Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them,
“This generation is an evil generation;
it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it,
except the sign of Jonah.
Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation.
At the judgment
the queen of the south will rise with the men of this generation
and she will condemn them,
because she came from the ends of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
and there is something greater than Solomon here.
At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here.” LK 11:29-32
Jesus continues to explain to the crowds gathered around him that He must die and rise to save us. The wisdom of Solomon was powerful, the preaching of repentance by Jonah to the Ninevites helped save a huge city, but Jesus teaches us today that He is God and through His death and resurrection He will set us free from our sin, conquer death, and defeat Satan.
Today, Jesus personally asks each one of us to stop searching in other places for peace, joy, happiness. He alone has the answers. He alone is enough. Listen in prayer. Invite Him into your daily struggles, suffering, prayer, and joys. We are a distracted people and we look in all of the wrong places for happiness. God alone is pure joy, much greater than happiness. He alone gives us what our hearts long for, Himself. Love, Truth, purpose, a direction each day we wake. May He see our belief in Him by the way we treat others, in our prayer, and by fasting.
Today’s challenge: Stop searching for happiness in all of the wrong places. Christ alone gives us what we are looking for. Learn to be still and listen to Christ in your heart. “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you.” MT 7:7
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Jesus is telling us that he is happiness and joy and we should stop searching other places for that joy.
We need to realize when were reading scripture and praying that were present with God. We just hurry through it but there’s always a chance to have a spiritual encounter with Jesus. So we need to take prayer and scripture reflection more seriously because we are present with God.
“This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it” We shouldn’t expect a sign from God in order to believe. You can’t have true faith if it is fully logical. That is logic, not faith. Faith is throwing yourself out there, faith is trusting in God.
The scripture today is telling me that if in the eyes of the Jewish people someone was greater than Jonah, they would have to be pretty great. The prophets and the judges were seen as the greatest people in Jewish history. Moses, Elijah, Ezekiel, all of those names are known by anyone who has read the old testament. And to be greater than those people is to effect the people of this world in a bigger way, which Jesus did.
What i think this scripture is saying is that nothing is better or greater than God. God is above everything, he is the power of the world. Trusting and knowing God is true and with you is always the best route to go in life. Life will be hard at times but God has the power to heal and he is always listening to our prayers.
God isn’t something that we recieve to make us happy. He is our best friend. He sent His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. We don’t deserve that at all. After all, we’re the ones that are sinning, not God. God just loves us and cares for us so much that He died for each human person individually, past and future. God also isn’t something we watch to get entertainment. It’s so important to have an intimate relationship between ourselves and God.
Jesus teaches us today that he is the living God. He is greater than all of the big legends from the old testament, and he can save us from sin. Jesus in this passage is practically revealing to the crowd that he is God! So why shouldn’t we believe him?
I think when he said “Today, Jesus personally asks each one of us to stop searching in other places for peace, joy, happiness. He alone has the answers. He alone is enough. Listen in prayer.” He is meaning that you don’t need to be in a church or holy place you just need to be with God. God is everywhere so you could pray at any time any where as long as you are thinking of God.
I think this is saying that we shouldn’t be looking for happiness in ways that aren’t good for our soul, but we should be going to Jesus for happiness, because that’s the best happiness that we’ll ever achieve. We have to look for God or we’ll fall into the wrong temptations.
This gospel taught me that all of the things in this world is nothing compared to God’s love. Everything in the world couldn’t even compare to what god’s love has to offer. God opens his hearts to us, but we have to learn to accept it. We are all swayed by the ways others think that we aren’t caught up on what we ourselves think. We need to learn to love and choose God, he’s not going to force us to do that. Nothing in this world can compare to what God had to offer.
We all have a calling but it is unknown unlike God he knew he had to die on the cross so maybe we just need to excerpt what our calling is and keep going
We all have a calling but it is unknown unlike God he knew he had to die on the cross so maybe we just need to excerpt what our calling is and keep going .
Today’s gospel, Jesus says that this generation seeks a sign and no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah. Likewise, Jesus tells us that He will become the sign for us. When Jesus died on the cross, he became the sign. We can ask for a sign, but Jesus already was the sign for us. We need to have faith in Christ and believe and trust in Him.
In the Scripture, Jesus is telling us that he will have to die in order for us to be saved. He says that this generation needs a sign and His death on the cross will be it. We must recognized God;s love for us and to give it back to Him by helping out whenever we can.
In todays gospel God is telling me that the queen of the South is the Devil. The men in our generation will fall to hell if we dont do anything about it. We need to serve God and always be there with him so then we rise to Heaven and not fall to Hell.
It means that He needs to die so that the world will be saved because He is taking all of our sins to save us from growing evil and influenced in a negative way. He wanted to die for us because He knew that His sacrifice and pain would pay off and help us grow deeper in our faith.
Jesus alone is enough for us. We as humans think we need more than Him like electronics or new clothes but one day we will realize that they don’t bring us happiness, they won’t help us when we fall, but Jesus will. He’ll always be there and never lead us astray.
“This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah” Jesus states that our generation is never going to be the best generation. He says that we need a sign. He gave us the sign. He died on the cross for us. He died to show us how to live.
that is right
What reached out to me is when it said, “At the judgment”. What this means to me is that we will all be judged eventually. So we need to do everything we can to help each other have a good judgement.
This scripture says that the only sign we’ll get is Jonah, but there’s someone even greater then him. We can think of the sign as a hint, something to only foreshadow the future. It’s not the whole picture, and it only tells us that even something greater will come.
Jesus shows us how to live by dying on the cross for our sins.
What Jesus is saying is that we want everything. If we want something we expect to get that thing but if we don’t get what we want we’re going to cry about it.
I think this scripture means that we need to realize the signs that God gives us, we often think that we need material things more than God, and don’t realize the reason why we are here.
This scripture is saying like “this generation is an evil generation” it’s like talking about how the people are like changing and there becoming like farther and farther than Christ like there Turing away from Christianity and it’s people want power and all the stuff to like to happiness that way when the really way to get happiness is from praying to god and becoming closer to him.
Jesus is saying that our generation will never be perfect someone always does something wrong or commits a sin
Jesus is our living sign. We should not be asking Jesus for signs because Jesus has already preformed miracles and many other signs. We should not see Jesus as someone to go to for signs, but as our lord and savior. This Gospel also tells us how Jonah and the other prophets have already given them signs. Jesus is our lord and not a person to come to for signs.
In today’s scripture “it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it” stuck out to me. I think this means that we have to put our faith in God even though we don’t see him except in the Eucharist. And we don’t deserve to have a sign anyways because we need to have faith.
It’s telling us that Jesus is pure happiness and joy. You just have to listen to Him and pray to Him to have happiness and joy.
In today’s scripture Jesus tells us that He is the greatest. He says in the scripture ” and there is something greater than Solomon here.” meaning He is the greatest and we need to recognize that He is especially during Lent this year.
Jesus is trying to keep us away from the devil. He wants us to ignore the things we put before Him like electronics. “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it.” He is saying that we ware an evil generation because we do not listen to the signs. The signs being Him on the cross. If we want to be saved we have to listen to the signs.
In this scripture Jesus talks about how they wait for a sign but they don’t get one , they need to have a sign to believe instead of believing because you know he is the son of God.
What this scripture tells us that Jesus will be the new sign to this evil generation. So he can lead us to heaven and we can be with him.
“This generation is evil,” this is telling us that we are destroying the world and that we need to take better care of everything, of eachother, animals, plants anything that is living. We need a sign which we already have and its Jesus dying on the cross for us, that should be enough for us to realize that we need to do better in life.
The gospel means that Jesus Christ is the best person in the whole world, he is more mighty than a regular person on earth, he has more power than every one, he can make people forgive there sins in confession and repentance from mortal sin when you take the body of Christ during church
This scripture says That god saved the world from sin.
This scripture means that God is the most powerful person in the world, he is the best person in the world, but some strong people that live on Earth think that they are stronger than God. Well God is the most powerful person than anyone else on Earth, God has the power to forgive your sin in Confession, the repentance of regular and mortal sin when you take the Body Of Christ when you go to Church on the weekends and on the week days when Church is going on.
I think this scripture is telling us that God is greater than everything. We don’t need a sign from him everyday to believe in him. We have to Bible, Priest, and many other things that show us God’s love and grace.
We need to accept God without needing a sign. Everyone wants a sign because of the want for material gain. You don’t need a sign to beleive!
I feel like this scripture is talking about trust. We shouldn’t have to have a sign to know God is there. We always need to trust in him.
I think that this can speak for everyone. We ask God again and again for a sign, but we do receive signs, just not the signs we want. We refuse some of God’s signs because we are worried and scared what are true calling might be. The truth is, no matter what your calling is, as long as you follow God, you will have eternal life in Heaven.
we need to start realizing that God is with us. God is our joy and happiness. you wont be able to find his love, happiness and joy anywhere else.
what scripture is telling me is that there are greater things that jonah meaning there are things that are greater than thing impossible and that anything can be possible because jonah did something that seemed to be impossible. we must not fall into the hand of the queen of the south which basically is meaning shes the devil figure and preach instead.
This gospel taught me that all of the things in this world is nothing compared to God’s love.
We don’t need a sign from God that He is real because we already got one. When He sent His only son to die on the cross for us. We have gotten our sign. No matter how much we sin, God still loves us and will forgive us so we don’t have to die because of His sign to us.
I think today’s scripture passage is trying to tell us that we need a sign. The sign was that he died on the cross for everybody in the world to show us how much he loves us, and that we should follow him because he gave up his life for us.
Jesus continues to explain to the crowds gathered around him that He must die and rise to save us. they don ́ t get that they think he is saying it in a figurative way he is saying it in a literal way. we need to sacrifice in a physical ways to forgive ourselves of our sins.
Something that stood out to me was, “This generation is an evil generation.” It’s try we take things for granted and we don’t thank God for what He has given us. We should thank Him. We shouldn’t take things for granted because they might not be here for us later in life.
I think in this scripture Jesus is trying to tell us that we should not need a sign to believe in God’s power. He gave us life that should be enough. For some it is not so he sends more signs. We should trust God and fully believe in Him.
I think that this scripture is say that we need to be aware of the signs that Jesus gives us. He wants to be with us. But we have so many distractions. so we miss the signs. This lent we need to focus on God and not our distractions.
Jesus said that we want a signs, but we will not get it just because we want it. We do not need a sign to worship God. A sign given by God will not only show the loyal believers. People may just say that they believe in Him even though he will not let them into Heaven. We do not need a sign to be a Christian. All we need is God.
Jesus is telling everyone how He is the sign for this generation. I think the wording is interesting here because reading it now, He’s literally saying He is the sign for the past generation for when he was there, but now too. It makes me think how if I need anyone, He is right there for me. Always has been, always will be, forever will be. He is the sign.
Jesus is our sign. He died on the cross for us. He showed us how to live. He takes away our sins. Jesus is a sign from God.
I think this scripture is saying that our generation is born with evil in our hearts and that we must follow Jesus to get rid of that evil and the evil to come.
What i think this scripture is trying to say is that God already gave us the biggest sign of all. God became man and rose from the dead. How is that not a sign? If you actually want a sign you have to let God in first so he can show you. God is knocking at your door you just have to let him in. Take the time and try and speak with him, actually pray and show him you love him and you might find your sign.
Jesus is our sign given to us and made into the flesh. He tells us that we must let go of our earthly things and our sins. We give our sins to him because he died on the cross for us.
This Scripture told me that we often seek to much from everyone, we seek too much when we do not deserve any at all. Humans will never be pleased by anything. But God made it a different way in heaven.
What I got from this Gospel is that Jesus is the High of all High. Jesus is above all things because of how much power he has over us humans. Knowing God and Trusting him will lead you to the best route possible for success.
Jesus said, “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah” Jesus wants to remind us that we don’t need all of the things that we have, we just need God and prayer.
This scripture is telling me that we need to look for our sign. Our sign is Jesus. He is our happiness and he saves us. we also might have an encounter with Jesus.
“This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it. I think this Gospel is literally talking to us, like how God gives us sign after sign but we choose not to see them. Also how are generation will do anything to tear each other down and make it seem like believing is wrong or bad.
God made us all for a purpose, to be great, to be leaders. He is saying there will be signs and we need to be the leaders, be the signs that God is truly present in the Eucharist at Mass, preach the Gospel, we need to be the signs.
Today, Jesus is telling us that he is God. He’s telling us that no sign will be given, because he already is the sign. There is something greater than Jonah here, There is something greater than Soloman here, There is something so powerful that he is his own sign, and that power is Jesus. Jesus is greater than Soloman, Jesus is greater than Jonah, Jesus is the savior of the world who is greater than any prophet or any king. Jesus is the greatest Prophet and King
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it”. They kept asking for a sign even though Jesus had already performed many miracles. We have to be able to believe without signs. And when we do get signs from Jesus it should just be a way of confirming our belief.
In today’s gospel Jesus is telling us to have faith, faith that he is what he says he is. The ninivites believed Jonah at his word, but there is something greater than Jonah here. why do we ask for a sign, when God is before us? we must have faith in our God
Our human desires will never be fulfilled. The people of Jesus generation wanted another sign even though God had already given them many signs from the prophets. Our human desires want stuff and when we get the stuff we want we just want more. Worldly things will never fulfill you. The only thing that will fulfill us is God.
God gives us many signs throughout the day, numerous even. We choose not to see it, blinded by the devil’s temptations and our own sins. But God would never give up on us, because of his great love for us. But in the end, Jesus was our sign. Sending his on Son to earth to teach to us, and ultimately dying for us.
The scripture is telling me that we should always be watching for God to give us signs. We are always to busy that we don’t take the time to pray to God so then we never know what he is trying to tell us. We should all take time out of our day to sit down and talk to God that way we know what he’s trying to tell us.
When I pray, I can’t expect to get exactly what I want or an immediate response, God knows better than me, he knows what I need before me and takes care of it. Jesus is all we need. We need to stop looking in other places for our satisfication, and go to prayer. Jesus will hear us and respond, just maybe not in the way that our mind thinks he is going to. I need to be paitent and trust.
I think this Gospel is telling me that in order to be saved, we need to only believe in God. We think that Jesus isn’t enough to bring us joy. We think everything is about electronics and social media and about being popular, Well, those things don’t bring us happiness, only God will, so we need to believe in Him, and only Him, so that He can lead us into eternal life and eternal happiness with Him in Heaven.
Jesus continues to explain to the crowds gathered around him that He must die and rise to save us. His wisdom through Solomon was powerful, and the preaching of regret of sins by Jonah to the Ninevites helped save this city. Jesus teaches us today that He is God and through His death and resurrection He will set us free from our sin, conquer death, and defeat Satan. His signs didn’t make sense until he died on the cross. When he saved us, everyone was freed.
In the Scripture, Jesus is telling us that he will have to die in order for us to be saved. He says that this generation needs a sign and His death on the cross will be it. We must recognized God;s love for us and to give it back to Him by helping out whenever we can.
I think Jesus it trying to tell us that we need to realize that everything is a sign to follow God. We Just need to focus and get our eyes God and realize what he is trying to say.
What I think this is saying is that there are more than one sign that God gave us that told us it was him. He did very great things and people still didn’t think he was God he did something no one else has ever done and people still don’t believe.
I think that this reading has a very great meaning. Throughout the whole passage Jesus is talking about how everyone wants a sign but the sign is right in front of them and then he compares them to the people of Nineveh who repented when they got a sign from Jonah. Jesus told us all that we need to be open to all of the signs of his love and mercy throughout our lives and we need to see them and repent because He said that even the people of Nineveh will be there judging you at the time of your death.
When it says “it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it” I feel like God is trying to say that we don’t need a sign to believe in God. We don’t don’t need a sign to no what Jesus is calling us to. We just need to be still silent and listen.
To me this means that God is telling us that their is something more important inside of us than just our brain and that is our heart and love for Christ. Hearing the Scripture say that This generation is an evil generation was very interesting to hear from God. The best part about reading the Bible is hearing God and learning something new from his every single time I read the Bible which I think is very interesting and cool.
The Gospel is telling us that we cannot be saved unless we die and go to purgatory. it says we need a sign and we have a sign, the crucifix is the sign. showing that we can have eternal life with God if we just simply let go.
Jesus says we are looking for a sign. In prayer I often find myself needing a sign that God is there with me. Why? When we spend time looking for a sign we miss the purpose. We need to stop waiting for a sign and truly focus on what it presents as “current” and then we will connect with Jesus.
Todays Scripture talks about God talking about Jesus giveing us signs and us needed to see them and pay attention to them. He need to follow and act like Jesus. this is lent and we nned to focus on God to we can get to him
Today the gospel is telling me about how we live in an evil generation. Everyone today is talking about how they don’t believe in God anymore. What I think we should all do this Lent is pray more and hear the Lord speak to us. We shouldn’t be looking for happiness we should be hearing what the Lord has to to say to us and all the great things He has planned for us in life.
Jesus is our sign and for us. He died on the cross for everybody and if that doesn’t say something about how much he loves us, dying for us, I don’t know what will. We have so many distractions going on or we can’t focus, so we miss these signs that are trying to reach out for us.
Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph. Give your self to God that is all he wants let him take control when you let him have control you can talk to him and he will help you,
When he said that he is the sign sent from God, He means that people can’t see what is right in front of their eyes. The people ask for a sign, but they are blind to the one, in the flesh, right in front of them.
I think what this scripture is saying is that God shouldnt just be your one sign you should look at everything in this world as a sign because God made it.We also dont need a sign to pray either we already know God is alive and is a real. person>
In this gospel the people ask for a sign, He says no. We shouldn’t need a sign to believe that He is God. In order to see if He is the God and Messiah then we have to wait until the day we die. When we die and go up to Heaven or down to hell is when He will judge us and see where He will send us.
I think in today’s reading Jesus is upset with the people who want a sign. He makes the connection with Jonah and the Ninevites. The reason that He doesn’t want to give a sign is because Jesus is the sign. It kid of makes me think about the story with Lazarus and the rich man and how the rich man wanted Jesus to give his family a sign, but there were already many teachings so Jesus refused. I think this is Jesus telling to look at the signs He has already given and believe.
To me this Scripture is saying that we shouldn’t dare question the power of God. We think that we should have the right to do that but we definitely do not. God is our creator, we would not be here if it weren’t His will. We think we are worthy of His love and sacrifice but we aren’t. Jesus has never done us wrong so why should we question His power? He has been nothing but gracious and loving to us and we are sinners. Also, it’s our own fault if we don’t see the signs He has given us. We need to stop and realize that God has already given us plenty of signs. We are too full of ourselves.
In this Scripture passage, Jesus is telling us that He was put on this world to die and save us from our sins and to come back to life. We need to know that God is always going to be there for us no matter what. We shouldn’t take things for granted because we need to appreciate what has been given to us. We should thank God and those who give things to us.
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I think that God is saying that we should look at His only son as a sign and some of the prophets because we have an evil generation that we are living with. God is saying some people look at Jonah for a sign and others look at Jesus for a sign on what to do and waiting for Him to come again.
Jesus doesn’t want us to look for joy from just regular things. He wants us to find joy in himself. He want us to know that no matter what we do, we can’t get to heaven with Him.
I think this scripture is about how we need to start listening to God we should not expect a large sign. we need to listen to him.
In this scripture passage is that he is greater then all of the prophets and kings that they are told about he is the messiah and is he here to rescue us from our sin so we can be in life in heaven with God.
In the scripture we are told that Jesus died. We can’t give up on God because we don’t see him or he doesn’t answer one of our prayers, He still did more for us than we could ever do for him.
Oddly, the first line sticks out to me the most. “This generation is an evil generation.” This could have a ton of different meanings. The next rules out some of the possibilities by saying, “it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it,” I think the meaning of the first line is that the generations believes in a god, but a false god.
What I think Jesus is saying today is that we need to stop looking for signs. He is the sign and we need to realize that. Most of us now have realized it but we are all guilty of just looking past Jesus. We are now looking at famous people for there beliefs and we can’t do that. We need to know Jesus is our sign.
I think the scripture is saying that Jesus is your sign and asking why you need another. If you believe in him and his covenant you will see Him, the sign for all. Why do we need a sign when we have the living Son who died for our sins right in front of us? We don’t as long as we have faith we will receive Him as our only needed sign.
What I think this is saying is that we want signs. When we are praying to God we are asking him for something and we want a sign from him to know that he is listening to us. Although he does not always give us a sign he is listening to us. Most people don’t know that and that is why they seek signs from God or the Holy Spirit. But we should know that we don’t always have to seek signs to know that God is listening to us.
I think this Gospel passage is telling us not to run away from what God wants us to do like Jonah did. Even though he had good intentions before it happened, his fear overrid his desire to do good, and he ran. Just so as we run when God tells us to become priests or sisters or nuns. We can’t run. When we run, we potentially wreck God’s plan for someone else, if that plan was for them to meet us and then have a change of heart. When we run, that can’t happen. So we can’t run. Even when the going gets tough, we need to suck it up, because Jesus died on a cross for us. He did that without complaining, and yet we complain when we don’t get whatever we want. Jesus sucked it up on that cross. Just as we need to suck it up and pick up our own.
I think the gospel is talking about God’s sign. Because God said this generation is going to be evil. Because he saw a sign. He could tell that everyone was going to be a bad person.
Today’s scripture brings many powerful meanings. But, I think it is mainly telling us that Jesus alone is and should be enough for each and every one of us. We as humans tend to think we need more than Him such as phones, new shoes, or the newest toy, but one day we will finally realize that they truly don’t bring us happiness. He’ll always be there and never leave us alone. We should get out of our distractions and realize Jesus is enough and all we need.
The Scripture is telling me Jesus brings us happiness. Not our phones, and electronics, and social media. We feel joy when we are in the presence of Jesus. We will especially feel joy when we get to be with our Lord. To be with the Lord is our goal. It is what we strive to do. We strive to become a saint. When we are in rough times we can keep moving forward because we know someday we will get to Heaven.
The gospel today is saying that they want a sigh from Jonah. The men of Nineveh wanted a sigh and they said Jonah was the messiah. He was not then Jesus came and then it was him.
I feel like Jesus is saying that we don’t need a sign because we have God who can help us.