Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MK 7:24-30: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
The Syrophoenician woman is a non-Jew and a foreigner. She is unclean according to Jewish law. She has not been raised in Jewish ways and does not understand or know about the story of God and His chosen people of Israel. This is why Jesus says, “Let the children be fed first (Jews).” She perseveres, “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” She understands that she is not worthy but she believes Jesus has the power to heal her daughter whom she loves.
Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions, the hardest sin, do you believe God has the power to help you through it? Do you believe Jesus is right there with you in that suffering, that temptation? If not, what do you put your faith in? What do you believe?
As we are about to embark on another 40 days in the desert, we will be fasting, praying, and giving alms. This is a great checkpoint to see how strong your faith is. What parts of your life or sin is leading you away from Christ? Is your faith lukewarm? Do you desire holiness? Ask Jesus to increase your faith this Lenten season!
Today’s challenge: Faith begins with hope. Pope Francis said that Christian hope is born in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a belief that begins in your heart. When we realize we cannot do life on our own, we fall to our knees and ask God for help. We then start a journey of faith by seeking Jesus Christ and we sit and begin to learn about Him in the Scriptures. Once we have discovered the joy that Christ brings, we want to share it, which is love.
God, please increase in me faith, hope, and love.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
I think that God is trying to tell us that when you need help the most he will be there for you because in the gospel there was this girl and she had demons in her and her mother told Jesus so Jesus went to that persons house ands helped drive the demons out of her
The lord protects us in many ways more than one for he knows we trust him for anything he may have to do to heal us we trust him for he saved for hall and brings us to heaven. He drove the demon out of the child because of the mothers faith and so the child who was innocent be set free of this demonic presents.
In today’s Gospel I think that Jesus is trying to say that he is all powerful he doesn’t need to be close to whatever he is healing he can do it from anywhere. Jesus told us to have faith in him and he will do whatever you need. Today’s Gospel just further shows this is true
“For saying this, you may go.” to me this phrase is showing me that if you say and do as God I s telling you,you will go in peace with the glory of the Lord our God,But if you give in to temptation you will not go in peace with the glory of God
Today, today daily scripture we have discovered the joy that Christ brings, we want to share it, which is love.
God, please increase my faith, hope, and love.
In today’s Gospel, I believe Jesus is trying to show us that he is all powerful because even when he tries to get by unseen ,someone can sense His power and they went to Him. He also shows how far and powerful blessings are when He removes the unclean spirit from the lady’s daughter.
Something that I got out of this was that we need to value the things we care about. In today’s gospel it explains the story of a women, and her daughter, who is possessed by demons. She sees Jesus and she believes that if she goes up to him, her daughter will be healed. We should realize this, and do the same thing, and have the faith, and courage to go up and pray to God.
Faith consists of complete trust in God, this to me mean that if we just let God take our lives then everything will turn out okay, and we will be happy. We need to stop and thank God for all he has done for us. He will not take us down the wrong path but we just have to stop trying to make other things a priority.
Todays gospel is about how Gods mercy affects everyone no matter what we do or how much we sin God still has mercy on us and will heal us it says in the gospel that “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” meaning that even the most unholy people or people who don’t understand or choose to love God still receive his mercy.
“Let the children eat first.” I believe the non educated on the faith are children. The ones who are need to help those in need of education. In other words feed the ones in need.
In today’s Gospel a woman whose daughter has a demon in her goes to Jesus and asks Him to drive out the demon. Jesus eventually drives out this demon instead of letting it stay in the woman’s daughter. Jesus loves us and He wants us to come to Him when we have troubles. He wants us to pray to Him for help when we are suffering or when others are. God loves us and wants to be there for us.
Today something that sticks out to me is that Jesus could make the demon be gone from super far away. I think this really just goes to show that God’s power is unlimited. He can do anything he wants, and the only thing he wants is for us to love him. This is crazy to us as humans because why would somebody with so much power and authority want love from creatures like us. We often think that we need his love and we do need his love a LOT, and he doesn’t need our love at all because he is so high in power and authority but he wants our love. Something that is so cool though is that he wants our love and if he wanted to he could just make us love him and we could all be robots. But that is not how he wants us to love him so he gave us free will. Some people don’t use this free will for good.
Let the children be fed first.this stuck out to me because i feel Jesus was also refereeing how he takes care of us he puts us before himself he makes sure where fed and do not go hungry he makes sure where strong and not weak or weary.Amen
When something goes wrong do we turn to something else or do we turn to God. Are the centers of our lives sports or friends or technology. When something bad happens do we turn to God or do we turn to those things. It is hard to trust in God all of the time but sometimes I feel like that is the point. If we really truly trust in God we need to sit in silence and listen to Him away from all the distractions of the world.
In today’s Gospel these words stuck out to me:
“Let the children be fed first” I think this stuck
out to me because I am a child of my parents
and a child of God. So I must be spiritually fed
before the adults and physically fed before the
Adults. That is why my dad lets me go in front
of him in the communion line and my mom
serves us at dinner youngest to oldest. This
goes for all children of God.
In today’s scripture it talks about how we need to trust God, “Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions” no matter what happens we should trust God and never give up on him because he wont ever give up on us, he will always have your back and take care of you.
“It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions, the hardest sin, do you believe God has the power to help you through it? ” Today God is telling me that God will help us through whatever things we get stuck on, Sometimes He will even bring a friend to you in the moment you need one. That friend is usually someone that you should never let go of, no matter what. They are a blessing from God and that is a true friendship. If they help you when you need help, keep the conversation private, tell you the truth and not what you just want to hear, compliment you, and etc., then that is not a friendship you should keep. Sometimes its hard to tell if your friend actually wants to be your friend or not. They will have other friends too, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t their friend still. Learn to love and not get jealous over others, friends don’t do that to each other. Once you find a group of friends or even a friend that sets a good example and leads you closer to God, then you know that you are on the right track to Heaven and that you are doing something right. Friendships don’t always last and are hard to keep especially if you don’t talk to them often. Also remember God is your friend and you need to talk to Him often if you want to keep a bond between each other. He will always be there more than any friend will or would be. Don’t give up on Him for He is your Savior and true Friend.
Jesus tests the women saying that the children need to be fed first, but she responds when she says that even the dogs eat the children’s scraps. Jesus then says that she has faith, and heals her daughter, despite her being a Gentile and a non-Jew. This goes to show that as long as we have faith, Jesus will help heal us and our lives. It may not happen in front of you, it may not happen right away, but Jesus always comes through.
“She understands that she is not worthy but she believes Jesus has the power to heal her daughter whom she loves.” The woman is kind of like us, like when we go to Jesus when we need help. We know we cant solve it so we go to him in prayer. If we go to him, that means we need to trust in God, not all help will happen that quickly and it could take time. So be patient.
god was telling me to always trust and to have fath in him and to never lose that trust/faith with him.
What stood out to me was Faith consists of complete trust in God. This stood out to me because the only way to be saved is to completely and unconditionally love God, and completely trust Him.
In the Scripture, a woman is unclean. She trusts Jesus with her daughter. Jesus says,” Let the children be fed first,”, and so the woman lets it happen. She trusts that God help her daughter. We should do the same thing. To trust God with something we value, and trust God with our lives. Just like how the woman gave her daughter to Jesus, we should give Jesus our trust and lives.
Todays Gospel reminds us that God can do anything if you and him and it is in his plan for you. He wasnt with the girl who needed the demon to come out of her and Jesus did it even though he wasnt with her. This shows anything is possibke with God.
I think God is trying to tell us that he is always here for us even in our falt’s and in our greatest triumphs hes there to heal us and hes always there when were hurting physically or spritually.
In today’s Gospel a woman asks Jesus to drive away an unclean spirit in her child. She told Him that he is the only one able to do this, she had so much faith in Him that He helped her daughter.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus walks in a house, hoping to be unnoticed, but fails and a woman finds Him and asks to drive out the demon in her daughter. She has great faith in Jesus, just like we should. She is persistent with her pleas and eventually Jesus drives out the demon.
In today’s Gospel, I think Jesus is trying to tell us that hes powerful, and he would never stop loving us.
“Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions, the hardest sin, do you believe God has the power to help you through it? Do you believe Jesus is right there with you in that suffering, that temptation?”
we have to put in our faith to the Lord, and sometimes it is hard to believe that he is their for you,that he will always be there by your side. but you have to believe in it. he is also telling us that yes, sometimes we can be unclean but us going to confession at ;east once a month will help us believe more and try not to sin more
Jesus is trying to tell us that even though he can do anything we must believe that he can. He can make miracles happen but we must have the faith to know that he can. Anyone can come to Jesus for anything good and if we need it it will be given to us. However, if we do not believe we won’t see the wonderful things God has given us.
I think the phrase “Faith consists of complete trust in God”. is a very important phrase that not many of us think of to often. Though to get closer to God we can go to mass and pray and worship him but we also need to put our trust and faith into him. Think of it like a trust fall if you catch your self before you fall and dont trust he wil catch you will never progress in a relationship with God but in hard times you have to fall all the way and beleive he will catch you and help you through the situation. To grow closer and form a better relationship with God you need to beleive everything you do from going to mass on sundays and praying before you eat is making an impact on you and his relationship and for you to put all your effort into it.
Jesus is alwasy there for us no matterer what we have done no matter if were happy he’s there, if were mad he’s there, if were sad he’s there, and if were confused he is there and alwasy wanting us to be with him and to Love him like he loves us. he also wants to put 100% faith in him no matter what is happening. Jesus is always waiting for us to make our decision and hopes we can be with him for eternity in heaven and live with him with no sin and with alll the people you love,
It was telling me to ask the Holy Trinity who they are and ask them to help me know who I am.
The lord told me today to ask and you shall receive it. The woman asked him to drive out the demon in her daughter. He said they shall eat first but the women replied differently saying the children dont eat much and the rest goes to the dogs. implying that she is desperate. The Lord is not even close to her daughter but when she gets home the demon is out and that is just crazy. The lord was far and still he was able to heal her nothing is impossible. Today we can ask that the Lord Takes away any negative spirit in our lives because we sin because of the fallen one. But the more we pray and make a relationship with God the stronger our prayers will be. So we have to go and pray to drive out any bad spirits.
The woman is like us, she feels like she isn’t worthy of God but she believes that He can heal her daughter. She came to God when she needed him most, just like how we need to do that. It’s not right for God to just be standing there and waiting for you to come to Him but instead you go and forget about God and find something, someone else to go to, but you no need to find somebody, for God is right there. Waiting, listening, for you to come near and talk. So we must do what the women did, even though we aren’t worthy doesn’t mean we can’t believe or talk or listen to God.
“It is not good for the man to be alone.
I will make a suitable partner for him.” God is trying to say that there will always be someone right by our sides, even when were having a rough time He will always be there. And just pray to Him and ask Him to pray with you and be right by you forever.
Jesus will do anything for his children even if there’s a demon inside you
I feel like its trying to tell me that even though Jesus didn’t want any one to see him he still helped the woman so when ever I need help he will help me
“For saying this, you may go. What this means to me is that Jesus can heal hearts and are physical bodies we just need to have a deep faith and him and he can make it be done.
God is everywhere at all times. There is never a moment where God is not near or is not listening to your prayer. As Christians with a relationship with God we should talk to Him as well as listen to Him and His call for our vocations.
God shows that he puts us before himself,meaning he cares for us, he wants us to have faith in him. Trust God always because he will guide you to heaven.
this scripture reflection is telling me that you can always trust in God. Whenever you need someone to talk to he will listen. Jesus is always loving you, listening to you, and making plans for your life.
Today’s Gospel talked about Jesus Driving a demon out of a child, this helps us to understand that God is powerful and you can do many things in his name. It Also helps us understand that I’d you truly want it believe but can’t believe God can still do wonderful deeds to you/ for you.
In today’s Gospel, I think that Jesus was trying to tell me that we need to put faith in God instead of worldly objects. If we want to pray, we should not just go do it so that everyone can see that we are, but for our benefit. So that we can grow closer to God and hear him!
I think that Jesus is trying to tell me to ask him for stuff, like I would ask a parent to get a toy, just nagging continuously because I believe I will get it.
this scripture told me that even if you are unclean or you aren’t worthy of God’s healing, if you have full trust in God he will heal you if you trust him to guide you on your healing journey. The woman asked God to remove the demon from her daughter, even though she was unclean he granted her wish and removed the spirit because she believed he could. When you have full faith in God you will have a better relationship with him.
What God what’s trying to tell me si ask and you shall receive or knock and a door will be opened this si because the woman came up to Jesus and asked if he could remove the demon from her daughter and she was born into a different religion but to God that didn’t matter
She only went to Jesus because she believed that He was the only one who could do it. Just like when we need something and need to thank Jesus for something we go to him.
I think God was telling me through the most difficult times he is always there.
I think today in the Gospel God is telling us that we must treat each other with respect, and to always come to Him.
Today, what I got was believing in Our Lord Jesus is hard sometimes. But, we have to so we can get to Heaven. Jesus will always be there for us, and we just have to accept that. Even if you don’t pray, or don’t go to Mass, that doesn’t mean God loves you any less. We all are children of God, and He will protect us any time of the day or night. God loves us so much! And with God, anything is possible if you believe.
I am very moved by this passage today and I think that that was a really cool miracle that he did and that He is like a superstar because even when he does not want to be seen, but of course he was seen and healed a child. The child’s mom had so much courage to speak to God like that if I would have done that, I would be grounded for a long time.
I think what God is trying to tell me today is that in the Gospel when the woman asks Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter Jesus says “Let the child be fed first. For it is not right right to take the food of the children and throw it too the dogs. When she said to Jesus “Lord, even the dogs under the table will eat the children’s scraps. When she said that Jesus caste the demon out of her body. I think that the Lord is trying to say that every one should be able to have Gods grace Jew or no Jew.
In the gospel today, I got the message that you must be spiritually ready to receive God if you truly want to have Him in your life. I feel like the statements “Let the children be fed first,” and “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps” show that the woman does not feel worthy of Jesus’ healing, but still believes He can do it. Shown by the second statement, I feel that she thinks she is not worthy because the food they eat is of the same quality to feed animals. This shows that no matter who you are, as long as your faith is true, you can have complete trust that God will save you in your moments in need.
Today something that sticks out to me is that Jesus could make the demon be gone from super far away. I think this really just goes to show that God’s power is unlimited. He can do anything he wants, and the only thing he wants is for us to love him. God is everywhere at all times. There is never a moment where God is not near or is not listening to your prayer. This shows that no matter who you are, as long as your faith is true, you can have complete trust that God will save you in your moments in need.
God is always there for us. He has performed many miracles. We have to believe in him as he believes that we can make it to Heaven. God will do anything for us. He Loves all of us.
In the gospel today it talks about how Jesus was going into a house and didn’t want to be seen but then a women wanted him to help her daughter that had demons and Jesus said that she shall be fed first then he helped the girl get rid of the demons. That just shows us how powerful he was and that he can helps us.
Today’s gospel talks about how Jesus freed a woman’s daughter of a demon. The mother had faith in Jesus that he could cure her daughter and he did. I think that this gospel is about trust. We must believe in God and his plan for us. Like this woman, we must put all our faith into Jesus.
What I got from this is that faith does not come easy. We all have rough patches here and there and what we need to do to get better at fixing them is to just trust God and let him take control. If we are always in control. nothing will get done. Sometimes we just need to say “Jesus take control and I’ll abide by what you say and do” then things will get better.
What I got from today´s scripture reflection is that we need to treat everyone equal and to understand that even the dogs under the table need to eat so even if someone is in a lower position of power try your best to keep treating them equally
In todays gospel I think Jesus was showing how powerful he is and all the works he can do for people. Jesus is showing us that He is powerful and can help us and save us even from demons. He saved the girl and He can also save us from everything and anything.
“Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” this stuck out to me because sometimes i feel like we are the dogs and God is the children. we are not worthy enough to eat at the table with God. So we take in everything else, or at least we try to. And sometimes we just give up on trying to be worthy enough to where we are just the scraps, Jesus gave us a purpose in life to be able to stand by his side.
Today, the gospel talked about a woman whos daughter is possessed by demons. She had the faith and the courage to find God and beg for him to help her daughter. This tells me that we need to seek that help from him when the devil tempts us or overwhelms us, we need to have the same courage as that woman.
Jesus is trying to say even if we aren’t worthy we must have faith a Jesus will help us. Even though it’s hard we must trust him and love him with our whole mind heart and soul. WE are about to fast from what we like and we must sacrifice like what Jesus did for us on the Cross.
In today’s gospel I felt what it was telling me was to trust. At first the woman didn’t trust but when she did and went up to Jesus Jesus healed her daughter. If she didn’t believe her daughter wouldn’t have been healed. It also stuck out to me that if we go to Jesus he will help us just like he helped the little girl.
In today’s Gospel, it talks about how Jesus went into a house trying to be unnoticed. “Soon a woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him. She came and fell at his feet. she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter.” Mark 7:24-30
This stuck out to me because it is a way of telling us that Jesus is the most high power and people will do basically anything to get close to him.
In today’s Gospel I think God is trying to say that we have to trust in his good works. God will make the path known to us, so if he wants us healed we will be healed. If it is his will that we may not be healed it is not because he dislikes us but that he has a reason that we don’t understand that he does this. God always has our best intentions in mind. Only God knows what the best thing for us is.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus entered the District of Tyre and he entered a house and wanted no one to know about it. In the house Jesus talked with a mother who wanted Jesus to cast out demons from her. Jesus drove out the demons from her and the demons were gone. This shows that Jesus can heal anyone, even sinners and the nonbelievers. We should have Faith in Jesus and believe in Him because He can do all things possible if you believe in Him.
today Jesus is not able to go somewhere without being noticed this is how popular our God is he is amazing and that why we follow and love him.
“He entered a house and wanted no one to know about it, but he could not escape notice.” I think this means people knew something was different about Jesus. They may not have known why, but they were drawn to him. Even when Jesus was trying not to be seen, people wanted to be with him.
She understands that she is not worthy but she believes Jesus has the power to heal her daughter whom she loves. None of us are worthy to have God heal us. God does it because He loves us. He is will and always loves us. He unconditionally loves us. WE need to love Him back even though it is hard.
¨Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions, the hardest sin.¨ This stuck out to me because I feel like God is trying to tell us to have faith in Him. Even In our most difficult times we need to have Faith in God. He will always welcome us with open arms and he will always listen to us, even if we think otherwise.
In today’s Gospel we see how Jesus will always help if He is asked. Jesus was trying to hide himself, but when the woman asked Him for His help, He did, and the demon was out of her daughter.
“The demon has gone out of your daughter.” Jesus saves everyone. No one has made too many mistakes to not be saved by Jesus. Jesus came to save all of humanity, not just one race or group or region. We need to share the gospel with all other people we meet and not lose faith when we leave our hometown and go off to college and to other places, we need to continue to follow Jesus and spread his word wherever we go.
In todays scripture reflection it talks about ho ewe need to trust in God. “Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions.” I feel like anytime we do something bad we tend to turn to social media, or friends. Its not always bad to turn to your friends but its better if we turn to God, because if we don’t trust God then how are we going to get to Heaven.
When you need God the most he will always be there for you. Also this is trying to tell us that we need to value everything.
Let the children be fed first. This stuck out to me because i feel Jesus was also referring to how he takes care of us he puts us before him always, and he always lets us be taken care of first before him because he is like a father to us.
In today’s Gospel something that was sticking out to me was that the mother not carrying for her child and then Jesus had the demon be gone from far away. Jesus can always help us out and with our demons if we just put our faith in him.
Lent is coming. This 40-day period is like when Jesus was in the desert. We must realize how much faith we have in God. Do we have a lot of faith? Do we have a little faith in God? Whether or not you have a large amount of faith in God or not, we should ask Jesus to increase our faith between us and Him. He is the only thing we should be focusing on, nothing else.
Jesus saves everyone. The greek woman in today’s gospel shows true faith and longing for Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter, and through her true love, and willingness he does. Just like the greek woman, we must serve God and believe in him to the fullest.
“‘The demon has gone out of your daughter.’ When the woman went home, she found the child lying in bed and the demon gone.” This part of the Gospel stuck out to me, because Jesus isn’t even in the same house as the girl and He has no way of knowing where she is, yet at his one sentence, He commands the Spirit out of the girl. God is above all obstacles, space, and time. He has no limitation, and all we have to do is ask for His help.
I think this Gospel is talking about faith because she came to Jesus when he was trying to be unnoticed because she believed that He could heal her daughter. She asked Jesus to heal her daughter with faith and her daughter was healed.
he said “be like these children for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” the children are worthy of heaven is what Jesus just said
we all make mistakes and even as kids we don’t even realize we did. he said “let the children come to me” that is kind of saying kids should be valued as adults are valued they have a chance at heaven too.
I think today’s scripture is telling us how much God loves us. He always sacrifices for us and helps us through hard times but we sometimes don’t realize. We need to start focusing on how God helps us and how we can pray more instead of doing other things not as important.
Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions, the hardest sin, do you believe God has the power to help you through it? Do you believe Jesus is right there with you in that suffering, that temptation? If not, what do you put your faith in? What do you believe?Jesus says, “Let the children be fed first (Jews).” She perseveres, “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” She understands that she is not worthy but she believes Jesus has the power to heal her daughter whom she loves.
Something I got out of the Gospel is that we need to value the important things in our life. We need to stop taking things for granted and we need to be better and live a better life. “The women and daughter had an unclean spirit.” but they went to Jesus and they started living better and being better humans. We need to realize that church is a blessing so we need to stop taking it for granted and start doing what is right.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell us is that Jesus will always be there for you. No matter what you do, who you believe, or how you live will stop God from loving you. Jesus will love you and take care of you even if it doesn’t feel like it. God is always watching over you no matter what. Nothing you do will stop that love that God has to give us. God loves everything, including good or bad people. He will always be by our side and protect us forever. So why don’t we love him back as much as we love him?
We need to be humble and trust that God has taken the lead. God is all powerful and trusting. We must follow in his path and trust.
Today the Gospel is telling me that Jesus has the power to do anything. If we have faith and believe and love God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength, then we will be healed. If we ask Jesus for something and we don’t receive it, that means it is not his will for our lives. We have to accept whatever our journey of life is and know that God is always with us and can do anything in our lives.
I think in today’s Gospel it is talking about how Jesus drove the demon out of someones daughter. The woman asked Jesus if he could drive out the demon of their daughter. Jesus drove out the demon because he loves everyone. Jesus wants to save us because he loves us. Even if you made some few mistakes, Jesus will always love you and care about you.
Jesus is all powerful and he will always do everything he can to help those in need because his love is infinite and there is nothing he wouldn’t do for us. He helped the woman because he loved her, and he knew that she had faith in him. God will help us if we need him and believe he will be able to help us.
the scripture is saying to put my faith in God even on the toughest days. God has all the power and can do whatever He wants and if we put our faith in God, He will help us everyday and in our times of need.
“Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” Like said in the reflection she understands she is not worthy. We also need to understand that. We are unworthy of Jesus’s power but he was humble enough to come down and love us. In the scripture Jesus drives the demon out of her daughter even though she knows she is unworthy. When we understand to be humble we can truly understand his love for us and the power he has.
Faith is believing in God, when we are in the hardest times of our life or undergoing the worst addictions do we ask for God’s help? We need God every single day, but do we ask for his help when we need it the most. We need God. We need to go to mass, and spend time alone with God in prayer.
This tells me that all we need to do to be healed is to ask and believe.
I think that God is telling us that we need to put our faith in him and trust in him. God can do anything as long as we believe and have faith that he really can do it.
This shows me that having faith in Jesus is all you need. In the story, the womens faith saved her child from the demon. This really shows having faith is pure and good and we should always try to keep it,
I think todays scripture is telling us that we need to put our complete faith on God. Even though we cant see him, we need to trust that he is there. We need to remember that he has a plan for us and to keep trusting in him.
Jesus is saying to me in this Scripture that we must trust in him. Also, that we must never go away from him. That God will cure you if you just have faith. You must never let that strong faith leave if we want what you truly need from Our Lord.
Today the scripture is telling me to put all my trust into God even if it is difficult. We have to believe that God has the power to help us through it.
Something that stood out to me was that Faith consists of complete trust in God. It’s hard. In the most difficult times in your life, the worst addictions, the hardest sin, do you believe God has the power to help you through it? Do you believe Jesus is right there with you in that suffering, that temptation?
what I think the Lord is trying to tell me is that he doesn’t have to be their to help he can just say the word of God and their body and mind will be healed
I think this Gospel reminds me how Jesus does miracles. He cast the demon out the child and saves them. Jesus does this for us in a different way too. He died for us so we can be with God, not satan. He gives forgiveness and kindness. He’s strong and a great role model for all different people.
The gospel is telling us to trust in him something will happen.God has a plan for each and every one of us.It also tells us that God can heal.Healing is an answer to prayer.
Even the demons believe in God. So when you meet Jesus on judgement day and you say “but I believed in you father” Jesus will say so do the demons. If you do not seek a relationship with Jesus and have one, on judgement day Jesus will say “depart from me for I never knew you. Find out who God is and preach to others.
Good job, Addi! I like the quotes you picked and the inspiration you gave at the end.
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that you need to have complete faith and trust in God. God is omnipotent, all-powerful, and a woman appears to Jesus, asking him of his healing to drive out the demon in her daughter. She trusted Jesus and told him that she is not worthy of Jesus’s healing. Likewise, we need to be humble and realise that we are not perfect too. We are unworthy of God’s power, but he was humble and loved us so much that he sent his only Son down to be made in flesh to die for our sins. We need to be humble and realise that we should be thankful for God for his humility and sending his only Son down to forgive our sins.
In today’s Gospel , what stuck out to me was faith beings
with hope , i also believe faith begins with God because
without God what do we have? also what stuck out to
me was really coming to mass with an open heart and
mined .
the gospel today says that even if you are sinners God will still help us. we just have to have faith in God / Jesus and trust him because anything can be done through God.
I think he is trying to tell me that he will always be there for me no matter what happens or what we do hell love us and care for us like we are his sheep and he is the shepherd he will always come looking for us and he will protect us from the bad things in the world
In today’s Gospel it is talking about a woman with here daughter. Her daughter is not well because a demon has gotten into her soul. The woman sees Jesus walk in , she asks please help me and my daughter there is a demon inside of here that is causing here to be out of control. This shows how amazing God is and that he saves, he ends up saving her and she is fine now. The woman is relevied to see her daughter herself again laying in her own bed peacefully. This shows how strong God really is and how great of a savoir who he really is. That’s why we should believe in God because he just did a miracle by saving her soul and saving her by casting out the demon. Have a Good Rest of your Day!! God Loves you!! God Bless!!
I think the Gospel is saying how Powerful God really is. He can cure people just like that, just how he took the demon out of the woman’s daughter.
we have to be able to trust in God no matter what or no matter the cost. God will always trust in you, you just have to trust in him.
“Then he said to her, “For saying this, you may go. The demon has gone out of your daughter.”” It seems like whenever someone in the Bible asks for healing it is not just Jesus’ power, but the person’s faith in Jesus’ power. It is always amazing when those people still believed God wanted good things for them and believed in His power of healing and love.
“It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.” This stuck out to me because God is always trying to help us and be our guide in life and we need to accept him and let him be our guide because we find ourselves trying to get through life by ourselves. But we can’t, we can’t do it without God, we must accept him and let him guide us.
God is always helping us, do we see that or are we running away. When we run away from the help we are running away from God. The world will not help you, it will just bring you down. Never come to the world for help. But God will guide you in the right direction. He will cast out demons for you so that you are clean for him.