Humbly submit your will to God (thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MK 3:13-19: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
One thought the devil puts in our minds is that we are not as holy as someone else. We downplay ourselves because we think certain people never sin. Of course, we aren’t the chosen 12. The Chosen 12 had their mission and purpose. God chose certain positions in the Church to be anointed and ordained for specific purposes and apostolates that we do not have but may be called to. May we honor them and revere them for their calling and pray for them. If we are called to marriage, we are still called for a specific mission and purpose to be holy and be a saint!
The most important thing we must understand is that all of us are baptized in the same waters and are called to be holy. Pope Francis is NOT more baptized than you and I. St. Francis is not more baptized than us. By baptism we are all called to the same holiness as the apostles, pope, bishops, priests, religious brothers and sisters; we are all called to this high calling, to be saints. We are all sealed in the same Holy Spirit. Today, Jesus in this Gospel is calling you. He wants to have an encounter with you and tell you what God made you for.
Holiness is perfection through submitting your will to God. Bishop Barron says, “I am most myself when I follow God’s will. We stay connected to God’s life in us (The Vine and the Branches) when we are following the 10 commandments. Then, when we do good it glorifies the Father. By living a sacramental life we receive the graces we need to keep fighting the good fight, a spiritual battle going on inside us.
When we deny ourselves and put on Christ, we are living a more fulfilled and mission driven life. When we offer up our crosses and suffering (thank God we have something to offer our suffering up to-thank you Jesus!) it atones for sins because Jesus came to give suffering purpose. When we help those in need especially those who do not deserve it, we see Jesus face to face. When we fast and make sacrifices we strengthen our self-control and discipline. All of these things are a part of our journey to love.
Every human soul is called to do this through Baptism. May we not take the power of the cross away from Jesus and think we are less holy or any less called to sainthood. We are doing ourselves, the Church, and the world a great disservice. Recognize your identity as an adopted son or daughter of God, brother or sister in Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit to be a saint.
Today’s challenge: Pray for your vocation. God is calling you, are you listening. Go to adoration and listen.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
***We are praying for all of you on the March for Life trip, may we protect the most innocent in our country by law!!! May we be a voice for the voiceless!
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