Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
There was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Now there is in Jerusalem at the Sheep Gate
a pool called in Hebrew Bethesda, with five porticoes.In these lay a large number of ill, blind, lame, and crippled.
One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years.
When Jesus saw him lying there
and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him,
“Do you want to be well?”
The sick man answered him,
“Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool
when the water is stirred up;
while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me.”
Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.”
Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked.
Now that day was a sabbath.
So the Jews said to the man who was cured,
“It is the sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to carry your mat.”
He answered them, “The man who made me well told me,
‘Take up your mat and walk.’“
They asked him,
“Who is the man who told you, ‘Take it up and walk’?”
The man who was healed did not know who it was,
for Jesus had slipped away, since there was a crowd there.
After this Jesus found him in the temple area and said to him,
“Look, you are well; do not sin any more,
so that nothing worse may happen to you.”
The man went and told the Jews
that Jesus was the one who had made him well.
Therefore, the Jews began to persecute Jesus
because he did this on a sabbath. JN 5:1-16
When Jesus is not preaching, it is interesting, being the Son of Man (God on earth) what company he decides to spend time with. Jesus only spends 3 years of his 33 year life revealing the Divine Truths of the Father necessary for salvation to us. We find Jesus with the ill, blind, lame, and crippled. Why did Jesus choose this man among many? Jesus knew people’s hearts. This man had been ill for 38 years and he had no one to help him. This man knew how to suffer, must have had hope, and believed Jesus could help him (faith).
Suffering for 38 years! If I suffer for more than an hour, even 30 minutes, heck even for an instant, I want to be relieved. This is part of our nature, our bodies hate to suffer. Jesus even proves this himself in the Agony of the Garden saying, “Father, if Thou art willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Thine be done.” Lk 22:42. If we ask God to reveal His heart to us, we will find that love likes to suffer.
God sent His only Son into the world to save us, not condemn us by dying on a cross after suffering the Passion. Love likes to suffer and suffering brings joy, therefore love brings joy. Think about it, Jesus was the happiest, holiest, most joyful Man on earth when he died on the cross. He had the mission to save humanity, our need is filled by this action the Father asked of Him. He completed it and it required a ton of suffering!
Martyrs and saints, who spent their lives asking Jesus to reveal His heart to them and reflecting on the Passion of Christ learned this great paradox-suffering brings joy and reveals Christ’s heart. Therefore, they spent their lives fasting, praying, and inducing pain upon themselves.
Martyr means “witness”. They were witnesses of Christ suffering even to the point of death. They went to their death with joy to suffer because they understood Christ’s heart and wanted to suffer with Him. They knew this brought everlasting life, but more importantly they wanted to love Jesus back for His love of them. Perfect love has no fear (1JN 4:18), even fear of death.
Amazing! I fall into worldly ways of comfort and luxury every day. I need to learn from Jesus, the saints and martyrs and find ways to become poor, blind, weak, and ill in my life so I can partake in the love of Christ and love Him back. Christ on the cross gives us a reason to suffer, bear our daily crosses, and take the risk of loving. Love is giving our whole self, body and soul, to another in the most intimate way.
Christ, our perfect model, teaches us how to suffer by giving us himself, body, blood, soul, and divinity on the Cross and remains with us to be intimate with Him in the Eucharist. What an amazing God! We find God in the ill, poor, and suffering. If we find ourselves with the ill, poor, or suffering today, may we embrace them like Christ. You don’t have to look far, they are in the same room as you right now!
Today’s challenge: Suffer, love Christ back, and experience peace and joy. Go to confession, reconcile yourself with God, and be ready to fight and suffer for Christ. Suffer with others (compassion). You will never regret it for all eternity!
Be a servant, Become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
that the gid cod not go becus he was varry il and ccood not mack it to the water so jesus sed risa and tak yor mat and woak
I think this Gospel shows how tough Jesus life was. He did a miracle and the people didn’t think he just did a miracle he must be the Messiah. No, they thought he was wrong for helping someone on the sabbath this shows how hard it was for Jesus and we can complain about little things but we need to think about Jesus and how much he had to suffer for us.
In todays reading the homily was about how the new and the old testament are connected and they are connected through sacraments. The sacraments started the path for Jesus to preach on and him preaching after the prophets had already tried to say the same thing , which is all connected.
This man is crippled and he is just complaining about how he can’t do things, Jesus asks him if he wants to be healed, but the man just goes on about how sad his life is. That reminds me of us and how we complain, but Jesus still helps us just like He healed the man, even after the man was complaining. We need to open our eyes to these things.
In today’s reading and Gospel, they both mention water. Water is what brings life to us. Jesus brought life to us through baptism with water. We need to let Jesus’s water clean our hearts and souls. We need to bring our sin to Jesus and offer it all up to him.
In today’s scripture, it is telling us that no matter what we are going through, Jesus can help us.
The Lord doesn’t want us to focus on our sins. He doesn’t want us to say, “Oh, but I have done such terrible things,” He wants to meet you where you’re at. He wants to be with you and heal you so that you can be happy and live life to its fullest. God will always forgive us even if we think it’s too terrible or that it’s too big. Talk to God and be with Him so that He can flow through you and help you on your way.
Suffering brings joy and reveals Christ’s teachings. Jesus was drawn towards a man who had suffered for 38 years, and chose to heal him out of many. Jesus knew how long the man’s suffering had lasted, and He chose to relieve him from his suffering.
Water is healing and it gives us grace. When we are baptized, the water washes away our original sin and we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to have courage to spread God’s love and words.
Jesus gives us gifts of life. He gave us baptism and the Eucharist. The water at baptism heals our souls and purifies us of our original sin. In the story there was an old man who was holy and waited 38 years to be cleansed. One day Jesus healed him. He was healed because he was patient and faithful. God gives to those who wait in faith. Slow down and pay attention to the little things and be grateful for all you have.
What reached out to me was, “Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked”. What this means to me is that we may not see any spectacular miracles in our lives, but we should notice the little things that seem to work out.
In this scripture reflection Jesus is very loving and merciful instead of the sick man saying yes i want to be healed he gives a very sad story about how he is always the last one at the swirling water. So Jesus says pick up your mat and walk so he does so and Jesus also tells him not to sin anymore he wants to follow him.
I think today’s scripture is saying that the the water flowing from the altar is the same thing as the water and blood flowing from jesus’s side when he was stabbed at the cross. This is just another way the old and new testament’s connect.
When Jesus asked the crippled man if he wants to be healed, the man answered with a whole life story. Jesus already knows our life story, he knows our hearts. When we wrong Jesus, He already knows what we did and why we did it. There is no point in making up excuses. The best we can do is take responsibility for our sin instead of making things up.
In today’s scripture God asked if he wanted to be will and he gave his life story about he has been there for 38 years with no one to help him and always last to to the water he didn’t give him a yes or no answer and Jesus said rise and take up your mat he did so and Jesus left not trying to gain attention so do good needs for the good of others not to be seen do it for God and your neighbor.
I think that Jesus is saying that the water coming from the alter is the same as the blood and water that was coming from Jesus’s side.
Jesus heals because he loves us each individual Jesus loves differently
Today we learn that we are crippled compared to God and he is always waiting to help us. He asks us if need to be healed and we ignore we act too eager for God, hes the one who made us, He truly is king of kings. All we have to is ask and he will answer.
This basically tells us that no matter whats wrong with us mentally,or physically he can help us he can heal us,make all of any pain that we have,go away
God wants us to be happy and to not focus on our sins. We’ll never have time to really talk to Jesus if the only thing we focus on is our sins. Of course we should ask God for forgiveness but we should focus on that always.
in the scriptures today, Jesus asks a crippled man “do you want to be healed?” and the man doesn’t respond yes or no. he tells Jesus about all the struggles that he went through. and Jesus responds “don’t worry about the past” who are we like? when our parents ask us a question we don’t want to answer we try to avoid the question. When Jesus asks us a question are we going to avoid answering the question or are we going to answer him directly?
We shouldn’t be thriving in earthly things, a lot of the saints came from rich families and they made themselves poor and gave themselves up to God, that’s who we should look up to, not Jeff Bezos or any rich popular person but the saints. We don’t have to give absolutely everything up but don’t buy extra things and dwell on those.
God gave us the gift of life. He gave us water, we need that to live. He gave us food, we need that to live. He gave us the gifts of Baptism, Confession, Communion, and Confirmation. He left us with all we need, we need to use the gifts he gave us.
When Jesus is not preaching, it is interesting, being the Son of Man (God on earth) what company he decides to spend time with. Jesus only spends 3 years of his 33 year life revealing the Divine Truths of the Father necessary for salvation to us. We find Jesus with the ill, blind, lame, and crippled. Why did Jesus choose this man among many? Jesus knew people’s hearts. This man had been ill for 38 years and he had no one to help him. This man knew how to suffer, must have had hope, and believed Jesus could help him (faith).
we have to have faith in God and be patient.
Jesus heals a man that has been crippled for 38 years and the man was just complaining on how horrible his life was to Jesus ad not focusing on the good things in his life we need to be more grateful for what God gives us in our life and not just complaining in the things we don´t have we need to realize Jesus woke us up this morning for a reason.
This Gospel is trying to tell us that Jesus doesn’t want our excuses, He wants us to be healed. Jesus said to the man, “Do you want to be healed and the man told him his story. He doesn’t want our story because he already knows it. He just wants us to be healed.
Instead of complaining about how hard your life is, like the crippled man. If there is help infront you you, take it. We need to stop the complaining and whyning and accept the help.
The man went and told the Jews that Jesus was the one who had made him well. Therefore, the Jews began to persecute Jesus because he did this on a sabbath. This always confuses me why Jesus heals the blind cures the sick but the Jews hate him because he did it on a Sunday? What????? God heals the paralitic the lepers the blind the crippled and the Jews don’t beleive that he is the son of God because he did it on a Sunday???? the crippled man said no one carried me to the waters so I can’t be healed. Jesus say “rise take up your mat and walk.” It’s like he’s comanding the illness out of him. Belive in Jesus he can do anything.
Jesus healed on the Sabbath and told the person He healed to pick up his mat and go. The Pharisees were furious when the man told them that he had been healed by Jesus. They said He broke the law by healing on the Sabbath. The 10 Commandments tell us that we don’t need to do any unnecessary work on Sunday. But Jesus didn’t care, He still healed the sick man. We are the sick man and Jesus heals us every Sunday (or Saturday) when we go to mass. He heals us by letting us receive Him. So we need to go to mass so we can be saved.
He wants to heal us he wants us to be free of sin hes there for you and me just ask him and you shall receive. we need to grow closer in our faith so that we know and understand him. he knows and understands us because he knows everything but we have to trust him with our heart mind and soul.
This man is crippled and he is just complaining about how he can’t do things, Jesus asks him if he wants to be healed, but the man just goes on about how sad his life is. That reminds me of us and how we complain, but Jesus still helps us just like He healed the man, even after the man was complaining. We need to open our eyes to these things.
We need to grow closer in our faith so we can understand him. He knows every little thing about us but we know little about him. We need to have that mindset to want know everything about him and you cant do that if you dont grow in your faith.
Everyone things that when the water starts stirring but it’s just hot air going up into the water
Instead of complaining about our problems and mourning, we should ask others for help, especially God. He will help us get through our problems, and he will help us carry our cross just as simon did for him.
What stuck out to me was that Christ, our perfect model, teaches us how to suffer by giving us himself, body, blood, soul, and divinity on the Cross and remains with us to be intimate with Him in the Eucharist. What an amazing God! We find God in the ill, poor, and suffering. If we find ourselves with the ill, poor, or suffering today, may we embrace them like Christ. You don’t have to look far, they are in the same room as you right now!This stuck out to me because god will give me the strength to push through hard things through his love.
What God is trying to say is that if he approaches you and ask you for something or asks you a question you should respond and seek wisdom after answering it. God can do wondrous things and know what he’s looking for in you, so say it how God made you to say it.
Jesus can help us in whatever we need. He can help us when we need Him. All we have to do is call on Him. He will be there for us, always. Jesus loves you so much He knows your needs before you know them and He helps you. Just call on Him.
Today’s scripture talks about water and water is important because not only does it give and sustain our human bodies it gives us spiritual life in baptism and when ever we enter or exit the church we remind ourselves of our baptism by making the Sign of the Cross with Holy Water
We should see the good things we have in life instead of focusing our thoughts on the bad. We have difficult moments in our life but we shouldn’t let those times make us forget about what good we have in our lives.
We all have a mission in life whether it’s a goal for a good job or to make good grades by doing something good. Once we finish a goal or task in our life we feel happy or that it just brushed away. Jesus had a goal to bring humanity together and to save us from sin but here we are stilling sin . We all sin and know it; a white lie can turn into a black plague of lies. One lie makes more lies. Think about it next time you do something. Was it right or wrong?
Jesus will heal us when we are suffering. We persecute him even though he saves us and heals us when we are in need. We need to put our faith in Jesus.
This man had been ill for 38 years and he knew his Suffering for 38 years! If im in any suffering from 1 minute to 4 hours I want to be relieved. This is part of life our bodies hate to suffer. Love likes to suffer and suffering brings joy. just think about how Jesus was the happiest, holiest, most joyful Man on earth when he died on the cross. I need to learn from Jesus, the saints and others to find ways to become blind, deaf, broke, depressed and ill in my life so I can partake in the love of Christ and love Him back.
In the scripture Jesus asks an ill man if he wants to be well and instead of the sick man saying yes i want to be healed he gives a sad story about how he is always the last one to get to the swirling water. So Jesus says pick up your mat and walk so he does so and Jesus also tells him not to sin anymore he wants to follow him.
If someone asked you if you had want to be healed, and you have been ill for 38 years, you would say YES! HEAL ME PLEASE!! not “oh no one ever takes me to the water when it is stirred.” No matter what Jesus will help us through the hard times, sick times, and others.
Jesus must have seen something special in the ill man because out of all of the others, Jesus picked him. He suffered for 38 YEARS. I don’t think anyone could stand suffering for even a few days but 38 YEARS. Our bodies don’t like to suffer. God sent his only Son to save us. Love brings joy. Jesus was the most joyful Man on earth when he died on the cross. Martyr means witness. They witnessed Christ’s suffering.
Todays Gospel is telling us how much Jesus loves each and everyone of us. He came to where the sick man was and most people would just act like that man was not there or be disgusted. Jesus went up to him and asked if he wanted to be healed but he said he wanted to be able to jump into the pool.
he wants us to be set free and happy and live our life he gave us to the fullest and spread love and positivity and go out and spread the gos[plke and preach the word. you ask and you shall recieve god will only give it to yoiu if it will benifet you
I think that sometimes God goes out of His way to do something at a time that nobody would expect. In the reading, Jesus healed the man on a sabbath day. There was nothing wrong with Jesus healing the man, It was just that the man had a mat. Back then, people would rest on the sabbath day, so it was unlawful for the man to take the mat. But isn´t it interesting that Jesus healed him on the sabbath day? Maybe God healed the man on the sabbath day because He loved the man so much that He didn´t want to leave the man there any longer. Maybe Jesus thought it was time for the man to do the next thing planned for him in God´s will.
This refers to where Jesus was pierced in his side. The stream flowed from the right side of the altar. Jesus was pierced in the right side, and water and blood flowed out.
I think this scripture is about how even if you do good things, people don’t always like it. Jesus healed a cripple, but people still found a reason to hate him. This is a good example of bad stuff happening to good people.
Jesus wants to always be there for us and help us. If we keep complaining about things instead of trying to overcome our problems, nothing will happen. We can ask for Gods help and he will listen and help us.
When we pray to God for a miracle, He will grant it to us in some way. He loves us so much and would do anything for us to be healed and happy. That is why He died for our sins on the Cross. God wants us to not worry about the past or our struggles, but to focus on the future and hope that we can spend more time with Him.
This gospel is telling us to always listen to Jesus. Jesus always knows what’s best for us and he can always help us.
In this scripture the man is not well and when Jesus comes to him and asks him if he wants to be ill he talks about how bad his life is. We shouldn’t focus on our past sins. God doesn’t want us to. He has already forgiven us for those. We wants us to focus on how we can do better and what good things will come to us in the future. We should also let Jesus help us and not turn him away. He is always willing to help us we just need to let him.
Jesus cared for the sick man. He had been sick for a very long time. He couldn’t make it to the pool of water to heal him because he would be last. Jesus was so kind that he healed the man. We sometimes are like that man. We need healing. We won’t get it right away from God but we will get it in heaven.
All these people waited around the pool of water wanting to be healed. Jesus walks up to a man and asks him if he wants to be healed and he just gave reasons to why he could not be healed. Jesus wants to help us but we have to want to be helped.
Jesus is simply asking us everyday if we want to be healed. And all we have to do is say, “Yes, Lord.” We need to realize that God is asking us that everyday. Our sin gets in the way too much.
jesus healed and cared for others even on days he wasnt supposed to. this shows how much he loves us and how much he sacrificed for us. i feel like this shows that even when someone is deep in sin we should still help even if it isnt what we are supposed to do. jesus was persecuted because of it and we can get made fun of but in the end the person is cured.
We need to ask God for our healing. If we are suffering in any way, shape, or form God will help us if we ask. God is powerful and we need to know that but we don’t care. We think other things in life will heal us but God will truly help us.
Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” This stood out to me because Jesus will heal us when we are broken. He has helped so many people and He will help more everyday. When He heals us everything changes and sometimes you might do that sin again but he will heal you. Jesus will help you even if you are broken. We all are broken at some point in our lives. Just remember God will never hurt you.
Today gospel is about trusting in Jesus and his healing. Jesus came up to the sick man and asked him if he wanted to be healed. He said he always tries to get to the before others but never makes it. Then Jesus heals him. We need to give time to the lord and he will heal us like he healed the sick man.
I feel like this gospel shows us that God really cares for everyone and anything. The lord is so great that he healed the sick man who had been sick for 38 years.
“Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool
when the water is stirred up.” This sounded to me like I have no one to help me when things are tough. Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” Jesus says rise because i am here to help you.
With God anything is possible. a man who had been crippled for 38 years was waiting for when the water started boiling. When it did there was always someone there before him. When Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed his response wasn’t yes. He was wondering how he was going to be healed because the river wasn’t bubbling. But with God all things are possible and that is how he healed the man.
If you ask Jesus healed the people. he helped them with what they needed. he can help us if we come to him. he can heal our sins and help us live a better life with him by our side. walk with him and your life will be better and you will be healed.
“Do you want to be well?” Jesus asks the man if he wants to be healed. He asks us the same question. Do we want to be healed? Everybody would say yes, we all want to be healed. But to we have faith that he could. We need to trust that Jesus can and will heal us.
I think this Gospel is telling us even if people complain to us you have to help them not complain as much.
Jesus loves us so much that he would do anything for any of us. Today it talks about how he healed a man on Sabbath. It was also stated that you weren’t supposed to heal anyone or perform any miracles on Sabbath. But he cared for the man, so he healed him.
The scripture today is telling me that we can ask to be healed by Him. Jesus will heal us and when we have sinned we can be healed by going to confession. Jesus heals us when we go to communion and other sacraments.
“Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me.” Like Father’s homily, Jesus asked if the crippled man wanted to be healed and he replied with that, instead of replying with, “Yes sir I want to be healed.” Jesus asks us to be healed. Maybe it’s by getting forgiveness from your sins. Or, maybe it really is being healed physically. And all we have to do is ask and listen.
The Jews fear Jesus. I think they believe that He is the Messiah, but they just don’t like the idea of it. So they constantly ridicule and deny anything He does simply because they dislike the idea of Jesus being our savior.
I think this is showing us that we should follow in Jesus’ footsteps. He is a perfect example for us. He shows us that we should help the poor and sick. We should not be afraid to follow Jesus because we might be judged or it might be criticized by our peers. We should always help someone else because everyone is equal and everyone has a purpose on this earth even if it is not that apparent to our eyes.
“Do you want to be well?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk. Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked.” I feel like today’s Gospel was telling us that we need to listen to God. Sometimes we think we have it all right and that He doesn’t affect us. I think that this Gospel shows the great things God can do for us if we give Him a chance.
Jesus healed this man today, allowing him to not suffer. However, because He did this on the sabbath, instead of being admired and praised, He was ridiculed. Though I do think that tradition should be followed, He saw a man in need and helped him. He should never have been ridiculed.
It is saying that Jesus will save us as long as we come back to confess our sins to Him and listen to Him. We need to show Jesus that He can trust us and try not to sin very much.
This phrase stuck out to me: “and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him, ‘Do you want to be well?”’ Jesus knows everything about us, our past, and our future. He can help us with it, as he helped the sick beggar man. I think it’s pretty weird how Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed when he just complained about his life as a sick person. But Jesus helped him get well and I think it’s pretty interesting that whenever Jesus heals someone or something like that, He leaves quickly or tells the person He healed not to go telling people about it.
I think the scripture is telling us to listen to what Jesus says. For Jesus knows what the effect will be afterwards. We must listen to him even if what we think or he thinks is true yet others think it is not true.
Today the Gospel talks about how Jesus want to keep his identity a secrete so he does not get found out. The man he heal was crippled and it was the sabbath so the man was not to pick up his mate but Jesus told him anyways. The man showed himself to the people and they ask who did this and he told them it was Jesus.
I think the Scripture is saying that Jesus heals us. Jesus heals us in more ways than one. He can heal us spiritually, physically, and mentally. Jesus can heal our soul. Jesus can heal our body. We have to believe that Jesus will heal.
In the scripture today Jesus took time to talk to and cure the man in the pool area, He could have walked past and done nothing of it but He chose to help the Ill man out and let him Rise from his place. I think this scripture is trying to tell us to help out the poor and try to pray more often and not push God out of our lives.
This scripture is talking about a man that had been i´ll for 38 years and when Jesus saw him he asked if he wanted to be healed and he said sir nobody was to help me to get near the water and Jesus said take your mat up and rise after this he was healed and it kinda tells us that we should always put our trust in Jesus and for whatever he does we must know that it will come out good.
What really stuck out to me was the man’s ungrateful response. I mean, he was suffering for so long, and when he was offered relief, he made an excuse. I would have gratefully handed over my pains and troubles to be free of them, not make excuses. Jesus doesn’t care about excuses. He wants to take all of your suffering and all of your pain. Jesus wants to suffer for you, because, ultimately, that’s what love does. Love is giving yourself completely up to another. This is what Jesus does. Allow him to take control of your troubles and lead you to love those around you.
We might want God to do things for us, and that is fine, but they might not happen immediately. This man waited 38 years before Jesus finally healed him. We must be patient, even when we don’t want to be. God has a plan for us. If we beg and beg and get unpatient it will not make it go any faster. Trust in the Lord so your suffering can be turned into joy.
I think we have to tell God what we want we can’t just hope for him to give you have to pray aswell, If you want something from God he can read your mind but he wants you to ask him because it will mean you have faith in his existence
In the scripture today Jesus took time to talk to and cure the man in the pool area, He could have walked past and done nothing of it but He chose to help the Ill man out and let him Rise from his place. I think this scripture is trying to tell us to help out the poor and try to pray more often and not push God out of our lives.
“Do you want to be well?” God is always asking us this by wanting us to confess our sins so we can go to heaven and be with him.
God wants us to be happy in life and to not focus on our sins. We’ll never have time to really talk to Jesus if the only thing we focus on is our sins and everything else. Of course we should ask God for forgiveness but we should always focus on that God is always watching us through the good and the bad.
“Look, you are well; do not sin any more, so that nothing worse may happen to you.” This stuck out to me because we go to confession but then come out of it to do the same sins over and over again. We clean those sins off our soul just to sin the same way again. We need to think before we do something and ask ourselves what Jesus would do.
God loves us, and he wants to give us everything. He only needs our consent. He has the power to control everything in and out of existence. He gives all to us, and we need to see that. Jesus will only come into our lives if we invite Him. So today, tell Him you love Him, invite Him into your life, and allow God to change it.
If you had a thorn in your foot would you want it to be removed? Heck yes! Why wouldn’t you? When we sin it’s like a thorn. Confession is Jesus taking the thorns out so we can be happy again. Even if it seems all hope is lost- like the man in the gospel- Jesus can do anything!
even if i take 100 years to follow god, god is patiently waiting for us. God will forever be with us till the day that he judges us. No matter what we do he will always love us. He loves us more then anyone in the whole in tire world.
The thing about bode’s comment was it was pretty much what I thought that there is no reason to not help someone if it is an easy task to do which is why I re-posted.
The Gospel is saying that Jesus went up to one of the most rejected people by the rest of the world and said to him, “Do you want to be well?” All the man had to say to Jesus is that he wanted to jump into the river and be cured. Jesus went out of His way to help the man and cure him. Jesus knew that nobody else cared about him or wanted to help him so he did it Himself. We need to be like Jesus and go out of our way to help someone.
Today, a man was healed. When Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed, he just starts talking about how he can’t be healed. Jesus doesn’t care about your past sins, He cares that you go to Him and be healed.
“Do you want to be well?” God has the power to do anything. God can raise people from the dead, give the blind sight, give the deaf hearing, and so much more. All he wants us to do is to ask. He wants us to seek his power and glory. God will answer our prayers, but we have to pray before they can be answered.
God sent His only Son into the world to save us, not condemn us by dying on a cross after suffering the Passion. Love likes to suffer and suffering brings joy, therefore love brings joy. WE never say how much we love God until something happens to us or someone we love and God always said that he loved us even when he carried the cross for us. We never take blame for killing someone when we don’t think we did but what we actually did was put Jesus on that cross to save our souls and most of us can’t even think of others. Imagine pitting your life on the line for someone you don’t know, what if you could save someone but you have to take that risk would you do it? That is what God is doing for us jumping in front of what is about to harm us and saving our lives but He also saved our soul.
Today the Scripture said, “Look, you are well; do not sin any more, so that nothing worse may happen to you.” This tells me that God can forgive all of us and when he does we should strive to no longer sin. Just because God loves us and will always forgive us does not mean we should take him for granted. Instead we should try to be better and more kind to others like Jesus was.
God sent His only Son into the world to save us, not condemn us by dying on a cross after suffering the Passion. Love likes to suffer and suffering brings joy, therefore love brings joy. WE never say how much we love God until something happens to us or someone we love and God always said that he loved us even when he carried the cross for us. We never take blame for killing someone when we don’t think we did but what we actually did was put Jesus on that cross to save our souls and most of us can’t even think of others. Imagine pitting your life on the line for someone you don’t know, what if you could save someone but you have to take that risk would you do it? That is what God is doing for us jumping in front of what is about to harm us and saving our lives but He also saved our soul. He saved us from our own sins.
Jesus knows what its like to suffer. He died on the cross to save us, after being whipped and beaten and wearing a crown of thorns and carrying his cross up Calvary. If he can suffer all of this we can suffer a little bit to get closer to God.
What I think Jesus is trying to tell us in this gospel is that he will help you whenever you need help. I also think that Jesus will see when you need help the most and figure out some way to help or heal you. i also think that Jesus wants you to ask him for help and say yes when he gives you help instead of complaining or the back story of what happened.
“Look, you are well; do not sin any more, so that nothing worse may happen to you.” God/Jesus has the power to perform miracles and beyond. the answer to all of our questions and pleas has been standing right in front of us for over 2000 years! if we do not believe him, then we will never truly believe anything. We were but maggots, writhing in filth before the savior came! he turned us from low filth into vessels of HIM! we contain God, we contain the power beyond anything else. We have been so full of ourselves that we have never even thought to TRULY open our eyes. God has been standing next to us for ages! The SAVIOR has been standing among us for longer than we have existed! Is there nothing that we can do to repay him for the wealth and power that he has given us? Many of us have never even thought that there even ever was a savior! We only think that believing such an amazing thing was “childish”. THERE IS A TRUE GOD!! And we killed him. There is so much that he did for us! yet we crucufied him and shunned him. we chose a dirty thief and murderer over the son of God. There is no excuse for that. The least we can do is listen to him for once.
As humans, we aren’t a big fan of being sick (unless you can skip school for that). Even Jesus proved this. Martyrs however, wanted to suffer with God. They wanted to be with Christ that they didn’t care how great the pain was. I think we could accept suffering and walk in Jesus’ footsteps.
In this scripture reflection what it really talked about is suffering leads to joy and love is suffering so love leads to joy like the man who was suffering for 38 years and Jesus healed him from his sickness an the martyr suffered to the point of dying to feel the love they got in heaven.So we cant get instant love and joy we have to go through something to make it to those two things
Sin has punishment but God forgives us no matter how great the sin is. When we separate from Him, He chases us down never stopping. That’s how much He loves us. Us, sinners. We can’t turn away from Him forever, so turn back.
One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be well?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked. Jesus was sent to earth to help everyone away from sin and he helped this man by simply saying. “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” If he can say one small sentence that changes a life imagine what him dying on the cross did for all of humanity his sacrifice was for us to enter the kingdom of heaven with him and God.
This scripture passage is very meaningful. The main message I took from this scripture is that we are greater than earthly things. Also that we are not any better than anyone else. We always try to make ourselves look better when really we are horrible humans. We need to understand that there is more. There is more to life than our phones, social media, video games. We need to get out of heads and realize what life is supposed to be like, I ´ m not saying no fun. But, this Lenten journey, lets try to be better at this.
Therefore, the Jews began to persecute Jesus
because he did this on a sabbath
again this was spiritual work and not real work, so why
God sent His only Son into the world to save us, not condemn us by dying on a cross after suffering the Passion. Love likes to suffer and suffering brings joy, therefore love brings joy. Think about it, Jesus was the happiest, holiest, most joyful Man on earth when he died on the cross. He had the mission to save humanity, our need is filled by this action the Father asked of Him.
This scripture is telling us that with God all things are possible. When Jesus healed the man he said afterwards, that he should not sin anymore, So we should try not to sin, because we are forgiven and saved by Christ.
God sent Jesus to Earth for a reason. He knew that for humanity to be saved, Jesus needed to die on the cross. God also sent Jesus for another very important reason. He knew that Jesus would be the perfect role model for all humanity. Jesus is both divine and human. He is perfect, and he is without sin. He is the best guide to life we could ever have. He shows us how to live a holy Catholic life. Instead of idolizing celebrities, we should be worshipping Jesus.