Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
The disciples of John approached Jesus and said,
“Why do we and the Pharisees fast much,
but your disciples do not fast?”
Jesus answered them, “Can the wedding guests mourn
as long as the bridegroom is with them?
The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them,
and then they will fast.” No one patches an old cloak with a piece of unshrunken cloth, for its fullness pulls away from the cloak and the tear gets worse. People do not put new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. Rather, they pour new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.” MT 9:14-17
Why fast? As I continued to ask others how they discern what to do for Lent, I continued to search for the purpose of Lent. The Catholic Church requires (not optional) for us to fast. Why during Lent? It is to prepare ourselves, looking at the crucified Jesus, for His Passion, Death, and Resurrection. The best answer I can come up with is quite simply because Jesus asks us to. Why? According to Fr. Schmitz, it is because being obedient to Jesus is pleasing to God and He taught us that it atones for sins.
According to Peter Kreeft, it is no longer a straight jacket in which we think God is taking away our fun or doing it because I told you to. It becomes pleasing to detach ourselves, make a self-sacrifice, because we want to please God. Why? We cannot take the nails and suffering from Jesus. God, in His plan for our salvation, made it so His only Son can die and go through a horrible passion, to atone for all of our sins. God the Father offered a covenant to His people, and with His covenants He required sacrifice.
His love is so great! If it was justice, we should be scourged and die for each one of our sins, we willfully disobey Him, knowing full well that it would hurt our relationship with Him. Who else except someone madly in love with His creation would do such a thing. (Thank you Sarah Carter!) We have a Father who has kept His promises over and over proving His love for us.
We have an opportunity to fast to atone (pay for) our sins in a way that shows we love Jesus for what He did for us. God wants our yes. God wants to give us a way to pay in a very small way compared to the sacrifice Jesus made to show Him we love Him, we fast. In fasting, we slowly regain strength and begin to understand that with God’s grace we can control ourselves.
We can sin less. We can grow in holiness. We can fight Satan. We can form habits that conquer sin in our lives, virtue. We can avoid the near occasion of sin by using our intellect to think about what or who is leading us to sin and avoid it. Most importantly, He just wants us to rest in Him, giving our sin to Him over and over. Allowing ourselves to rest in Him and recognize our sinfulness. If we don’t, we take away the power of the cross. This was His mission and purpose.
It requires sacrifice and suffering and at these times we remember to fall to our knees and ask God for help, prayer. The more difficult the fast, the greater the suffering, the more we pray. The more we come to know our Savior and Creator and develop a relationship of love. He knows pain and suffering and He wants us to invite Him into ours.
In a growing relationship with our God, we begin to trust in His Words. We begin to understand that He continues to sacrifice Himself hidden behind bread and wine to aid us on our journey. We learn to ask for forgiveness and forgive, we begin to be healed. Oh, what a great burden is lifted when we are unchained from sin and renew our relationships.
Therefore, sacrifice and fasting brings joy. Sacrifice brings the joy of the resurrection and in the resurrection our Christian hope is found. Through God’s grace, healing, and mercy we become stronger and grow in holiness. We realize we can overcome our sin and Satan by staying present to God who is always present throughout our day.
With prayer and reflection on Jesus, the Truth, we realize the power of the Cross. When we do not fight and believe, the Cross loses it’s power. It is impossible for humans to be holy and enter heaven, but through the resurrection, through God’s grace, through our yes to God, God makes the impossible possible. For the greater glory of God, we exist! Spiritual adventure awaits, are you ready to strive to be holy!
Today’s challenge: Stay true to your fast (Lent, and all Fridays throughout the year, and any time you are struggling with a sin or addiction) for the love of God. Fall to your knees and beg for God’s mercy and begin to atone for your sins. Jesus died to have a relationship with us. One small ray of light entering into the hardest of hearts, can change a soul forever.
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
we srender on eor to thang to geve up so wew can be with God andjesua jesus all was love us even thaol whe sum time don show it
Fasting: Abstaining from all kinds of food or drink, especially in the religious since. We have to remember that though it may hurt now it is something you give up for God and Jesus.
What reached out to me a lot was how It talked a lot about fasting. Fasting is a great opportunity for us to grow closer to Jesus. Even if we don’t fast much it can still help us grow in our faith.
Everything comes back to love. During the Lenten season we are called to pray, fast, and give, but what is the use of this if we do not do so out of love of God and neighbor. When we fast we should always offer it up to God out of love and know that we are doing this for the good of our soul and the souls around us. By focusing our hearts, minds, and bodies completely on God, we can learn to love more perfectly. That is why we fast.
We fast to prepare ourselves looking at the Crucifix with Jesus, and His Passion, Death, and Ressurrection. We fast as a part of atonement for our sins, and it pleases God. If we continue to fast, we will find it as being less of a requirement, and more of a loving act to decide to sacrifice something and give it up to God.
Fasting is the best thing we can do to help our Journey throughout lent and helping others like getting food and water to help them survive while there on the streets.
Today’s scripture is very meaningful and thoughtful. The main message I took from this and the mass today is that fasting does us no good, as father said, if we don ´ t have any after coming out of it. What good is it just to not eat and not think about Jesus ´ pascal mystery. We are called too fast, but don ´ t just fast. Do more, pray and actually understand why you are fasting, it does us no good to fast if we don ´ t even truly know Jesus. So, now as it is our Lenten journey, try to find ways that tell us why we truly fast, talk to Jesus.
In this Gospel, Jesus tells us that there is a right time to fast. Although Jesus is still with us today, we still need to prepare ourselves for His resurrection. We must be pure at the time of Jesus’s resurrection.
Sacrifice and fasting turns us away from temptation and distraction but turns us towards Jesus. During Lent, making fasting a habit is a great thing to do if we want to grow in our faith. We don’t have to just fast from food. We can fast from many other things. Such as electronics, social media, or television. Instead of listening to the music we normally listen to, we can listen to worship music instead. During Lent, you can sacrifice things for other people to become humble and holy. Like letting somebody else use the computer, or letting someone go in front of you in line. It’s the little acts that make us more holy during Lent.
in Scripture, Jesus tells us the meaning of fasting. We fast to atone for our sins. Jesus gives us eternal life if we follow Him. He conquered sin and death. We fast to repent and pay for the sacrifice Jesus did for us.
“Why do we and the Pharisees fast so much,” this is perfect for lent since during lent we are all fasting from something. Like today we all have to fast from meat. I think we as Catholics could definitely be the ones in this quote saying why do we have to fast during lent. I think what God would tell us is that we have to sacrifice because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us by giving up his life.
We fast because God asked, i heard that in there. that hit hard i feel like i fast just because i’m forced to by my parents. But when i read that it makes me think the real reason i fast is for Jesus Christ who sacrificed for us, without even realizing why i do. I honestly can say now that i do it for Him.
Today’s reading is kind of about fairness. John releases that life isn’t fair and that the way he fasts is different from the way the Pharisees fast. But Jesus basically tells him through examples that there is no way that everyone could do the same things. Same fast, same clothes and that we really should just appreciate what we have.
Fasting has a big purpose in the catholic faith. It gets us ready for Easter. It puts into perspective how hard it was for Jesus in the desert. Fasting is a way for us to atone our sins. It pleases God to see how much we care by doing this. Even though it’s required, fasting is something we should all do to grow in faith in a multitude of ways.
In this scripture Jesus says that everybody is equal and that even his disciples have to fast and everybody should.
Today’s scripture is about fasting. John asked Jesus if he had to fast but his disciples did not. Jesus tells Him why. Jesus always has a reason and when He tells people why they still do not believe. You can’t ask a question and when you get the answer and you don’t like it you pretend like you never asked in the first place. We should believe in what He says because He always has a reason for His actions.
We fast because it grows us closer to God, and reminds us we don’t need these material things that we depend on.
A phrase that stuck out to me is, why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast. I like this phrase because it means that the people thought if they fasted they could have eternal life but that is not right it is if you fast well. The phrase mean to me that I need to fast well and do a fast that challenges me but that i can stick with it.
why do we fast? well, because it is part of lent. but that is not what fasting is for. it is a sacrifice. we fast because Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert. he didn’t eat for weeks. because he was in a deep state of prayer. so let us pray like He did. (without the no-eating-for-40-days-part) but make yourself a state of prayer to grow closer to Him. to God.
Jesus explains Lent to us in the Gospel and He says that when the bridegroom is gone then his friends will fast, and that is the same for us because our God and Neighbor Jesus went up into Heaven and He is away so we must fast. He also fasted 40 days and nights in the desert without food or water. He was temped by the devil and still He resisted. If He can fast for 40 days and nights without food AND without water then go die on a cross for us, we can last 40 days and nights by giving up candy, phones, and video games.
Jesus says can the wedding guests mourn well the bride groom is still with them? I think that this is interesting because he again uses the wedding feast. is it because we are the guests and we are invited?
I think we fast for a little giving back to God for all that he has done for us and the 40 days mourning in the desert. We can fast because for all that God has given us we don’t praise him and thank him enough and we can suffer oh so little for the huge things he does for us.
We need to fast, it is required by the church. When we fast and learn to reflect on God, we can learn the power and the good things God does for us when we ask. It requires sacrifice, suffering and prayer, and it will not be easy, but we need to get on our knees and pray even when it is tough.
I think that it’s saying that we are disciple of God and we fast for him on Fridays. And that the days will go by fast.
Why fast? it is to make us better people. Not to make us sad and down, but to help us control our desires so we can be happier . God never does anything to make us sad or down without reason. The reason we do these things it so we can get stronger and become better and kinder.
Fasting is not starving yourself or taking yourself out of the physical world. With fasting we swap out what we do with our time. Like for an example if you are going to spend less time with your phone the time that you give up on your phone can be focusing on God. Fasting is a way to humble yourself I think and to take a deep breath and look at yourself and relize that you are a sinner and Jesus still loves you. So what are you going to give up this lent and how are you going to spend more time with God.
So many people even people in the catholic faith think that fasting is for no reason.no reason at all,but If God made it to were his son could only suffer the nails through his hands and feet then how would i suffer for him,fasting,giving up thing i love.
Today we learn that fasting is basically a temporal punishment for our sin were the reason why he went through all of this. “Why during Lent? It is to prepare ourselves, looking at the crucified Jesus, for His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.” We caused him to get crucified, we caused his death, and he resurrected to prove he is really God. He showed everyone he is the Son of God, he went to the apostles and said, “Be not afraid!” He performed a miracle right after that something unimaginable.
Lent and fasting really can show us that we can fast, and we can sacrifice things that we love. The only reason we don’t on regular days is because we don’t want to. God tells us that we should fast, not because we should harm ourselves or do something that makes us sad, but to worship him.
I think that the scripture is saying that, the more we trust in God the more open we are to him. If we are open to God we will have conversations with him, which is us praying to him. Saying a prayer to God at least once a day, will and can bring us closer and more open to God.
We have to do things that we don’t want to do if we want to be happy. We have to sacrifice, some people look at it as being in a strait jacket, it’s nothing like that . When we sacrifice things, not killing animals, and if we fast then we will be happy. Sure we might not be happy the couple hours we can’t watch TV or play video games, but once we are done we don’t want to got back because it is just so much better than all these material goods that are only on Earth. The don’t follow us into heaven so why spend all of our time on them right now.
This Lenten season we need to stay faithful to God. We are going to have so much temptation to do things we are not supposed to do but we are going to have to fight those kind of temptations because if we give into them our faith and connection to God looses its power If we really want to grow closer with God thins Lent we need to look for him for help and keep our promises that we gave to him. We need to stay true to God and if we do that we will become stronger and grow in holiness.
Fasting isn’t punishment, it’s like a new years resolution, a chance to lead us to God and to break away from the things we are attached to. Its meant to prepare us for God’s death and resurrection.
we fast because the bride is gone (Jesus) old wineskins is sin and the new wine is Jesus we brake but we go to confession and we are transformed into new wineskins without sin and we can hold Jesus
I think why God decided to make us fast because when in lent Jesus was suffering for 40 days without water or food so if he can do that we can fast a couple times
Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast. To make them so they look like they aren’t fasting cause it’s like hiding that your a person that is unholy.
We are sinners and we have to atone for our sins. If Jesus asks us to do something we should do. We will be forever happy in life and in eternal life if we open our hearts to God and listen to him.
According to Peter, it is no longer a straight jacket in which we think God is taking away our fun or doing it because I told you to. It becomes pleasing to detach ourselves, make a self-sacrifice, because we want to please God. We cannot take the nails and suffering from Jesus. God, in His plan for our salvation, made it so His only Son can die and go through a horrible passion, to atone for all of our sins. God the Father offered a covenant to His people, and with His covenants He required sacrifice.
According to Peter, it is no longer a straight jacket in which we think God is taking away our fun or doing it because I told you to. It becomes pleasing to detach ourselves, make a self-sacrifice, because we want to please God. Why? We cannot take the nails and suffering from Jesus. God, in His plan for our salvation, made it so His only Son can die and go through a horrible passion, to atone for all of our sins. God the Father offered a covenant to His people, and with His covenants He required sacrifice.
Who else except someone madly in love with His creation would do such a thing.
This sentence puts into perspective how much God loves us. Everyday we sin willfully, knowing that we are dis-obeying him, and we still do it over and over again. Yet, Jesus is the one that suffered, despite him never sinning because he loved us so much.
I think what God is trying to say is that whatever your religion is obligated to do as a part of being a part of that parish is to fast what you can and God will give you something in return with greater value in life.
What stuck out to me is that God wants to give us a way to pay in a very small way compared to the sacrifice Jesus made to show Him we love Him, we fast. In fasting, we slowly regain strength and begin to understand that with God’s grace we can control ourselves.This stuck out to me because in order to regain some of God’s strength and guidens we must try our best to worship and fast for him.
The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.”
Jesus is like our bridegroom. With Jesus we cannot be upset or mourn. And when we are apart from Jesus we fast (during lent) until he comes back to us on Easter.
I think that this means that when God is with us we don’t fast, we rejoice that he is in our presence and is here to save us.
We fast as a sacrifice to God. He does not need our sacrifice. We need it, to become closer to Him. Fasting helps us realize only a sliver of what Jesus did in the desert, or during his passion. It shows us only a sliver of his suffering.
“Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.” To me this scripture means that we fast during lent because Jesus won’t be with us.
We fast to prepare ourselves for the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. God’s covenants require sacrifice. We have chances to grow holier and get closer to God, but we just don’t take them. We need to use those opportunities to our advantage to get closer to heaven.
We fast because that is a little thing we do which sacrifices. When we Sacrifice we are accepting what God went through.
sacrifice brings joy. You can fast or give something up you normally do like your phone or you can try to do something better like get your home work done before the due date or start making good habits. Lent is the season of habits. Whether it’s good or bad you can break the habit or you can continue it. it’s your choice.
When we see the bread and wine become Body and Blood, it’s Jesus giving us sacrifice. To get to heaven we have to be holy but we can’t be holy unless God is there to give us his grace and to reveal to us what love is so we can love others and God.
we should be scourged and die for each one of our sins, because God could have just left us to sinner. But in the kindness of his heart and his mercy he saved us from our heavy sin. we willfully disobey Him because of our free will and we have to begin to trust in His Words. We begin to understand that He continues to sacrifice Himself hidden behind bread and wine to aid us on our journey Truth, we realize the power of the Cross. When we do not fight and believe, the Cross loses it’s power because we don’t pray to him or talk to him.
What stuck out to me was when the disciples of John came to Jesus and were asking why the pharisees had to fast while they did not. It almost sounded like they were jealous that the pharisees were fasting and getting closer to God when they were not. I think that just because they are fasting doesn’t mean that even if you don’t pray, as long as you fast you will be close to God, I think that the disciples were praying enough and they were very close to God.
This Lent I really want to grow closer to God. I don´t want to end up back where I started at the beginning of Lent and not make a change. I need to grow in Holiness this Lenten season and figure out who I am in God. Lent isn´t just here to be here, it´s here for a reason. A reason that I don´t understand yet but I will try to understand.
I feel like this simply helps us realize that we do not truly understand what we have until it’s gone. We need to understand that, and grab at every chance we get to save our souls, and the souls of others, before it is too late.
I think this scripture passage is telling us why it is important to fast during Lent. God made many sacrifices for us, so we need to return that to Him by fasting as a sacrifice.
The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.” We fast because Jesus suffered for us. I think we don’t always take lent seriously, but it is important to remember that Jesus died for us and we should fast for Him.
I think that this is saying is that we should be able to fast. Jesus got crucified for us. He went through so much suffering and pain. I think that we should be able to stop eating a lot of snacks and stuff as our sacrifice for Jesus. It may not seem like a huge deal but it really is.
The Pharisees fast but the Disciples do not. The Disciples know that Jesus is with them and he is right in front of them so they need no sacrifice.
Lent is a chance or an opportunity for us to pay for our sins by giving up something we do daily or try to do something good for other people throughout the 40 of Lent. No one should have to make an excuse for their religion, but when someone asks, “Why do you fast?” You say, “To make way for the Lord.” The Lord had to go through pain and suffering for us, so the least we could do is fast for Him so that His Resurrection will be joyful.
The pharisees are questioning Jesus about why they fast so much and his disciples dont fast. Jesus basically tells them that they do not fast because he is still with them. they have no reason to fast while they have Jesus with them because it is a time for them to rejoice and to learn
I think the scripture is about how fasting is a sacrifice that we do to remember Jesus’ suffering and death. Fasting is a way to remember When Jesus died, but i feel like it is necessary to not always fast because if we always fast we will never know the joy of the resurrection.
We fast because we are preparing for the coming of Christ. We don’t just do it because someone says, Jesus tells us it’s for a reason. We should also understand that we are doing it for a purpose, not just fasting because we can.
what the scripture is telling me is that not everyone fasts and that they dont have to follow the way everyone else does it. we can do our own type of fasting in our own ways thats what i think Jesus means when we are preserved.
“No one patches an old cloak with a piece of unshrunken cloth.” This stood out to me because it’s true. People can’t fix something like that. You can fix things that you break but you can’t fix things that could hurt someone. If you say something to someone that really hurts them, it will take time for that person to forgive you. Things take time. Especially when it comes to healing a person with kind words.
Lent is a great time for us to get closer to Jesus. Lent can be a very important and holy time in our year. We need lent to prepare for easter.
We fast because God tells us to. We fast for our sins. God is pleased by us fasting. Lent is a time for us to know God more and for us to get closer to us. But if we do want to get closer to God we need to sacrifice things so we may challenge ourselves to know God more and that we may grow closer to God.
I think that this scripture is saying that we need to prepare ourselves for Jesus’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. We do this by fasting, and alms-giving. Jesus even tells us to fast, so why shouldn’t we.
I had some trouble understanding this scripture today. But it is basically talking about how the pharisees and us had to fast and how the disciples didn’t have to. It said No one patches an old cloak with a piece of unshrunken cloth, for its fullness pulls away from the cloak and the tear gets worse.
I think todays gospel is trying to tell us about fasting. Fasting is a great efficient way to give ans show you thankfulness to Jesus for what he has done for you. Fasting is really important because without it what would there be to give back. The more we receive hte more we need to give back to Jesus christ so in return lets fast.
being obedient to Jesus is pleasing to God and He taught us that it atones for sins. In today’s time we comite so many sins it is crazy. sometimes we feel like we are not worthy of God. God will never turn you down and cast you away, he will always take us in and will forgive us. we sacrifice because we have sinned and we need that off of us so we have to fast.
We fast because we are preparing ourselves for the cross,death,and resurrection of Jesus. He suffered so much for us we can repay Him. Even if its just one day of fasting.
I think todays gospel is trying to tell us about fasting. Fasting is a great efficient way to give ans show you thankfulness to Jesus for what he has done for you. Fasting is really important because without it what would there be to give back. The more we receive hte more we need to give back to Jesus christ so in return lets fasttttttttttt.
We fast to better ourselves as people. That is the whole goal of Lent. It’s supposed to be a time of growth not only as a person but with others around you. Because if you grow yourself you can help others grow around you. It’s like a kindness disease.
“No one patches an old cloak with a piece of unshrunken cloth, for its fullness pulls away from the cloak and the tear gets worse.” This phrase stuck out to me. I think it’s saying that Jesus wants us to work on ourselves and our relationship with God before fasting. It’s more important to do that than to fast on Fridays.
I think that we fast because it makes us suffer just a little bit and when we are suffering we will hopefully turn to God and realize how much he loves us if we don’t already know. I think that fasting shows us that we are anything but perfect and we need God’s love and forgiveness to help us.
I think it is telling us that we need get rid of our old stuff kinda like a spring cleaning and live our lives more holy by the end of lent
All of these analogies that are being told seem to be similar to the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” In this situation, the old dog would be the disciples, and the new trick being fasting.
I think the scripture is saying that it is important to do things the correct way, whenever it is time to do something do it. For when Jesus was with His disciples they did not fast, they only fasted when He left them to die on the cross. Jesus went into the desert and fasted and had to not give into temptation from the devil and He did so.
“Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.” I think that this scripture reflection is saying that we fast because Jesus is not physically with us so we mourn him. We also fast because we are sacrificing just like Jesus did for us.
It is saying why do we fast, we need to fast to devolve our bodies and learn to resist temptation.
This scripture is talking about people getting angry at Jesus because they fast and also pray a lot but they are angry because the disciples don´t even fast and so it not fair if they just do it and Jesus tells them that can people morn when they have the bridegroom and they will be one day when they will not have the bridegroom which teaches a lesson that we should learn to not have earthing and that sometimes we need to give things up.
I think in this Scripture God is trying to get all of his disciples ready for when he had to leave them on Earth and go to His kingdom, They were hesitant at first and than started to figure the message from God out.
In the scripture today I feel like it is telling us that fasting is important during lent time. I also think that it was kinda telling us that before lent maybe were not so good of a person and maybe falling away from Jesus and that if we don’t go through lent and talk to him it won’t get better. If we go through lent our goal is to be a new person and now be able to talk to Jesus and being a better person during or after lent and we want to become a better person.
“Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast?” I as well, have a hard time finding that answer. Why do we fast? I always just did it because I was told to by my teachers and friends. But now I realize that I’m being told to do it by Jesus. I feel fasting helps me be prepared for Jesus’s death and resurrection. I think its also a sacrifice because Jesus sacrificed his life for us and this is a little thing we can do to sacrifice for him.
What this means is that when you fast and pray at the end of Lenten season you will come back as a better person, and treat other people the way they want to be treated.
I think the Scripture is saying we fast because we can make little sacrifices. Jesus sacrificed so much for us. Jesus gave his life up for us so we could live a better one. We can show Jesus we love Him by making little sacrifices for Him like He did for us.
“Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them” We cannot be sad if we have Jesus. He wants us to remember that he is always with us and that he will help us through hard times. Jesus is always there.
I think the Scripture is saying we should fast because we need to sacrifice for him because Jesus sacrificed for us. As we all know fasting is not even close to what Jesus did for us, but Jesus says it’s enough.
Jesus told us that he was going to die and that we will have to do something for him. But does that matter to us. Did Jesus die for us and we think, “Oh well”. “Oh well” is nit the right answer. Jesus died for us and nothing greater has ever happened. Jesus did not come down to earth to die so on person can believe in him, he came down to die for ALL.
Fasting is a way for us to atone for our sins and to further our relationship with Christ. God made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We as humans are afraid of suffering. But Jesus, who endured his Passion without complaint, will help us. He is not going to leave us and come back when we’ve earned it because we could NEVER earn it. Never. So give back up to God through your suffering.
We fast to prepare for lent because Jesus had to go through something when and before he was crucified and it is unfair for him to save us and us to not do anything in return so we fast for him as a sacrifice
“The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them” i feel like this is Jesus fortalking his death but i think he is also telling us we need to spend time with him before we die so we can get to heaven.
We fast because Jesus died for us. Sometimes I don’t think we acknowledge how serious that is, if someone loved you so much that they’d die for you you want to do anything and everything for that person right? Well I think a little fasting is just a way to show we love Jesus.
we fast because we love God. we do it because he loves us, and if giving something up that we really love than we should be thankful that we are able to do it.
His love is so great! If it was justice, we should be scourged and die for each one of our sins, we willfully disobey Him, knowing full well that it would hurt our relationship with Him. He is all loving and will love us even if we hate him. I usually ask myself a question to myself asking my I do it and I know why now his father created all things good and he sees his father in all of us and sees that we are good.
I think when i read this is that we have to stay with the fast we picked out and never break the promise that we made to ourselves and God
when Jesus comes people are going to pray and pray but its going to be too late and Jesus will take his real followers and the other people will suffer so its better to just pray and repent now and to love god always because he is always going to love you.
“Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast?” Fasting shouldn’t be a way of making yourself look good, rather it should show that you love God with all your heart. We fast as a sacrifice for all god has done for us. God gave up his life for us, so the least we can do is fast from something we like as a way of showing our love and gratitude for him.
No one patches an old cloak with a piece of unshrunken cloth, for its fullness pulls away from the cloak and the tear gets worse. This stuck out to me because everybody needs someone that is a good influence and that will bring you closer to God. If we stick with someone that brings us down and is guiding us away from God you aren’t doing anything for yourself. We need to find someone that will be by our side during the bad and the good. They are the ones that will bring us to heaven. They will bring us closer to God. We should also do the same for them. Be a good example and spread the word of God.
I think the point of fasting is to remind ourselves that there is something after this world. We get caught up in our daily lives, and just go through the motions, day after day after day. Fasting allows us to stop ourselves, think about why we are doing so, and kind of re-align ourselves with the will of God. He is waiting to come for us, we just need to invite him. Come Holy Spirit!.
Today the scripture said to me that we should fast and give thanks to God because he gave his only son to save us. Us Fasting and giving up stuff for lent is not even a fraction of the pain endured by Jesus Christ. This is just a little way of paying back to God what he gave us.
This scripture was saying that even when other people are doing something bad we should do the right thing. Even when things are hard or right and other people aren’t doing the hard or right thing, you should still do the right thing.
What stuck out to me was the question “Why fast?”. This stuck out to me because I ask this question to myself sometimes but then I realized that fasting isn’t just doing it because we have to it’s because we want to do it in love for God.
Lent is a time for fasting, prayer, and alms giving. During these 40 days we don’t eat meat on Fridays and during our prayer and fasting we get closer to God and while we do this we also give something up and try to get closer to God by the end of these 30 days. No one said that it was going to be easy, and people outside of our faith may ask themselves why but that’s just it faith is why we do this we do this because we know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we can get to heaven.
We fast because we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus in the desert.
In fasting, we slowly regain strength and begin to understand that with God’s grace we can control ourselves. During Lent we have to focus on what really matters and not other non- important things. We have to focus more on God and not let other things get in the way.
“‘Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.’” When Jesus says this, he is referring to himself as the bridegroom and the guests as his disciples/humans. It doesn’t make sense for the disciples to fast when Jesus hasn’t been sacrificed yet. This part is what stood out to me most.
Today’s scripture reading is about fairness. John says that life isn’t fair and that the way he fasts is different from the way the Pharisees fast. But Jesus tells him through examples that there is no way everyone could do the same things. Same fast, same clothes and that we really should just appreciate what we have.