Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Acts 3:11-26
I love the Acts of the Apostles. It teaches us how everything comes together and Jesus fulfilled His mission. Most importantly, we are winners in this mission if we choose it. The Acts of the Apostles increases my faith and helps me understand my faith, “You denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses. And by faith in his name, this man, whom you see and know, his name has made strong, and the faith that comes through it has given him this perfect health, in the presence of all of you.”
Has your faith increased in the last 40 days? Why or why not? Now that the Scriptures have been fulfilled, do we still act out of ignorance? What are we doing to continue to educate ourselves about Jesus and get to know Him better? We cannot give up our lives or worship someone we do not know or understand. Keep learning, be a sponge and soak up all that God wants you to know about Him.
LK 24:35-48
Jesus appears to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you! All of the apostles scattered but John, He should have come back raging with anger at them that His friends didn’t have his back! Who would ever do this? God has infinite radical love for His creation.
His mercy is bigger than the ocean that makes our sins look very small. All He asks of us is to come to Him, repent (change our lives by changing our thinking), and show this love and mercy towards others. He then goes on to show the Apostles His glorified body, eats a piece of fish, and confirms He is not a ghost. This is why we believe we will have a glorified body after the Second Coming, Jesus does.
What is so important about these Resurrection stories? Jesus Christ is who He says He is and it solidifies everything He has said and done. “He is either God or a very bad man” says Bishop Robert Barron. Second, there are many witnesses of these things and over 100 prophecies fulfilled by Him.
Lee Strobel writes in his book “The Case For Christ” about “The Coincidence Argument”. He interviews Louis S. Lapides, MDiv, ThM whether it could be a coincidence or accident that Jesus fulfilled over 100 prophecies. Lapides says, “Not a chance, the odds are so astronomical that they rule that out. Someone did the math and figured out that the probability of just eight prophecies being fulfilled is one chance in one hundred million billion.” Many people who search for information about Jesus and whether He is real or not end up believing in Him and are converted!
We have no physical or scientific proof that Jesus resurrected (except the Shroud of Turin if it is the burial cloth of Christ), but in Luke’s Gospel today we have witnesses who wrote about Him. Read it slowly. It contains the summary of the whole Bible and everything we need to know to believe, be saved, and get to our heavenly home; the heart’s deepest longing.
Today’s challenge: Read and believe, our minds have been open to the Scriptures through the power of the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation to help us understand and increase our faith but more importantly to get back to the Father who gave us the Holy Spirit. Live it through your actions, repent and begin to change daily habits.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
Jesus Christ has risen, Alleluia! Do you believe?
Today in scripture we learn, Jesus is the biggest lie of our life or we made the right decision, isn’t it kinda like that in life on earth? We make decisions that can change our future for the better or the worse, that’s why we need to do what is right cause that is Jesus’ way to grow within us. We adore him every now and then for most of us but every second he loves shows it and adores us to the fullest, we need to do the same. We need to spread positive feelings to be able to love us and others.
In the Gospel Jesus appeared to the disciples and was telling them that He fulfilled the Scriptures. Then Jesus says, “You are witnesses of these things.” This phrase stuck out to me because that day He was telling the disciples this but we are also witnesses in a way because we read the Bible and believe what happened to Jesus. We should be reading the Bible every night and praying about it. If we aren’t we need to remind ourselves to.
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. This stuck out to me because it showed me that God really is above all human. He is the most powerful and rules above everyone and everything. Sometimes we forget this and put other people or objects before Him. We need to keep in mind how powerful God really is and how much remembering that can help us.
Jesus says ““These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” Jesus says this because the apostles look at him concerned and amazed at first thinking he was a ghost then noticing the holes in his hands, feet, and side. Jesus reminded them that he told them this and it’s in the law of Moses and that he fulfilled it to save us.
“Why are you troubled?” Too often we get mad at God for the hard things in our life, but in reality it’s not him that is making all these bad things happen. We need to slow down, breathe, pray, and ask that it be taken away from us, and trust that he will provide.
4/4/24 Jesus is a miracle worker! He literally fulfilled all the prophecies that were made about the Christ and Messiah. He suffered death, was buried, and He rose from the dead on the third day. He came back to tell everyone how He fulfilled the scriptures and He ate fish to show them he wasn’t a ghost. He showed them His wounds and told them to touch them if they didn’t believe.
Jesus asks the diciple why they have troubled hearts because they think he’s a ghost because they all saw him dead. So Jesus eats food infront of them and show his wounds to them. They don’t believe him because people don’t just live again after they die the only people that have ever risen from the dead are people Jesus saved or Jesus himself and I can understand why they were confused if my friend died and in 3 days he’s just back I would be confused or maybe scared to but not all things in life need proof sometimes we just have to believe even though the disciple recognized him they still Belived it was truly him so we don’t need to see it to believe we don’t need proof more than we already have. He rose from the dead and even if he wants us to believe it he still left proof for us.
I think that this scripture was talking about how we need to be more open to Jesus and let him in us. He will be there for us all the time, even if we don’t want it or feel His grace. He was sent down by the Lord to save our sins, and this is just part of the process, He knows the good and bad in all of us, He knows our path and what will happen on our Faith Journeys because He is still Jesus and we need to let him know that we are ready for his presence and allow Him to work His goodness into our hearts.
For the mercy of one person’s sins each person has their own ocean.
While they were still speaking about this,
he stood in their midst and said to them,
“Peace be with you.”
we say this every mass peace be with you but why, why do we say that to the people around us as Catholics we want peace around the world so by spreading this small act of peace we are keeping peace in the church and that is important that we continue to do so because us as people need peace
In the Acts of the Apostles, we see how the disciples really felt after Jesus died. It shows us that Jesus didn’t call the wealthiest or best people, but He chose those who had faith. Jesus did not come to condemn us for all the bad things we did. He realizes that we are not perfect and all He cares about is that you have faith in Him. It will not matter if we have material things when we die, so grow spiritual and it will have a greater impact.
Today, Jesus proves to his disciples that he did rise from the dead, and it was not a hallucination of Mary Magdalen’s. The interesting part about this story is that he asks for something to eat. This struck me for two reasons, the first of which is that Jesus wants to be with us. What better way to enjoy company, or family than to eat together? To nourish ourselves in compassion and in nutrients. This is why bonding with your family is so important. I think Jesus needed his friends, just as they needed him. What is the purpose of this existence, but to surround yourself with the people that you love, to serve the people, and to get to know God through them! The second reason it stuck with me, is because Jesus knew exactly what it would take to get them to believe that he was actually risen. Just as he knows everything that they need, he knows everything that we need in our lives. Sometimes we think we need something, until we find out that we don’t actually need it, and it probably did more bad than good. When we ask Jesus for something, maybe an item, or a specific event, he knows whether it will be in our best interest, or whether it will steer us away from him. We have to have faith in God’s plan, and His love for us. He will never lead us astray, and we must know that. If you get an inkling that an idea will not bring you closer to God, pray on it. If it is from God, it will persist. If not, it will not go away, but seem less appealing. Believe in Christ and his resurrection, because someday soon, that will be yours too!
What stood out to me is that Jesus rose from the dead and he forgave everyone. Instead he welcomed everyone back into his kingdom and to spread the good news.
Jesus appeared to the disciples and surprised them because they thought that He was dead. We are like the disciples, we need to see in order for us to believe things. What is to believe if Jesus is already in front of us.
I think what Jesus was trying to say is we can never fully grasp the scripure we need help and that why he opened the apostles eyes.
In the scripture it says “Jesus appears to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you!” This stuck out to me because it is saying Jesus does this for us and we sin, it hurts our relationship with him. Jesus forgives us and that is why he said peace be with you because he cares about us.
Jesus is a miracle worker.I think the scripture is saying we need to be more open and trust gods plan.We want peace around the world so by spreading this small act of peace we are keeping peace in the church.
“Why are you troubled?And why do questions arise in your hearts?
Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.Touch me and see,
because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.”
These words stuck out to me because humans always want to know more
but we cant know everything so Jesus is asking us why are we troubled
and asking so many questions I have risen and we need to believe this
because we profess this every week at mass (Nicene Creed).
Today Jesus tells the disciples why are you fretting it is just I. Why do these questions arise in your hearts. The disciples say in response are you like a ghost. Jesus says no I am a man and I am no ghost touching my hands and feeling my feat. We will always have doubts about Jesus but we have to decide whether we will follow those doubts or if we will fall away from him. This is very hard because everything in the world right now wants us to forget Jesus live in the present. But as long as we stay on the right path to find him we can have less doubts and go to heaven
I think the Gospel is saying that when we killed him with our sins that means that we have killed him because adam and eve ate the apple and then the gates of heaven closed and the only way of opening it is to sacrifice God’s son Jesus.
The Lord will provide even when you think there is no way He will. The Lord can do amazing things. He resurrected from the dead to show us that He is the Son of God. The Lord is gracious and will always provide. Serve the Lord and you will spend eternity with Him if you live a life under God.
“Peace be with you.” Peace be with you means more than when you say it, when you say it to someone you wouldn’t think about the meaning and you would just say it because that was what we were taught to do. To me peace be with you means to go live a happy life and as long as you have Jesus right beside you you will be all good. I think that because just think about it if Jesus is our peace then saying peace be with you is saying I hope you go on to live a happy life knowing Jesus is right beside you. Jesus will always be there for you and never will leave your side for as long as you live.
Today Jesus proves to his disciples that he is real and they aren’t just imagining him. He loved us so much that he came back to save us. When he wants to eat with them it sort of reminds me that he always wants to spend time with us no matter what. We need to always sit down and pray and even though we can’t see him he is always there.
“Everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” This part stuck out to me because it hard to fill eight prophecies, but Jesus filled over a hundred. All thought the old testament they were talking about the Savoir who was coming to save them, but when he got there they turned their backs and killed him. But fulfilling yet another prophecy, he rose on the third day.
Jesus is selfless. He dedicated His whole life for people to believe in Him and his miracles. We abuse Him horribly, and decide to give Him a great, horrible death, and He rises from the dead and says, “peace be with you.” What great selflessness! He loves us so much that after dying, He comes back to His apostles and says peace be with you. God has infinite love for us.
Jesus died for us. He suffered on the cross and our sins. But He still loves us. God raised Jesus from the dead, defeated the grave, and told us that He loves us. Our sins are a rain drop, but God’s grace is an entire ocean. It converts that sin into His grace. God is reality and if we don’t know it, we will perish and suffer, but if we believe, we live in God’s infinite grace.
“We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you!“ This stuck out to me because it shows how much Jesus loves us. We were the ones that crucified him with our sins and he still was able to say “Peace be with you.“ With God´s love being so powerful as long as we follow him we can become better people and help one another get to heaven.
Jesus appears to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you! This part of the scripture stuck out to me because it tells us that Jesus has an infinite amount of grace and forgiveness. When we literally put him through one of the most painful experiences known to man, he said “Peace be with you.”
That is showing how much Jesus and God want to be with us but we deny him. It shows how much He loves us but we throw him away. Today, we need to learn to embrace God’s call to us for holiness and kindness. Be a missionary.
Something that stuck out to me is that Jesus is higher than anyone else that has, and will ever be on this planet, he is more important than Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Elijah, any of the prophets or his disciples, and they knew this, they knew that later on in the world their would be the savior of man, the one who set the world free would becoming after them, and they were the ones that told the people, they told them to prepare, because nobody knows the time,nor hour that Jesus will come back, and 2000 years ago they didn’t know when Jesus was going to come, but 2000 years ago, he made is humble entrance into the world, people didn’t even know that he was born, he was born in the same place where animals eat their food, the place where pigs slops were, and that is where out savior was born from, and when he was older, he died the most humiliating, and excruciating death that is known to man, he got whipped by the Romans, he got nailed to the cross, Judas did betray him, and Peter deny him, its all real, but yet we still can’t come to believe that it was, we are too worried about video games, or TikTok, or snapchat, to realize that Jesus could come back any minute, and I hope that people will realize and they will get saved, and have eternal life with Jesus.
“The author of life you put to death,
but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses.”
We put Jesus to death by our sin but God raised him from the dead. If Jesus hadn’t raised from the dead we wouldn’t believe that he was actually Christ. God raised him from the dead to show us that Jesus is Christ and not just another human that sins like us.
In this Gospel Jesus says “Peace be with you.” Imagine how hard this would be for all of us. To say Peace be with you to the humans who killed you. Jesus simply says, “peace be with you,” imagine saying peace be with you to the reason you died. Jesus has infinite compassion and love for all of us, yet it is very hard for us to even talk to people we dislike.
Today we hear more about Jesus’ power and his plan. “For you first, God raised up his servant and sent him to bless you by turning each of you from your evil ways.” Jesus’ job as savior was/is to turn us from our evil ways. Not just to change us but transform us. To become completely new in this new life He has offered us. He doesn’t just want to be a part of our lives, He want to be our life. But in order for Him to truly be our life, we have to let go of the things of the flesh.
They cannot coexist, it is either one or the other.
In the Gospel today Jesus comes to his disciples and when they see him they are amazed and terrified. At first they think he is a ghost but then they see that he is real because they see his wounds from when he was crucified and they see him eat. Jesus is loving and he came back to us to give us hope and joy. We should believe in God even though we cannot see him.
Even after they went to see the empty tomb, even after they heard Mary Magdalen’s story, and even after they heard the story from the disciples the apostles didn’t at first believe that He had risen and had a glorified body, they thought He was a ghost. Remember how after the apostles, who were with him for three years and saw the things He had done, they didn’t believe He had risen, so don’t feel bad for questioning it.
Repent and be saved! Jesus resurrected from the dead and it is our choice to believe it or not. Jesus fulfilled over 100 prophecies, that is crazy! We have the mind and choice to be a believer or not. Jesus gave us the Scriptures to read and believe in the risen Christ. The Apostles thought Jesus was a ghost until they touched the flesh of Christ. Jesus is God and anything is possible with Him. Therefore, turn to Him and believe and try your hardest to spend eternity with Him.
Jesus came back to save us. He rose from the grave to prove that he is the conquerer of death. People sometimes think that this is a lie. Even his Apostles were a little sceptical. But after meeting the Apostles, Jesus eats some food to prove that he is really back from the dead. Jesus will always be there for you! Trust in him.
“know Him better” we need to do this so we can grow closer to God.
“Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins,would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” Jesus tells the disciples that he told them that he would die and rise. We need to believe him. even when it feels impossible we must trust in God because he will always tell the truth.
When Jesus Appears to the disciples and says “peace be with you” we have to think we just put him on the cross for him saying he is God when he really is and the saying peace be with you that just shows how much he loves and cares for us he already forgave them for what they did and not just by saying peace be with to the disciples because they also turned their backs on Jesus by denying him and not telling people that they follow him and sticking up for him when times got rough it just shows he will always be there for us and to never forget that he loves us with all the love in his heart.
Jesus died for us. God proved how much he loved us by sending his only son down to earth to get crucified by us. He came to save us. He died for our sins so that we could all get into heaven and praise him. Jesus wants us to do the right thing and not the wrong thing. We can all make it to heaven like God intended.
It is hard for the disciples to believe that Jesus was resurrected. They saw him get carried away and heard about the gruesome death he had met. They didn’t believe it, and it is easy to see why. He literally defied death. But, they did believe him in the end because they trusted him. It is important to trust God’s will. He has a divine plan and is using us to put it into action.
“Then they opened their minds and they understood the scriptures.” this is important because the reason why we go to mass is one thing that we do to respect God and the works that he has done. Well yes but we should be understanding the scriptures because that is our phone message with God. God can speak to us in many different ways, if only we can open ourselves and see that. We must Believe in him because he is the one who saved us, how could we not trust him. The only way we can succeed in life is if we believe in scriptures and if we understand it. the scripture is the closest thing that we have to documents with Jesus. When will we understand that, a lot of us today are saying that my sin can’t be forgiven but that sin doesn’t matter. Sin is flower leaf and God’s forgiveness, love, and grace is one huge Garden itself. are we going to believe or just sit down and hope that he lets us in. we need to work for it, not just expect it.
what struck out to me was when Jesus said “Why are you troubled?” he asks the apostles this because they think he is a ghost which relates to us because sometimes we think the Jesus is just some guy in heaven looking down on us when he’s really right next to us at all times
Jesus told us he was going to fulfill the prophesies and he did. He died on the cross for our sins because he loves us so much. He took our sins with him up to the cross and set us free. That’s why I think its sad that some people don’t trust in him and love him like he loves us. Jesus did great things for us and he is always working in our lives.
Jesus is trying to tell us he works miracles. He will never leave you. Just like he visited the apostles in the house. Jesus’ mercy is bigger than all of the water in the whole world. That makes our sins look small. Jesus is our reality and we need to follow him.
In todays gospel its saying that Jesus died for us, and he is a miracle worker. and in the Acts of the Apostles, we see how the disciples really felt after Jesus died. You are witnesses of these things.” We should be reading our bible every night., and we need to remind ourslefs to.
I always wondered why Jesus ate fish in this gospel. I don’t think he was really ‘hungry’ so maybe he was trying to prove a point. If he was simply there in spirit (or a ghost as the disciples said) then he probably wouldn’t be able to eat. Therefore, in order for him to eat he had to truly be present. In the flesh. And he was! That thought just really amazes me. He died one of the most brutal deaths in history and then in a few days he is up again and eating fish of all things. That just makes me smile a little and I love that Jesus still has the power to bring those little joyous moments to us.
Today what I learned from this scripture is how much Jesus truly loves us. We have been learning about that since kindergarten. But we as humans will never be able to fully grasp the truth about how much Jesus loves us. His love is infinite, He died for us and our sins so that we can be with him in heaven forever. He did this for us, he did it for you. And we need to do it back. We need to love him, we need to want to get to know Jesus, we need to be willing to do anything for him. Because he always does those things for us. No matter what you will always be love internally and externally By our Lord and Savior creator or everything Jesus Christ, and our Father.
Jesus shows up to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you! All of the apostles scattered but John, He should have come back raging with anger at them that His friends didn’t have his back! Who would ever do this? God has infinite radical love for His creation.We made him suffer because of our sins we did this and we should stop sinning.Us people keep sinning and that harm the only creator and savior ,but Jesus still loves us even after what we had done to him. Jesus loves us even if we don’t love him back, because of his love and mercy he can help us be with him.
“You children of Israel, why are you amazed at this, and why do you look so intently at us as if we had made him walk by our own power or piety?” This part of the reading stuck out to me, because it shows Peter’s Faith. He realized that it wasn’t of his power that the man was healed, but it was God acting through his hands. So I think we should also act similarly, in that when we do something, yes we should take a little bit of happiness in knowing that we did good, but we should thank God for giving us the grace to do well first. The crowds were amazed by Peter and John’s miracle, but Peter immediately turned down the amazement and turned it to God.
Jesus appears to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” in this scripture I think that Jesus is trying to tell me that when He died we should be happy, this might be hard for us, and especially Mary and He’s friends because for Mary he was the most important person of her life, it was her son, could you imagine your son being the Messiah and Him being crucified. He died and it is sad when someone you love dies, but He died for every human being on the earth and for the people that will be on the earth in the future.
“THEN HE OPENED THEIR MINDS TO UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES.” He wanted them to understand what he was telling them
just like he wants us to understand, he opened their minds so why would he not open ours.
He is a loving God and he is willing.
Yes, I think I have grown in my faith because, I pray the rosary every night.
In the scriptures Jesus asks why we are frightened to see him rise for it is said in the scriptures that he will. We need to know God and know that everything in the prophecies will happen. We need to trust in God’s word and dwelling. We must open our minds to the word of God and believe in him!
“Has your faith increased in the last 40 days?” There were a lot of other good questions in the scripture but this stuck out the most to me. Yes my faith has increased in the last 40 days because every night I have been saying a prayer in my own words. Spontaneous prayer is what I have been doing every night. That has grown me closer to God. Another one is after communion in mass I say a Glory Be or a Hail Mary. That makes me feel like the Eucharist means something more than a piece of bread that has been blessed and then eat it. No. It is Jesus’ body that he gave up for us.
What caught my attention in the scripture was, the acts of the apostles say that Jesus fulfilled his mission. But we still sin we do that because of our nature. But if we trust in God and Jesus we can fix ourselves.
Jesus appears to the apostles with the word, “Peace be with you”. The apostles betrayed him and he still had Peace with them. We need to have peace with everyone because Jesus had Peace with the people who killed him. We need to forgive everyone no matter what they did.
“The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus.” This really stuck out to me because it shows that he is above human and he can do anything
Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” This stuck out to me because it’s basically saying that “i’m a ghost but i’m also real”. God is the most everliving and everloving person we know. We should be the ones that are loving Him and being by His side the rest of the way after all He has done for us.
There is always more to learn about Jesus and the Father. He is so merciful and loving and we have no right to that. But if we learn all there is about Jesus we can believe he is real and present with us.
Jesus wants us to believe in Him so badly. He wants us love Him so much to. He is trying to teach us His way right in front of us. We need to love and obey Him. He will teach us the way and help us complete life and get heaven He will show us the way the truth and the life because He is all those things and He is trying to show us that right now.
What stuck out to me is the way Jesus proves to them it is Him. This stuck out to me because Jesus proves to them and to us that He really is truly present. He showed the disciples that He was present with them in that moment and He shows us that He is present in the Eucharist. I think that sometimes we choose not to believe that Jesus is truly there even though we can see Him. I think that we should be like the disciples when they truly believe it was Him.
From this scripture I took away that we need to be more honest with Christ. We need to trust him with our heart and pray to him. If we can praise him we can grow this trust and we will be able to live with him in eternal life.
Trust God, trust Jesus he died for all of us. Recognize the plan God has for us.
Jesus died for us to save us. Jesus gave us love. He wants to be our life and show us how much he loves us and who we truly are to him.
He cares for all living things and everything the Father made. No matter if you are a woman or man. He loves us all and we should be thankful for it and for his power.
Today Jesus met with the rest of his disciples. Jesus showed them his wounds and then asked for something to eat. This is how he proved that he was really there. He then explained the scriptures to them and opened their eyes to them.
“But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.” When Jesus came to the Apostles, they did not know it was Him. Just like Mary Magdalene and the 2 disciples. All these people had this veil that Satan put over their eyes to not recognize Jesus. Jesus is always with us, but we need to find Him.
You children of Israel, why are you amazed at this, and why do you look so intently at us as if we had made him walk by our own power or piety? The apostles are recognizing that there is someone greater than them, that someone is giving them their power and that person is Jesus Christ. In todays Gospel Jesus comes back to the apostles and think about this, They saw Jesus die, they knew he was gone, so when Jesus showed up, completly unharmed, they can’t believe it, God can do the impossible, God works miracles, God is more powerful than us on Earth, we have to realize that we are not the center of the Earth. That there is someone greater than us.
“Peace be with you.” We hear this every time we go to Mass and it is said multiple times in the Bible, yet do we ever stop and realize what was just said and why. Our world was peaceful and just how God wanted it to be. Everything was going great for Adam and Eve until Eve fell into temptation and ate the apple causing us to be afraid. Our world started becoming awful so much so that God flooded it only leaving a number of humans left, but God gave us a promise, a promise of peace. Jesus came down to Earth so that he could save us and give us peace. Every time we sin we are eating the apple, but likewise when we go to reconciliation and our sins are forgiven there is peace. So, next time you are at Mass and the priest says, “Peace be with you,” know that those are God’s words and they have so much importance.
We often have similar questions that the apostles had when they saw Jesus in the flesh the first time after He rose from the Death. It’s crazy, we can get our mind around the fact that He actually rose from the dead and that’s normal. I mean the people who saw Him day after day still didn’t believe it so it’s not so bad but when those questions keep us away from the glory that happened is where we need to stop. Jesus did rise from the dead and we have to believe that even though we have questions. If we don’t there will be a mental block that happens without us even knowing. So don’t block yourself from Jesus’s love and the forgiveness that came along with Him dying and rising from the dead.
“But they were startled and terrified
and thought that they were seeing a ghost.
Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled?”
We tend to blame Jesus and God for all of the bad things that happen in our life like ” Why would he let this happen” or if he really loved me he would’ve done this” and way way more, but do we ever stop to think about all of the amazing things God has done for us in our lives??? Do we ever just stop and sit in silence and listen for God’s voice to talk to him just for 1 minute??? We need to stop blaming God for all of the bad things sin has allowed to happen in life and thank him for the wonderful things he does for us on a daily basis.
The apostles were startled at first by Jesus’ Resurrection, but eventually they believed in it and trusted Him more. I think it’s amazing that the apostles started to grow closer to Jesus after the Resurrection. This eventually led to Pentecost, which is something that is also worth waiting for. Until then, I’ll be living in the joy of the Lord in this season of Easter.
Jesus is a miracle worker. I think the scripture is saying we need to be more open and trust gods plan.We want peace around the world. By spreading this small act of peace we are keeping peace in the church.
“Peace be with you.”
God’s peace is always with us, we can never run away from it. All we need in our lives is God’s peace, and our lives will be fulfilled
I think God is trying to tell us that He is trying, I think He is telling me that it is not His fault that I am not super Holy, but my own.
In this scripture reflection I was reminded of how this world isn’t all there is and that there is still Heaven beyond this life where Jesus is waiting for us.
Jesus open our minds to his word. We have to open ourselves up to him to receive his word. It’s not a one-sided thing. a ball cant roll out one door and through another without the other door being open. We ourselves have to be open to Jesus to receive him.
“We just killed Him with our sins.” Jesus is unstoppable. He will do something for you if you ask Him. Jesus died for us because of our sins and He knew that we needed a Savior. We need to try and stop sinning because Jesus died for us. What else does He have to do for us to try and stop us from something that we can overpower. We are greater than our sins so we shouldn’t give in to them.
when Jesus appeared to the apostles, they were frightened. aren’t we all frightened when something that we were excpecting happens? but the apotles came over that fear and rejoiced because their Savior had risen. Our savior has risen. He is with us. He is always there wating for us to believe and be children of him. He is hungry to save us. He wants to be with us. We just need to believe.
in the scriptures Jesus appears to the apostles after he had died on the cross the first thing he says to them is peace be with you and i think that shows how never ending his love is we put him on the cross and murdered God when all he did help others and speak the truth and instead of being angry at the apostles his only friends for not being there except for john he shows his care and love but most of all forgiveness and it shows that God will never stop forgiving you no matter what.
In the scripture it says that we listen to God through the gospel and the Bible but we also need to listen to him when we should or shouldn’t do something. Just like when he tells the disciples to do or not to do something they listen, so we need to start to listen like them because God knows what is best for us.
The concept of dying but our being still living in Heaven is kinda scary. Truthfully, we don’t actually know where we go when we die because we cant physically see it, but we know we go to heaven because we believe in God, and that’s a great thing. We won’t know what happens until we die, but having our trust in God and anticipating heaven by going to church and doing things God wants us to do, we will have eternal life.
what stuck out to me today was ,”God raised up his servant and sent him to bless you by turning each of you from your evil ways.” This stuck out to me because its so overwhelming to think about how much God loves us that he even sent his own son down to us and raised him from the dead saving us from our sins. Its also amazing to think about how brave Jesus had to be to die for us and stay strong throughout everything.
“Peace be with you.” We say this every mass and in today’s Gospel this is the greeting Jesus uses after He resurrected. When we say peace be with you do you really mean it? When you shake hands or fist bump or bow or whatever you do, do you really look at that person and wish them peace? Jesus should have been livid about how His friends all abandoned Him (except John) He should be furious that He told them the truth and they didn’t believe Him and let Him die on the cross. But instead He wishes them peace, love is nothing without forgiveness because it’s not really love without it.
I feel like the passage today is telling us how even though we cant see Jesus he’s still there and present,
they were all startled and terrified when they thought they were seeing a ghost, Wich I think means he is always there and with us so do not be afraid.
Jesus asks us why we are afraid. I think that this is a good question. we are always afraid of something. but why Jesus? is it because we most give up our luxury and actually sit down and pray? this is ridiculous! Jesus is all loving and he tells us that he will be with you, no matter how much you sin.
There is no proof Jesus Resurrected but thats why we have faith and have to believe.
Repent and be saved! Jesus resurrected from the dead and it is our choice to believe it or not. Jesus fulfilled over 100 prophecies, that is crazy! We have the mind and choice to be a believer or not. Jesus gave us the Scriptures to read and believe in the risen Christ. The Apostles thought Jesus was a ghost until they touched the flesh of Christ. Jesus is God and anything is possible with Him. Jesus forgives us and that is why he said peace be with you because he cares about us.
I think this scripture reflection is trying to tell us to be more open to god because he is always there for us. He helps us through everything and there is never a time where he turns us down.
I think this scripture reflection is trying to tell us to be more open to God because he is always there for us. He helps us through everything and there is never a time where he turns us down.
today Jesus tells us that we should forgive our enemies even if they have killed you. No matter the cause he will always forgive
In todays gospel the Lord appears to the apostles and tells them that no ghost has skin nore bones and yet he does for he is not a ghost but the son of our God who raised from the dead and saved all so they could go to heaven and took away there sin.
“Jesus appears to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you!”. This is proof that Jesus has infinite love and mercy for us. We have killed him and he just comes back with the same love, even for those who don’t deserve it…us. Jesus has every right to curse us and punish us for our foolish works. Yet he does not.
The scripture is telling me that Jesus is all powerful because even though we killed Him with our own sins He defeated death and opened the gates of heaven.
“Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” Jesus wanted to show that he is actually there with them. They were astonished and terrified that they might be seeing a ghost. Jesus felt he needed to assure them he was there in his body, so he said this. When he said they they truly realized that he was back from the dead.
A part that stuck out to me was “Peace be with you.” We killed God with our sins, yet he wishes peace within us. It is hard to forgive someone who hurt us, and sometimes we hold grudges. But God didn’t, He immediately forgave us. God is teaching me to go out and forgive my enemies.
In this scripture reflection Jesus told us all that he was going to fulfill the prophesies and he did just that. Jesus gave up his life for our sins and died for them. He took up our sins so we could be free.
“Peace be with you”
This stuck out to me because I feel like this really shows how much Jesus really loves us and cares for us. Whenever I am at mass saying peace be with you to my pears I am spreading the words of God into their souls. At this moment God is saying “I love you and care for you.” One thing we shouldn’t forget is that we find peace with God and God returns the favor with the love and care he has for us till this day and this day onto the next until we reach the Gates of Heaven
today Jesus tells us to forgive our enemies even if they have killed you. no matter the cause Jesus will forgive🌈
“Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled?
And why do questions arise in your hearts?
Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.”
Why are we scared? Some are scared to go to Church, some are scared of Confession, and some are scared of even praying. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He knows what goes down so why are we scared?
“We just killed Him with our sins and the first thing He says is peace be with you!”
Jesus forgives and loves.
Jesus died for us. God proved how much he loved us by sending his only son down to earth to get crucified by us. He came to save us. God raised Jesus from the dead, defeated the grave, and told us that He loves us.
Jesus appears to the Apostles with the words, “Peace be with you.” All the apostles were thinking to themselves why is he saying this after we just denied ever knowing him and didn’t help him when he needed us most of all. God and Jesus are always forgiving. They will never hate you. They always come back with loving arms.
The human mind can never fully understand the teachings of Jesus and the scripture but once we make it to heaven it will all make sense and God will be an even more important thing in our existence until then we have many people trying to comprehend it but no one can because the human mind just is not capable.
“THEN HE OPENED THEIR MINDS TO UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES.” To me this means that when they were reading the scriptures they didn’t understand It at first but then when they took the time to read it they slowly started to figure it out until they finished the Bible and their minds were opened and they knew God and they would once see God and know Him like a friend because God always wants to be our friend.In the end we all figured out that Jesus fulfilled Gods will.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus rose from the dead and went to his Disciples. The first thing he said to them was “Peace be with you”, even after we killed Him with our sins. Jesus loves us so much and we don’t even notice it because we are too focused on our devices and we don’t listen to Him. We needed Jesus so that we can get into Heaven and spend even more time with Him, which is our goal. Jesus is always with us and will be until we die and go to Heaven.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is aware of the doubt in the Apostles’ minds. So he shows proof that he is in flesh by eating fish.
People often say that even the idea of God is far-fetched. There is an insurmountable amount of evidence to prove that otherwise. We have hundreds of documented miracles that have supernatural causes. We have the burial cloth of Jesus in the Vatican.
Jesus is present in our everyday lives and we don’t even realize it, but He is trying to make it clear so we can be closer to Him.
Jesus is proving to his disciples he is real and has risen, that he is truly fully human and fully divine. We need to be able to recognize this without Jesus’ physical presence. We have all the readings and stories of him, we just need to trust in him.
God is saying that he will help guide us to understand the gospel. He wants us to understand them so we can spread the gospel.
In the scripture it says that we listen to God through the gospel, but we also need to listen to him when we should or shouldn’t do something. Just like the disciples when Jesus tells them they shall do something or they shall not do something and they did. If we start doing what God tells us to do we will live a happier life with God because we will be following the path he has for us.
Jesus was telling us that he was going to fulfill the scriptures. Jesus did just that and he fulfilled them.
We have to have faith in God’s plan, and His love for us. He will never lead us astray, and we must know that. If you get an inkling that an idea will not bring you closer to God, pray on it. If it is from God, it will persist. If not, it will not go away, but seem less appealing. Believe in Christ and his resurrection, because someday soon, that will be yours too!