Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying,
“The scribes and the Pharisees
have taken their seat on the chair of Moses.
Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you,
but do not follow their example.
For they preach but they do not practice.
They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry
and lay them on people’s shoulders,
but they will not lift a finger to move them.
All their works are performed to be seen.
They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.
They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honor in synagogues,
greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation ‘Rabbi.’
As for you, do not be called ‘Rabbi.’
You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers.
Call no one on earth your father;
you have but one Father in heaven.
Do not be called ‘Master’;
you have but one master, the Christ.
The greatest among you must be your servant.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled;
but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” MT 23:1-12
There is obvious conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees in today’s Gospel. Why? Jesus is God, who empties Himself to be a slave and die for us. If a person wants to follow Him, they cannot be boastful. A follower of Christ must strive to be humble, practice what they preach, and always give God His due as the one Father and Christ our Master Teacher. If a person holds high positions, they are called to serve.
I am humbled every day as a teacher and father making mistakes, being called out on not practicing what I preach, and sometimes bragging a little bit-okay a lot:). I love to talk trash, something that has stuck with me playing sports. Jesus knows we will struggle with these things and from time to time be a Pharisee, but with His grace we can be transformed into humble servants who love the one Father and Master and in turn love our neighbor.
Today’s challenge: Be humble and thankful. Get out of the way and allow Christ to work in your life. Enter each room asking how you can help. When you achieve something, give glory to God. Find a good model of humility in your life. Learn from God, the most humble.
Be as servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Joyfully sacrifice for another today!
Christ is above all. God calls us to put others first and give of ourselves. We can’t just say that we are going to do something, we need to do it. Be kind to others and show love in every way you can so that you may grow closer to God and be truly happy. Things do not make us happy, God does. Share kindness, be with God, and never stop loving others.
In this Gospel, Jesus tells us to be humble and put others first. If we exalt ourselves and make ourselves the best then we will be humbled by God. If we are humble then God will raise us up and exalt us. We should not try to be the center of attention all the time like the Pharisees but instead be the one who listens and who is humble.
“They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders.” I think Jesus is saying we have to take responsibility. We can’t just expect someone to do a chore and we don’t have to. We can’t just expect people to do everything for us we have to take responsibility and do it.
Jesus says we need to be humble in Scripture today. We shouldn’t brag and act all high and mighty. God is the mighty one and we are just His servants. We are all made in Christ as equals. We are all made in the image of Christ.
In todays reading we have to be humble to others and prove that we are willing to help others to be helped. Because by helping other people and we are becoming closer to God and closer to reaching our goal of heaven.
What reached out to me was, “For they preach but they do not practice”. What this means to me is that its almost pointless if we tell others how to be better Catholics if we aren’t being good Catholics ourselves. Before we need to help others, we need to help ourselves.
“but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” This part stuck out to me because we always try to find how we are better than people. We put people down to make ourselves seem high and mighty. If we try to put people up then we too will be put up. When we humble ourselves we will be much happier. We won’t have to live up to the high standards we put for ourselves.
in this scripture reflection Jesus is trying to tell us that we need to be humble of ourselves. and help our brothers and sisters in Christ so we can all get to go to heaven.
Today´s scripture passage is very truthful. The main message I took from this reading is that we can´t tell others/ make them do things that we aren´t. We need to act upon our words. You can´t tell others to be kind but them go and say rude things to someone. You can´t tell others to be respectful to teachers, and then go against their words. We need to think before we do things. We need to realize that we don´t know everything and we can´t be the only ones to teach ourselves. Open up to other peoples advice and listen, they might know a few things that we don´t. We can all be better at this, so I courage us to during this Lent.
“Do not be called ‘Master’; you have but one master, the Christ.” When it said this all i could think about is how everyone has put something before Jesus, including me, this lent we should try and throw those things away that we think are so important.
jesua love us varry much and die fore us and he help me go threr my schop and hellp me have good dr and medeson to help me colm donn and figer out wat going o with me and i am os os thankfol that he help me go throew that
A phrase that stuck out to me greetings in marketplaces, and the salutation Rabbi. As for you, do not be called Rabbi. I like this phrase because it means that the people back then were calling the priest and the scribes “Rabbi” when the true Rabbi is not there. Another reason I like this phrase is that if I call some Rabbi it is not the real one and that I am following false gods.
Humble yourself. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and welcome God into your hearts. Don’t just humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, but humble yourself constantly. Give up yourself for the sake of others. Offer help, go last in line, hold the door open, give your food to those who need it. Thank God for all that is good. We are often so obsessed with ourselves that we forget about others. We forget about God. It’s not all about us.
Today’s scripture is saying that the people that tell you what to do but don’t do it themselves that you need to ignore them and listen to the bible and the scripture and not to listen to the hypocrites.
“For they preach but they do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them.” Do not be like the scribes and pharisees and instead put your challenges on no one but yourself and show your perseverance. Put it up for God more than every now during lent.
You cannot try to be with God because you see he gives miracles,you must strive for him,talk to him,pray with him,etc.Not just go to mass a couple of times to try and be holy so that he gives you gifts
All their works are performed to be seen.
but sometimes I wonder whether not all acts are done out of selfishness, and if they have done good things in secret.
We need to really listen to what God tells us. We go to church we read the scripture and then are done, but do we really listen to what God is saying to us? We need to take the time and really listen to what God is telling and saying to us instead of just listening and then forgetting later on. If we really want to grow in our faith we must listen to God and be Thankful we have that .
I think that it’s saying that we need to honor others. And that we need to do and observe things around us, and that we are all brothers and sisters here.
Sure we listen to the Gospels and we hear and go to mass on Saturdays or Sundays, but we need to actually go out and live the words of God. If we don’t then… well… I don’t know. But we will be punished if we do not live out the word of God. We have to be able to humble ourselves. Like Jesus did. Well he didn’t need to be humbled but He put Himself down so low to the human race, only for us to kill Him. So we need to humble ourselves and get back to the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit. “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled;
but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
in the Gospel today, Jesus tells us to be humble. to not boast and not brag. to serve rather than be served. God tells us to be more humble. let’s listen to Him.
Do not be called ‘Master’;
you have but one master, Christ. This is telling us that we may choose to follow other Gods, but God will always be there and be our true #1 God. If Christ is our master, and God is our God, why do we fall away from them so quickly? Because we get tempted so easily.
Jesus gave his life for us and came down here to save us, he was tortured he willingly suffered to save us. And yet, sometimes we can’t give 5 minutes to spend time with him. We need to give money to the church, but not show it off or tell other people how much you give to brag. We need to be humble, give what we can help when we can, and pray when we can. The church will only thrive if we are actively participating and spreading the good news.
Humble yourself don’t do good things to be recognized so them for the good of God and the joy that comes for yourself for giving and the other and the great joy it brings God.
Today we learn that we need to just be humble and calm.
In the bible Jesus is telling us to humble ourselves, and not to do our good things in front where everybody can see you do it intentionally. Do them wherever, Because if we are truly just it will not matter. It should only be about helping people. For when you die or Jesus comes again, “The exalted will be humbled and the Humbled will be exalted.
The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” in the kingdom of heaven the least will be put first and the first will be put least. whoever recognizes that they are a sinner will be humbled but whoever does not recognize that they are a sinner will be punished.
Jesus died and suffered and gave up his life for us. Jesus loves us so much that he sacrificed himself to save us from our sins and make it able for us to go to heaven so we can have eternal life with him.
The thing that was going through my mind reading this was the 10 commandments. You shall not praise false gods. There is one God and one God only. There is the trinity father, son, and holy spirit. All three persons have helped humans out of love in some way. The Holy spirit leads us back to Christ and helps our conscience. The Son acts as a role model for us and leads us back to God. The father, God he created us out of so much love. He is above all and will forever be above all.
Jesus basically became a slave just so he can save us. Now we must have this level of humility, whether it is for Jesus or a another person. With this we can receive God’s grace and be transformed into a humble servant.
God loves you so much even if you do things wrong he wants to help you he loves you so he helps. But we need to do better and be better for him.
The pharisees are good at following the laws but they are Bad at giving the scriter
We cannot not worship something we dont know. We need to create a habbit of praying everyday like one decade of the rossary eveyday and then end with another one at night.
we have a master and it is Christ, we do not go by master because he has no power. Even if you are president or the FBI you aren’t the master because Christ has all the power. He is the teacher, the sitter, the guardian of life and death and we still are going around like he isn’t there. We are the lost sheep and he is the shepherd looking for us.
What God is trying to say is that you shall have no false fathers before him. He is our everlasting father and he will love us for the eternity that we’re with him. God has done so much for us and we should listen to him which is really the least that we could do for him.
Whats stuck out to me was that with His grace we can be transformed into humble servants who love the one Father and Master and in turn love our neighbor. This stuck out to me because sometimes there are these people that we really do not like but we have to try our best to be nice to the people that are not nice to you.
Lead by example. Do not just say to do something and not practice it yourself. Be humble about what you say and do. When you lead by example you have to set the right one. Be humble, be caring, and do all you can do to listen and follow God’s will.
We must be humble as followers of God as his son was humble. We must care for those around us even if they are our enemy. We must not be boastful.
A follower of Christ must strive to be humble, and to help others before themselves and to practice what they preach because some people are called to serve. Be humble and thankful of others and things people do for each other even when its not for youso go out there and Find a good model of humility in your life.
In this Scripture Jesus is telling me that we should follow the laws and spread the word but we shouldn’t do it just for people to see it we should do it out of the kindness of our hearts.
Today’s Gospel is telling us that we do not need to do the right thing only when people are watching. People are only doing the right thing; helping others, doing work for the poor, donating money for the poor when people are watching and they will get praise for doing it. People want people to praise them and recognize what amazing deeds they did. We need to do things when people are not watching because God is always watching and he knows when we do the right thing.
A follower of Christ must strive to be humble, and to help others before themselves and to practice what they preach because some people are called to serve. Be humble and thankful of others and things people do for each other even when its not for you so go out there and Find a good model of humility in your life.
Don’t do things for other people to see and say you are holy. Do things for God and yourself. Don’t be the person who searches out praise from the people around you. That is what Jesus keeps telling us. If we do all of our things out of praise from other people than what does it do for us. It doesn’t get us closer to God.
I learned that it is important to remember to try your very best help every one no matter who they are.
God sees everything, what others see and what you do in private. You will be rewarded for what you do that you don’t tell anyone. You should not go out and tell everyone the good deeds you do or be praised for it.
You can’t follow Jesus without being humble. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. If we can be thankful it will help us be humble. If we understand and realize how good we have it, it will help us be humble.
Music has an impact on everybody. It can drive us to do something, help us go to sleep, and it can do so many other things. It can also help you get to God. God gave us music for a reason. I feel like He gave us the hymns so that we could better hear his message and His call. I am so grateful for music, and I am so grateful for being Catholic.
“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” If we are humble than people will think better of us. If we brag and boast about how good we are at something, then people are more likely to dislike us. We need to learn how to be humble, just as Jesus was humble.
The scripture today is telling me that you have to be humble and thankful for all your skills.
In the Scripture today what I heard was that we cannot disobey God and do the wrong we have to be able to do the right thing and tell ourselves what we are doing is it right or is it wrong. We also only have 1 God and that is the One who created us all and is the Heavenly Father we do not have any other gods. Jesus Christ is the only one and the Savior of our world.
“For they preach but they do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them. All their works are performed to be seen.” Much of this scripture is calling out people on their hypocrisy, and how we are all equal. Being in heaven with God is the true goal, so do not do good things to just please others, but for God himself.
At the start of this scripture Jesus tells his followers to observe the chiefs and high priests but to not follow their lead, In today’s world that’s all we ever do, just get the new biggest thing and think we have it all but it’s so wrong, to have it all is to be in Heaven with God once our life on earth is over.
The phrase “For they preach but they do not practice” stuck out to me. It reminds me of that saying, “Practice what you preach”. We can apply this to our lives by stopping ourselves from doing things like gossiping, if we don’t want to be gossiped about. Don’t be a hypocrite. That is very bad and is honestly really annoying. If you tell people to pray more, then why don’t you go and pray more? Good for you if you already do, but the main thing is don’t be a hypocrite.
I feel like today’s scripture is telling us that we need to lose ours egos. Lately in life lots of us have been very mean and wont allow ourselves to be wrong. I think that we need to focus back on God and realize that He is who we need love and care about.
I think this scripture is saying that even if we say that we are Catholic and say some prayers during school and sometimes go to confession does not mean we will go to Heaven. Almost anyone can say they are Catholic but not practice their faith. God wants to become friends with him and fall in love with him and not just think we are being forced to go to Mass because our parents said so. We should want to be in the presence of Jesus Christ.
“Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven. Do not be called ‘Master’; you have but one master, the Christ.” Of course, we have a father here on Earth, but he is not THE Father. We should love no one more than our Lord. Yes, love your parents and thank them. But we should be thanking God for bringing us into this world and giving us the sacraments. Who knows what we would be like if we didn’t have Confession or the Holy Eucharist.
This Scripture is talking about how we should not believe in other people who say like God is not real etc just because they say this does not mean that. it also says that ¨For they preach but they do not practice¨which i think this relates to us on how we might say that we do pray and that we do pay attention at mass but what about those other times that we could be praying. another thing is that there is no other God than our God just because people say so it may not mean that because we are all sinners which we could NEVER become God.
In today’s scripture it tells us all that we are equal.”You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers.Call no one on earth your father;you have but one Father in heaven.Do not be called ‘Master’;you have but one master, the Christ.” No matter how holy you are, you sin like any other person sins. Someone(like a saint) may be super holy, but we can’t forget that Jesus Christ works through people like saints,priests and the pope to show an example of Christ. In the end it all returns to Jesus.
I think the scripture is saying that we must not do as others say or compare ourselves to what others seem to be doing. If they were truly doing something great as they say why do they gloat about it? We must ask ourselves and the Father what He wants us to do and do it instead of sitting around and waiting for others to do it for us. We must not be lazy in our faith but we must also do it privately since doing it in the open and not doing it besides then would be hypocritical and it would lead to us being self absorbed, the opposite of what we should and want to be.
It is saying that we should pray to God not just go to mass to not pay attention. We need to do work and help others instead of pretending that we are doing good when we are doing nothing to help others.
Jesus calls us today to really connect with those around us. When I think of the corporal works of mercy, I think of helping the poor. Then that leads into, I’m only a youth, I can’t do anything really that helpful. But that’s not true. As a youth, it can be hard to serve the poor and vulnerable. But what about those you see everyday in your own home? Can we help around the house? Can we play with a younger brother or sister? We can donate clothing and supplies to charities who specialize in assisting the poor. We can pray for the poor. All of these things are things that we, though young, can do.
Not everyone can be trusted. These people, the rabbi, proclaim themselves as, “Followers of God”, but they never practice the Religion they say that they are dedicated too. They say these things because they can use that fact to their advantage. They can use it to get special things that they wouldn’t get otherwise. In other words, they seek attention. These people lie about following God so that they can be liked by others. The only person you can trust and call ,aster is Jesus Christ himself, for he is the truest follower of God. The rabbi are not our master.
If you are going to get to God you got to mean it. You can;t go around praying all day everyday so people can think you are a step below Jesus. You can’t go around acting like you are Jesus’ only prized possession. God did not pray so people could think He was all that, He prayed because He loved the Father. Here is the question. Do you pray for attention, or do you mean every word you say and intentional try to grow closer to God.
I think the Scripture is telling all people to go to mass. When the Scripture said ” For they preach but they do not practice”, it is saying that we are Catholic but some people may not go to mass. I think the main message is we have to go to confession and receive the Eucharist. The numbers of Catholics leaving the church are large. We have to stop this. We can reach Heaven by following Jesus. Following Jesus means going to Mass on Sunday and going to confession when you need to.
I think God is telling us that we can keep what we do for Lent a secret we aren’t supposed to take pride in what we do for God because he has ultimately done so much more what we do seems like nothing.
Do not be called ‘Master’; you have but one master. This stuck out to me because we always put things before God but God is greater than anything and everything. God should always be #1 and always our first priority. God has done so much for us so the least we can do is thank him.
“Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven.” we are ignorant, we have been for thousands of years. We never stop for a moment to realize that we have been completely wrong all of our lives. No human ever wants to admit that they were wrong, but deep down we all know that we are completely wrong.
what i got from this scripture reflection is that we should follow Jesus’s image and not look down on people because we are all the same brothers and sisters in Christ
What is the point of doing something only for show? If you are only going to play soccer to make your mom happy there’s no point! If you just pray and do the motions just because and you don’t really think that Jesus Christ can help make your life better than why do it? Prayer should be for you, not anyone else.
“For they preach but they do not practice.” i think this is kinda like us, we pray at mass but not at home (or not as much as we should) I think this is telling us we need to pray whenever we can (not 24/7 though) so we can be fully catholic and be like christ.
but do not follow their example
you can’t always look at someone and say “Oh that is what I am going to do in my life” you have to do what God wants you to do
This scripture is trying to tell me that we all want to be called “Master” or “Rabbi”like the scribes or Pharisees. They get their praise and reward on Earth instead of eternal happiness in Heaven. We should not want to be like them because if we are like them then we won’t get eternal happiness in Heaven. We should be humble on Earth that way we get a greater reward in Heaven.
always listen to God he will never disappoint you. He will always love you no matter what and will always give you strength in the ups and downs. He will always love you no matter what. We don’t deserve if at all after he sacrificed his only son on the cross for us. And sometimes we don’t even repay him. we really don’t deserve him at all.
I am humbled every day as a teacher and father making mistakes, being called out on not practicing what I preach, and sometimes bragging a little bit-okay a lot. It is okay to have an ego once in a while but not all the time since people won’t want to talk to you anymore if all you talk about is yourself. We should be humble instead since who wants a person with an ego who can’t be humble as a friend. I know I don’t want anyone like that to be my friend. What I am trying to say is try to act Christ-like everywhere you go or just be nice but in sports with your friends or people that you know you can have a huge ego;).
Today the scripture said to me that what use is knowing God’s laws if we don’t use them to help others. We always need to help others because if we don’t there will always be someone who is hurting or in pain. when we help someone who is suffering we not only help them but we can form bonds with them.
This scripture reminded me to be humble and thankful because sometimes I feel I’m better than others but I read this and i t reminded me that I am not.
When we follow Christ, we shouldn’t brag to other people and say that we are holy. Especially if we don’t practice our faith and morals outside of Mass and scheduled prayer times.
“All their works are performed to be seen.” We must do kindness and penance out of our hearts. Doing something to look good or to show off is never going to get you anywhere. Mother Teresa said “Do small things with great love.” God would much rather us do something small out of true kindness, than to do something for everyone to see.
With his grace we can be transformed. This stuck out to me because it shows that all we have to do is believe and his grace will transform us into better holier people of Christ.
“THEY PREACH BUT DO NOT PRACTICE.” We often come across as hypocritical, because we tell people not to do things, and then turn around and do it. Often in an argument, we turn away from the matter at hand, and start arguing about who is the better person, stating all of the hypocritical things the other has done. This is because we want others to see us as better than they, as the best and therefore, you should listen to me! This is pride. Almost every single sin stems from pride. This is what Jesus is saying. They follow the law, but expect praise and power because of it. They will not stoop low, and humble themselves to care for the people of God. Love Everyone.
You have but one Father in heaven.
What I get from this is that sometimes we can get distracted and sometimes instead of spending time with God we start to spend time on things like technology and we eventually get addicted to them but we need to stop and turn away and go back to God.
If we go to Mass just to appear likewe are holy but only for people to be like: “Hey, this guy is really holy! I need his advice,” that’s not right.
We cant be like the scribes and Pharasieses in the scripture, we must listen to God and follow his example.
God is all we need to live a good life. Jesus is always there for us. Whenever we are going through tough times Jesus is there for us.
Don’t do things to look holy, but do things to BE holy. You can’t fake it, because it won’t count. You have to be sincere in your faith.
What I think this is saying is that just because someone else is doing something doesn’t mean we have to do it too. If someone is being mean to someone else then we shouldn’t follow with them and be mean to them too. We should stand up for them and stand up for what is right. God wants us to do the right things and in order to do that we must not follow along with someone who is doing wrong. We should be like Jesus and stand up for what is right.
We should try to follow Jesus, but not be cocky about it. Nobody is greater than God, and nobody should ever act like they are greater than him. We need to be humble followers of Christ, and follow Him regardless of what other people say. But by following Him, we should not try to be Him, we should just try to be like Him.
We make laws but we don’t follow them. Sometimes we tell other people what to do in how to be a better person but we don’t listen to our own advice. We need to show how we can love one another so that others may love each other how you show them to.
I think the scripture today is saying that we need to humble ourselves. We need to let God in our lives to help us humble ourselves.
I think this scripture means that we should not just preach the word of God but also practice it ourselves. We can tell other people to pray but if we do not pray it is no good. Do not just share the word of God but listen do what he says.
If you’re going to pray then understand what you are praying. If you’re going too fast then know why you are fasting. We only have one God, one Savior, one Lord, and one Christ. We need to give up our life completely up to God so we can be humbled by him.
Call no one on earth your father;
you have but one Father in heaven. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. In his love we can be transformed into loving people.
The Scripture is talking about how people do things to be seen and not to do them because they want to. People like to do what other people are doing so they are cool, or popular. People can say they are going to do something but when it comes time to do that they just ignore it.
God wants us to know that there is no other. He is the light the way and the truth. If we stray we will be misled by the worldly thing and those will bring us down. God wants us to be lifted up with him to heaven so that we will have everlasting joy. There is no one above god and we need to know that.
“The scribes and the Pharisees
have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. I think today’s gospel means to not listen to the wrong saying. Like the Pharisees were saying bad, and false stuff about Jesus. There is still conflict like that in today’s world. People have other religions, bad religions even a religion where they praise the devil. This world is getting bad so we need to focus on the one true way Jesus Christ.
“They tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them.” This stood out to me because people give us hard tasks to do and most times we never do them. God gives us hard challenges to face everyday because He knows that we can handle it. Sometimes we can’t but other times we can. A lot of people will have breakdowns because they are scared or they have too much anxiety and depression. We also need to be there for others through hard times. The heavy burdens that are given to you are to help you and remember God knows you can do it. You just have to push through and try your best.
what the scripture is telling me is that we shouldnt worship the false gods and attach ourselves to earthly items. God reminds us not to do these things when he says, “Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you,
but do not follow their example.” Hes telling us how others will impersanate a god but to not listen to them.
For they preach but they do not practice. It’s easy to say something and not do it. A lot of times I say I’ll go over and spend time with my family and then I don’t. We make promises to do something and tell people we are going to do it but then we don’t. This scripture reminds me a lot of the story of the son who said he was going to do work, but didn’t, the other son who said he wasn’t going to do work, did it. So, when we say we are going to do something we should make sure we will do it.
This scripture was telling us that we need to take care of the ones outside of your door or the ones who need it most. There are so many people that are without a home or a family or no one to even pray for them.
what Jesus is saying is that you can read the bible and pray and preach all you want but if you don’t act on the words your saying it has no meaning. you can tell other people what God says to do all your life, but if you don’t do what you are telling other people that God wants it all will not help you.
Do not call anyone master because you only have 1 master and that is your heavenly father because he is your creator
Today, Jesus tells us not to make a burden that is impossible for us to carry. The Church Leaders during the time preach but don’t practice. They make heavy burdens and don’t even try to lift them. They call and get called “Master” when our only true master is Jesus. Don’t make heavy burdens when you need to, they only make things harder.
People that do good deeds and they do things to be seen, so that people think they are humble and servants of God, but they are really just doing that for show. If have to do what they say we should do, but we should not follow their example, because we should do things for God instead of to be considered a good person. We should humble ourselves, and do the works of God and pretend like no one is watching except God himself, then we will truly be doing works for God.
We need to be more humble and give glory to God. We also need to be more thankful and appreciative for what God does for us.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us to be humble. We shouldn’t think we are better than everyone else or be cocky.