Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Which one of you would hand his son a stone
when he asked for a loaf of bread,
or a snake when he asked for a fish?
If you then, who are wicked,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your heavenly Father give good things
to those who ask him.
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.
This is the law and the prophets.” MT 7:7-12
When is the last time you just sat in silence and talked to Jesus like you were talking to your best friend, your wife or husband, your co-workers, or your children? If so, what did He say? Today, Jesus teaches us a valuable lesson, if you truly seek Him with your whole heart (an undivided heart), He will come to you. First, we start with doubt. We doubt His existence, we doubt He answers our prayers, we doubt. If you seek Truth, you will find God for He is Truth. This Lent is about finding out who Jesus is. It is not about giving up chocolate, God doesn’t hate chocolate (Matthew Kelly). It is about finding God in your life, coming closer to Him.
Don’t know how to get closer to Him. Ask Him? God if you exist, show me who you are. Show me why You created me. If your earthly father, mother, family, friends, priests, teachers, coaches care for you and are there for you when you are confused, hurting or doubt, how much more will the heavenly Father, your Creator, give you the answers and care for you.
God knows what a person needs more than they know themselves. This is why Jesus gave us the “Our Father” prayer. There are 7 petitions asking for everything a person needs. He is our Creator and He always creates with a purpose. Every person is a perfect miracle with dignity no matter what anyone says on earth. God doesn’t create mistakes or people without purpose. The difficult task of being a disciple of Christ, patience. God will tell a person what He made them for in His time, not ours. We hate waiting. God likes to give us time to grow and learn from our mistakes.
Every person is created to love. It is our innate vocation. God wants us to be happy and live with purpose, not just exist, but live! When a person asks God the most important questions in life or just advice on the little things, He will show them the Way. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Ask the One who made you anything and He will answer you more perfectly than anyone else. ”Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” MT 7:7-8 Our hearts are made for seeking and as St. Augustine says, “Our hearts will not rest until they rest in You.”
He may give you an answer you don’t want to hear, like a loving Father who is trying to protect us. He may tell us no like a loving Father would. Trusting that God wants what is best for us is the hardest part. We like to control everything and we aren’t in control, God is.
Sometimes He tests our faith and wants us to learn how to wait. He wants to test us and see how faithful we will be and how much we trust Him. He knows what is best, are you willing to accept His Will over yours? Are you ready to accept suffering and sacrifice? It is required training of a soul seeking holiness. “Pray without ceasing” 1 Thes 5:17
This Lent do whatever it takes (prayer even when you don’t feel like it, fasting when you don’t like to, being present to others when you would rather be doing something for yourself) to come to know who God is in YOUR life. He seeks relationship with you (“I thirst” on the cross). Stop holding back and give yourself to Him.
Today’s challenge: Seek until you find, then be at peace and live the life given to you as a gift from your Creator. God’s not a slot machine to give you whatever you want. Are you willing to give up yourself for the Will of God? This will make you happiest!
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Jesus will help us, all we need to do is ask.
If we seek God in our lives, we will find Him. If we ask for God’s grace and loving mercy, it will be given to us. All we have to do is to be open to Jesus, and He will help us. All we need to do is accept His loving mercy and grace.
I think what Jesus was trying to say in this Gospel is do not be afraid to ask for things. He says, “For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds.” I think he wants us to ask him for things through prayer and he will give it to us we just have to ask.
What reached out to me was when Jesus said, “knock and the door will be opened to you”. What this means to me is that if we truly seek out God we will find him. It might be hard for us, or take a long time, but we can find him.
In this Gospel, Jesus tells us to seek so that we can find. We should knock and the door will be opened to us. If we ask God for something, He will give it to us if it is part of His divine plan. God is a good father who knows how to give good gifts.
jesus is the most wonder fol thang ever
God loves us so much and all we need to do is knock. The Lord wants to be with us and He wants us to be happy so he made it so that we can always reach out to him in prayer. No matter what you have done, no matter if you think your not ‘holy’ enough, God loves you. He will never abandon us and never forget us. He is with us through our trials and through our joys. So reach out in prayer, He will meet you where you’re at.
“seek and you will find” I feel like sometimes we act like we are seeking Jesus when we really aren’t. When we pray we need to stay focused of HIm, this is our time to visit Him. He just wants to talk to us because He loves us. Instead of blocking Him out we should be letting HIm in with lots of love.
We need to put our faith in Jesus. We need to stop doubting Him and believe in Him. Jesus is the Way. He is trying to lead us to Heaven. All we have to do is follow and trust Him.
In the scripture today they talk about the golden rule and how you should treat others how you want to be treated and why it is important to do so. We must treat others the way they treat us so they treat us better and make the world a better place.
when i read that whole thing all i could think about is how all we have to do is try and reach out to Him. Like when it says ““Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds,” its literally telling us that all we have to do is ask and to seek. Try and do these things.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” God wants us to ask him for help in our lives and he is willing to. But once we start using him like a slot machine then we are not asking out of the good of our hearts and humbling ourselves but instead we are expecting him to humble himself when he is God almighty.
Lent isn’t about giving up sweets, that doesn’t matter. It’s about showing God you care. Lent is a time of reflection and repentance. We look back and thank God for all that he has given us. He gives us what we ask then we go back to ignoring him. We must grow closer to him and build a relationship with him to be more loving in your life.
In todays reading “For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;” stuck out to me because it shows that we have to tell people what were struggling with if we want them to help us. And we have to treat others the way we want to be treated.
A phrase that stuck out to me is “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you, this is the law and the prophets.” I like this phrase because this is the gospel with the gold rule. To me the golden rule is so good to teach everyone because people do thing that are not kindly and then they want kindness back that is not how it works.
God isn’t a slot machine, he won’t just give you whatever you want. He doesn’t want us to ever use prayer as a tactic to get something that we want from Him. He wants us to use it to grow a relationship with him. In reality, we will never get everything that we want. Praying doesn’t just grant us everything we’ve ever wanted. We have to work hard for it. God knows the work is not easy, he’s well aware. That’s why he wants to begin growing a relationship with us, so that He can help us through it. Life is never really easy, but God is always there to guide us through it.
In this scripture Jesus is saying he wants us to ask the good things of him he wants us to do that. He loves us so much that he would do anything. The reason we would find is because Jesus would give to us if we asked for the right stuff. Jesus would never be wicked towards us he would always give us love.
Today’s scripture passage is very meaningful. The main message I took from this passage is that we have to ask Jesus to help us even through the good and bad. If you ask Jesus to help you he will help you, even if it is not right away. It might be slow, but he will always help in some way. Don’t give up on Jesus. We also need to put our faith in Jesus. We need to stop doubting Him all the time, and trust Him. This lent, lets practice it.
ask and you shall recieve. seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. God wants us to ask. when we ask for something, God is there listening to us. if we look for something, He will help us find it. He wants us to ask. if we ask, look for what we are looking for, God will help us. All you have to do is ask Him.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Jesus knows all of our sufferings, all of our pain and tears and he wants to help us. But he also wants to be our father and he wants us to ask him he wants us to go to heaven with him.
For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
this hit me because it says: whoever asks will receive. this is kind of weird because it`means that you will receive no matter what and that never happens.
Today we learn that God wants us to pray for a miracle thats why he performed miracles is for people to know that they can ask him anything. He can do everything, everything unimaginable. We just have to ask call to God.
If Jesus is at your front door right now how would you react? If you open the door then Jesus will open the door for you. If you don’t open the door then Jesus will not open the gates of Heaven as easily for you. If Jesus asks and we give it to Him then He will give back to us. But if we don’t give to Him then He will not give back to us as easily. If He asks He must receive so that when we ask we will receive. Getting to Heaven is our ultimate goal, so if we do as Jesus says in the Gospel today, then we will get the eternal reward.
“ask and you shall receive” this is a message of perseverance. “seek and you shall find” Is a message telling us to not wait for Christ to find us but for us to find Christ. “knock and the door will be opened” this tells us to never think we ask to mush of God, but to ask for more.
This lent we must change we do something for someone else when we want to do something for ourselves. We are made to love others and not be selfish all the time, we need to live a life filled with something instead of just, well what about me or, I don’t want to do that, ext, ext. God is always testing our faith and we should just be ready for that at all times instead of just waiting for something to happen.
Ask God for your needs, help, or anything and he will give to you. God will always be there listening even though you can’t see him he is your greatest supporter and will always be there for you when you need someone and will forgive you for everything and understanding.
It says to knock at the door and he will open it for us. And to treat other people the way that we would want them to treat us.
Many people claim to pray to jesus and truly talk to him,but do they,or do they just say things like hail marys,and the apostles creed,or glory be’s ,etc.Or do you really talk to God the father,When was the last time you truly sat in silence and talked to him,you talked to him like he is your friend,your parents,your spouse,your children,etc.When was the last time you really talked to him and asked him for something,told him whats going on,holding a real conversation.
God will always wait for us. He”ll wait when we make mistakes, when we disobey him, and He will never leave us. God lets us make our mistakes, but he also lets us learn from them. God lets us grow and learn. Then he opens his arms and accepts us.
God will give if we ask e wants all of the good to come out of our lives but if we are just asking God for things just because we want them or think we need it we are just using prayer as a tactic to get what we want at that point its not even prayer anymore its just wishing you had more but when you give things away to God that actually mean something you will revive from him much greater things then you could imagine.
God knows what a person needs more than they know themselves, these words stuck out to me in today’s scripture. These words can reveal to us that God will Always love us! When the scripture talks about the Golden Rule, you need to treat others how you want to be treated, it explains that if you are gonna be mean to someone why should you be treated respectfully.
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you the golden rule this is so important that we follow this and remember this it is so important to think of this always think of it when you bullying someone would you like it think of it to when your helping someone and you’ll think about it and want it to happen to you so you keep doing it because sometimes people need help or a hug even a friend so just be nice to everyone. But if your mean think about it do i want this happening to me with words or with actions. do i want to be hit or called a name so if you do this stop and think, think how you wold feel or how they would feel. I know that everyone has bullied and have been bullied and its not fun so stop and think think about “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you” the golden rule Think about it ok.
Jesus wants to talk to us but he cant do that if we dont reach out. We have to ask to recieve.
When someone need something like the homeless give them the stuff that they need.
Jesus wants to talk to us but he cant do that if we dotn reach out to him. When we talk to God and we ask for something we wont always get what we want. Jesus likes things to take time let things grow overtime.
Be holy. Do good out of the kindness and you will be rewarded. Do not be wicked and mean to other people because that will harm you. The Father is kind and loving to everyone. If you need help just ask him. He is your Father and he loves us.
I think what God is saying to us is that you should always donate to some charity or food bank or a catholic parish and you should give what they hope you would give so don’t give something of less value but of great value for the donation.
“When is the last time you just sat in silence and talked to Jesus like you were talking to your best friend”
This sentence from the scripture stuck out to me because it puts into perspective that we take Jesus for granted, and we only pray when we want something, and rarely when we need spiritual, or even mental help. We can talk to Jesus about anything, like you could with a relative or close friend.
God will always provide for us because we are his children and he doesn’t want to see us suffer; he wants us to live a good life in his son’s example of hollienes.
if you ask he will help, if you pray he will answer, if there is a problem he will solve, God is here with you all along. God will hear you pray, talk, sign, and see what you do. He is watching and is seeing if you are good or bad. He is like a parent with a young. Watching them until they grow old and then let them go out to the real world. (heaven) He is always beside you and is there for you.
“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This means that Heaven will be opened only if we, during our earthly time, pray and ask God for forgiveness of our sins.
I think what Jesus was trying to say in this Gospel is do not be afraid to ask for things. He says, “For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds.” I think he wants us to ask him for things through prayer and he will give it to us we just have to as ask.
“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I think this means that God wants to reach out to us and wants us to be with him. He will supply what we need. If we search for him and seek him out we will find him. Seek for God and he will find you in the silent place in your warm blanket and talk to us. With God we can never be alone because he is always there waiting for us.
Ask God and if it is what you need, God will give it to you. God knows what we need more than anyone else. He will give us what we need if we ask him. We might not like the answer but we must trust that God knows what is best for us. He created us and he loves us. We need to have faith so we can be with him in eternal life.
What stuck out to me was that Today, Jesus teaches us a valuable lesson, if you truly seek Him with your whole heart , He will come to you. First, we start with doubt. We doubt His existence, we doubt He answers our prayers, we doubt. If you seek Truth, you will find God for He is Truth. This stuck out to me because someone might start to doubt that God was ever even there but they need to find answers by going to mass and praying. God wont leave you even if you leave him.
God sees us and He cares for us, so if we ask him to show us the path in life that He wants for us He will show us. But we must truly believe in him and his word. “If we ask it shall be given to us, seek and you will find.”
In this Gospel i felt like it was telling us that we can’t expect God to give us everything we want when we don’t ask. We think that God just knows everything that we need. We can’t ask God for these amazing things but not give others the same. God is telling us that if we ask he will give us what we ask for, but we can’t just be selfish and keep the gifts to ourselves.
I never knew that God made the Golden Rule until today. He probably made it because He wanted to teach us how to put ourselves in other people ´ s shoes. We need to think about how our actions are going to affect the people we do them to. The better we treat a person the better they will treat us. It´s like our relationships need to be balanced to keep going.
if you don’t know how to get closer to Him and if you truly seek Him with your whole heart First you have to sit in silence with him. then when he doesn’t talk to you instantly We doubt His existence and we doubt He answers our prayers. If you seek Truth, you will find God for He is Truth. Ask the God who made all things and He will answer you more perfectly than anyone else.
This Lent do whatever it takes to get closer to God if you need to pray or to be fasting when you don’t like to, or being with others when you would rather be doing something for yourself to come to know who God is in your life.
“seek and you will find” I feel like sometimes it seems like we’re seeking Jesus when we really aren’t. When we pray we need to stay focused on Him, this is our time to visit Him. Instead of blocking Him out we should be letting Him in.
what i got from this passage was how wee need to seek god in everything. “seek and you shall find” we will never be alone, all we have to do is seek god, let all the fear you have fall away and send up all of your suffering to God for he will seek your weakness and make you strong. God is hope!! through him we shall never be alone. all of the things we do on this beautiful earth is all for the greatest reward hand and hand with Him! God loves you!!!!!!
When would you ever give somebody a stone rather than a loaf of bread. If that was me asking I would be heartbroken that they couldn’t spare me a piece of bread. If I got asked If I had a piece of bread and I gave them a rock I would later feel terrible that I actually gave them that. I don;t think that, that was what it’s all about. I think it’s about the way you treat other people. If somebody says something we talk back to them all snippy that’s giving them a rock. Lets think about what we say and if it is giving them a rock or a piece of bread.
I think this scripture is about two things. Ask and you will receive, and do to others as you would like them to do to you. Anything is possible if we ask God. Do as God would do to you. Act how Jesus would.
God will always give us what we ask for as long as it’s what’s good for us. When we get upset because we didn’t get something right away, maybe we need to consider the posibilities that maybe it wasn’t good for us, or maybe we didn’t really need it right then.
I think this gospel talks about the Golden Rule. God will always give everything we need, so we should do the same for our neighbors. “Treat others how you would want to be treated.” If we treat others badly, then we will get karma in return. God wants us to care for each other so we can reach our full potential and get to Heaven.
I think that this is saying that if we seek God then we will find him. And if we ask him for something it will be given to us. If we need something from God we must seek for him so that way he can help us.
This scripture is telling us that whenever we need something God is always there for us. Whenever we need something all we need to do is pray.
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” This is what we have been taught ever since we were younger. Care for others and you will be cared for. No one wants to be alone, and if you care for others they will care for you.
If we actually and fully go to God, He will come to us. We need to come to Him without hiding anything. Be fully open to God, and then He will help.
If we ever need anything, God will help us. We do not need to be afraid to ask Jesus for things because he is always willing to listen to us and to help us. God won’t always give us everything we want, but he can still help us and hear what we have to say to him. All of us need help sometimes, so when we are able to help others, we should do it.
To me this scripture reflection is about giving to God. Jesus has already gave us enough, he gave us life grace in the holy spirit and he even died for us on the cross to save our sins. But when there is a kind act of giving its always right to give back so with that we should go to mass and at least talk to Jesus because its the least we can do to give back to Ur savoir.
This scripture today is one to remember. Do unto others as they would do to you. It’s the golden rule. We should always try to do this if someone was mean or hurt us.
what the scriptue is telling me is that we are to give and recieve and if we want to recieve we should give back and not take things. do things to other people how you would want them to do to you. we are all created equally through Gods image and likeness.
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you”. To me that line is so powerful because it is a big part in life. This world is to the point where you don’t know what you can do without being judged. How would you feel if someone did that to you. that is another big important question that goes with this scripture
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This stood out to me because if we ask anyone even God nicely to do something for us most times people will do it and most times we return the favor. When we pray to God we are asking for healing over someone or just praying to get things off our chest that just need to be said to God.
We can’t be scared to ask. When we want help in our life we shouldn’t be scared to ask. We all struggle with things in our life but if we ask someone we might get that help and if we don’t we should keep on asking. When we open our self to God and we ask for help he will always help us because He loves us.
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.” or a snake when he asked for a fish? We live in sin but we wouldn’t people to give us a snake so why would we give others a snake. We choose bad choices sometimes but God still forgives.
For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
I think this scripture is telling us that we need to open our hearts to God. I’ve realized some things about myself that aren’t all that great, I realized those things because I slowed down and thought and prayed about what I was doing wrong. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and it’s up to us to ask God for help. He will always help anyone who needs him.
Today’s scripture I feel like it is telling me that we have to help others and help the homeless that don’t have food and shelter. We have to treat everyone the same and not be rude or make fun of them because we have to think if that was me I would be sad and not happy. Just think of the story of how they became homeless. It wouldn’t be good none of them and we have to help them.
“knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds” This phrase stuck out to me. It’s saying that we just need to ask Jesus to help us and He will. If it’s in His will, He will give it to us, or even if it isn’t in His will, He will help us through it since he only wants us to live a good life.
In the Scripture today Jesus said to his disciples:“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, We need to desire God, and go seek Him out of even the darkest times. Even now when times are hard with the environment we need to really seek Him out.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” I feel like today’s scripture is telling us that all we need to do is ask. If we want to be closer with God all we have to do is ask and love Him. He will help give us patience and the love to get close with Him.
“Seek and you will find” We need to look for Jesus. He wants us to find him, but we need to look for him. If we look for Him, we will show Him our love for Him. Jesus loves us, we need to show Him that we love Him.
“or everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” Jesus is always waiting for us. Whether we realize it or not. He will be waiting for us for as long as we need. Even though sometimes we sin, He still loves us. Although if we ask for a million dollars it doesn’t mean God will provide it for us. It’s more like asking for the fruits. Like kindness, patience, knowledge, etc.
If we want something then we must take action to do it. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Then, in the second part of the scripture, it tells us the golden rule. “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.” These two things are what we should live by.
This Scripture is talking about how to teat our kids good one of the things was giving you son a stone which i think this means like helping out others who need food water etc but instead of giving them food or water you give them a stone which gives us a lessons that we should not being doing wrong but instead of doing the right.
We should not wait for God. If we wish to find Heaven, we must look for it ourselves. We must seek out the Holy Spirit instead of letting him come to us, for the more holy person attempts to find God, while the lesser man expects God to come to him.
All we have to do is knock and Jesus will be there. He wants us to come and love him and build a relationship with him, but we keep on walking away from him thinking we can live this life in true happiness without him. We have to put our faith in Jesus and follow in his path to find true salvation.
God isn’t going to force himself on you. Today in the scripture it says “Ask and it will be given to you;seek and you will find”. This is encouraging us to seek out God;to desire a true relationship with him. No one else is going to guide you there. Sure people can give you a little push, but in the end it’s you and your mind. You yourself had to desire it.
I think the scripture is saying that if we ask of God with good intent it will happen as long as we give to those who ask with good intent. The Golden Rule is said at the end “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.
This is the law and the prophets.” Which means to me to treat others with good intent and always give to those in need just as God and our neighbors give to us as we may need.
It is saying that when we ask God for help He will give it to us, but then when He asks us to pray to Him. We might not listen to God and just keep asking Him for things. We just want Him to give us things that we want but we need to pray to God and repay Him for all the things that He has given us.
“Ask and you shall receive.” This doesn’t mean that everything we want God will give us. No, it means if God’s Will for you aligns with what you desire, it will be granted for you. Never think that God doesn’t love you or has deserted you because you don’t get what you prayed for. God knows what is best for us and will give us everything we need. He never leaves nor ignores our pleas. Be patient with God. If you don’t receive what you feel you need, be persistent! If God doesn’t seem to answer, continue. If you ask for something you don’t TRULY need, you may not receive it. Do not let this discourage you. Continue to pray and ask for things.
Don’t be afraid to ask God for something. God is just like a parent. If you ask for a salad God is not going to give you a pound of sugar. If you ask for peace God is not going to giver you mass chaos. God knows what is right even when we don’t. Trust God because he known what will help you. He will never give anything to you that would hurt you or your faith.
I think the Scripture is saying we have to seek Jesus. If we seek Jesus we will find. We have to seek Jesus to get to Heaven. We cannot focus on things that are not important. We have to focus on Jesus or temptation will overcome us. We need to truly seek and focus on Jesus.
For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. What I am getting from this is that in whatever we desire we will get, but for that we have to work. In life if you want something it’s not just going to give it to you, you will need to look for it and work for it.
Just coming to visit a Friend 🙂
Appreciate it! I hope life is treating you well! I turned my Scripture blog into a Podcast on Spotify “The WayJC with Papa G” and have a Youtube channel (same name), subscribe and pass it on to whoever you want! I pray you are having a great Lent!
If we ever need anything, God will help us. We do not need to be afraid to ask Jesus for things because he is always willing to listen to us and to help us. God won’t always give us everything we want, but he can still help us and hear what we have to say to him.
“God knows what a person needs more than they know themselves. “This means that we don’t know what is best for us, so we need to let God tell us AND we need to listen to him.
I think God is telling us to not be nervous even when tere are tons of people do not be afraid.
how much more will your heavenly Father give good things
to those who ask him.
we can’t ask and expect to be given too. We must give it to be given. and not every time we give we will be given.
This lenten season is for us to know God and grow closer to him. We should also give up things, but when we just give up things like choclate its not doing us as good.
God knows what a person needs more than they know themselves. This is why Jesus gave us the “Our Father” prayer. We should ask God for our needs because he already knows them and he will help us with whatever we need we need to ask.
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” This stuck out to me because we don’t treat others how we would want to be treated. We bring others down but don’t think about how you would feel if someone said or did that to you.
“the one who seeks, finds” especially during Lent, God is seeking us out and we need to be open to him so he can “find” us and we can have a much deeper connection with Him.
“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;” we know God’s power, yet we refuse to come into his arms. We do this because we are refusing to give up this earthly life, we want to keep what we are used to. But the world we live in is garbage compared to the life we will have in heaven. We need to accept the hand God holds out to us, we need to love him as he loves us.
“You cannot be half a saint only a whole saint.” -St. Therese when we ask God for something it can’t be like I want a million dollars! It has to not be for your personal gain. If you love God fully He will answer if not then you will not get what you ask for.
this reminds me how Jesus will always be there for you. he will never give up on you. He will always answer your prayers no matter what and it may not seem like it but he is always going to be with you and never doubt you.He will always love you no matter what and he wont give up on you
God is always there for us know matter what we are going through. No matter what, God will always love us.
Today scripture said to me that we should no deceive people or trick them. The scripture said “who would give their son a rock when they asked for a loaf of bread”. We should always give and not take away because giving what is ours to others helps us feel better and help the world and pay it forward.
Here we see the first mention of the golden rule. God wants us to treat others as we see ourselves. Beings with feelings and thoughts. Sometimes we tend to forget that people are knowledgeable beings with feelings too.We understand what we are going through and it just does not register before we make decisions or actions. God wants us to love each other, and in doing so, we grow in love for Him.
what i think of when i read this is that how it says ask and you shall receive seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened
what i think is ask God anything and he will give it to you in a way as you asked it or completely different that you didn’t expect.
This Gospel is telling me that we have to ask God for what we need before we can receive it. He knows that we need it even when we don’t tell Him but He will only give it to us if we ask for it. Like it says, “For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. We need to “knock” on God’s “door” so that He will give us what we are needing.
So I have been seeing a very common pattern between these Scripture Reflections and it is ask and you shall receive. Like Daylin said if you ask God for a salad He isn’t going to give you sugar, He is going to give you the very thing you need and in a lot of those cases it will be the “salad” that you ask for
“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” God loves us and he is open to us. God answers our prayers, but sometimes in a different way than we expect. When we open our hearts to God he will be very happy and will answer your prayer. God will always be waiting for you to return to him.
What stuck out to me is that you have to ask him. This stuck out to me because it shows us that all you have to do is ask and you will get an answer but sometimes the answer might not be what you wanted to hear but Jesus will tell you theses answers because he cares for us that is why he gives us these answers.
The purpose of fasting is not because Jesus wants us to sacrifice something. no. We fast so we can grow closer to God.
God gives good gifts, the biggest one being Heaven. If we sin, we aren’t giving a good gift back to Him, like a father who gave his son a snake. So talk to Him in prayer to get to Heaven, He’s always listening.
We can’t be afraid to ask God for things or think it will just happen on its own. We need to pray and ask God for miracles. We need to look at the big picture and look at our future, Heaven or hell. We need to pray and sin less and spread the good news of Jesus
if you seek God and his goodness you will find it. God is not trying to hid himself he is waiting for you to make the choice to find him. once you make the choice to find him he will show you the goodness he holds. this choice is called free will and we all have it so why not chase him fully.