Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading MK 3:31-35: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of God is more important than personal family ties. It may sound like Jesus is putting His family down, but He is making an important point, worshiping our Creator and loving others with the same love He has for us is doing His Will (commandments and beatitudes). Jesus is teaching us that doing God’s will (Thy Will be done) is what we were made for and God is even bigger than the ones we love the most, our family.
His Will is living the gifts of the Holy Spirit we received at Baptism (vows: fight Satan/sin, grow in holiness) and Confirmation (gifts to be soldiers for Christ). We know we are achieving this when we see the fruits in our life abound: faithfulness, goodness, charity, kindness, self-control, gentleness, patience, joy, modesty, chastity, generosity, and peace. There is no law against these fruits -St. Paul. Interesting. The other important point is all of these deal with relationships. God is a Trinity of love, we are made in His image and likeness, we are made “to be with”.
Fr. Mike Schmitz says, a daily discernment to see if we are doing God’s Will is: 1. Did you pray today? 2. Are you in the state of grace? (don’t forget to make sure you have a correct conscience by viewing a good examination of conscience and asking a priest about sins you are not sure of that come up in your life) 3. Are you fulfilling your daily tasks? If yes to all three, then you are on the right track.
In this time and place with these people is where God put you to do His Will. The Devil will try to speed us up, make us worry, get us off track, make us want to entertain ourselves to death so we never take time to learn the Truth by searching for it, tempt us to brew over negative thoughts, tempt us to start believing we are not worthy of God’s love, make bad things look good (very good at deception), and make us think God is trying to take away our fun. Heaven is a serious business and Jesus teaches us today it is even more important than our own family whom we love very much! God’s love and doing His Will are the most powerful things in the universe!
Today’s challenge: Reflect in silence each day to see if you are doing God’s Will. If you are still not sure, just ask Him. “Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened” He will make it clear in His time. He wants you to know His Will, don’t let the Devil or yourself get in the way. Be patient. Go to confession once a month.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
I think God is telling us that we are his brothers and sisters so me need to spread his word and gospel and try to get closer to him every day.
in today’s Gospel Jesus is trying to tell us that are life is a gift
and that we need to go out and spread the word of God.