Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem,
he took the Twelve disciples aside by themselves,
and said to them on the way,
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests
and the scribes,
and they will condemn him to death,
and hand him over to the Gentiles
to be mocked and scourged and crucified,
and he will be raised on the third day.”
Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Jesus with her sons
and did him homage, wishing to ask him for something.
He said to her, “What do you wish?”
She answered him,
“Command that these two sons of mine sit,
one at your right and the other at your left, in your kingdom.”
Jesus said in reply,
“You do not know what you are asking.
Can you drink the chalice that I am going to drink?”
They said to him, “We can.”
He replied,
“My chalice you will indeed drink,
but to sit at my right and at my left,
this is not mine to give
but is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.”
When the ten heard this,
they became indignant at the two brothers.
But Jesus summoned them and said,
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and the great ones make their authority over them felt.
But it shall not be so among you.
Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.
Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve
and to give his life as a ransom for many.” MT 20:17-28
If Jesus asked you, “What do you wish for?” What would be your response? In this case it was for a high seat of honor by a mother for her sons in God’s Kingdom. Jesus teaches us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. Why? “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Pride is taking great satisfaction in one’s own achievements. Love is the opposite. Our ego can lead us to pride. A person’s ego can lead them to put everyone else down to lift them up, or pointing everyone else’s faults out to hide their own. It can be putting down those with less intelligence or skill to boost their own.
Intelligence and skill are not bad, but they are a gift from God used to glorify Him. Wisdom is more important than intelligence. Jesus is the opposite of pride in the highest degree. He is “meek and humble of heart”. He is gentle and gives totally and completely of Himself. God is love and this is what love does! God’s love is the most powerful thing in the universe!
The Nativity reminds us of how humble God is. God, who created the world out of nothing with just His Words, the most intelligent and powerful being, came to us in a cave with animal dung around Him completely vulnerable needing two humans to take care of Him. He needed them to clothe and feed Him being dependent on these two wonderful humans. There is no greater self-sacrifice then this. There is no way we can match this humility.
He continues this humility by giving Himself totally and completely hidden behind bread and wine to transform us with His grace and love until He returns. When is the last time you became completely vulnerable and gave up yourself totally and completely for another. Subdue your pride, put on a meek and humble heart, and serve those God has put in your life. Put love into each action. Do not complain but count your blessings. Stop judging and start helping. Serve. This is the heart of Christ, “love one another as I have loved you”.
We are called to imitate Christ. If everyone did this (starting with myself), it would be the greatest revolution the planet has ever seen. Following Jesus is hard, but the rewards are eternal! Be a servant, become a saint!
Today’s challenge: Be a servant, become a saint! Enter each room and ask how you can help. Put others before self out of love. I bet you will be filled with joy even though you gave up what you wanted or you will at least have a new perspective.
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.”- Jesus said to them. Jesus told us this He predicted what would happen. How do we Just ignore this, its crazy. We need to learn to keep our eyes open and open ears and pray to better understand.
I think Jesus is saying that we can’t just ask him to send us to Heaven. We have to show Jesus that we are worthy to rejoice with him in Heaven. We have to do the things he asks of us on Earth like following the Ten Commandments or going to mass every Sunday. We have to put it in the work to go to Heaven it isn’t just given to us.
If we are going to heaven is not already laid out for us. Our choices that we make here on Earth decide if we can go to heaven. If we follow the commandments and listen to what God tells us to do we have a better chance of going to Heaven rather than just doing whatever we want to do. God wants us to be happy and He knows what will make us the most joyous so we have to put our trust in Him that He knows what He’s doing.
This scripture is about Jesus telling his disciples and mother that they are going to Jerusalem and he is going to be crucified for them and their sins.
jesus whent to jruslim even thow he now that he was gouing to get killd but he still whent to save or life and sool
We need to humble ourselves. A lot of times we try to make ourselves look better by tearing people down and that is the opposite of what God calls us to do. We need to listen and follow his teaching in all that we do throughout our lives if we are to go to heaven.
Today´s scripture is very meaningful. ¨Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.¨That line really stuck out to me a lot throughout this reading. What it was trying to tell me is that no one is better than anyone else. Even if we try to hide it, we are all equal. We all sin, we all make mistakes. No one is better than their neighbor. We need to realize that because often we think that we can go around acting like we are the greatest and thats not okay because we aren´t. We need to quit being someone we aren´t. During this Lenten journey, lets all practice being better at that.
We can’t will ourselves into Heaven. We couldn’t change what’s going to happen to us by ourselves, but through following Jesus, we can get to Heaven. Jesus died as a sacrifice to ensure that we would be able to get to Heaven, because He died for every one of our past sins, current sins, and sins we will commit in the future. He died so that we may live with our Heavenly Father for an eternity of everlasting grace and love.
As humans we are not perfect, we have sins. We are entitled, selfish, prideful, and arrogant. We think we are the best but we aren’t, God is. Accept that you are not God and you can focus on your faith and work your way into heaven.
A phrase that stuck out to me is Behold we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes. I like this phrase because it is when Jesus realizes that he is about to die and that it is coming quicker than he expected. Another reason I like this phrase is because it has a lot of meaning to me that Jesus loves everyone so much that he would die for us.
In this Gospel, Jesus foretells his death and his resurrection. He also tells us that if we want to be the greatest you must be the servant. Whoever wants to be first will be the slave. We should always serve others. Jesus calls us to serve like he did.
In Scripture, Jesus is telling His disciples His Father’s plan for salvation. God has a plan for all of us. We need to follow Jesus and listen for our call. The Holy Spirit is here to help lead us to do God’s will. Even if we don’t want to, we should remember that Jesus didn’t want to die on a cross, but He did it for us. He did His Father’s will.
Jesus is trying to tell his disciples about what will happen to the son of man. But they aren’t really understanding it. Then the mother says that she wants her two sons to sit on both the right and the left. But Jesus said that you don’t know what you’re saying he told them to take his chalice from him and said yes. Jesus knew that they didn’t know what they were talking about.
In todays reading Jesus is preaching the disciples and once hes finished its almost as if an example is brought to them so that the disciples understand better what they need to do. Which is God is not someone we just need to ask for things from we have to pray and learn from him.
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.” Jesus tells everyone what will happen to him because he knows the will of the father. He is not just man he is God so Jesus could’ve chosen to not go through with it. Yet he still went through all the pain and suffering for us. The least we can do is believe.
God gave us our gifts so that we could use them to serve others. A lot of the time, we use our gifts to get pride and satisfaction for ourselves. This isn’t truly leaving us satisfied. The only thing that can truly satisfy us is God. Our hearts long for salvation. To become satisfied we must use our gifts that God has given us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We can use our gifts to help others in so many ways. How cool is that? We can still do what we love to do while being holy. It’s truly an awesome thing to think about.
Today we learn that we are suppose to imitate Christ and follow his ways.
Pride is taking great satisfaction in one’s own achievements. Love is the opposite. Our ego can lead us to pride. A person’s ego can lead them to put everyone else down to lift them up, or pointing everyone else’s faults out to hide their own. It can be putting down those with less intelligence or skill to boost their own.
Intelligence and skill are not bad, but they are a gift from God used to glorify Him. Wisdom is more important than intelligence. Jesus is the opposite of pride in the highest degree. He is “meek and humble of heart”. He is gentle and gives totally and completely of Himself. God is love and this is what love does! God’s love is the most powerful thing in the universe!
The Nativity reminds us of how humble God is. God, who created the world out of nothing with just His Words, the most intelligent and powerful being, came to us in a cave with animal dung around Him completely vulnerable needing two humans to take care of Him. He needed them to clothe and feed Him being dependent on these two wonderful humans. There is no greater self-sacrifice then this. There is no way we can match this humility.
He continues this humility by giving Himself totally and completely hidden behind bread and wine to transform us with His grace and love until He returns. When is the last time you became completely vulnerable and gave up yourself totally and completely for another. Subdue your pride, put on a meek and humble heart, and serve those God has put in your life. Put love into each action. Do not complain but count your blessings. Stop judging and start helping. Serve. This is the heart of Christ, “love one another as I have loved you”.
These are what stuck out me. God gives us little signs all the time. We just have to see them. This scripture tells us how to be a saint
wow, that was deep.
in the scriptures. God would give himself up for the world. he would be condemmed to death for us. If someone were to ask you what do you wish what would you say? would you say the same if Jesus was asking you? he tells us to take up our cross. why? because he wants us to be with him. will you listen?
We take being able to worship God for granted so often and so much. God put us here on earth for many reasons but the main reason is to love him believe in him and glorify him to get back to him in eternal life. Instead of just praying because we have to pray and really mean it. Jesus went through so much for us to get back to the father and we need to realize that and really truly care, and put other before ourselves we are all Gods people and we need to treat one another like it.
God wants us to spread his word and be like him. It might seem hard, and you might want to give up but at the end you are blessed with eternal life and it will be so worth it.
I think that it’s saying that we need to listen to Jesus’s commandments. And that we need to listen to him when he is trying to tell us something.
Jesus tells the apostles of His death and Resurrection. He died for us and yet we still sin and don’t believe in Jesus and God. He died because of our sin and yet He still came back with love and forgiveness. We have to do the same. If we don’t then we will not be forgiven by our friends, family, and maybe if it gets to that level, it may be difficult for God and Jesus to forgive us. We lose our trust in them when we do stuff like this. So we need to thank God for all that we have that we had and all that we will get. Love God.
God gave us free will. We did not earn free will God graciousley gave it to us. Because he loves us.
Jesus is saying that we have to have humility to be in heaven. “for those of you that want to be great must be servants” He is saying that you must be humble. If you want to be a saint you must have humility. because the rulers of today make it known that they rule, but if you want to be first in the kingdom of God you must serve others.
The biggest thing I took out of it was whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave I says to me that you have to be like a child and whoever says I’m better than all of you, I can do this and that better ect.
Will be a servant in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever acts like a child and is humble and is kind to others and is just all loving will be among the greatest in heaven
Don’t let your pride be greater then your good actions or anything don’t let your pride be who you are known as Be the humble person that is giving like God gives and let God move through your actions and all things you do.
Everything that happens, God decades. Or well knows what your gonna do we have free will after all. but he more or less knows what we are gonna do say even move.
We need to take our pride and crush it in any way possible, we must take up our cross and follow Jesus. Serving the people that have taken care of us our whole lives and put love into everything that we do. Just like Jesus said, love another as they have loved you, we must reflect that action.
God the father has already planned everything,every breath you take,every time you blink,every birthday,every achievement,every loss,he has planned it all.So.When you “Praise” him to ask him to be seated at the right hand,Its very confusing.Who thinks they are good enough
to be seated at the right hand of a God,Our heavenly father.
As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the Twelve disciples aside by themselves, and said to them on the way, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.”
I like how he tells his disciples what will happen even though they would not understand.
We need to stop thinking of ourselves all of the time and focus on the good of others, that is the meaning and reason for marrige: To help your spouse get to heaven. Yet most of the time all we do is think about the good of our selves, whether it is eating the last cookie, or doing something bad like vaping. You may think vaping may only effect you, but in reality, what effects you effects your family and freinds too. So even if something seems like it won’t effect others, 99.99 percent of the time, it will. For example, even something small like eating the last cookie, it may not be a big deal for you, but for your little brother, he could’ve been waiting for that all day. It doesn’t matter how big or small, everything you do can effect other people, so effect them in a good way.
In the scripture today I think it was telling us that Jesus is always gonna be with us and be by our side to help us. We have to know that He is going to be there no matter what. Being able to go and be with Him we are gonna have to be kind and caring for others and than we can make it to Heaven by doing good deeds and doing what is right in our life and with our Prayer and Faith.
I think Jesus is saying that we can’t just ask him to send us to Heaven. We have to show Jesus that we are worthy to rejoice with him in Heaven. We have to do the things he asks of us on Earth like following the Ten Commandments or going to mass every Sunday. We have to put it in the work to go to Heaven it isn’t just given to us.
jesus telling his diciples to go out and preach.
Dont let your pride get in the way of listening to God. He is always trying to tell us something we just have to listen to him. We cant let our pride get in the way because in the end it will not matter. Jesus will be there waiting for you to judge you and that is what will matter and we just have to rember that.
Even though we want luxuries that we dont need, we need to be humble and turn to Jesus and follow him. We must carry our cross for Jesus and turn to Him if we want eternal life in paradise.
What God is saying is that he will be crucified and be risen on the third day, so we should prepare for that moment and be grateful for all that he has done for us.
When you wish first you will be enslaved so don’t use God as a slot machine
What stuck out to me was that Pride is taking great satisfaction in one’s own achievements. Love is the opposite. Our ego can lead us to pride. A person’s ego can lead them to put everyone else down to lift them up, or pointing everyone else’s faults out to hide their own. It can be putting down those with less intelligence or skill to boost their own. This stuck out to me because sometimes people will laugh at others insecurities like their hair or their clothes because by saying those thing they think they are making themselves better but in reality they are doing the opposite.
I think this is telling us that we can’t just ask for God to take us to heaven. We have to worship him and truly deserve eternal peace and happiness in heaven
We can’t just ask to be sent up to heaven, we must work for it and carry up our cross. If we want to be in heaven with God then we have to earn it rather than just asking.
“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
We learn that we need to take care of other people and be kind to them like Jesus did when he was on earth. Instead of walking around like we are better than others we should not let our pride or wanting to look cool stop us from serving others or being nice to them.
We as sinners do what we do. We sin, hurt people, make horrible decisions, and don’t see how their minds work until it is too late. We as children of God, we should stop to repel anything that is in our mind that tempts us to do it. You might need to fast, give up something, or try to make better habits.
Today we are told that when you exalt yourself by making others look bad you will become a servant but those who humble themselves before God will become truly exalted before God and will join him in eternal paradise.
We are called to be servants to each other. To put ourselves over someone else is like trying to put yourself over Jesus because we are all God’s children. We have to serve each other. If we do we will achieve great things in life and death.
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.” Jesus knew that he was going to die, but he also knew it was what God had planned for Him. He planned all this out so that we could go to Heaven and He even told us that He was going to be killed but instead of believing Him we killed Him.
whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. His stuck out to me because to me this means that to serve others and follow His example in order to get to Heaven.
We need to deny ourselves and take up our cross to get closer to Jesus. If Jesus came to serve not to be served then shouldn’t we be like him? Pride is us having great satisfaction with our own achievements but we need to love. We need to not care about our ego because it can make us put others down and have more pride. Jesus didn’t brag about all the things he did and he didn’t put others down. If he is our model, we should strive to have less pride and care more about others. God gave us our specialties and abilities so we could use them to glorify him. He did not give us our skills to lift up ourself but to help others and get closer to him.
Jesus teaches us to deny ourselves and to give him are love and to take up our cross with him so if A person’s ego can lead them to put everyone else down to lift them up. It can be putting down those who are not as smart, as good looking or anything else to boost their ego. He is nice,kind,caring ,loving, listens and much more of God is love. Stop judging and start helping.
He tells us what is going to happen to Him today. He also talks to this woman about her son and they answered the question correctly but didn’t fully understand it. What Jesus told the woman was that the seat to the right and left of Him was not His to give out. It was the Father’s to give out. He is basically told them to not to impress Him because He doesn’t decide who sits at His right and left.
I think the scripture today is telling me that Jesus wants us to deny ourselves of earthly desires. We have to give up what we want to recive what Jesus wants of us. Jesus tells his disciples that to be seated at his right and left they have to prove to God. They have to take up their crosses and bear them. They have to deny themselves of earthly desires and focus on the spiritual desires of heaven. when you do these things you become a saint and can be seated at the right hand of God our heavenly father.
When we judge people, we should try to put ourselves inside their shoes instead of putting them down. I think we have struggles in life sometimes because God is trying to teach us something. Just like when we do something we are not supposed to and our parents punish us for it. God is our Heavenly Father, so it would make sense why he would try to teach us something. And we are his children, and so it would make sense why we disobey our Father sometimes.
We can’t think of ourselves as the best, or number one. We have to put others before ourselves, instead of expecting to be given anything we want.
We must deny ourselves in order to love others and love God. We must deny our wants and desires and give to others. When we deny ourselves and give to others, not only are we giving to God, but we are helping ourselves by making a seat for us in Heaven. We must be humble until our time comes, so that we can be with God in Heaven.
I think this scripture means that if you are greedy you will be poor in hell. And if you are poor you will be rich in heaven. The slave will become the master and the master will become a slave in hell.
We should always try to be close with Jesus. Jesus is the most important person in our life. We need Jesus to make it to heaven.
In order to go to Heaven, we have to be a follower of God and do as He says. We have to work hard to get into heaven. We don’t have to be perfect, but we have to be Holy. God knows that everyone makes mistakes, and he doesn’t expect us to be perfect.
God never said it would be easy. we need to fight for our faith. when the rite thing is hard and the wrong thing is easy it can be hard to choose. your conchence is wanting you to pick the good thing but you as a person want the bad thing. sometimes we need to fight for God and power through because sometimes you will encounter hard times and God will lead you through.
We should all want to follow Jesus. Our goal for our life is to make it to Heaven to live with the Father but how we do that is to have Jesus lead the way. We need to want Jesus to be Him. We need to be humble like Jesus so that we may live our life fully. Jesus is the Way.
I think that this is saying is that we are not perfect. All of us are sinners. We sin almost everyday. God expects us to sin although he doesn’t want us to. He knows that the temptation of the devil is really strong. But he is there to guide us back to him so that we don’t give into temptation.
what the scripture is telling me is that Jesus gave up his life for us and this shows how we fast in lent by showing we care. God gave up something more than we could ever give up and he tells us this in the scripture. when we dont fast right we are blinded by the pride and God brings us back with reality.
We are called to imitate Christ. If everyone did this (starting with myself), it would be the greatest revolution the planet has ever seen. Following Jesus is hard, but the rewards are eternal! Be a servant, become a saint! I think this gospel is trying to tell us to give ourslefs to God. The gosepl says be a servant to God and give everything up to him. The gospel also say with doing so and following Gods word you will be rewarded, and that reward is heavan.
“You do not know what you are asking” This stood out to me because a lot of us ask for things that we want. We all should ask for things that we need because someone out there needs help in their life. We all need to learn how to give things to others who are in need. God put them here for a reason but yet He also put us here for a reason. One of our reasons is to make the world a better place and help those in need.
The Scripture is talking about how the crucifixion is going to happen. Then the mother of Zebedee shows up with two of her sons and asks for them to be seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus replies saying that those are not his spots to give but you have to earn them. Jesus asks if they will bear the cross like he will and they respond with a yes. Jesus wants us to give up for him.
Whatever Jesus says he does. He will raise on the third day after he is scourged and crucified. Jesus knows everything and he keeps his promises.
I think this scripture is telling us that we can’t always get what we want. We won’t atomatically get into heaven without trying. We should try to become a part of Christ’s church, and offer our lives to him so we can be saved.
today Jesus talks about being humble and putting others before yourself. Jesus even though we was the most influential and important person on earth he was always humble and helped others before he even thought of doing anything for himself. he was always healing and caring for other people just out of love.
I think the scripture today is telling us not to get ahead of ourselves. Sometimes we think to ourselves that we get a free ride to Heaven just because we go to mass. No. We have to pray to Jesus and ask Him for His grace. Jesus is the way. We need to push aside our pride and focus on Jesus.
I don’t think everyone really realizes what Jesus did for us. He was mocked he was cursed at He was wiped. All the things He did for us was for our sins. Don’t doubt God He is so powerful and Holy.
Jesus is going to be crucified for our sins. He didnt have to die but he had to. He had to open the gates of heaven so we can see Him one day. Take up the cross with Him and die for Him.
At the start of this Scripture Jesus took his 12 Apostles and said He would be taken away from them and it would be up to them to preach the word of God. We need to spread the word of God for Jesus here on earth because he isn’t here to spread the word of God.
“Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the other at your left, in your kingdom.” We need to learn how to be humble. The woman in the Gospel wanted Jesus to let her sons sit in the best seats in heaven, but they could not go through the crucifixtion or save the world from sin. We need to be humble in what we ask Jesus to do for us. If we are, then he will hear our prayer.
Jesus tells the disciples how he is going to die in today’s scripture. Today’s scripture gets the picture that Jesus didn’t come to earth to be served, he came to earth to serve us. We can’t save ourselves, we need him to save us.
“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Right now, we’re in Lent. This is a time of waiting for Jesus’ death and Resurrection. We must all humble ourselves and remember that we are all equal. Even Jesus, the son of God, humbled himself to save us. He was selfless, and we must try to be like him.
“My chalice you will indeed drink, but to sit at my right and at my left, this is not mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” I feel like this scripture really reflects on the prayers we offer to Jesus. We will always say, God please help me get $50 by next week. Those type of prayers are selfish and nor for Jesus to give to us for God has a plan.
Jesus has the power the give us glory and grace. He gives us many things in life, but there are things in life that if we want it, we have to get it ourselves. If that is getting to the kingdom of God, then we must control ourselves and live a life of holiness.
It is saying that we should worship God and try to help others. We need to be like Jesus and tell everyone about God and what he did for us. We need to learn to be good people and learn from our mistakes.
This Scripture is talking about Jesus telling the disciples on how one day that the son of man will get judged and that he will die the second part is talking about how Jesus goes is at or is with the mother of the son of Zebedee and how he wants her sons to follow him and how one will be seated on the right and one on the left and Jesus started talking about how you would rather want your servant to serve you.
We need to stop thinking of ourselves all of the time and focus on the good of others, that is the meaning and reason for marrige: To help your spouse get to heaven. Yet most of the time all we do is think about the good of our selves, whether it is eating the last cookie, or doing something bad like vaping. You may think vaping may only effect you, but in reality, what effects you effects your family and freinds too. So even if something seems like it won’t effect others, 99.99 percent of the time, it will.
The woman here asks Jesus for a really big favor. She asks him to sit her sons on either side of Him. This reminds me of when people buy and ask for too many things, ones that they don’t need. We need to be grateful, and ask ourselves, “Do I really need this?”
What really stood out to me was a variation of “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” So often in our society today are we concerned about being the best and #1. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s how we deal with it and what we do about it that’s an issue. If we make it our top priority, then God falls into second. If we beat ourselves up because we didn’t beat that team (so they’re better than us), we can’t love others for who they are. You see, we need to make sure we’re using our competitive natures for good and good alone.
I think the scripture is saying to be humble. We can have high expectations for ourselves and want us to go to heaven, but we cannot do any of this without the help of the Father. Jesus became our Lamb and died on the Cross for our sins. We couldn’t have done that. He opened the gates of heaven for us with the Father just because the Father said so. We must be able to serve one another just as Jesus did for us just as the Father said.
Jesus told the twelve Disciples face to face that He was going to die and then be resurrected. But, Jesus talked about Himself in 3rd person. He said,” and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.” I have some questions about this because it’s a little confusing. Did the Disciples know that Jesus was talking about Himself? Did they think it was about another man?
This scripture is telling us that we can’t get to Heaven by ourselves. We are not more powerful than God and we can’t just do everything. We learn to be humble and to trust in God. We have to except that if we don’t follow and love God we will not get eternal life in Heaven.
Jesus came into the earth in honestly a embarrassing way. No one is going to think you are cool if you are born with animal dung all around you. But that is the point. God did not want to be cool, he wanted to save. God came in the most humble way you can. Why do we feel like we have to be cool and fit in with everyone? In case you haven’t realized JESUS DIDN’T FiT IN. Strive to live like Jesus, not people who don’t know what actually matters.
God is trying to tell us to be like Jesus because we need to take our crosses like he did and be strong even through rough times because we will be in Heaven if we take up our crosses willingly and follow the word of God
i really like this it shows that God gave his one and only son for us. He loves us so much he died on the cross for us and to save us he would do it a million times more too. He loves us so much we don’t even know. He knows us more than we know ourselves and he will never give up on us.
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.”
He was telling them what was going to happen to him and that they should be prepared for what was to come.
I think that Jesus told the Apostles this way on purpose. I think He knew that someone would write all of this down so He could tell us the same thing, to preach the Gospels to people who need it which is everyone.
“whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.” I think this is telling us that we need to serve people more, like the golden rule. We need to serve others because its what Jesus would do and its what we would want people to do for us.
Pride is taking great satisfaction in one’s own achievements. Love is the opposite. Our ego can lead us to pride. A person’s ego can lead them to put everyone else down to lift them up, or pointing everyone else’s faults out to hide their own. It can be putting down those with less intelligence or skill to boost their own. It can be the worst thing when you have the biggest ego alive because no one wants to be around you since all you talk about is yourself. If you are humble and have a little ego every now and then people will want to be friends with you no if you are the best at everything they will want to be friends with you because you are you.
“Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.” we all want to be great, yet we never have the courage to stoop down to the lowest level and sit with them and care for them. they only want to be great, but they don’t know how to care for others.
I think that this is saying that we are always asking for things from anyone but we never give back. We are always asking God for things but what do we give back to him? We should be thanking and praising him for all that has done for us.
Jesus didn’t come down from Heaven to be served (like in the scripture) but He came from Heaven to serve the people.
What i got from this scripture reflection is that we have to put our pride aside and love people instead of boosting ourselves up we boost each other up Because Jesus came down to serve us and give his life for us we don’t have to give our lives for each other but serve people in the way you can.
Intelligence and skill are not bad, but they are a gift from God used to glorify Him. We must use them for good and not for bad things. Jesus gave us these gifts for us to glorify, and not to be used for granet. We have to be smart and know how to use our gifts.
“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This stuck out to me because Jesus came to the Earth to serve others and then die on the cross for us. He didn’t have to save us from anything, He did it out of His love for us. The least we can do is love Him back and serve others on Earth like He did.
Today the scripture said, “whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.” This means to me that we should treat each other equally not as one better than the other because God loves us all equally. We should also treat others as we want to be treated.
Pride is not something to be proud of. If your ego stops you from worshiping our God then you should get rid of it. Jesus was born in basically a barn. They laid Him in a place were animals would eat! Jesus is our savior and if pride is keeping us from Him would should try to get rid of it.
In this scripture Jesus tells us to follow him but he also tells us not to judge people. This is difficult because as humans we naturally see the problems in other people but not the problem in us.
I think that this passage is one of the utmost important in a lot of the Bible. This shows us that we need to be kind to others, do not be proud, and serve each other. “FOR THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST, THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST; THE ONE WHO EXALTS HIMSELF WILL BE HUMBLED, THE ONE WHO HUMBLES HIMSELF WILL BE EXALTED.” The Purpose of life: To know, love, and serve God. We serve God by serving other people.
What stuck out to me was how Jesus asked: What do you wish for? This stuck out to me because it made me think of what I would ask Jesus. I don’t really know what I would ask Jesus but I do know that it would be a life changing moment.
“they will condemn him to death.” We are taught when we are young that Judas betrayed Jesus, and Pilate condemned him to death. While this is true, we must come to the realization that we are the ones who killed him. We gave into temptation and ate from the tree. We said, “Give us Barabas.” We said we wanted Jesus to be crucified. Yet, we are the ones who were given free will. We were the ones that got saved from sins when Jesus died. We are the ones who get forgiven when we give into temptation over and over again. Jesus died for us. He thought about every single person as he was hanging on that cross. Jesus died because of us, but he rose for us. He rose from the dead to save us.
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests
and the scribes,
and they will condemn him to death,
and hand him over to the Gentiles
to be mocked and scourged and crucified,
and he will be raised on the third day.” – Jesus said this. He knew that He was destined to die if He went to Jerusalem; He still went because He WANTED to save us. Not because He NEEDED to save us.
In today’s gospel Jesus tells us that He will die for our sins. We should be loyal to Him and grateful for all He gives us.
We have wishes because sometimes we need or want something. The mother asked if in Heaven her 2 sons to sit at His 2 sides. Just like the women’s wasn’t granted, ours aren’t occationally either. That’s because our wishes don’t go with the will of God. So don’t have wishes that go against His will, they won’t be granted.
“Jesus teaches us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him”, these words stuck out to me. We must follow in Gods example, he is the holiest person to walk on the earth, he never sinned, we need to be holy like him.