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Today’s Gospel is special in the fact that Jesus gives the Apostles authority over unclean spirits and to heal.  In a special way today, pray for those who baptized you, absolved you from your sin in the confessional, performed the miracle on the altar to change the bread and wine into Jesus Christ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, who have confirmed your brothers and sisters, who have anointed your sick grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, who have witnessed the special bond of marriage of your parents, who have laid their hands on deacons to become priests themselves.  These are the chosen ones by God who have authority still today over unclean spirits and to heal body and soul.  Pray for those who are discerning religious life and priesthood, and if you have a pull in you that God might be calling you continue to pray about it. There is no greater vocation than to have the gift from God to save souls.  Always give priests and religious the utmost respect among you.  Invite them over for supper and get to know them.  They are wonderful people, chosen by God for a special purpose!
Christian YOLO!