feet for us to save us from our sins. In conclusion, Jesus loves you.
The passage is saying that we must put aside our belongings more often to worship God more. Not because we have to, but because God sent down his only Son to Save Us; who died on the cross to save us, gone through pain to save us, and even preaching the word to save us and to get us closer to Heaven. In Mass we must actually participate in Mass, with purpose.
“Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.
Rather, he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness;
and found human in appearance,
he humbled himself,
becoming obedient to death,
even death on a cross.” this shows that he could have not have died for us but he did cause he loves us
“No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.” This tells us that God came down to save us and that is why we can go to Heaven. God Sacrificed himself so we don’t have to. We need to appreciate all that God has given us and treat our others well. If we are Holy and love God while on Earth, he will have a spot for us in the Kingdom of Heaven.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. JN 3:13-17
This really says how much God loves us that he would send his only son to save us and die on the cross for our sins so we could get into heaven.
The Bible says that Jesus when He entered the world, He didn’t brag about it (even though He is God’s son). In fact He was humble about it. All He wants is everyone to know He is God, so you do it.