Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MK 3:7-12: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Why do people desire Jesus? On the surface, because he heals them. Spiritually, he has mercy on them as a sinner and frees them from sin. More deeply though, He has what we want, POWER! Lucifer, the fallen angel, the most powerful angel wanted that power more than anything and could not have it.
Today, Lucifer continues to seek and destroy love wherever he can, especially marriage and the family is under attack. We want to control everything in our lives and we are so upset when our plans don’t work out. We are upset when we can’t control people in our relationships and make them do what we want. Power when used incorrectly is about popularity or status, wealth, strength, high positions, awards, and achievement.
It is not bad to achieve when we use the gifts God has blessed us with to the best of our ability to share with others. St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “It does not matter how much we accomplish, but how much we love.” The problem is when we obsess over it, work too many hours and leave our families behind, miss Mass for weekend sports tournaments, and have to go into extreme debt to keep up a fake life of wealth to keep up our status. Mother Teresa said, “In the end, it is always between you and God.”
Jesus has done an amazing job of revealing Himself to us in the last 3 weeks. He comes to us as a baby, completely innocent and poor. He is revealed at the Epiphany and worshiped by earthly kings recognizing Him as the one who has all of the POWER and is the one True King. God, with this power, does not hold it over our heads and use it against us, He gave it to us and gave Himself to us, so we may share in this power which is love.
He is adored by the shepherds who were told by angels that God is on earth to bring peace to His people. Zechariah and Anna reveal at the Presentation in the temple, “This child will be responsible for the rise and fall of many in Israel”. Mary’s heart is pierced which begins a sorrowful and suffering heart that recognizes the most POWERFUL will have to suffer and die to REDEEM all sinners.
Then, John the Baptist speaks prophetic words, “Behold, the Lamb of God”. God speaks from the heavens and says, “This is my beloved Son of whom I am well pleased”. Now, we enter into Jesus’s healing ministry in the Gospel of Mark. This is to fulfill prophecies from the Old Testament about a Messiah who will come to save His people. It is to draw people to Him. But, most importantly it is to teach us how to use POWER correctly, by SERVING and HUMILITY. Jesus uses the greatest power to serve. He uses it to love. He uses it to have compassion on others.
Most importantly, we struggle with POWER every day of our lives. If we truly desire God in our hearts, we must let go of all of our power and submit to the ONE POWER that can make us the most joyful in this life and the next. Our identity is in the GREATEST POWER through His death and resurrection, we are made in His image and likeness, we are baptized into His family and become His child, through the blood of Christ we become His brother or sister, the GREATEST POWER lives in us in the Holy Spirit and is given to us in the SACRAMENTS.
God’s grace is His life in us. This is why the saints went to Mass daily sometimes more and to confession sometimes daily or weekly. They recognized how POWERLESS they were and how much POWER God had to help them be holy and fight Satan. God desires nothing more than to give you His love and grace. Our greatest POWER is living to be the person God made us to be and sharing that with others.
God’s love is the most POWERFUL thing in the world. It conquered sin and death. It overcomes evil and darkness in our world. It forgives and is for giving. It heals. It changes lives and creates lives. Most importantly, God’s POWER is LOVE. There is no greater POWER than God’s LOVE in all the world.
NOTHING has ever beat God’s LOVE!!! Our POWER is pale in comparison to God’s POWER. We will be held accountable by this POWER on judgment day. At some point we are going to have to submit to the POWER that created us, it would be smart not to let that be our death bed.
It would also be wise to humbly submit to Him, give Him everything, visit Him daily in prayer, invite Him into our daily activities and especially our temptations, visit His mother daily and ask for her help since He told us to from the Cross, receive Him at Mass, and share Him with others by modeling Him in our lives being who we were created to be.
Why do people desire Jesus and want to get so close to Him and crush Him? Holiness is attractive. He is the Way to our heavenly home, our hearts greatest desire. He gives us the POWER to get there and the joy is overwhelming.
Today’s challenge: Make a habit of getting up early in the morning to spend time with Jesus to make Him the center of your life, not just a part of your life. Give up yourself totally and completely to Him through Mary and everything you own. Allow Him to have power over you, so that you have power over the Devil and your desires.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will rise again!)
today scripture is Jesus uses the greatest power to serve. He uses it to love. He uses it to have compassion on others.
Jesus is there for you. It might feel like you are alone, but you are not. Jesus has your back, and he will protect you from Lucifer. The devil is trying to steal your soul, and to keep you away from God. Catholicism may seem like it is dragging you away from more fun things, but that’s just the devil speaking to you. If you pray to Jesus, he will help you.
I think that God is trying to tell us that no matter what we do he will be there for us and if you ask him for something and pray about it he will help you with it.
NOTHING has ever beat God’s LOVE!!!
This stood out to me because it’s true, nothing will ever beat God’s love for us. God will never stop loving us no matter what we do, make a bad choice, do something your’e not supposed to, do something you think you shouldn’t do but do it anyways, all of these are examples of things not to do but let’s say you do them which you shouldn’t, God will still love you. No matter what happens, God will always be there.
“You are the Son of God.” this phrase sticks out to me because I feel the presents of God in this phrase speak to me
It says that God has POWER, and that is what we want. We all want power and God has all the power in the world and no one can take it away from Him. God is LOVE and Power, no one will take that away from him and people may try but it wont ever happen, people will try to say that God doesn’t exist and stuff but He does and he always will.
Today something that sticks out to me is that Jesus is so spiritually present and strong that the evil spirits were bowing down to him and saying “You are the son of God.” This is so cool to realize that even the things that are supposed to be fighting against God and making people follow the devil, but they just couldn’t resist God. Then God says to make sure he is not known because he does not want the earthly glory because glory in heaven is so much better than the glory on earth. He tells the people to not let him be known and us sinners as humans could not even do that. They spread his word throughout the lands of his healing and his miracles.
loving other I think is the most powerful thing in the world. Jesus loved everyone including his enemies. He love us with the most unfair love.
Nothing beats God’s love he will always love us. He loved us so much that he gave us his only son Jesus. If we let go of our pride and power we can see how powerful Jesus is. God’s power is love and we should understand that, but most of us don’t.
“It does not matter how much we accomplish, but how much we love.” Today God is telling me that we should never hate, but instead look at things in a good point of view. We should treat everything kind and with manners. We aren’t perfect but we should at least try to show respect to things. We don’t have to like or love everything and its okay to dislike some things but before we do dislike something you should give it a chance. See how God treated us even after we had Him on the Cross and suffering for the things we did. He still loves us even after that so why should we judge something or something before we even give it a chance. We should not judge, it could lead to a bad habit and its not good for your mental state of mind. We just need to try to love and show love.
In the reflection it says that God wants us to have what we achieve as long as we use it right. If someone earns millions of dollars but they just spend it on themselves and never get back that is not good. They think when they have the money they have more power than other people. Then they kind of worship money and that is all they want and they start to lose the desire over God. God wants us to have what we earn but we have to use it right and try our best to keep praying to God and want to get closer to Him.
I think we should all be humble like Jesus. When people would come to Him he would preach to them and cure their diseases and sicknesses. When unclean spirits would say “You are the Son of God” He would warn them to not make Him known. Jesus was very humble from the moment of His birth to His crucifixion. We need to stay humble and follow God’s call.
So in this story, Jesus comes to the town to give preaches and healing. When everyone touched him they believed. Faith is an act in which we believe. When we believe we are healed and we have eternal life. Jesus holds that truth right in his eyes. Whenever we see it we are transformed into this new being in which we are revealed in the reality of his son. Jesus doesn’t just want us to have faith, he wants us to have a relationship with him, believing is the act of which I believe. I believe is I trust. Where are you at, do you believe or are you believing. When have our actions show what our faith is like. Do we wish to come to Jesus in which he has invited us to this bond and relationship that can last forever. Jesus shows us the truth, leads us to the truth, but he is the truth. Look at where you are, your actions show who you are. Either you care about the faith or you don’t. If you just don’t care then why do you go to the church and why do you come to waste time for others that really enjoy learning about the man who wants to save us. Act as if you care, because Jesus will lead you to eternal life. and if you don’t believe that you are his son. You’re living in the wrong truth. Give, pray, love. Do Not Be Afraid.
in today’s scripture it talks about Gods love. God love is the most poweful thing in this world, Our power is pale in comparison to God’s power. God’s POWER is love . There is no greater POWER than God’s love in all the world. Jesus is the Way to our heavenly home, we have been called by him to share the gospel and do what we were made for;
Jesus asked the apostles to get him a boat ready because everyone wanted to touch him and be healed. Because he had already healed so many and the evil spirits were making him known by shouting he is the son of God as they fell to their knees. Jesus wanted to preach to the people safely that was the point of the boat. good day
Something that I got out of this was that Jesus could give us all the signs and everything that we need to believe, we will still not, and just ignore everything that he gives us. As it says in this gospel even the demons believe in God, but the difference in what we should believe about and what they believe about is that, we should believe that Jesus is the good guy, and the one that is setting us free from struggles, but the demons believe that he takes away all the fun, and doesn’t let anyone enjoy their lives, and we have to decide which one we are going to be.
Sometimes we forget how powerful God is. He does so many amazing things and we take them for granted. Lucifer wanted his power but nothing can become more powerful than God. We are so blessed and don’t even realize it. The Lord does so many things for us and we don’t even thank him.
God’s grace is His life in us. This is why the saints went to Mass daily sometimes more. This stood out to me because it demonstrates how much the saints love God and God loves them and everybody else.
This Scripture is telling me to avoid Lucifer and instead follow God. Lucifer is a horrible person. He temps us into sin. But, we must resist and fight back to be lead by God and be on the right path.
God was telling me to always to always turn to him when I have something wrong
In today’s Gospel, it explains that people from all over the world come to Jesus for healing and to listen to Him. We should be like this and leave everything we have to come and follow Jesus, even though He is not on the Earth, we can still pray.
“HE TOLD HIS DISCIPLES TO HAVE A BOAT READY FOR HIM BECAUSE OF THE CROWD, SO THAT THEY WOULD NOT CRUSH HIM.” MK 3:7-12.I feel like in todays Gospel God is telling us to not take him for granted but spend time with him in prayer
In today’s Gospel God heals the people. He is so powerful that even when unclean spirits saw Him they knew who He was.
He had cured many, this stuck out to me because he had cured so many poeple yet people still doubted him. At first he could not believe becuase there was not proofbthen he gave them proof and yet still some people did not have faith. You have to believe in God or else it will simply your life will be hard. You have to trust in Gods and he will help you out.
“Today, Lucifer continues to seek and destroy love wherever he can, especially marriage and the family is under attack. We want to control everything in our lives and we are so upset when our plans don’t work out. We are upset when we can’t control people in our relationships and make them do what we want”
this is very true, most of the time people are hating life and want to take their life away. but that is the devil trying to take them away from God and there family. it also does not matter how much we accomplish because that part of us wanting to take our life away.
I think God is trying to tell us today that whenever you are sick, come to him and ask him but don’t tell anyone what he has done. But not anymore, he wants us to tell people what he did so they believe.
God told me today that you dont always have to be the best. He had hundreds of people following him and when some one said you are the son of God he said to not make him known. This shows how humble he is that he is the number one in the world and he doesn’t want the word to spread. But that doesn’t mean he wants people to not see him He wants the people to find him.
today’s gospel talks about how God’s love is more powerful thing in the world. Its beaten sin and death.It also overcomes darkness and the evil in our world. It forgives and it heals.It changes life and creates. Most importantly God’s power is love! He loves one in other, he gives love to everyone that lives and doesn’t .There is no greater power than God’s love in all the world.
In today’s Gospel Jesus shows we cleans us and fulfills all our needs, but also gives an example of humility. He asks not to be made known instead of telling people to make him famous. We can use this example as a reminder that he should help others and ask for nothing in return.
I think this is talkingi about how we are too distracted by many other things besides God. He are to focused on seeking fame and power that we forget that we need to pour most of our attention and love into Jesus. We must always be willing to give something up for God no matter how great it is to us and how much it depicts us to other people as a cool .
I think the Gospel today is telling us that deep down most of us if not all of us want power. But there are different kinds of power. there is earthly power, like being a president and there is spiritual power like the grace and hollieness the sacraments give us. what we immediatly go to when comparing the two is that earthly power is bad and earthly power is bad but its not always that way earthly power depends on how we use it like money given too a charity and so does spiritual power as in its base form its good but it can dissapear if we dont go to mass and pray.
It was telling me to let God the Father be in control of your life.
I think what God is trying to tell me is that we need to always follow him and be prepared for him. That we should always be ready to have him into our heart.
“HE TOLD HIS DISCIPLES TO HAVE A BOAT READY FOR HIM BECAUSE OF THE CROWD, SO THAT THEY WOULD NOT CRUSH HIM.” What this means to me is that Jesus new the future and knows everything. He was able to forshadow it happening.
Today in the Gospel, Jesus is desired! People now want new clothing, or new shoes. They desire those things. But, we should all desire God. We should all strive to be like Christ.
“In the end, it is always between you and God.” This means it’s always just you and God. If you’re having trouble God is always there right by your side the whole entire time. Ask him for help if you need it, His love is always there for you when you need it. You just have to ask him. And he’s right there
When you need Jesus he will always help.
“Why do people desire Jesus? On the surface, because he heals them. ” this shows that some people only desire Jesus because they think hes magically going to heal them, but Jesus will only heal you if you believe. Jesus wont heal everything people think hes going to, its all apart of his plan and ware going along with it
In today Gospel and it is so cool because he is like a celebrity because he is so known.
I think that the message of today’s gospel is that God has infinite power. No matter how evil something may be, it will always bow down before God when in His presence. Because of this, many people want to be near Him. We should always long to be with God and stay away from unholy things or places.
Everyone came to Jesus because they believed in him! Jesus will always wait for you no matter what.
In todays Gospel it talks about how Jesus was on the boat and how he calmed the winds and the water. This is a example of The power that Jesus has! He is powerful in every way.
I think that Jesus is trying to tell me that He can heal but when He heals you, you will proclaim His name.
When we hear God pray to us we need to obey him. Some priests have stories to tell about how they had to listen to god because God asked him to be a priest. Listen to Gods call with whatever it might be.
I think today in the Gospel God is telling us to always turn to Him in difficult times, because He will forgive our sins and help us go through our struggles. But for Him to be able to help us, we must open our hearts to Him and try our best to be holy.
he had cured many we need to beg for Jesus’s help
Whenever Jesus touched the sick even the disease spirits said to Jesus “you are the son of God” this shows that even the most evil knows about God
Without God we are powerless. God’s power is the strongest thing in the world. We see His Divine power when we read about Eucharistic miracles and even hear testimonies. The most important thing to remember is God loves all of us and is so powerful and can overcome anything.
Today’s gospel talked about how the people followed him and worshiped him once they realized that he was the son of God. One of the reasons why it I so important to follow God is because when we hear him speak to us, we get to know him and we realize who he is and get to know him that much more. We always hear about Jesus’s miracles and how great he is. We always hear that we need to get to know him, but you never really understand what that means until you actually speak to him. It is a different experience for everyone, so while it is good to hear how other people met Jesus, you need to find your own path that God has made for you.
I think today’s scripture was trying to o stay to follow Jesus and to become one of his followers by showing him that real faith is better than just going through the process
“He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him.” I think this means that the people knew that he was powerful. They knew just touching him the barest amount could save them.
Jesus loves us so much. He was willing to risk himself to preach to us. He had to have his disciples have a boat ready for him not to get crushed.
Jesus is trying to tell me that we need him to heal our spiritual wounds. Don’t let the fallen angel and the devil control you and never tell yourself that you’re not good enough. There is no power greater than Jesus.
today jesus is preaching to the people and when the people with unclean spirits come to him the spririts fall out of the people this just goes to show how powerful our god is just at the sight of him spirits are leaving people
We are the unclean spirits kneeling before God. God healed many people with diseases, and when people with diseases saw this, they ran to him and tried to touch him, hoping they would be cured. I think of this as us being the people with diseases, but swap with sin, and we run up to God begging for him to forgive us. God is amazing, and always will forgive us, no matter how much we may push him out of the way.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus was going to go to the sea, but the people of Galilee and Judea followed Him. He told His apostles to have a boat ready for them so that They won’t get crushed. People who were sick, tried to go to Him and be healed. The people wanting to be healed are us because we also want to be healed from sin and get to Heaven with God. Jesus heals the people because he loves everyone and cares for everyone, even if they are sinners and very bad people, Jesus still loves them because we all created in God’s image and are called to do one thing. To preach the Word of God to the people so that they can also go to Heaven with us.
What I got from this is that we all need to humble ourselves. We need to put down the fake act of “being cool”, ‘being rich”, and just all in all being a bad person. We need to throw that life away and start a new one that is devoted to God. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but we need to recognize our mistakes. We can’t just say, “oh, yeah I made a mistake oh well” we need to instead say, “oh, I made a mistake. I’ll try my hardest to learn and grow from it”. God loves us no matter what but we also need to keep up our end of the relationship.
To me this gospel is showing me an example. They ran to Jesus and truly believed. They begged Him to heal and they crowded Him. In our lives we tend to drift away and it can be hard to get right in the back track. If we follow him he can do great things for us.
Self love is good and we need it in our life people love you and you should know that love your self.
We are asking The Holy Spirit to teach us how to pray and know the truth about God.
“God’s love is the most POWERFUL thing in the world. It conquered sin and death. It overcomes evil and darkness in our world. It forgives and is for giving. It heals. It changes lives and creates lives. ” reminds us that God can do anything and everything! he has done so much for us and we should never forget this.
It is not bad to achieve when we use the gifts God has blessed us with to the best of our ability to share with others. St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “It does not matter how much we accomplish, but how much we love.Using the gifts of God will enhance our chance to meet him.Love is the most important thing in knowing God.
We are the people of whom chase Jesus desperately, longing for healing. We follow him endlessly, day and night longing for him to heal or to even acknowledge us. We need to keep strong in our prayer and day to day sacrifices so that we may be the crowd that presses up to Jesus.
Today’s Gospel is talking about how much God loves us and how no one could ever conquer God’s love. God’s love is truly powerful and we don’t deserve it.
Jesus is trying to get away from the crowd so he tells his disciples to get a boat ready for him and when someone with an unclean spirit said “you are the son of god”
and Jesus pretty much said to not make a big deal out of it.
This gospel is talking about how Lucifer wants to destroy all that is good and give us the wrong type of power. This power includes wealth, awards, strength, and many more. The true power that we need is God’s love. We can’t achieve His love since it was given to us. If we follow God then we will discover true power and love in Him.
In today’s Gospel many people have seen the miracles Jesus has performed and they all follow Him. Many sick people press upon Him with faith that they will be healed and they are. Many people are sick here today so I think this Gospel is saying that they need to ask Jesus Christ to heal them and with faith they will be healed.
I found this Gospel interesting because at the end of the passage it says that Jesus warned them sternly not to make him known. He’s done this several times in many different stories, he tells people not to say anything about him. This has always confused me because as the Son of Man, wouldn’t he want to be known? Wouldn’t he want people to hear about him so more can come to him? I’ve never understood it. I suppose it could be because he wants to show us that we cannot contain him or his love because people always do end up saying things about him, in fact almost immediately after he tells them not too.
What stuck out to me is “whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him
and shout, You are the Son of God.” We are like the unclean spirits. We should all fall down before him. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus cares for us. That is why he cured a lot of people with diseases. Jesus loves us and we didn’t even need to earn his love.
“He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him.” This part stuck out to me because all Jesus is trying to do is help, but people are just taking advantage of him. It’s like if one of your friends from school that you never talked to ends up becoming famous and then you act like you’re best friends with them to get fame as well. It’s wrong. We can ask for Jesus to accept us because He is good, but we can’t say that he owes us anything, especially not healing or fame. And yet, He gives us everything. We are all sinners and yet, He still loves us.
“If we truly desire God in our hearts, we must let go of all of our power and submit to the ONE POWER that can make us the most joyful in this life and the next.” This stuck out to me because I think this is right in every way. Submit yourself to God. Drop everything and run after God. He is who we should be striving for.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell us is that, if we fallow God non-stop, then we would never have to mess with the devil. The only reason bad luck exists is because of the devil. Without the devil we wouldn’t need luck because we would always be lucky. We could still be lucky all the time though as long as we stick with God. He does every good thing to us while the devil makes us think he is giving us stuff that makes us happy like video games and stuff. We should follow God and stay away from the stuff the devil uses to temp us.
the scripture was saying that the devil wanted God’s power, he was greedy and jealous of God for having all the power and control and he wanted that. The devil wants us to turn against God or put things before Him like power. Whether it’s popularity, wealth, achievements, etc, he tempts us to put power before God; love. We must stay strong and remember that God is love and we need Him in our lives more than material things and power.
This quote from St Teresa of Calcutta “It does not matter how much we accomplish, but how much we love.” stuck out to me because when we die and see Jesus again it wont matter how much money we made, how much fame we had, how many things we made. All that will matter is how you lived your life, did you serve God and love him with your whole heart. That’s what will matter. So we need to focus on that, rather than focus on how many accomplishments we will have.
Jesus was so famous and loved by the people that he had to go out on a boat in the water just to avoid being crushed by the large crowd of people. But he didn’t want them to make him known for his miracles and that is true humility and we need that humility in our lives.
Today in the Gospel Jesus is telling us to come to him for healing. Jesus wants us to ask for forgiveness and healing. He comes to us and we have that desire to know him. The Gospel says that Jesus told his disciples to not make him known. That might confuse us because wouldn’t Jesus want himself to be known so people can come to him? We might question things in our life, but we have to trust God’s plan and know that he is working in our lives.
God is telling me that he has the power to heal. He can heal anyone. God can heal us and help us in anyway.
Something that stood out to me was that Jesus has done a great job revealing himself to us in the past 3 weeks.
God is telling me that those who truly know him will do whatever they can to get to him
In today’s Scripture Jesus is trying to tell is that I should always pursue him in the faith. Also, that I should never give up to find the cure sin and get into his king and become holy. Also, that we should never let go of our faith in him
I think what God is trying to say to me is that God is that people want to be healed and God heals. We need to go to him and offer up our sins.
What stood out to me is when it talked about “God’s love is the most POWERFUL thing in the world.”. That stood out to me because our love is nothing compared to God’s love. It forgives and is for giving. It heals, it changes lives and creates lives.
All the unclean, all the evil, will bow down to him. Jesus knows everything about us and he always will. Those who follow Jesus and tell others will have a seat in Heaven. Those who hear from the ones that follow Jesus beg for that same love.
what I think the gospel was trying to tell me was that everyone from around the country tried getting to Jesus and that reminded me that’s how we are
Gods kingdom is huge but even with that number God still wants everyone to be with him in heaven.Like the Good Sheperd he looks for the lost
I think what God is trying to tell us today in the Good News is that he is humble and all-powerful, and we need to be like him. In today’s Gospel, Jesus has a large crowd with him and that he needs a boat so that they will not crush him. Amidst the crowd, unclean spirits and sinners go to him to be healed; Jesus heals them. Then, he told them “not to make him known.” This is humility. Jesus is willing to heal others, but not make him known. It’s like donating to charity. You donate to charity because you want to help them. But some donate while recording or they gloat about it. Stewardship and humility is not about making yourself popular and known and famous; it’s about doing it for the good of your heart. We also turn back to Jesus when we sinned or are sick or troubled. We do this because we know that God is all-powerful and we trust him to heal us of our troubles. We need to be humble and trustworthy, like God.
Today’s Gospel reading shows me that Jesus can save anyone. He is the only one who can heal, the only one who can save you, and he loves you above all things. He blesses us everyday with our life and the privilege to praise him freely.
“Why do people desire Jesus?” This question could go so many different ways but I feel like we take him for granted and we need to start really thinking about it.
In today’s Gospel it is talking about How Jesus was preaching and many people came for different places to hear what he saying to everyone.And he told his disciples ” Have a boat ready for him because of the crowd so they wouldn’t crush him. That part really stuck out to me because it shows kindness, love and cheer for God. When it says crowd, that means that there are a lot of people that came from far away just to hear him praise and preach. That’s amazing! When it says that he had cured many people, and many people wanted to touch him because of how perfect God is. And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him
and shout, “You are the Son of God.”
He warned them sternly not to make him known. I love that because it’s so sweet and very perfect. Have a good rest of your day! God Loves You!! God Bless!!
Jesus had told his disciples to get something ready and they did. Just as we need to listen and do what Jesus asks us to do. Jesus always wants us to be with him and care for him as he dose us.
What I took away from today’s Scripture reflection was That Jesus can heal anything and always help you out. God is always there with open arms and time to hear your prayers. Even when you push Him away He always finds a way back and never stops loving you. He can help us with the struggles of life and the bad temptations.
In todays scripture its telling me that Jesus can do anything and with those miracles we follow him and trust in his way.
God’s love is the most POWERFUL thing in the world. I knew God’s love was powerful but I never thought of it being the most powerful thing in the world. This is 100% true. It is crazy to think that we get to have the most powerful thing right by our side. Most of us don’t accept or realize it is there.
In today’s scripture I think God is trying to tell me that we must be alert and aware of the things we want and if they are truly good for us, like power. The only power we want or should want is God’s power. His power is the only power that is true and will stay with us, unlike the devil’s promise of power which is fake. We should guard are heart well.
I think what God is trying to tell me is that we need to always follow him and be prepared for him. That we should always be ready to have him into our heart.
“For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” I believe that God is telling me that we need to learn to trust God and only then will we be able to see him.
In today’s Gospel we see that even the unclean spirits bow down to Jesus and call Him “The Son of God”. If even unclean spirits bow down to him, what excuse do we have?
“He told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, so that they would not crush him” This stuck out to me because there must have been such a crazy amount of people. All of those people, Jesus helped. Jesus’s saving power made him so known that it was probably like what happens when Ronaldo goes out in public. Jesus’s love for us is infinite. Trust in Jesus and live life to the fullest.
Something I got out of this Gospel is that Jesus gives us everything we need to live a holy and sacred life but we just need to do it. We have so much potential to do good and holy things in our life but we just need to do it and stop running away from Jesus and start running with him. We are all good people, lets just start living like it.
Like said in the reflection we struggle with power. But the person with the greatest power is Jesus. To not be so full of ourselves we need to realize that the only great powerful person In our life should be Jesus. When we realize that Jesus powerful we become more humble.
I think he is trying to tell me he will always be there for us and will always love you no matter what.
Jesus gave up his life for US he loves us so much and will always love us he will do anything for us We are all his children.
In today’s Gospel I ask myself this question: Why did Jesus want
his disciples to keep his identity a secret? I think the answer is
Jesus’s miracles were drawing large crowds, and some
people might have started to see him as a political or religious
leader. Jesus’s mission was about much more than earthly
power. He wanted to focus on teaching about God’s love and
forgiveness.Sharing our faith is not about impressing others
or making ourselves look good. It’s about sharing the love and
hope that we have found in Jesus Christ.
“He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases
were pressing upon him to touch him.”
This stood out for me because Jesus wasnt pushing them away, even when the sick was touching him. He did not care that they were ill and did not judge them. Its like Jesus will not judge us, maybe thats when your in confession, and you feel he wont forgive you. He will and wont judge. He just wants to help like he helped the sick.
something that stuck out to me was “God’s love is the most POWERFUL thing in the world. It conquered sin and death. It overcomes evil and darkness in our world. It forgives and is for giving. It heals. It changes lives and creates lives. Most importantly, God’s POWER is LOVE. There is no greater POWER than God’s LOVE in all the world.” it stuck out to me because Gods love is the most powerful thing in the world
“And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him and shout, “You are the Son of God.”” I thought this line was really interesting because even the unclean spirits would fall down to Jesus, and knew who he was. When Jesus was going through the stations of the cross so many people beat him and mocked him and called him names, and they probably never would have even thought to fall down before him. They probably didn’t even believe that Jesus was God. But even the uncleans spirits knew who Jesus was, and fell down before him.
what I think I’m getting out of this is that Jesus will always be there for you and no matter what you do he will support you. another thing I get is that if you have somehthing on your mind that is bothering you to pray about it and ask God to take it away and help you. Jesus Love is eternal and nothing can beat it and it is the strongest thing ever.
what i got out of this was that Follow God through everything because he will always be there nothing is greater then his love.
In todays Gospel I think that Jesus is trying to show that even the son of God goes through the same struggles that we do we see that he asked his disciples for a small boat to be away from the crowd I think this shows us that Jesus had stress and other mental things we struggle with so that just shows us that we need to offer it up to him.
In this Gospel, I believe Jesus is trying to show us that He is all powerful and when the people of the world heard of Him a crowd started to form. I believe this shows that in the end we will all rejoice again in His Name. Whenever unclean spirits saw him they actually fell to the ground and said that He was the Son of God. This shows that he was so powerful that even the worst of the world saw that he was the Savior.
“Noting has ever beat Gods love!”
This stuck out to me because no matter what we do or how we do something God will always forgive and love us, no matter how bad the thing we he will always forgive.
The only powerful thing in the entire world is God and its only God other people might think they have the most power like world leaders but the only really powerful thing is God and he uses his power to spread love and kindness through the world and he sent his only son down completely powerless as a tiny baby to spread the good word and love others
In today’s Gospel, it is talking about the unclean spirits in a crowd of people. “And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him and shout, You are the Son of God.” Mark 3:7 – 12
This shows how powerful and graceful God and Jesus are.