Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Peter approached Jesus and asked him,
“Lord, if my brother sins against me,
how often must I forgive him?
As many as seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.
That is why the Kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king
who decided to settle accounts with his servants.
When he began the accounting,
a debtor was brought before him who owed him a huge amount.
Since he had no way of paying it back,
his master ordered him to be sold,
along with his wife, his children, and all his property,
in payment of the debt.
At that, the servant fell down, did him homage, and said,
‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full.’
Moved with compassion the master of that servant
let him go and forgave him the loan.
When that servant had left, he found one of his fellow servants
who owed him a much smaller amount.
He seized him and started to choke him, demanding,
‘Pay back what you owe.’
Falling to his knees, his fellow servant begged him,
‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’
But he refused.
Instead, he had him put in prison
until he paid back the debt.
Now when his fellow servants saw what had happened,
they were deeply disturbed, and went to their master
and reported the whole affair.
His master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant!
I forgave you your entire debt because you begged me to.
Should you not have had pity on your fellow servant,
as I had pity on you?’
Then in anger his master handed him over to the torturers
until he should pay back the whole debt.
So will my heavenly Father do to you,
unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.” MT 18:21-35
Forgiveness is hard. As I continue to try and fight sin, I realize God’s love and mercy for us is beyond understanding. God continues to forgive us, if we are sorry from our heart, which means we will leave confession with the intent to stop the sin in our life (reconciliation). Pope Francis said, “God never tires of forgiving, we tire of asking for forgiveness”. We need God’s grace. Jesus is waiting, thirsting for our souls to be reconciled. This was His mission and purpose. If we don’t bring ourselves to Him, the power of the Cross is lost. He is waiting with an ocean of mercy. God’s mercy is bigger than sin. We must never tire of fighting sin and asking for God’s mercy when we fall. Jesus died for us to reconcile us with the Father. This is a long and difficult process which involves fasting, prayer, coming to know God in the Scriptures, desiring holiness and developing a relationship with Him.
Most importantly, we must ask Mary to intercede for us and protect us from evil. We can ask her to wrap us in her mantle every day all day. We can ask St. Joseph to wrap us in his cloak and protect us, too. I am still going back to confession for some of the same sins I have had since I was younger. Other sins, with God’s grace in the Eucharist and Reconciliation, I have overcome. Forgiveness is hard. God’s mercy is generous and can never be outmatched.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us if we want this mercy, we too must forgive. Ouch! My pride usually wins when it comes to forgiving or asking for forgiveness. Our homes, schools, and communities would be much better if we forgave more. Forgiveness is hard and we usually need to forgive those closest to us. Fr. Jacques Philippe teaches that we are chained to the person we need to forgive or ask for forgiveness from. The hardest things in life often have the greatest rewards. Today, Jesus reminds us forgiveness is essential to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Today’s challenge: Ask Jesus for the words to say when preparing yourself to forgive or ask for forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Don’t plan on it going well sometimes. Often times a person is very upset and hurt. Ask God for His grace to continue open communication and be prepared to say I’m sorry many times. Forgive and ask for forgiveness to prepare your soul for the Kingdom of Heaven. Forgiveness is for-giving! Give it often! Pope Francis, “Say Please, Thank You, and I’m Sorry everyday”. Fr. Kapaun said, “If we fail to forgive, we reject our own faith!” Fr. Kapaun, pray for us!
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
This shows us that we should forgive and we may be forgiven.
I need to stop thinking so much and forgive like the man forgave the servant.
You must forgive to be forgiven, you must be helpful to be helped. God is wanting us to treat others as you would like to be treated. God says that He shall be apologized to but you have to mean it for Him to be in you and so that when He is in you, you are forgiven and given hope and help that you desperately need.
This scripture is saying to always forgive no matter how much someone hurt you. Being a christian means to always forgive. To forgive over and over means maturity. God always knows the truth and all we can ever do is love everyone around us and spread the goodness.
when the scripture said “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.” I thought that if God is willing to forgive all the sins we commit in are life why aren’t we always for giving people. God knows we are human and makes mistakes and he forgives us for that, so why don’t we do the same for are fellow people.
We have to forgive our friends, family, enemy, and everyone who sins against us. Like Father Jarrod said it’s maturity and we have to get over it. Also God forgives everyone so if He can why can’t we. God is way more powerful but He is more merciful than us. He forgave the people who killed His only Son Jesus, we did with or sins.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us how to forgive someone. As Fr. Jarrod talked about in his homily, I need to forgive every time. If something happens to me, I need to think about if I deserve it, or something I did in the past that I got away with. If I hold a grudge against someone, I need to stop and love everyone.
In the Scripture, we learn that we need to forgive people. We can look at Jesus’s life and how He forgave every person on Earth by dying on the cross. Forgiving people is very powerful and may bring the friendship with the person that your mad with be friends with you again.
Jesus tells us to not hold grudges and seek revenge. In the scripture, though the servant is forgiven of his debt, he goes after another servant and refuses to forgive him. This is an example of hypocrisy, and because the servant did this, he was sent to the torturers.
There will be many people in our life who will sin against us but we always need to remember to forgive. We should be the bigger person and let it go, that’s part of being a Christian. Forgive like Jesus forgives and don’t hurt anyone in the process.
Like farther said today, sometimes you get what you didn’t deserve but sometimes you do get what you did deserve. No matter what it is we have to carry our cross like Jesus did. Jesus died on a cross for us and he didn’t even deserve it, he took up his cross and went with it.
Today the scripture is telling me that we should never stop asking for forgiveness. It feels good to be forgiven. It’s like a weight was lifted off of you and you know you have a second chance. That is why I go to confession almost every week. It is good to have a clean slate at the start of the week and confession helps give us the grace we need to resist temptation and sin.
What I took out from this gospel is that forgiveness is hard, but it’s important role in out Catholic faith. We should learn to forgive because that’s what brings God’s people together as one whole. We can’t live out lives with grudges against people because that’s not what God would do. He would forgive them and eat with them. We need to learn how to forgive easily and to live with peace with other people.
In todays gospel God is telling me that we always need to forgive each other. Even if we do not like the person that has done us wrong, we still need to forgive them. God will always forgive us. Do you know how much we sin? Then God still forgives us. If we were Him and seen all the things people have done to Him, you would not think to forgive the people who have done that to you. So be like Christ and forgive everyone for everything.
Today, Jesus is telling us that we NEED to forgive. He uses a parable to help us understand what God could be like if we do not forgive. Too often, the wicked servant represents us, and that should change. We should try to forgive everyone.
We often want revenge on someone that has hurt us, but revenge is not the way to handle problems, forgiveness is. Forgiving someone can often renew the relationship between people. Holding a grudge and wanting revenge only hurts relationships. It’s always important to have good relationships because you may need some of those people later in life.
If we cannot forgive the debt of others and ourselves we are not worthy of God’s forgiveness. Even if we do, our debt to God is still so great that we cannot measure. If a wolf slays a lamb, yet the lamb lives, is the wolf not worthy of its hatred and the hatred of its flock forever? Yet to have we slain the Lord, the King of Kings, the Messiah, the Great I AM, yet He forgives us of our debt. If we do unto others what is do to them, then shall we, as sinners, have what is do to us.
In Today’s Gospel Jesus teaches us about forgiving someone. WE all have the devil trying to tempt us to not forgive someone, but we need to overcome the devil and forgive them. Forgiving someone is about maturity. You have to be mature to forgive someone and get over it. Many people in the world don’t have maturity and just think if someone hurt me I’m gonna hurt them back. Instead the person should mature forgive that person and get over it.
In order to move on, we must forgive. But we should never expect to be forgiven when we ourselves do not forgive. The servant who punished another even though he was forgiven is a great example of how hypocrisy will eventually come back to punish us. He lacked mercy for the other servant, yet fully accepted the mercy of his master. This is what we should strive to be the opposite of.
Jesus is saying that if someone forgives you, you should do the same. Your brother or sister has probably forgiven you about something and you should do the same. If someone forgives you do it to a different person so that they know that they can forgive other people.
In today’s reading it was about Forgiveness. We have to use and learn from forgiveness and too forgive as Jesus forgave us. Jesus died on the cross for us. That was His forgiveness. Jesus was teaching us forgiveness by dying in the cross for us so we should be able to forgive other people.
Jesus is saying that we need to forgive those that maybe was talking about someone or being rude to others and we can go and forgive them and just let it go it happened in the past and it was gone their is nothing we can do about it now so the most we can do is forgive that person. We might not be friends with them anymore but we can still forgive them and we want to mean our forgiveness with our hearts.
This scripture is saying to always forgive. No matter how many times someone has sinned against you, you should forgive them.
In today’s scripture reflection Jesus is telling us that we need to forgive. Holding grudges doesn’t help us in life so God wants us to just apologize to those we have fought with. If we can start to forgive we will be able to have new relationships in our life. We need to act like God and forgive everyone!
Someone may really hurt you but you have to forgive them. You might be very embarrassed to say sorry to them but you will feel better after forgiving them. You may think that they will make fun of you for saying sorry and that they will tell everyone about it but at least you might feel a little better.
In this Scripture I learned that I need to forgive. Forgiving is not just saying sorry and going on with our day. Forgiving is getting deep in to your heart and saying something that is true and thought full. Even though we as Catholics know this why do we still struggle to forgive? We struggle because we hold grudges and cant get over the fact that we need to drop it and move on with life. Father Kapaun said ¨ if we fail to forgive, we reject our own faith.¨
What reached out to me was when Jesus said, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.” What this means to me is that to reach heaven we need to forgive those around us. It may seem easy to forgive someone, but unless we truly forgive someone in our hearts it’s basically just a waste of time.
This Scripture is saying like we should forgive more and more often because it is one of the ways that we could go to heaven and forgiving people is like putting pressure off of you and the person because for you sins are like coming off and if you go to confession then yeah or ask for forgiveness then yes and for the person they will feel like you kinda care about me now i don’ t have to worry about you but i like deep down inside you have cared for me when you like stopped hurting me it like better deep down inside for both people the bully/bad person and the incconcent/ good person.
I think the scripture is telling you to forgive others. It doesn’t matter how much they hurt you. If you can man up and forgive them it will give you more relief than holding that grudge. It feels good to be forgiven so don’t deny someone that. When you are forgiven a refuse to forgive, like the servant, it’s a sin. Take the time and forgive everyone who hurt you. It will help you extend to others around you and bring you closer to God.
I think this scripture passage is saying, everyone needs to forgive. Just because its your bully or your worst enemy, it doesn’t give you the right to not forgive them. Like the passage said,” “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.
This Gospel tells us to forgive. He says that we should forgive our brother seventy-seven times but we know that He means always. Our Father in heaven has already forgiven us for our sins so that’s why we should forgive our neighbors. We are in dept to our Father in heaven for creating us so we must go out and forgive others.
We must forgive to be forgiven. I could sum it up just as that, but there is a lot to explain. When we let anger take over our souls we leave no room for forgiveness and forgiveness gives us peace, we need to realize that we will keep fighting each other until we forgive each other, saying sorry for something changes the people that we have hurt.
We must forgive. Even if we are as Mr. Goertz says “not as mocho” because no one else is doing it. Be strong. Don’t back down because God is the strongest, coolest, most powerful being, and He forgives.
This scripture means that if you do something that hurts your family members or friends you should forgive them. If you do not forgive them they will not either pay attention to you or not be your friend for a while until you forgive them like everybody will.
What stood out to me was, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him?” This stood out to me because in Mass we learned that we should forgive not 7 or 8 times but all the time. Everyday we need to forgive one another. Especially through relationships, forgive one another. It’s the right thing to do. Let’s forgive everyone and forgive from your heart.
If we want others to forgive us we must forgive others. If we want to get to heaven we need to forgive other so God can forgive us.
when the scripture said “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.” I thought that if God is willing to forgive all the sins we commit in are life why aren’t we always for giving people
I think that the scripture is saying that we must always forgive people that have done us wrong because God always forgives us so we should forgive other people.
I think today’s scripture passage is trying to tell us that God will always forgive us. God teaches us to forgive others by Him forgiving us. If we forgive others, they will forgive us in return.
I think this scripture is telling us that we have to forgive anyone no matter how bad they hurt us. God forgave everyone no matter the sin. We aren’t perfect so we can’t expect everyone around us to be perfect.
In Scripture, Jesus tells us that we need to ask for forgiveness. God is not some machine where all our sins will just go away. We need to actually be sorry and ask God for forgiveness.
what the scripture is telling me is that when we forgive and ask for forgiveness from others its like paying a little amount of debt back to God. but if we dont obviously try to forgive or ask for forgiveness we get deeper in debt which is like we are losing a little amount of a chance to enter Heaven.
Today’s Gospel talked about forgiving and being forgotten. Even though people do something mean doesn’t mean we shouldn’t forgive them. Jesus is telling us that we need to forgive people for there poor decisions. We also need to ask God for forgiveness so we can be forgotten.
I think that this scripture is saying that we should forgive everyone that might hurt our feelings. We need to learn how to let things go. God gives us this strength, we just need to use it.
We all have someone to forgive. We shouldn’t hold back we are all human and we have emotions. We also make mistakes, not just doing it on purpose and saying it was a mistake. Always forgive each other.
Forgiveness is really hard to do sometimes. That’s because it’s one of the most important things to do. Apologizing can create more trust in a relationship. We are all here to help each other. We are all gonna mess up eventually, we just have to know how to apologize, and how to forgive others. We almost have to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes, we have to see where they are coming form and how they are sorry. We just have to keep our relationships strong.
No matter how much someone hurt you, you still should forgive them because everyone deserves forgiveness and Jesus forgave everyone no matter what they did. God loves us all so much so we need to love others.
This passage reminds me of the importance of respecting everyone. Even those that drive me insane. I am not the perfect sibling. My siblings annoy me and I annoy them back. I have better relationships with certain siblings than others. But this passage shows me just how much I need to forgive all of them – particularly the ones that make me angry.
As humans, we hold grudges. It is in our fallen human nature. God knows that, and He shows us in the Scripture that we need to learn to let it go. We have to forgive everyone not just superficially, but in our hearts as well. “So will my heavenly Father do to you,
unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.”
What this scripture reflection says to me is that we all need to forgive more. How many times has other people asked for forgiveness, and we pay it back. But when we ask other people for forgiveness, they don’t pay it back. We all need to try to forgive more, and ask less.
Today, Jesus teaches us a lesson about forgiveness. He tells us that we should forgive like we have been forgiven. We all have held grudges against someone who did us wrong, hated them for something maybe they did years ago, and we still haven’t forgotten it. How stupid is that, to hold something against a person who maybe wishes for your forgiveness, who wants to reconcile with you but you won’t allow them too. Forgiveness is essential to getting into the Kingdom of Heaven. If God can forgive the worst sinner that ever existed on the face of the planet, why can’t we forgive someone of a transgression they made.
God teaches us to forgive people today. He wants us to learn how to forgive so we can give ourselves up for him fully. He also doesn’t want us to hold grudges with each other so he wants us to forgive so we can all love each other.
Today’s Gospel is telling me that we should always forgive others and ask for forgiveness. No matter how much has been done against you, you cannot hold grudges.
I think that in today’s gospel we are being told to ask forgiveness, and to forgive, not only do we have to throw away our pride and be responsible for our actions by asking for forgiveness, we can not be like the wicked servant and ask for forgiveness without giving it. Even if someone doesn’t ask for our forgiveness, we need to give it anyway, not only for our good but the good of the person we are forgiving.
What God is saying is that we need to learn to forgive because life is a lot better when you forgive and when you forgive sometimes others will begin to forgive. When there is forgiveness throughout the people around you life is a lot better and no one has a grudge against any of their piers and everyone is kind to each other.
This scripture is telling me to forgive. As people do wrong against me and ask for forgiveness I forgive them. If i do wrong against other people I ask for forgiveness. They forgive me. I should not hold grudges or stay angry at people for what they have done long ago. And neither should anybody else.
God is telling us that even though we get our feelings hurt or if we physically get hurt by someone on purpose or accident, we should always forgive them, for they know not for what they do. We shouldn’t seek revenge or anything like that or things in our lives would get worse. We don’t have to fight back all the time, but we can always pray for them.
The part that sticks out to me today is when Jesus says, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.” This shows us that we should never stop forgiving. You can’t forgive someone more than once for one sin, but because we are human that person will sin again and they will likely do something to you that means you will have to forgive them again. We shouldn’t get tired of forgiving, we should just keep doing it.
There will be many times in our lives that we will hurt someone or someone will hurt us and we all need to be able to forgive. God forgave everyone for all the sins they have made and even though it was probably hard for him he still forgave. We should stand up and be the better people to treat each other with respect just like God would want us to.
In this scripture, Jesus shows us how to forgive and respect each other. Forgiving may be very difficult to many people, they would hold grudges or wish for revenge and God really does not want that for us. Jesus teaches us that we should forgive forty times over and over as many times as you should.
We should forgive our enemies. Not only that but we should let our enemies forgive us. We can do this by apologizing. Sometimes we don’t want to say sorry to someone who we were mean to because we think they deserve it. This isn’t right. You should ask for forgiveness from them.
To truly forgive someone from the heart, we must set aside out pride and be vulnerable. Everybody has been wronged and wronged someone else. We’re all sinners. We all deserve forgiveness and mercy. Some offenses may take time to forgive, but stubbornness only makes it worse. Forgive from the heart.
Today’s scripture reflects on forgiveness. Forgiveness is a big part in our lives alongside apologizing. Forgiveness is what makes a person humble and mature. Holding grudges and having regret won’t do us much. Jesus has taught us that we should love our neighbor as ourselves, and treat others the way you want to be treated. We won’t be able to accomplish that if we don’t forgive and stay immature.
As Catholics, it is our job to be an example to others. Forgiving, I think is really hard to do and makes saying we’re sorry not that bad. Forgiving something big and hurtful also makes it harder. Jesus is the perfect example and shows us the way to do things, hard or easy. We have to follow that even though the world tells us not to.
I think this is saying to forgive and not to hold grudges. Just to leave the past behind because why worry about something that happened a year ago. Focus on the present/future and just let go.
i think this scripture is about how we should forgive everyone and that we are all human, we should not think we are better than someone.
I think this whole Gospel is about not holding things against others. Jesus held nothing against people and that really increased his relationship with others. If we don’t hold things against people it will help our relationship.
I think the scripture is saying that we have to be polite and understanding with everyone just as is the Lord with us. Even when we are upset with each other we must always forgive. We do not always need to forget but we must always forgive.
Today’s scripture is one of the most powerful and meaningful scriptures to me. I think the main meaning of this scripture today is there will always be many people in our life who will sing against us but we always need to forgive because we would want to be forgiven. We are all humans and to tear each other down is just silly, we should be lifting up people because everyone is always feeling down whether you can see it or not. Even when it’s hard, we should be the bigger person and let it go, especially being Christian. What would Jesus do? He would simply forgive and not hurt anyone in the process. So do as Jesus would do.
The Gospel is saying to today that we need to be polite to our fellow friend and family. Sometimes we get angry with each other that when we do not retaliate because like the servant we will be handed over to the torturer so will we be handed over to the devil.
If you are forgiven, then you should forgive others. If you are forgiven but then don’t forgive those who have wronged you, then you shouldn’t have been forgiven.
This gospel passage is trying to tell me that forgiveness is important. Whether we think it’s important or not, it is. We need to forgive others in order to be forgiven. Forgiveness is key. But we need to truly forgive, not just say “I forgive you” or “It’s okay.”
As it said in the scripture, forgiving is hard. Always forgive people who have mistreated you, and they will forgive you when you mistreat them
“So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.” Forgiveness is something we all need to do but something we do not want to do. When we ask for forgiveness of others we are scared and even asking for forgiveness to the Lord is hard because when we ask for forgiveness we feel small, like we are weak. Forgiveness is powerful trust forgiveness and repentance.
Today’s Scripture passage is saying that the hardest things to do yield the greatest results. Forgiveness is not easy but we will benefit greatly from it. We should learn to be forgiving like Jesus. We should ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
I think this gospel is telling us about forgiving sometimes we have to forgive the people that did the worst to you. Because you could say fighting for yourself and saying something mean back is right but your doing the same thing that people did to you. So you have to be the bigger person and get over it. It’s only the right time to do that when it’s a really serious thing. Like a life or feeling situation. But to the point is to always be the bigger person
Peter approached Jesus and asked him,“Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times. we need to forgive people and not be so judgey against people that have made a mistake.
We should always be willing to forgive others. Even when you don´t want to we should always be willing to forgive.
We should always be willing to forgive others. Even when it is not our fault we should be willing to forgive.
This scripture is telling us forgive everyone no matter what circumstance.But God agknowledgedes that forgiveness is hard and thats ok.
Jesus tell us to keep forgiving. The master mercifully gave his servant more time to repay his debt, but his servant went to his servant and did not give him the same mercy. When the master found out he handed him over to torturers till he paid his debt. We should be merciful, probably even more merciful than the master.