Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany,
where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
They gave a dinner for him there, and Martha served,
while Lazarus was one of those reclining at table with him.
Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil
made from genuine aromatic nard
and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair;
the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
Then Judas the Iscariot, one of his disciples,
and the one who would betray him, said,
“Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages
and given to the poor?”
He said this not because he cared about the poor
but because he was a thief and held the money bag
and used to steal the contributions.
So Jesus said, “Leave her alone.
Let her keep this for the day of my burial.
You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”
The large crowd of the Jews found out that he was there and came,
not only because of him, but also to see Lazarus,
whom he had raised from the dead.
And the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too,
because many of the Jews were turning away
and believing in Jesus because of him. JN 12:1-11
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are Jesus’s best friends. Jesus decides to spend some of His last days with those closest to Him while on earth. During this Holy Week, take time to read the Passion again and find a book that explains it. It is wise also to read about what happened to a victim of Roman crucifixion, so a person can see what Christ endured for our sins.
Jesus, the God Man is about to leave this earth and fulfill His mission of dying for our sins and most importantly resurrecting. Before our death, we will want to leave our best advice behind to our family members. Jesus is no exception. Some of His greatest teachings come from Holy Week and His family is all of humanity.
His Words are very important and should be taken to heart. Write them down and keep them some place to reread throughout the year, not just Lent. Fast every Friday throughout the year to remember this Holy Week, especially Good Friday (This is required for all Catholics, not optional). Once a month on Fridays do the Stations of the Cross with great devotion to remember Christ’s Passion and Death.
Go to Mass every Sunday, it is a mini-Easter to remember Christ’s resurrection. Strive to go to a daily Mass once a month or more if possible to allow God to bring you back to the foot of the Cross; what was present in history is now present in mystery. Be transformed by Jesus in the Eucharist.
Find a book on the Passion of Christ and read it on Fridays throughout the year or while in adoration during Lent. If a person studies and gains knowledge of Christ and His Passion, they will begin to understand His love for them. When a person begins to understand His love for them, they will desire to love Him back more than anything in this world. Then, they will start fighting sin and desire a resolute heart.
Their eyes will be set on heaven and not the things of the earth. They will desire to pray without ceasing. The saints were all transformed at the foot of the cross. Allow God to love you, it is His greatest desire. How do we know? Our value and worth are so great He gave up His life for each of us, total self-sacrifice. This love is radical, unmerited, a free gift, and doesn’t make any sense. May we fill ourselves up with God’s grace and cooperate with the Father’s Will, so we, in turn, can give up our lives for others.
In Peter Kreeft’s book “Jesus Shock”, he talks about adoration. He uses today’s Gospel as defining adoration. Mary was a prostitute and had earned her money giving her body to men. She didn’t care as much about the acts, but the money so she could have more stuff. When she repents and follows Jesus, she recognizes “stuff” doesn’t matter. She gives up an entire year’s wages to buy the perfume she pours on Jesus.
She adores Jesus with her whole self and holds nothing back with her material goods. At the sight of true adoration, Kreeft says Judas cannot take it. This is when the devil enters his heart and he goes to betray Jesus. When we see someone give themselves up totally and completely to do what they were made for, adore their God, we either follow or run. Jesus forces us to make a decision.
Are you really all in with Jesus? I have work to do, too. May we continue to strive to be more like Mary and give all! This Holy Week is a good time to commit, repent, and strive even harder.
Today’s challenge: Pray. Ask Jesus to reveal His heart to you during this Holy Week. Fast, suffer, offer your suffering up with Christ’s suffering, prepare for joy. Reread the Passion in the Scriptures each day this week and reflect on it, put yourself into the Passion with Christ. What is dominating your thoughts? Give it to Jesus this week and trust that He will take care of it.
Watch Fr. PJ Voegeli’s “Massercise” video to prepare yourself for a lot of Masses this Holy Week! https://youtu.be/0873IoUueCk
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Jesus is proving that He is the Son of God. We as people hear His story and we know its true but we just ignore it sometimes and forget how great He is. We need to be more aware and look around and be more grateful for what He has done and more.
jesus came to see hiss frend and the resret a lot of pepole
What reached out to me was when Jesus said, “You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” What this means to me is that Jesus knew what was going to happen to him, but he did it anyway. Jesus loves us so much that he gave his life for us, and we need to acknowledge that as much as we can.
When Judas says, “Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor?” We are like Judas and look tward the negative. In Father Jarrod’s talk he said that we have a negative piont of view. Judas did not see what she was really doing.
We have to remember that even though it is almost Easter, we are still in Lent. Are we thinking about being able to play video games again, or are we thinking about Jesus. Jesus gave us so much more than we can imagine. He gave us Himself. He sacrificed himself for all of humanity. These last few days of lent should be spent reflecting on what Jesus did for us. Just a little time in our day spent with Jesus can make a big difference.
I think this Gospel really proved how bad of a person Judas was. He was trying to make Martha look and feel bad for making a great act for Jesus. Jesus stood up for Martha then said one of the most powerful lines in all of the Gospels. This showed me how bad Judas was and how Jesus would stand up for someone.
In this scripture Jesus tells his disciples not to punish her because they sin just as much; it is not their job to carry out the will of the father on sinners when they do the same thing.
Jesus knew that He would have to die for us. Judas was a thief and wanted the annointment for himself, and Jesus knew that he was the one that would betray Jesus.
Jesus’s words and scripture. He prophesied his own Passion, Death. and Resurrection. His words are truth because he is the Son of God. We open our hearts and take in His Words willingly. He willingly takes our sins and sufferings. God is so merciful and good he gave his only son to die for us so that we may join him in heaven. He cares about each and everyone of us. It is our choice on whether we thank him or not.
Jesus last week raised Lazarus from the dead and Jesus showed his true human side. He cried over Lazarus which if he wasn’t fully human he probably wouldn’t even have cared but, Jesus is human and God. He loves us so much and that is why he is going to die for us on Good Friday on that cross for our sins
Jesus is telling us He will soon not be with us. We are getting closer to His crucifixion and death. We should be prepared now for Easter.
We need people. Jesus is going to die and He knows it. So, He decides to spend time with those closest to Him and be with those He loves. We get to be with Jesus every day in prayer and closer even in the Mass. He died for us, all of us, and gave of Himself completely with no remorse or regret. He suffered unspeakable torture, both mentally and physically, for our sake. In return, we need to give of ourselves to others. Show someone you love them and be with them today so that they may know just how much they are loved.
In today’s reading Jesus spends his last few days on Earth with some of his closest friends. Jesus had his feet washed by Mary with costly oil and he is accused of not giving it to the poor but he partly hints towards the apostles that he is gonna die.
Jesus knows His hour is near. He spends His last days with some of His closest friends. He warns them that He will not be here forever on Earth and that He will soon die. Jesus leaves His friends wisdom and good memories. He makes a good impact on their lives and we should should try to make a difference in others’ lives.
This scripture passage is very important. I feel like it has a lot of meaning to it. The main thing I took away from this is that money or pride doesn´t matter. Judas just wants the money, but Mary is showing her true self. We have to realize that money won´t always bring us the truest joy. We need to come to God and be grateful for the true things. Like Father said, we have to be grateful, no matter the cost. We really need to practice during the end of this Lent. We need to take time to recognize these things, even if it is hard. Try to say thank you to someone today that you owe it to.
A phrase that stuck out to me was “Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor? He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money bag.”This phrase means to me that we need help the poor but we don’t need to give them all of our things. We need to give them a gift to get along and make it. Like giving them a phone to get a job, give them money to rent a hotel room and to take a shower etc. Another reason I like this phrase is because to say that he would not give him the money because he was a thief, and that we need to help them get help.
He said this not because he cared about the poor
but because he was a thief and held the money bag
and used to steal the contributions.
this struck me because if Jesus knew that Judas stole from the money that was given to the poor, why did he not stop him?
Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” They did not always have God. Jesus is our heart, if we stop loving him he still beats on. loving us. if he ever stopped loving us, we would dissapear. we need him, so let’s show him how much we do.
All of this prayer, fasting, and almsgiving has been leading up to this weekend. In the gospel Jesus says there will always be poor but I will not always be with you, which he is foreshadowing his soon death and barial.
In this Gospel is saying that there will always be people in need. Jesus says he will not always be here but the poor and needy will. Jesus tells us to help the needy and poor. He tells us that we can help them.
Give our every hour doing things through Christ and fulfilling the things we are put here to do we never know when our last hour will be so treat them all like our last. By that I mean give it to Christ turn to him give our lives completely to him because if we do so we will be able to go home in the end of time.
Jesus goes back to see Lazarus. Mary Lazarus’s sister took oil and rubbed Jesus’ feet with it. And to show her love for Him, she dried it with her feet. Judas is mad at Mary for not selling and giving the money to the poor. He didn’t care about the poor he just wanted the money because he was greedy. He tried to fill the void with money, like we try to occupy ourselves and get material goods and not pray and not use money as something to give back. We use it as a status boost. We need to pray and go to God. Don’t fill the void with useless things, fill it with God.
Jesus wants us to remember his words and remember to go to mass every Sunday. Jesus died and rose again so that way we could go to heaven. A lot of people just wander their minds during mass and forget that Jesus died for us. Everybody thinks Easter is about candy but it’s real about Jesus.
this scripture is telling us that Gods word is important and we need to listen to him hes alwasy performing miracles inside us. Its holy week and we need to take this oppertunity and every opertunity “His Words are very important and should be taken to heart. Write them down and keep them some place to reread throughout the year, not just Lent. Fast every Friday throughout the year to remember this Holy Week, especially Good Friday (This is required for all Catholics, not optional). Once a month on Fridays do the Stations of the Cross with great devotion to remember Christ’s Passion and Death.”
All lent we have been preparing for this week, more of Easter Sunday but still basically this week, we are preparing for God’s passion, death, and resurrection and we SHOULD have been preparing for this Sunday because it’s like the Sunday of all Sundays. But we shouldn’t be only paying attention to Easter Sunday but every Sunday because every Sunday is like a mini Easter Sunday because we are still basically celebrating the exact same things we do at Easter just not as a hyped up scale.
And the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too, because many of the Jews were turning away and believing in Jesus because of him. Jesus raised lazerous from the dead. This angered the Jews and they ploted to kill lazerous even though he didn’t do anything. Jesus didn’t do anything either. Jesus has never done everything bad. but the jews don’t want a loving God, no they want a warrior that fights to protect them.
In the scripture I think that it says that the disciples shouldn’t punish her just because she sinned. And that Martha served dinner for other people and that Lazarus was raised from the dead.
Jesus is always with us, even if we cannot see him, he is still there, to watch over us. All we need is Jesus, and prayer, money, and richness is not the only thing in life. We need to realize, money doesn’t buy happiness.
Even if anyone criticizes you or ridicules you for your passionate love for jesus and,the love you show him,you giving him praise,etc /.
God didn’t create one person. He created many people to help each other not hurt each other. Why do we want to fit in so much that we are willing to hurt someone. Whenever we hurt people we hurt Jesus.
What reached out to me was when Jesus said, “You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” What this means to me is that Jesus knew what was going to happen to him, but he did it anyway. Jesus loves us so much that he gave his life for us, and we need to acknowledge that as much as we can.
What stuck out to me was that Jesus, the God Man is about to leave this earth and fulfill His mission of dying for our sins and most importantly resurrecting. Before our death, we will want to leave our best advice behind to our family members. Jesus is no exception. Some of His greatest teachings come from Holy Week and His family is all of humanity.
that the woman pored perfumes on Jesus feet to clean his feet
What God is saying is that we should prepare ourselves for his death and resurrection, so we can truly be with God when he comes back from the dead.
Instead of trying to run away and save himself from his eventual death that he knew was coming, he accepted death because he loved us so much, and spent his last hours with his closest friends. Jesus was so humble, that he tried to comfort others and prepare them for his own death instead of trying to save himself.
Jesus spent time with people he loved for his last days. People nowadays just stick their loved ones in a nursing home and let other people take care of them on their last days of life and forget about them until they die. Jesus knew he was going to die so he spent time with people he cared for and people he knew cared for him. We should go visit people and show them love cause you never know when it will be your last to see them.
in this scripture i feel like it talks a lot about how Jesus was just so full of love and peace, how he always will forgive no matter how big the sin is, like how the prostitute goes to jesus aand he acepted her with love and forgiveness. jesus loves us all so very much we cant even comprehend it he will always be there, he will always leave the 99 to find his one lost sheep.
“You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” This is telling me that even though Jesus may be in Heaven, away from us physically, we still have to care for others, especially the poor.
We should always worship God because he has come to save us. We should never believe in any one other than God and Jesus. To do all the different types of penance is to say sorry to God for sinning and to prepare ourselves for Jesus’ coming. We should be thankful that Jesus came and to express that through holy church and penance.
i think the reading is telling us that we should care for people but out of kindness not wanting to look cool. Judas only wanted the money he did not care for the poor. We should think more about others before ourselves.
When we start to understand His love for us we are going to desire to love Him back more than anything. Mary used a entire years pay to buy the perfume she washes on Jesus’ feet. we should give up everything to read the Passion in the Scriptures every day and to reflect on it.
We should always worship God because he has come to save us. We should never believe in any one other than God and Jesus. To do all the different types of penance is to say sorry to God for sinning and to prepare ourselves for Jesus’ coming. We should be thankful that Jesus came and to express that through holy church and penance. We should express that thankfulness.
When I was reading this I realized just how bad of a person Judas was. Martha was doing a very selfless act for Jesus and while she was doing it Judas was doing everything he could to make her feel bad. Jesus even had to tell Judas to leave Martha alone. He asked her why she did not just give the perfumed oil to the poor even though he did not care about the poor.
Today is probably one of my favorite readings because it has my patron saint in it and because it shows what Jesus does for us. Jesus defended Mary because He loved her. Jesus told them to stop and to leave her alone. If we call on Jesus and tell him the devil or demons are messing with us He will tell the demons right away to leave her/him alone and they obey.
I think the scripture is telling me that Jesus wants us to remember what he went through for our freedom. He went through so much pain and suffering we have to remember that. In Japan they have tsunami rocks that tell people where to put their house in case of a tsunami to protect future generations from harm. That’s what Jesus is doing! He laid out everything we must do to get to heaven! It’s that simple, but we have to believe and form a personal relationship with him. That is why he has hes best teachings in Holy Week. To warn us of the sin and hell after his death so we can go to heaven with him.
Jesus spent his last time on earth with the people closest to him. Some of Jesus’s greatest teaching came during holy week before he died. Jesus’s words are very important. Mass is a mini-Easter when we remember that Christ died for us and rose again. Allow God to love you.
I think that in this scripture refliction it is telling us how God will always forgive even how big the sin is. God alwyas loves us not matter what and we will always have someone no matter what.
Jesus was sad that he had to leave his friends and family but he knew that what He was doing was right. He knows there are greater things waiting for Him and He wants that for us too. He died for us so we could have eternal life with Him.
It´s so easy to break promises, and that´s why it´s so important to keep them. Breaking someone´s promise could ruin someone ´ s whole day. We should make promises to keep them and grow a stronger, trustworthy relationship with others. God made covanents with Abraham, Moses, and other people. If Abraham and Moses were able to keep a promise with God, then maybe we can keep promises too.
This scripture is telling us to always listen to Jesus. Whenever we are being tempted to do something wrong Jesus is always there to help us.
Jesus won’t be with us physically all the time. Spiritually he will be with you every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Sometimes we feel he isn’t doing what we want because most of the time it’s not what we need or we need to be more patient.
I think this scripture is not about lazarath or Jesus, I think it is about judas. I think this because it tells us about how he felt about others and that he really did not care about the poor. When he said to sell the oil he would take the money because he was a thief. He was greedy.
We need to care for the poor. We always say we are doing the best we can, but are we really? Are we really doing EVERYTHING we can? Of not, what else can we do?
Today in the scripture Jesus is telling us that we are getting closer to Easter. Jesus will soon die and rise from the dead. We need to pay attention to this miracle that God is performing. Jesus would not be here for us today if he never rose from the dead. I think that it is so important that he did because it’s how he is with us today.
Judas was a thief and when he asked why the oil wasn’t given to the poor Jesus told him not to judge. Mary gave all she had, the oil and instead of using something else to dry his feet she used her hair, she used her hair to dry his feet because of how much love she had for him, this is how much love we should have for God. Give up our expensive things.
Jesus knows He is about to die. Even though He knew He was going to have to go through a lot for us, He still did it because He loves us. He didn’t die for Himself. He died on the cross for us and so that we can someday have eternal life with Him.
Judas was greedy. He wanted the oil for himself. Jesus knew that He was soon going to die. That is why he says, “Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”
when mary was putting the oil on jesus it was like she was annointing him before he died on the cross. annointing of the sick is used when someone is close to dying and mary and everyone else knew jesus was close to dying. But when lazarus was seen people started to believe and it kind of foreshadowed Jesus dying and ressurecting.
we can learn from this story in many ways. this woman was living a life of sin and she knew that she was going down a wrong path. She knew that if she wanted to follow Jesus she would need to give everything she had. we need to follow Jesus and not be dragged down by worldly thing we need to follow god and give up the thing that will separate us whether that is your phone or other things we do not need.
At the end of the gospel it talks about how the Jews plot to kill Lazarus because he is making too many Jewish people convert. even the high priests know there is something about Jesus. they can tell that there is some truth in what he says to them and they can see why people are so drawn to him.
Today Mary anointed Jesus’ feet. Then Judas said why don’t you sell it and give it to the poor? Then Jesus says to save it for His death. He tells us that He is going to die. We need to prepare for His death and we need to understand why He died for us.
“You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” This stood out to me because God died for us and we don’t have Him in our room right now but sometimes we do. God comes and goes. But not the meaning of He just leaves you cause He never does that. We always have the less fortunate with us no matter what. We shouldn’t get in peoples lives but at least once in a while ask them how they are and how their doing and how their family is doing.
I think today’s gospel is about Jesus’preparation on the cross. Something that came across my mind today was how painful and hurtful it was for Jesus to die on the cross for us. He was so nice and helpful he healed many people, and in return he got crucified. He didn’t deserve it, He deserved none of it. We need to give back for the pain he took for us.
“Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor?” He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money bag and used to steal the contributions. Sometimes we get carried away and don’t see the little things in life that are good. Just like Judas wanted the money and didnt really care about the poor.
Jesus is the perfect example of how we should strive to be. He was kind to everyone in His path, healed the sick, gave to the poor, and other wonderful things. Even though the very people who He helped wanted to kill Him, He still forgave Him and died for our sins. No matter how many times we condemn Him and turn against Him, He will always forgive us and love us. We must be willing to come back to Him.
I think this scripture is telling us to read the bible and read about Jesus last days on earth. I think that we should take the time this Holy week to really try to know Jesus and read about His suffering and death, because its important that we know what hapend and why Jesus died for us.
One line that really stuck out to me was, “You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” I think this means that you are able to drift away from God but the poor and others will always be near you. So to stay with Christ you need to allow Him into your life.
This scripture passage is very important. I feel like it has a lot of meaning to it. The main thing I took away from this is that money or pride doesn´t matter.
This is telling us that Jesus’ words are very important and we should take them to heart. In his last couple of days he gives some of his best advice and best teachings. Even though he was in a lot of pain he still shared the word of God and went out spreading the gospel to everyone that he could before his time was up. We should strive to be like Jesus and spread the word and be the best person we can before our time is up.
Judas in this scripture questioned Jesus why He didn’t sell the oil for a great price instead of giving it to the poor, Jesus didn’t mind having no money in His pocket He enjoyed having His friends or in other words the Apostles by His side to laugh and talk about God. Judas hadn’t understood the reasoning for Jesus to give away the oils until Jesus had to put it into perspective for Him.
“You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me” We will always have people who we need to care for. It might be a grandparent or an older friend, but it could be someone your age who needs to be cared for. We need to care for people who can’t care for themselves
This scripture was a little hard for me to understand, but I think Jesus is trying to tell me that we need to stick up for our friends. Just like Jesus stuck up for Mary. When someone is bullying someone we tend to just ignore it. We are scared we will be made fun of. I ask us all today to not be afraid of what others think and to be yourself.
“Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil made from genuine aromatic nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair” This phrase stuck out to me. We need to have the same humility that this Mary had. She was on her knees at His feet, anointing them with oil and drying them with her hair. She knew He was God, so she displayed herself in such a way that she was literally laying prostrate to Him. We need to also have the same faith she had in Him. When we believe in Jesus, great things happen.
In the scripture today it is telling me that we have to believe in Jesus. Sometimes we have those times when we betray Jesus which is us sinning. We get that temptation of sinning from the devil and we have to get away from him. When we betray Jesus we don’t have to leave Him, but what we do is go to confession and ask for forgiveness and start a new journey and yes we are still gonna sin, but now it is overcoming that sin that we always do that we have to stop.
Jesus is human, just like us. He knows that He is going to die, and there’s nothing wrong with spending time with those you love. There is a hypocrite in this scripture, Judas, who only suggests selling the oil to the poor to steal some of the money. God is always watching, and we need to remember that when we act selfishly, God will know. Rather than doing things for earthly gain, spend time with those you love.
This Scripture is talking about when Lazarus sister Mary was giving Jesus some oils that smelled amazing and is luxurious but Judas the Iscariot was angry that she did´t sell the oil and that she shouldn’t´t have used it on the poor and Jesus says leave her alone because what she is doing is something good and i think this kinda represent us and God because we might be struggling if we don´t know if we are doing the good and the devil is attacking.
The ending paragraph is what I like about this scripture. The Jews are finally turning away from the high priests and start believing Jesus. The high priests plan to KILL Lazarus, and as we can see later, they want to kill Jesus too.
I think the scripture is saying that there will always be hate, misery, and even people who are either poor or the misfortune. They’re always there. Jesus’s passion is not always there. It is at the Mass every time we go. It is during the Easter time as well. Jesus is there with us during that time grieving with us. We always have time to do other Earthly things, but we may not always be able to spend time with Jesus before His death. So during this time we must repent and once again continue to listen to Him.
“So Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” I feel like today’s scripture is telling us that we have to trust God and He knows that we love Him. He knows our intentions and our struggles. He will always care for us.
I think the Scripture is saying we should not fail Jesus the way Judas did. Jesus loved all the apostles. And how did Judas repay that? He betrayed Jesus. Jesus chose him to be one of the apostles. He was chosen. Jesus put his trust in Judas. We should not fail Jesus the way Judas did.
“Then Judas the Iscariot, one of his disciples,and the one who would betray him, said, “Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor?” This quote here shows how all of us can be at times. Most of us look at Judas and call him a thief, bad person, trader, ect. But in the end we are Judas. All of us have been like him at one point in time. We sin just like he sins. There is nothing different about him than there is with us. The next time you think about Judas don’t think about the “bad guy”, think about how you sin just like he does. Because in the end we all have the same struggle of sin and temptation.
It is saying that soon Jesus will be going to heaven. If we want to see Him we need to confess our sins and try our best to be like Jesus. We need to take care of others and try to forgive them even if they hurt us badly.
Notice in order for Mary to dry Jesus’s feet, she has to bend down and prostrate herself in front of Jesus. She totally and completely gives herself up to God. She doesn’t allow materialism to take over. As citizens of the USA, this is a problem. Name anything you can’t just buy on Amazon. Hard? Thought so. We just buy things we don’t need because we want them. Mary denied herself so she wouldn’t deny God.
These days all we think about is money. Money doesn’t matter in the long run. Judas was asking why she didn’t just sell it, then help people. Giving people money is not the only way to help people. Showing love, understanding, and care is how you can help people. God was grateful for her gift. I guess what I am trying to say if you haven;t noticed is, money is not what makes or breaks us.
I think Jesus is trying to tell us that he i the most important thing in our lives material things mean nothing when we spend eternity in Hell.I think God is trying to tell us that it is better to sacrifice items for him then it is to use it for bad acts in the world.
I think this is saying that we need to not be greedy and give to the least fortunate. We think that things we can buy with money will make us happy but we need God to be truly happy. God makes us happy no matter what we give to him.
Their eyes will be set on heaven and not the things of the earth. They will desire to pray without ceasing. The saints were all transformed at the foot of the cross. Allow God to love you, it is His greatest desire. We shouldn’t be materialistic, we shouldn’t really be in love with the things of the earth. We will just be leaving the things of the earth for something greater than anything. We are leaving the things of the earth for God to meet his only Son our Lord and we shouldn’t be sad we left earth and we lost everything we had we should be happy.
this scripture reflection is when we see someone loving God and we must follow in there actions instead of running away like judas.
you could be the most richest person in the world and you wouldn’t have the most presoise thing ever. you dont need money. money is temporary and God is forever. you should choose nothing over God. You could have no money at all but have God.
“not because he cared” I think we need to do a better job at caring instead of being a lukewarm catholic and not caring about God who loves us and created us.
Judas said, “Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor? He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money bag.” This stuck out to me because it is like our relationship with Christ and with worldly things. We want money or other things so we can just sell it and get the money. God wants us to give it all up and be like the women who anointed His feet with oil. She didn’t care how much it cost, she just wanted to be kind to Jesus. We need to do the right thing and love God.
Judas, Peter, Pilate, and more importantly us all have something in common, we all betrayed Jesus with our sin
When I read this I was immediately reminded of the rich man and sinner praising in the temple. The rich man only praised God so others would think he was doing good, he didn’t love God. When the sinner prays he does it quietly just between him and God. We should all pray like the sinner loves God because YOU love Him not because you were told to.
today scripture said to me that we should not be selfish. Judas even though he sounded like he would give the money to the poor he would not, he would steal the money that they got from it for himself. Jesus would never do that, he literally gave up his own life to save us he never once though of himself. He was always thinking of others and we should also give up ourselves to help others
I think this is a very important scripture passage, because it sheds light on ulterior motives. In this passage, Jesus is telling us that our actions are not the only thing that matters, It is the motive, the thought, the reasoning. It tells us that Jesus cares and knows about our feelings, and thoughts. He loves us, and tells us to really reflect about why we do what we do. Is it because we actually want to do good for people? Or is it because we will or hope we will get something out of it later on?
His Words are very important and should be taken to heart. May we fill ourselves up with God’s grace and cooperate with the Father’s Will, so we, in turn, can give up our lives for others.
In today’s scripture we start seeing signs of who Judas really is. We have stuff and that stuff can distract us from God and our true purpose in life. Judas got greedy and turned away from God, then he felt like he couldn’t be forgiven. God doesn’t want us to believe that, because he will always forgive us when we go to confession, and no matter what he will love us forever.
What stuck out to me is that Mary Magdalan gave her years worth of money for someone else instead of her. To me this shows me that even though we might want something to ourselves we should sacrifice it or give it to someone else.
The poor will always be there but Jesus wont be. He said this days before he was crucified, the fact that he knew he was going to be crucified and still went through with it is amazing.
Martha didn’t sell the oil but instead used it on Jesus’ feet. In adoration we do the same thing but in a different way. We pray to God in the Adoration Chapel and pray to God. We do that Spiritually
Judas was mad at Mary for using expensive oils on Jesus’ feet because he carried the bag of money, and he wanted more. This is a prelude to the horrible betrayal of Judas to Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane.
In this scripture, Jesus says he is not always with us. The only way to be with Him is to go to mass. He just wants us to focus on Him, not anything else in the world. Even when we’re not at mass, or when we sin, Jesus always loves and guides us.
We are all worth it Jesus will always see us in his eyes as his children And will always care for us as children and we need to do the same to each other. We need to help others in need as how Jesus would