Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before you read MT 12:1-8: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and Son are so I may know the Truth about who I am.
Jesus vs. the Law
Jesus reveals more about His identity today. Jesus has told the Pharisees before that He did not come to abolish the law but fulfill it. Today, Jesus tells them He has supreme authority over the law. The Pharisees choose not to believe that Jesus is the Son of the living God. He flat out tells them, “For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath”.
This is total and complete blasphemy, ridiculous talk, or Jesus is who He says He is. He can’t make it any more clear. He reveals this to us today, too. So the choice remains in our hearts: be the Pharisee and not believe but criticize or open our hearts to Jesus and allow Him to transform us into saints.
And what is His desire for us? Mercy. ”Be merciful, as my Father is merciful”. Mercy does not make you weak but strong. We think that when we have mercy on others it makes us look weak. The opposite is true. Is God weak? He is all merciful. Without God and His mercy we would have no place to go, no purpose for living, nothing to seek or follow. We would be sheep without a shepherd!
Today’s challenge: Make the difficult decision that you will be a disciple of Christ and not a Pharisee. Then, the most difficult task is to continue to try and live your life like a disciple of Christ, with His grace anything is possible. Continue to do your daily tasks which include following the 10 commandments so that you choose to remain in God’s love. Apart from Him we can do nothing. Jesus came to give us a model of living them out in the flesh instead of reading them on cold stone tablets.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
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