Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Jesus said to his disciples:
“In praying, do not babble like the pagans,
who think that they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them.
Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
“This is how you are to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
“If you forgive men their transgressions,
your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men,
neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.” MT 6:7-15
St. Augustine said, “Run through all of the words of the holy prayers (in Scripture), and I do not think you find anything that is not contained and included in the Lord’s Prayer.”
Our Father (many of the saints stopped here thanking God for allowing them to call Him Father, Pope Francis says Abba means Dad-Do you allow Him to wrap His arms around you like a loving Father?) who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name:
Dear God, I bring myself into your presence humbly as a sinner who needs your mercy to worship, adore, glorify, praise, and thank you. Thank you for allowing me to call you Daddy and thank you for calling me son/daughter.
thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven:
I submit my will to you, please give me the courage, strength, and grace to follow it. I completely surrender and trust in you.
Give us this day our daily bread:
Thank you for taking care of our every need, I trust in you. Please help me recognize the needs of others and help them. Thank you for the everlasting sustaining Bread that is your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us:
please send me your grace to forgive so I may forgive like You, help me not to judge incorrectly or label, have mercy on my soul.
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (protect us from the Devil).
Today’s challenge: Make sure the Our Father is the first words on our lips each morning so we have the right perspective going into each day. Enter God’s heart by humbling yourself before Him, empty yourself so that He can fill you up to be an instrument of love, thank Him for sustaining you each day and providing us with His life (grace) by faithfully receiving the sacraments, ask for the grace to forgive, for mercy, and protection from Satan.
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
This is linked to yesterday’s scripture in a way. Just like how you should clothe others like how you would God, you should also forgive others if you want God to forgive you. This also reminds me of the Golden rule; treat others the way you want them to treat you.
You need to learn how to pray and not think of it as a thing you have to do. You can decided if you want to do it or not, but you need to really know Jesus is there and that your paying attention to the words.
In today’s scripture we hear God telling us how to pray. This world has had lots of falls but know more than ever we need to be praying correctly. He tells us “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” We need to start putting God in the center of our life so we can be happy and live in a world of peace.
Jesus is telling us how to pray. He tells us how to pray the Our Father and he says what it means. He says that if we forgive someone for doing something bad He will forgive us but if we don’t forgive than He won’t forgive us.
This scripture is saying when or if you do babble it like you spreading bad stuff and stuff like that and like the our father parts are kinda saying like if you forgive people our heavenly father will forgive us and if we don ‘t like forgive people our heavenly father won ‘ t forgive our transgressions.
In this scripture Jesus talks about how when praying we don’t need long fancy prayers to talk to God we just need to talk to God sincerely and from out hearts. we also need to accept the fact that if we pray what we ask for won’t just appear in front of us God will give us what we ask for just maybe not in the way we expect.
Jesus teaches us how to pray so we will be able to go to Heaven.
Jesus is saying that when we pray things are not always going to happen and that when we pray some of us do not pray hard enough it is our time to talk to Him
The Our Father is a description about how we are supposed to live our lives, we have to forgive others before God can forgive us.
What reached out to me was when Jesus said, “But if you do not forgive men,
neither will your Father forgive your transgressions”. What this means to me is that it will be hard to reach heaven if we keep holding grudges and don’t forgive. We need to be as close to God as possible, so we have to at least try to show the Mercy and Forgiveness that He gives.
In today’s reading the way Jesus tells the people that are praying to pray the Our Father shows me that God is truly all for us and always will be so much he gave us a prayer to remind us his ways in which he teaches an cares for us.
Pray to the lord and do lent as well
This Gospel tells us that we should pray with all our hearts. Jesus teaches us how to pray. The Our Father prayer is a great prayer to begin with. It tells us that “Thy will be done” not our will be done. It also tells us that we should forgive others that are not treating you right.
When most of us pray we just say the words. We don’t actually think about what we are saying.We just say the words out of habit. This scripture is telling us not to do that. Jesus wants us to know what we are saying, because one sincere prayer is more powerful than 10,000 non sincere prayers. Breaking down the words can help you understand the prayer more and allows you to talk to Jesus clearer. Knowing what you are saying can help you grow in faith.
I think that this scripture is telling us to participate in prayers and to think of what they mean instead of just saying it. I often struggle with this and I think it is important that we remind ourselves that we need to mean what we say in a prayer. Just like if I where to talk to someone and say “your nice” but I just said that you don’t know if I meant it or not. so its important to realize that your talking to a real person like we talk to a friend
The gospel tells me that I am supposed to forgive and our father will forgive
We have to be willing to accept apologies. We are meant to love one another and need to treat each other like family. Everyone makes mistakes. We all have to be able to forgive each other so God can forgive all of us. Because we are all growing our faith together.
We should pray to God, because He gave us these prayers to say. We need to pray. It is important that we do otherwise we don’t have a relationship with God and we can’t make it to heaven.
From today’s passage I felt God was telling us that we should learn how to pray better. Saying actual prayer not just saying random words but talking to God. Saying the Our Father is a example and then you can add your own little bit if you want.
I think this is saying that we need to forgive to be forgiven. God will forgive us, but we need to be forgiving to others.
God is telling us that in order to pray we need to call upon him. We need to actually talk to him instead of just throwing out words or repeating the same things.
“If you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you.But if you do not forgive men,neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.” i saw this and I said we should forgive. don’t hold a dredge and keep it make peace it will save you in the end. love your neighbor as you want to be loved.
When we pray, we can’t just say memorized prayer. We need to know and mean what we are saying. The words we say have to have meaning. Think about the words as you say them rather than just going through the words.
The people before Jesus prayed without any pre-written prayers. It was just spontaneous. Jesus gave them the Our Father as it is a powerful prayer with many petitions and gives God His rightful glory. The Our Father is a staple prayer, it gives God His glory, while asking for things that might not be asked of Him in spontaneous prayer. It is the backbone to all of our prayers. The people built off of that prayer to form others like the Glory Be, Hail Mary, and Angel of God. Jesus gave us a tool to use in our everyday lives to worship Him and the Trinity
I think this scripture is telling us to forgive others before we ask God for forgiveness. If we won’t forgive our peers then why should God forgive us. God is not a slot machine, we can’t just keep asking from him and expect to not have to do anything in return. We get mad at our friends when they do something slightly mean, but when we do it we think it is fine. Why? We can do anything to our neighbor, but we have to expect the same treatment back. We have to stop being selfish, and start thinking about others more. God did so many nice things to people, and sometimes never got anything nice in return. We need to think like that. We should give and not expect anything in return.
I think today’s scripture passage is trying to tell us that Jesus always knows everything. He knows what we are thinking and what we need before we even ask him. If we forgive people for something they did, Jesus will forgive us. We need to make sure that Jesus is the center of our life instead of having other distractions.
what i’m getting from this is that you should forgive other people. It doesn’t matter if it was really bad you have to learn to forgive. God knows everything you do he is always watching us. we need to pray more often. we need to stop seeing Jesus as a machine. He is not a machine he is a living person.
This passage makes me realize how badly I pray sometimes. Sometimes, it’s not “hey, I’m here” so much as “give me this please.” But then I go back to the line of the Our Father. “Thy Will be done.” It makes me realize how I should be treating prayer. Instead of, “K want this, give it to me please,” I should be asking “What do YOU want me to do today? What is YOUR Will?”
Jesus gave us this for a way of forgiving and a way of asking for forgiveness. its a very important gift that we are given and are able to use for others and ourselves. Jesus wouldnt have given us this if we didnt ask and give forgiveness.
I think today’s scripture reading is saying that we should not ask for things we do not need but ask for things we do need, and that we should not speak so much when praying but listen more.
One thing that stuck out to me in this scripture was “if you do not forgive men then your Father will not forgive your transgressions” this is telling us that if we do not forgive people then God can’t forgive us for our sins. We have to pray to God to get to heaven. The simplest prayer you can pray is just saying the our father. Saying the our Father is like saying thank you and to forgive me lord. So remember to ask God for forgiveness and you shall be forgotten.
The scripture is telling us that we must put thought into our prayer, appreciate all that God has given us and love him eternally. We must not “Babble like pagans” as the scripture tells us. Fr. Jarrod said that God is not like a pop machine. He will not give us everything we want just because we said a prayer.
I think this is saying that we can get so focused on just saying the prayer and not living in it. The Lord always forgives us so we should do the same to others.
Often in prayer I like to say memorized prayers and just talk to God and not really have intention of what I am saying and I go to bed. In prayer I need to have intention in our prayer and what your praying for try your best to do what you can with the situation and give it to God. God is always there every moment of the way we have to really put our faith in him and pray with intention.
In today’s gospel, I think Jesus is nailing home the “treat others as you would like to be treated” slogan. he is telling us that if we forgive, we will be forgiven, if we give we shall receive. “and forgive us our trespasses passes as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
In today’s Gospel God tells us to recognize the needs in others and help them. He wants us to recognize the needs of people and instead of just helping them he wants us to be with them and make sure that they are okay, just like what God does to us.
In today’s Gospel, I think that God is saying that we shouldn’t be lazy while we pray. We need to mean every word we say to be true for God to appreciate what we say. If we don’t mean it, then he’d just be disappointed in how lazy we are talking to Him. It’s like we’re being lazy to our parents.
The Our Father is an amazing prayer. Remember when you say it to not roll through the words mindlessly, but to say it slowly and meditate on the words. Sometimes while I meditate in silence I think about the Our Father prayer.
The scripture is telling me that we should always listen to God when he is trying to talk to us. We think we know everything but really we don’t God knows more. God wants us to live the best life we can and he is going to help us with that so that’s why you always want to be listening to him when he is telling us what to do.
Today, Jesus is telling us how to pray. Prayer being the main way to be with him, it’s obvious why he would want us to pray correctly, so we can correctly be in a relationship with him. Praying is hard, it’s very very hard, I do it very rarely, praying correctly is hard, but it’s a necessity. How can we truly be in a relationship with Jesus if we don’t even talk to him. For a relationship to work, you actually have to talk to the person, not just know they are there and expect things out of them. How crazy would it be if you got a girlfriend and you didn’t talk to her, just expected her to take you out on dates and get you food. Then why don’t we talk to God, yet we say we have a great relationship with him. Prayer isn’t just something the church wants us to do, it’s something that necessary to save our souls
Praying isn’t about trying to say the correct words it’s about actually telling God what you want to tell Him. If you are saying a memorized prayer and you stumble on one of the words, that doesn’t make it a bad prayer. It’s a bad prayer if you don’t think about what you’re saying and are saying it just because. It’s okay to use memorized prayer and there are times when you should but it’s not a really good prayer if you just say it without thinking.
In today’s Gospel I think Jesus is telling us that we need to not be like the pagans and just mumble through our prayer. We need to take our time when we pray and focus on the meanings of the words.
This scripture is telling us that when we pray, we cannot just cite them and not think deeply into the words. In this Jesus shows us how to pray to God the Father. Our Father knows what we are praying, we shouldn’t babble like pagans just because we have to do it like for example, praying the rosary.
I think that this Gospel passage is telling me, that when I pray I need to think about what I am saying and not just say things I don’t even know what they mean. I also think He is telling us to forgive. Always forgive, because if we don’t learn how to forgive, then God will not give us forgiveness.
Today Jesus tells us to pray the prayer the Our Father. He tells us to just say those words and be open to Him everyday. Each of the words in the prayer have a special meaning and purpose when talking to God. When I talk to Him, I don’t have to be worried about what I say, I just have to speak or be in silence. I can apply this to my life by not saying prayers just because I have to, but saying them with meaning and purpose. I need to try my best to everyday to do these things.
Jesus defines what is prayer. Do not think that he will do what you want just because you spoke to God with many words. He isn’t here to do what we want, but for what is good for us. If it be in his will, let it be done. We don’t pray and tell him so that we make him aware, He already knows! We are praying to make ourselves aware to God. We should not abuse the Our Father and just speak the memorized words so that we can say, “I prayed!” Instead, think about what you are saying. Figure out the meaning of the words. Listen to God afterwards.
I think that this Gospel is telling me that the Lord is keeper of all. He knows everything he knows what sins your Grandpa made 98 years ago. He knows everything and he will teach us all of it as long as we listen to him and pay attention to the Gospel.
This scripture is telling me to pray the Our Father. When we pray the our father we pray to God about everything we need and thanking him. Even though the father knows what we are praying for even before we pray. Praying makes it happen.
What this scripture reflection is saying to me, is that we need to pray more. Not just the ones that we have memorized and say over and over again. The ones that we create. The ones that actually mean something from our hearts. Because If we just say the same thing over and over again, it will start to mean nothing.
This scripture reflects on how we are to pray. We should pray like we mean it. Everyday we pray, yes? Well if we do, do we pray thinking of our Lord and focusing on the words, or subconsciously pray? Yes, some of us have learned to pray since we were little but that doesn’t mean we should pray as if it doesn’t matter. It DOES matter. So much. Every single prayer goes to someone who needs it, the last prayer you have said may even helped a person to heaven. This is what Jesus has taught us, to pray.
I think that today’s Gospel is reminding me that when we pray it can’t be just memorized prayer. It goes into a deeper meaning about the Our Father and I think that, that’s the way it reminds me I need to know and understand the words that I say when I pray.
I think Jesus is telling us that when we pray we need to not get distracted and focus on Jesus Christ. We need to take our time to grow a better relationship with God.
Today in the Gospel Jesus is teaching us how to pray. He is trying to make it clear that we need prayer in our life and He gives us a good prayer to say if we ever feel stuck.
I think this scripture passage is telling us that we should not speed through prayer as just a thing to do in your day do it to have and make a relationship with christ. so you can get to heaven.
In todays Scripture Jesus is telling us To pray, not to mumble words while we pray and pray with meaning like we are talking to God not the wall or something. So we can focus while we pray and pay attention to Jesus.
This Gospel is telling us how to pray and not to listen to babblers.
Today the gospel is guiding me to have a better prayer life. It’s teaching me that there are many different ways to pray to the Lord. And he will always be there to listen to me and to others when they Pray.
Treat others the way you want to be treated, God wants us to love others even if they are our enemy. If we all love each other no matter what and have sympathy for other people everything will be more joyful.
What I think this is saying is that don’t just speak because you think that you will get to heaven just saying prayers and actually mean what you are praying.
We need to be able to know how to pray. Because if you do not know how to pray then you do not know how to talk to God and that is important for a relationship with God.
In today’s Scripture I think that it is similar to a previous one in the sense that you shouldn’t proclaim you good deeds to everyone. It is that you shouldn’t care about what other peoples opinions when really the only thing that matters is that you and God have a good relationship with him.
I think that this Gospel reading has a very obvious message. It is Jesus teaching us how to pray. I know that the Our Father is the prayer that Jesus gave to us but that doesn’t mean that we can’t do prayers in our head. Prayers by yourself where we are talking to God one on one are the best. That is the time where you are closest to God and most open to his voice. When we just open ourselves up to God, He reveals himself to us and it becomes easier to follow Him.
When we pray we must mean it and try for it. It isn’t about saying the right things but letting God know what you want to tell him and what is going on. i’s just a conversation with God and how your life is going.
In today’s Scripture I think that it is similar to a previous one in the sense that you shouldn’t proclaim you good deeds to everyone. It is that you shouldn’t care about what other peoples opinions when really the only thing that matters is that you and God have a good relationship with him.
To me today’s gospel was saying that I need to recognize that I have to work if I want something. I can’t get to Heaven thinking I lived a great life honoring God when I’ve really just been babbling words without meaning. I need to think about what I’m saying when I’m in mass or just praying. For years I’ve been thinking what I’m doing is enough, but this year I’ve been able to realize that it will never be enough. There is no amount of good we can do for God that could even come close to the amazing sacrifice He’s given us. We need to work for Heaven instead of just hope other people’s prayers will get us straight to Heaven.
In today’s Scripture passage it tells us that if we want God to forgive us, then we need to forgive those around us. It’s also staying that pray is the most important thing in making a relationship with God. We need to know what we’re saying to Him even though He already knows what we’re going to say. When praying we just need to take it slow and just know that God is listening and will always be there for us waiting for us to come to Him.
To me this means that God is telling us to not complain, keep arguing with people and make fun of people. I could use this in my life because their are times that I can complain a lot where I should not be but after seeing this I will try to not complain and or try to make fun of people.
This scripture is about how we should not just say words. we need to know what we are saying and believe in it. we actually have to talk to God and let him talk to us.
jesh is going tot ris sonn and tell his diposols
What I think the scripture is saying is that we need to pray. I mean we all pray but do we really think about what we are saying? I know I don’t. I think God is telling us to understand what we are saying and don’t just rush through it.
The scripture is telling us not to lose the relationship we have with God by what we do with our words and actions.
I think the scripture is saying do not waste useless words that will mean nothing when you on the contrary could be speaking to God, asking for forgiveness and praying for yourself and others. It also mentions the Golden Rule, “Treat others as you want to be treated.” In the Kingdom of Heaven you will be treated as you have treated your brothers and sisters.
This Gospel is saying that when we go to confession, we ask for God’s forgivness for our sins, and when we go to other people for forgivness, we expect them to. And yet, when other people come to us for forgivness, we have a tendancy to say no. Why? Why do we go to others and to Jesus for forgivness, but we won’t give it to others? That’s what the Gospel is asking us today. To love everyone, and to have empathy, and see things from their perspective. We need to understand that this is our mission. To forgive, and to preach the good word. Not to be forgiven, but to forgive those who have wronged us.
The Gospel taught me personally that I need to pray more short and sweet then say lots of words to make it seem like God doesn’t know my problems. I learned that our prayers for healing or anything else can be answered by saying the prayer “our father.” I used to think that this prayer was too simple per say, to say it and receive anything. But, then when I actually listened to the prayer and did not babble it I understood that it was powerful.
The Gospel is teaching us how to pray. We get distracted when we pray. We get distracted by thing that have no importance in comparison to Jesus. We have to learn to focus on Jesus.
“If you forgive men their transgressions,your heavenly Father will forgive you.But if you do not forgive men,neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.” What this is saying is that we have to forgive to be forgiven. We must forgive someone else if we want them to forgive us. We have to forgive others if we ourselves want to be forgiven. Like God he will always forgive us and so we shall forgive him when he does not always answer our prayers when we want. Forgive to be forgiven.
This scripture is a very easy one to understand. Jesus starts by telling the disciples not to babble like pagen, He wants us to be reasonable, say the word of God. Then He teaches us how to pray and says the Our Father. He is showing us what the minimal form of prayer is. Prayer goes so much deeper than what Jesus is doing. He is just putting down the stepping stones for us. He ends with telling us the meaning of the prayer He just said.
At the start of this scripture it says dodo not babble like the pagens because they think they will be heard because of their many words. That is also showing that you shouldn’t act like your someone that your not in anyway and just to be yourself and not like your friends. God likes you for who you are and not for how you act if your funny or athletic its about WHO YOU are and not what one of your friends is. People can’t say this enough to get them to act like themselves because people will like you more if you are like yourself.
In this scripture Jesus is teaching us how to pray so we can pray to him not just say memorized words that we were taught as kids so we can act like we are paying attention. God wants us he wants us to pray to him so we can have more and more graces.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is telling the people how to pray the Our Father. Jesus also says “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” He just wants you to ask him. Just like he wants you to ask yourself “do I wanna go to heaven?” Or when your doing something wrong. “Should I be doing this?”
All we need to do is say the Our Father. Jesus is teaching us how to pray. Some people think that God will always respond to us, but that’s not true. We have to show God that we forgive those who have hurt us, as well as ask for forgiveness from those of whom we’ve hurt.
The gospel is trying to tell us how to pray. Jesus said in praying do not babble like the pagans. That means when you pray, put you whole mind around Jesus and talk to him. Forget everything else and just think and God and Jesus.
The Gospel is saying that if we forgive those who hurt us our heavily farther will forgive us. This story is that mane core of our religion because he tells us how to pray. We have to do it every day for it to work.
Today the scripture brings multiple different meanings to me. I think the scripture today is mainly telling us to forgive others way before we even ask Jesus for his forgiveness. If we will not forgive our friends and peers then why should Jesus need to forgive us. Jesus is not a slot machine and I hope no one ever thinks of the mighty king that way, we cannot just keep asking and asking from him and expect to not have to do things in return. If we truly want forgiveness we have to be open to work for it too. All the time we get so mad when something does not go our way or we get mad at our friends when they do something mean, but when we do it we think, oh its fine. We need to ask, Why? We can do anything to our peers, but we have to expect the same back. We have to stop being selfish, and start thinking more than just about you more. We should give and not expect anything in return. We need to be ready for giving and not receiving.
Jesus says to not babble like the pagans, who don’t mean what they say, but act all smart because they speak many words. You’re not a true christian unless you mean what you say, and not only preach your faith, but live it.
I think this scripture is saying that we should forgive. We need to let go of our grudges, and leave the sin to the one who has sinned against us. It isn’t worth holding a grudge when we can get to heaven to live an eternal life with God.
Jesus is teaching us how to pray, he tells us to not babble like the pagans. We always say lots of things during prayer, but the most important thing we need to acknowledge during prayer is God.