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Today, Jesus gives us a great warning. If we do not repent for our sins, our sins begin to control us. Then, we become slaves to sin. Last, we choose self over God which He warns will lead us to hell. He warns us that this tragedy of our soul is greater than any unfair killings by a government or tragedy of a natural disaster. Our soul is more important than anything in the world. Lk 9:25 This is the cancer of the soul that God’s grace in the sacraments heals (Baptism, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick)! Examine your conscience today, repent by having a heart to heart with Jesus in the confessional today, and be free of sin.

He deserves it because He loves you and always wants you to be with Him.

Reminder: 4 Ways to Fight The Devil’s Temptation by Jesus in the Desert

1. Scripture

2. Fasting

3. Prayer

4. Give our will to God and only desire His Will (Goodwill)

Christian YOLO