Today Jesus reveals to us the way to heaven; how to become a saint. Since He died for us and conquered sin and death, He becomes the new Adam and restores for us a path back to our Heavenly Father.

The Good News is that we killed God with our sins and He came back to love us and forgive us. Who does that? This is love in its purest form.

The way to sainthood:

“If anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” Lk 9:22-25

1. Deny self-we inherited a fallen human nature, we must recognize we need God and humble ourselves before Him at the start of everyday, put on the armor of God and our baptismal gown, reject Satan, follow the commandments, reject sin, accept the revealed Truths of Christ in the Creed, live a sacramental life, pray unceasingly, turn our will over to God, ask the angels and saints to help you in your daily battle and be ready to accept whatever crosses may come your way and fight!

2. Daily crosses-all fall under these categories: fallen human nature, fleshly pleasure, Devil’s temptations, rejecting God’s commandments knowingly, selfishness, and hurting or rejecting others-we must fast and pray to help us

3. Follow Jesus-Be humble, offer up prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of each day, and love. Sacrifice brings joy and the rewards are eternal!

What profit is there to have money, power, popularity or many material possessions if you do not have Jesus? You can take nothing with you and you can only gain merit with God while your body and soul are together. You can only fill the void inside of you with Jesus, everything else is temporary pleasure.

Today, repent, renounce your material possessions, put on Christ, and follow Him. He has a purpose for you. Find it, follow it, and experience joy on earth and in heaven. It is what God made you for, become a saint!

Christian YOLO!