Sorry, I have not posted in a while, but I was taking a break to spend time with God and family.

I wanted to post a summary of some of the things Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich sees in her visions of the Passion of Jesus Christ.

9PM-10:45PM Jesus Christ leaves the Upper Room where He has instituted the first priesthood and Holy Eucharist.  He suffers the Agony in the Garden for 2 hours and 45 minutes.  He suffers many visions that can be summarized in 3 parts: 1. the visions of our sins/all sin, 2. visions of what He is about to undergo to redeem our sins, and 3. temptations from the Devil.  Anne sees the visions that Jesus is seeing.  Any pope, bishop, priest or religious and crimes or betrayal they have committed.  Murderers, lust, cheating, malice, and any and all sins against God’s Will.  She also sees Jesus having visions of what He is about to undergo to redeem humanity.  Last, she sees the Devil come in many forms to tempt Jesus.  The Father of all lies quickly tries to deceive Jesus by telling Him He is the reason all of the Holy Innocents died, He is the reason His parents had to flee to Egypt and put them through a lot of trouble, and visions of what His Apostles would be going through for Him.  Jesus agonizes to the point that Luke, the physician and Gospel writer, says that, “His sweat became like drops of blood.”  Jesus’ body is like one big bruise, He is sweating blood which is possible, and His garments are soaked from the sweat.

After 10:45PM, Jesus is kissed by Judas (it was dark and everyone is dressed the same; the soldiers do not know who Jesus is) and says, “If you were an enemy I could bear it, but you a close companion.”  Jesus is roughly chained and shackled around his hands and ankles.  During the walk from the Garden of Gethsemane back to Annas’ house, Jesus is constantly being struck in the face, kicked, and spit on.  The soldiers throw Him over a bridge and He dangles before He hits the water.  They can’t pull Him up so they have to go around and pull Him out of the stream.  When they get to Annas’ house, they question Him.  They then send Him to Caiphas the High Priest for the year and He is questioned more.  He is continually beaten, spit on, and mocked.  This Jewish Trials are illegal and is taking place around 1 AM.  Jesus has had nothing to drink or eat since the Last Supper.  After Annas and Caiphas have questioned Jesus asking Him if He is the Messiah the Son of the Living God and Jesus saying yes, he has mud and dirt thrown in his hair, his beard plucked, and they drag him around the room by the cords and chains mocking him continuously as a king.  

Mary’s heart is close to Jesus’ and she is in agony and suffering.  She is extremely worried and just wants to be close to her Son.  Throughout the Passion of Jesus Mary faints and is carried many times by Mary Magdalene, John, and other holy women.  She is living the prophecy foretold by Simeon at the Presentation in the Temple.  Her heart is being pierced and the time has come for her Son “to be the reason for the rise and fall of many in Israel”.

To be continued……
Christian YOLO!