Humbly submit your will to God (thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
On leaving the synagogue
Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John.
Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever.
They immediately told him about her.
He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up.
Then the fever left her and she waited on them.
When it was evening, after sunset,
they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons.
The whole town was gathered at the door.
He cured many who were sick with various diseases,
and he drove out many demons,
not permitting them to speak because they knew him.
Rising very early before dawn,
he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.
Simon and those who were with him pursued him
and on finding him said, “Everyone is looking for you.”
He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby villages
that I may preach there also.
For this purpose have I come.”
So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons
throughout the whole of Galilee. Mk 1:29-39
If there is one thing I have learned in trying to establish a good prayer life, it is how distracted we are from our purpose. God made us for a purpose and with a mission. Today, Jesus says, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” God wants us to know His will for our lives. He wants us to know our purpose. How do we find out God’s will for our lives? One of the best answers I have found to that question is prayer. It is important that we practice prayer to grow in a relationship with our Creator, Savior, and the Holy Spirit. Prayer is a necessity to enter into the Kingdom of God. Prayer must become a habit. The best answer I have found in doing God’s will is in the book “He Leadeth Me” by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S.J. While in a POW camp in Russia, he finds the true meaning of doing God’s will.
He shares, “We had to learn to look at our daily lives, at everything that crossed our path with the eyes of God; learning to see his estimate of things, places, and above all people, recognizing that he had a goal and a purpose in bringing us into contact with these things and these people, and striving always to do that will–his will–every hour of every day in the situations in which he had placed us. For what other purpose had we been created? For what other reason had he so arranged it that we should be here, now, this hour, among these people? To what other end had he ordained our being here, if not to see his will in these situations and to strive to do always what he wanted, the way he wanted it, as he would have done it, for his sake, that he might have the fruit and the glory?”
“The simple soul who each day makes a morning offering of “all the prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day”–and who then acts upon it by accepting unquestionably and responding lovingly to all the situations of the day as truly sent by God–has perceived with an almost childlike faith the profound truth about the will of God.”
“The temptation is to overlook these things as God’s will. The temptation is to look beyond these things, precisely because they are so constant, so petty, so humdrum and routine, and seek to discover instead some other and nobler “will of God” in the abstract that better fits our notion of what his will should be. Just as it is the temptation faced by everyone who suddenly discovers that life is not what he expected it to be. The challenge lies in learning to accept this truth and act upon it, every moment of every day. The trouble is that like all great truths it seems too simple. It bears the hallmark of all divine truths, simplicity, and yet it is precisely because it seems so simple that we are prone to overlook it or ignore it in our daily lives. Like every divine truth , moreover, it is far from simple of execution. Its very simplicity renders it at once almost impossible not just of credibility but of human achievement, for our poor human nature is too easily distracted.”
Simple doesn’t mean easy! If Jesus took time to go to a deserted place early before dawn to talk to His Father, we too are called to imitate Jesus in prayer. Prayer is not easy but training ourselves in it establishes a meaningful relationship with God, the heart’s greatest desire. Prayer is where we wrestle with God about every part of life we struggle with and need answers. We are seeking the Truth, ultimately God himself. We have a spirit that needs to be nourished and illuminates our bodies’ actions to do the will of God in our every day lives. Seek to do God’s will in the simple acts of charity each day with those He put around you.
Today’s challenge: Take time to make a deserted place where you can pray in silence in your home at the same time every day to create a habit of prayer. “Do each act throughout the day with great love.” St. Therese of Lisieux
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Suggested ways to pray: 1. On your knees in front of a crucifix (sounds simple but when is the last time you have been caught praying in front of your crucifix on your knees)
2. Rise with the words of the Our Father as your first thoughts
3. Personal Prayer-Talk to God like you are texting a friend
4. Silence with the Scriptures-Write reflections down, the Holy Spirit is fully alive in you ready to tell you what Christ wants you to know in each moment of your life, Come, Holy Spirit
5. Adoration-find a spiritual book to read, God speaks loud in Adoration bring a pen and notebook
6. Rosary-Devotion to Mary is essential, a daily rosary and Marian consecration have been the greatest tools for my battle with sin/Satan and drawing closer to Christ
7. Read a book on the Eucharist before you go to Mass or while at Mass
8. Watch Pope Francis General Audience so you know what Christ on earth in the person of the Pope is saying to you.
9. Stations of the Cross
10. Liturgy of the Hours-daily if possible
11. Keep a spiritual book in the car, on your nightstand, wherever you sit to relax in the evening
12. Devotion to St. Joseph
Today’s gospel was about Jesus going to villages and preaching there, healing people, and driving out demons. Other people needed him and he went to heal them and preach to them because that was the purpose of Jesus coming.
Being open with God is key and being willing to be taught from other people talking about God. Talking to God about the people in your life is a huge part of being close to Him. God wants you to talk about others only if it’s for the better. He doesn’t want to hear the bad things about the person He made because He already knows the flaws that that person made. He tries to have you tell Him the Good about what He has made.
In this gospel Jesus is curing everyone. God will always help us even if we do something wrong to Him. He is always there to cure us.
This Passage Tells us that we need to be avoiding distraction and keep praying. If we keep praying and are always holy the devil will never be near us.
this really opens my eyes to how powerful God is and i need to trust in him for he knows the way.
This gospel taught me that God saves and heals. When we are hurt God will save us and he will heal us. When times are bad and low God will shine the light on us and lead us to the right path. When we are not feeling right, God will save us and protect us when we need him. All we need to do is to trust and let God do what he needs to do. This gospel taught me that God will be with me whenever I need him.
In today’s gospel, Jesus helps heal the sick and cast away demons from people. When Simon’s mother-in-law became sick, they immediately came to Jesus to cure her illness. I can apply this to my life by trusting and seeking God when times are tough.
The Gospel today is telling us that when we are sick or down in life Jesus will always be there to pick us back up. He loves us no matter our circumstances and he’s always willing to help us.
We have to remember that Jesus loves us no matter what. There is not one person that is not worthy of His love. That is such an important concept that many don’t remember. Just because we are broken doesn’t mean Jesus doesn’t love us. Our brokenness is simply our human nature and the temptation of the devil. There is not anything wrong with me or anyone else. God loves us all equally, no matter who we think is the best person.
I think this is saying that we’re too distracted and not focusing on what’s right and what God wants us to do. We spend the majority of our lives, we’re spent doing things that distract us from God, when he’s standing right in front of us, telling us what our true purpose truly is. Our fallen human nature and distraction are the only thing keeping us away from God.
Jesus purpose was to preach to the people. Are purpose is to spread that and listen to him. Ponder on what he said and think of what he is trying to tell us. God wants us in heaven and to be with him.
“he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.” Even Jesus needs a break in what he does. He was healing everyone that needed to be healed and he needed a break. This shows that Jesus is human.
This is…. amazing. Jesus takes Simon’s mother’s hand and helps her up, and cures her of her fever. Then we see him withdraw to a deserted place, to pray. Even Jesus needed peace and quiet sometimes. His disciples found him eventually, and he went with them to other villages, casting out demons, and preaching in the synagogue. Jesus knew that he wouldn’t always be welcome when he preached but he did it anyway. What a Savior we have!
Jesus can drive out demons and cure people. He can help us if we let him. Jesus also prayed, we should pick up his example and follow him.
This scripture is saying that God can heal anyone. You can be the most sick person in the world and he will still heal you. He is so powerful. The more we pray to him everyday the more stronger our relationship with him will get.My favorite line is,”He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up.Then the fever left her and she waited on them.”
Purpose- a word that comes up over and over again. What is it really? A word that is always there in front of us, mocking us? Or is it just a thing to be ignored? No, a purpose is what we were made for, what we were meant to do. To follow God and to trust Him. But also to do something else- to love, to care for others. What are we if we live only for ourselves? Wouldn’t that make us no better than dirt? Love is not something that is selfish and self-gaining. It is the giving oneself for the purpose of another. The giving of one’s live, for another to live. If you stand back and let someone die just because, that is no better than taking their life. How can we live, and let another die? Instead take their place, and let them live. This is the way.
This scripture reminds me of how great Jesus is. He goes out and heals people with just his touch, yet he is so humble. He knows the power he possesses, and yet he only uses it for good, to help others.
This scripture is telling us that god heals people and saves them for there sickness and there sins and it telling us that Jesus is the ultimate medicine when going to communion eating the body of Christ is like an amazing medicine that just can´t be undone because it is something so powerful and amazing .
Today Jesus is trying to say that you can go out and help others and always take care of those or try and do something for them and make sure to rise them up and not down so that you can make their day better and help them go and help others who are not doing so good.
Jesus will come and help us in time of needs when we need Him. He will come help other people like when he went to the village to preaching and driving out demons. We just need to pray and make our bond stronger.
In this gospel Jesus is helping many people with illnesses and this is saying that we need to believe that he will help us through anything. If we’re in any pain or if our friends are then we can pray to God to help us or them in what ever is happening.
The scripture today is a show of the power that Jesus has he can drive out demons and cure sickness he came to help us and take all of our sins away he opened heaven for us and we still sin.
What reached out for me was when Jesus said, “For this purpose I’ve come”. What this means to me is that Jesus spent his life spreading the word of God and even sacrificed himself for us.
This Gospel is telling me that we need to focus on praying instead of being distracted. A quote that I got from the Gospel is “For our poor human nature is too easily distracted.” Are hearts greatest desire is to pray to God our heavenly father, but the devil tempts us to not focus on God and be distracted. I now know that we need to try even harder to pray because praying is not easy because of our fallen human nature.
In today’s reading, Jesus goes to a village and heals many of the sick and drives out demons from the people who repent and listen to him. But then when more people hear about him and are making him almost popular in the village he leaves. This shows me that God loves everyone and wants to help and preach to everyone. And show everyone the way.
In this passage Jesus is saying the reason he came is to help everyone. And he wants to help sinners and also help those who are plagued by demons and have sickness most. He wants to help you but you have to let him in.
In this passage Jesus is curing the ill and casting out demons. This shows that Jesus is the one true God. He can preform miracles. In doing so he caused many people to believe in Him.
What I have learned is that God can heal anything and that He will always be there for us. I also learned that even Jesus had to pray because He knew it was important, that just shows that we defintely need to pray if Jesus, Himself, prayed.
I think God is saying we should stay close to him and and trust in him.
When everyone was looking for Jesus, Simon went up to find Jesus praying by himself. Simon told Jesus that everyone was looking for him. Instead of ignoring Simon, Jesus got up and went to them to preach and drive out the demons. This shows that God will never abandon us.
Luke 1:29-39. 29 As soon as they the synagogue, they went James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. 32 That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. 33 The whole town gathered at the door, 34 and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they know who he was. 35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. 36 Simon and his companions went to look for hi, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus replied, ” Let us go somewhere else-to the nearby villages-so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” 39 So he traveled throughout Galilee, Preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
In order to be truly happy with our faith. We must believe fully in God. We must fully trust him with our lives and the world. We must give ourselves completely to him.
Jesus will come and help him at the times we need Him the most. God can cure anything, no matter what. He will always be there for us whenever we need Him. Jesus performed many miracles, which shows us how powerful He really is.
This passage shows me that Jesus loves us no matter how much we sin. We also need to be open for Him to come into our lives. He comes into our lives when we open our hearts to Him so He can love and protect us. Jesus heals all of us of our sins like He healed every ill person in the town.
The Gospel today is telling us that when we are sick or down in life Jesus will always be there to pick us back up. He loves us no matter our circumstances and he’s always willing to help us.
´When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons.´ this sticks out to me because we can all bring our troubles to God wen we are troubled. we need to know that.
Jesus is very humble, this shows that Jesus even though He has the ability to do so many things He chooses to do only good with it. God is so powerful yet so humble.
I think Jesus is trying to tell us that he heals. We need to have faith in Him that he will heal us. Jesus will heal us at confession.
In today’s passage God heals lots of people because he loves us. When we asked God for something we need to believe that He will. We need to trust God because everything happens for a reason.
Jesus can cure and help anyone. It does not matter how sick you are, if you pray and let Jesus into your life he will heal you from your sins. We will live an eternal life in Heaven with God. It also says that Jesus prayed and we should use that as an example for us to pray everyday in silence.
in the scripture what its telling me is that no matter how sick we are and to no extent Jesus will always find a way to heal us and put us in mint condition.
Jesus helped a whole village of people in this gospel, and he did it because they came to him and asked him to help them. We should use this example of asking God for help when we need it. In the reading, everybody asking for his help actually needed it. God will help us, in His time not ours, but he will help us.
This scripture reflection shows that God always has our back. No matter what.
In this Scripture, Jesus is healing all the sick people and driving out the demons. Jesus then goes to a deserted place to pray to God. This shows us that no matter what we must pray. Even if we are helping others, we still need to put God first and pray to Him. We need to make sure we are finding time for God.
Once Jesus had healed many, he had to find a “deserted place, where he prayed.” He had sit in silence to pray to God, the Father. He then says that His purpose was to preach the Gospel to everyone in the world. He heals everyone who needs it and believes. We must believe so our souls can be healed so we can get to Heaven.
Jesus will always be with us. A phrase that sticks out to me is “For this purpose have I come.” This is saying that Jesus has come and He will always be with us. He isn’t just there to stare at you, He is to talk to you and hear your prays. He will come and rise again. Jesus is always there when we need to talk with Him. He will fully listen and understand. Jesus has come for a great purpose. Lord hear our prayers.
This scripture is telling me that God is with you no matter what you just have to open your eyes to Him. Don’t be afraid to pray to God. Don’t get tempted by the devil ask God to help you get on the path with Christ.
Today’s scripture said that Jesus was so great that he could make demons stay quiet so as to not tell his disciples of who he was and make illnesses go away and drive out demons.
This Scripture passage is telling me that God has so much power. He is so mighty and powerful that he can drive out demons, and even they obey Him. It shows me that he has just that more power than me. It shows that He is stronger than me, and whenever I am in trouble, He is there for me. It shows He cares.
I think it means that God is coming back for a reason and it’s not just a simple reason it is a reason that is so big, the only way to deal with it is to have God take care of it for us.
In this Gospel Jesus is curing everyone around him that needs to be cured. Jesus and everyone around Him are very happy at this moment because they are before the One True God. Jesus will be happy with us no matter what we do. Jesus is always there for us when we need Him. If we need something cured pray to Jesus and He will help and cure whatever it is.
What I got out of today’s Gospel is that we just simply need to trust in God, we see that he is driving out demons at the synagogues and curing the sick which to me is telling us he can do all things and we need to believe in him.
In today’s gospel what stuck out to me was that Jesus heals so much. he doesn’t ask questions he just heals, and I think that is the definition of Christ, he is a Father, a comforter and a healer, he protects us, and because of our faith in him he heals us, brings his lost sheep back to the 99.
This Gospel told me that if we are weak or down in life that God will always be there to pick us up. No matter what circumstances we are in, in life he will always be there for us and with us and he will always help us when times get rough.
I think this Gospel is telling everyone that we should preach the word of the LORD because we could help those who don’t believe in Jesus believe in the master of creation. Not only are we trying to help them, but so is God. He is always trying to help every single one of us if we just listen to Him.
Today’s reading showed Jesus’s divinity through the healing and miracles he performed. But Jesus isn’t just divine, He is also human. He showed his humanity today by leaving the crowd. He need alone time to pray and needed to get away from everyone even though if He wanted to, He could have stayed and helped more of the people there. But He knew that there were other people who needed healing in other towns so He moved on so He could help as many people as possible.
This Gospel passage is telling me why Jesus came. Jesus came and healed whoever needed to be healed, fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty. Jesus came to heal our sins and protect us. He has power over the demons and He drove out the demons that were destroying our lives. He made sure that we could live with Him forever in the Kingdom of Heaven.
One phrase that stuck out to me was, “for this purpose I have come.” Jesus is telling us straight out in this passage why he’s come. In the beginning of the passage, it tells that Jesus cured many people from their illnesses. Jesus came to bring love and goodness to the world by healing. I can apply this to my life by doing my purpose, to know, love and serve God.
Today is one of the most imporant Gospels of all. Today, Jesus is telling us his purpose on Earth. He tells us why he is here. His purpose is to go to nearby villages and to preach there also. This doesn’t seem like much, it doesn’t seem very fruitful why he tells us this. But this tells us more than it seems. It tells us that Jesus’s purpose is not to stay in the same place forever, not to stay in the same little bubble. It tells us that his purpose is to go out and preach, to go out into everyones hearts and be with everyone. Not to stay with the rich men, the Pharisees, the religous men and women. But to go to the tax collectors, the sinners, the non-religious, the dirty men, the workers, the people who use their hands and feet. He’s not just for one group of people, he is for everyone
I think this gospel is saying how powerful the Lord is and if we go to him he will forgive us and heal us. We have to reach out to the Lord and ask him for guidance and perseverance to resist temptation and grow our relationship with God.
When Jesus was healing the people it is like the people are us. We get sick, make bad choices, etc. But Jesus is there to help us. Jesus also came here to preach. We need to preach and help people like Jesus helps us and preaches.
Jesus shares his purpose “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” He creates each and every one of us with a purpose and mission. We get so distracted from our purpose by things such as books, phones, social media, etc…. Everything in the world has a purpose, including us, and a mission to follow. We have to turn the distractions into something that will fulfill our purpose and help us with our mission. Read Holy books, go to sites with special devotions, put away your phones for Prayer. That’s the key thing. Pray. Talk, but not only that. Listen. Pray is essential. Find your purpose and with it your mission. Follow it. Instead of following the distractions find and deserted, quite place, and pray.
In today’s reading, the Bible tells of Jesus healing Simon’s mother-in-law. Not just Simon’s mother-in-law but many people of the town. When they came to Him, He healed them. He also preached in the synagogues. Why? He wanted us to see His will so we may change our sinful lives and find our purpose.
We need to go to a special place in our house that is deserted and pray. Sometimes I pray but I get distracted because my phone is next to me or my thoughts wonder. When I pray now I will try my best to put my phone in a separate room so I am not tempted. Staring at a crucifix will help me stay focused and not let my thoughts wonder. If Jesus woke up early and went to the wilderness then I can at least silence my phone when I pray.
I think Jesus is telling us that we need to push ourselves when we are sick or down because that will help us become stronger with the way God wants us to be
In today’s gospel, Jesus helps heal the sick and cast away demons from people. When Simon’s mother-in-law became sick, they immediately came to Jesus to cure her illness. I can apply this to my life by trusting and seeking God when times are tough.
I think this cripture passage is saying that God needs to be accepted into our life for him to save us from sin thats how powerful he is
This just shows God’s love for us, healing us when we never diserved it. we sin against him and we come back asking to be healed. And he just forgives us like that and heals us when we dont deserve it.
In this reading we hear that God heals all those who come to Him. He will also do the same to us, He is never too far away from us, and will always be there for us. All we have to do is ask and recieve.
I think that this gospel is saying that we need to be closer to God more now than ever. We need to talk to God and let Him in. In order for us to be close to Him than we need to let Him know our feelings and pray to Him about anything and everything. He is always going to listen and this is how we can get a lot closer to Him.
In the Gospel passage today I really thought when Jesus left to a deserted place it reminded me of what we people are like. Jesus was in need of a break just like we are. I think that when people think that Jesus can’t relate to us because he is to powerful and to holy to have anything be a issue in his life that they need to go back and read this Gospel and understand that Jesus even needed his own time away from people.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is curing the sick and driving demons out of people. He did this for every person and not just for some and not others. He loves all of us no matter how much we have sinned. He really wants to help us and no matter how many times we run away from His love, he will always be there for us when we come back to Him.
Jesus will always be willing to help cure us and our loved ones of sickness and of our sins. But we can not just do whatever we want and disobey him and go against him, just to come back and ask for his help and for his grace when we are in a bad place or when we are sick. This is taking advantage of God and that is just as much of a sin as disobeying parents or cussing. We need to truly want to be closer with God and to have a good relationship with him. Because he loves us so much and he proved that by dying on the cross for us. And we need to show him that love back.
The gospel is telling me today that God will save and heal the sick and poor. And that God will always be next to me through anything. Something that stuck out is “Everyone is looking for you.” It stuck out to me because in these dark times we are looking for the Man who we know can save us and answer our prayers.
He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” This Phrase really caught my attention. God reaches out everywhere to heal and preach about the Lord. He says this is the purpose I have come to. God is calling us to do this. Jesus came to make an example of how to live our lives. This is what it means to be a missionary. Reaching out to all that need to hear the Great news of God. We need to follow this example to get others to Heaven, not just us.
I think that this is a very inspiring Gospel that has somewhat of a secret message. In this passage it says, “He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew him.” The last line is the most important in this because it explains to us that the demons knew who Jesus was. That means that they knew he was the Son of God and that was why they feared him so much and were instantly driven out of someone’s body when He rebuked them. If Jesus wouldn’t have silenced the demons, they would have shouted how Jesus was the Son of God and they were afraid of him. Calling someone the Son of God is a very high praise and the demons absolutely hate God and everything right, so for them to call Jesus the Son of God would’ve shown in extravagant fashion, that Jesus is TRULY God and that we need to worship him with out whole heart, mind, and soul.
Today’s Scripture Passage is telling us that when we are sick or sad/down about something, Jesus will be by our side the entire time picking us up when we fall. He will always be there for us no matter what, if you ever need someone to lean on you can go to Him. He will help us get through anything we face in life, so trust that He will be with you the whole way. If we can allow Jesus in our life, He will change it forever spiritually, mentally, and physically.
I think that today’s scripture is telling us that God is always going to be there. We can take all of our troubles to him and he will listen and help us. We have to be comfortable enough to go to him and talk to him about our troubles.
The scripture passage means to me that even though Jesus may have been able to do something he stuck to the task he was meant to do. Also that if we believe in Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit we will overcome sickness and demons of our own.
Jesus was able to heal people. He can still do it now too. You may not be ill. But your heart has sin on it. This is saying that Jesus will always be there for us even if we think he isn’t there he is there in spirit.
In this scripture reading it is saying that Jesus is curing and casting out demons and I bet not very much followed Christ but Jesus still loved them like his own children God will never abandon us even if we are sick or doing bad things he will always be by us and during the end of the day he will think about you.
This was probably Jesus’s best day for miracles. He got to show off a whole array of talents and special things he could do. Drive out demons, cure the ill, he got to do everything. And with a prayer session at the end of the day! Man, this must of been a party for Jesus. Anyway, I really don’t feel like there’s much to reflect on or explain, it all seems pretty straight forward.
Today’s Scripture passage gave me a lot of takeaways. It was very meaning full. The biggest takeaway is that Jesus will always love and be with us. He will always stay by our side even if we don´t feel it. He loves us very much. Even though we sin and hurt him he still gives more and more love. Jesus loves us no matter what. He will always be with us when we need love. He will love us when nobody is there to love us. His love is the greatest thing in the world.
This Gospel taught me God will do everything for us.He drove out demons.He will do anything for us even though we are sinners.We make mistakes time and time again and God still forgives us.
I think this scripture says that we should go out of our way to help people. Jesus left the town he was in to heal others. Jesus came to Earth to help others we were also put on Earth to help others.
In today’s Gospel it means to me to be open to God and wonders will happen. Jesus always has our back and he is with us all the time.
God is so powerful and is able to drive out demons and cure sicknesses. He is way more powerful than anything else, and that I should listen when He tells me to do something.
jesu helpas us and willfrif you wen you lie
The gospel is saying that we need to go to Jesus and give everything to him. Our sadness sin every thing you can think you give to him. In gospel that the people believe that he could drive out demos and sickness. That’s what we need to do believe that he will help us that we can climb the mountain.
Todays Gospel is talking about healing. God will always be there and will always love us even is we’ve done very bad things. We need to go to confession for those bad things.
In this scripture everyone just dropped what they were doing and went to listen to Jesus talk about the scripture. We need to do this is in our life, drop what we’re doing and go and talk to Jesus in a quite place. It will make you a better person and It will Make us closer to Him, and we will live a better life with Him.
What I think Jesus is telling me is that we need to help the sick. Not just the people that are ill sick the people the are sick in their faith. We need to help them get back into their faith. We also need to help the people who are actually sick by bringing them food and helping them out.
In this Gospel, Jesus heals all sorts of people. Can you imagine the crowd swarming Jesus everywhere he went? Hundreds of people all crying out to be healed and talking of his works. “When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons,
not permitting them to speak because they knew him.”
To me this Scripture is saying that it might feel like God isn’t revealing Himself to me, but it’s my fault, because I haven’t been anticipating it and looking forward to it. We can’t just wait around for some big thing to happen to let us know that Jesus is real, and that He’s hearing our prayers, because He already has revealed himself to us through Scripture and the Eucharist. That’s on us for not seeing that.
In this passage, Jesus cures Simon’s mother-in-laws sickness just by touching her. This shows us what Jesus can really do. Jesus also cure many more of the sick and he drives out demons. Jesus has more power over the devil. He is stronger than sin. We need to realize this so that we know who to turn to in times of need.
This scripture is telling us to obey God. He has lots of power and He wants to help you in your struggles. You have to trust Him.
This scripture is telling us to obey God. He has lots of power and He wants to help you in your struggles. You have to trust Him.
The line “the whole town was gathered at their door” sticks out to me. The fact that the desire to see Jesus spread throughout a whole town is amazing, but even more amazing is that the desire was so great that every single person in the town came to the house He was staying at. That doesn’t happen that often.
The Gospel today is telling me that whenever we are down on ourselves or are feeling sad Jesus will always be there for us. We can always count on Jesus to be there with us. Jesus loves us so much and so should we.
This shows us that Jesus loves us no matter what. He will do whatever it takes to heal us, because He loves us so much! we have to realize this, that God doesn’t just give up on us, no matter how warped and wicked we appear to be. We have to remind ourselves that Christ didn’t just flick His finger and a demon magically went away, no it wasn’t magic it was His love, it was his recognition of the true human being that was masked by something to evil to explain.
Jesus came to save us from our sins which he had to do through death and excruciating pain. He went through some of the most cruel and inhumane punishments for us out of love. We need to think about this because no one else would do this for us. Only Jesus, He did this out of pure love for us and for the hope that we follow God. It’s kinda hard to think about every time we’ve sinned that caused Jesus more pain.
This passage is telling me that for any purpose good or bad i will always be there anywhere and everywhere with you
God is always helping up even if we don’t know it. In this gospel Jesus is curing many people.
What this scripture tells me is that Jesus will do to us what we need done. We just need to accept him.
This shows how powerful the Lord is. His power is strong enough to drive our demons. The power of the Lord is truly inspiring
What I think this scripture is saying is that he will come when everyone is lost and don’t know what to do anymore and the world is about to end. This could help our world because everyone is lost and doesn’t know who to believe in or what to believe in.
We need to trust God to heal us when we are sick or broken, and give him our heart. He saved us from sin and darkness and all of our sins were nailed to the cross. Jesus loves us all equally and will do anything to save us as long as we submit ourselves to him
Jesus is talking about helping and healing. Jesus healed people he cased out demons. Jesus will always be there for us even when things are the worse for you. He will always be able to heal you.
I think that this scripture is trying to tell us that prayer should become a normal everyday habit in our lives. Everyday we should devote time to God. God wants you to be comfortable and focused when you talk to him. There are many different quiet and calm places you could go to talk to God. You just have to make it a habit to do it everyday.
In this Jesus is curing everyone. Its showing how powerful the Lord is and how he can just cure someone like that. He will do to us what needs to be done and what we deserve.
To me this means that God saw a purpose to come back. So he sent his son named Jesus. God did not like what he was seeing when it came down to The people who lived on this earth so he sent his begotten son to come down to earth and save us from sin and show us the way to heaven.