Ps 51:12-13

A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me.

This is a great psalm to meditate (think about) often throughout the days of Lent.

We can learn a great lesson about repentance from Jonah and the Ninevites.

God expects us to turn from selfish ways and repent when we fail to do so. God saw their repentance and chose not to destroy them.

Lent is about change and repentance. It starts in your heart where God dwells in prayer. It continues in your mind, a great spiritual power God has blessed us with. When we change the way we think we can change our behaviors that lead us away from God. Last, what are we surrounding ourselves with. Do an experiment. Put only good and holy things around you on TV, music (k-love in the car) or Matt Maher CD, and Internet for a week. See if the way you think and act changes.

Jesus leaves us with another statement of who He is, “There is something greater than Jonah and Solomon here.” Jesus is not another prophet, He is the Son of the living God. He is the One who will judge us in the end! Repent and be saved!

Christian YOLO!