Humbly submit your will to God (thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading JN 2:1-11: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today is Jesus’ first public miracle. It is soon after the disciples have been called and is early in Jesus’ public ministry. We are all invited to the Wedding Feast-heaven. We are all out of wine when we are born with Original Sin inherited by Adam and Eve, our first parents.
Jesus is telling Mary His time has not yet come for Him to die. Our priest made a great point in his homily, “all humanity experiences times in our life when our wine glass is empty”. We are beat down and broken, lonely, don’t know where to turn. Jesus did not just come to do a miracle at the Wedding Feast of Cana, He came to fill our glass up.
Most importantly, Jesus came to marry humanity and divinity, so that we could live with the Father in heaven for all eternity. Through the grace of Jesus we can become God in so far as God became a man. We cannot attain deification through our own powers but only through renunciation of personal sins as inspired by the Spirit and acceptance of Jesus.
St. Athanasius helps us understand his original statement that “God became man so that man might become God”: “God’s love of man is such that to those for whom first He is the Creator, He afterwards, according to grace, becomes a Father also. The latter he does when men, who are His creatures, receive into their hearts, as the Apostle says, the Spirit of His Son, crying, ‘Abba, Father.’
It is these who, by their having received the Word, have gained from Him the power to become the children of God; for, being creatures by nature, they could not otherwise become sons than by receiving the Spirit of the natural and true Son. To bring this about, therefore, the Word became Flesh—so that He might make man [male and female] capable of divinity” (Discourses Against the Arians, Book II, paragraph 59 in Jurgens’ The Faith of the Early Fathers).
Recognizing we are sinners needing mercy and love, God is always ready and willing to fill us up with His grace. He gave us His own Son dying on a cross so we have a way to fill our empty glass and get through this “valley of tears”. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have hope. We have grace in Baptism, the Eucharist, Confession and the other Sacraments as avenues to God’s grace.
When we make a choice to die to our fallen self and put on Christ, we will desire nothing but Him and to be filled with compassion for others. When we are down, complaining, beaten up by life and some of it’s worst tragedies, turn to God and help others. God’s love, mercy, and grace are more powerful than anything in the world and help us to have a full glass.
Then, we experience joy, can drink and be merry in our eternal home where there will be no more suffering. May we follow the last words of Mary in the Bible, “Do whatever He tells you”. Repent and turn your life over to Jesus! The rewards are eternal!
Today’s challenge: Help someone who is going through a great tragedy or carrying a small cross. Die to self and put on Christ.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will rise again!)
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