Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 9:7-9: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Luke begins to write about the identity of Jesus and he uses Herod as the person who is “perplexed” about what the people were saying. The identity of Jesus will be revealed in the coming Gospel readings. The question I would like to pose today is who is Jesus for you?
Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? Do we sin knowing we can just go to confession so it is no big deal because Jesus will forgive us (sin of presumption)? Have we ever read one of the Gospels beginning to end in search of the identity of Jesus? It is one thing to know about Jesus and another to know Jesus.
Most importantly, do we spend time in adoration with Jesus listening to what He has to say? Jesus is about to reveal His identity in the upcoming Gospel readings. Listen to what He says and decide if you really believe. If so, it requires a radical transformation in your life.
As a baptized believer in Jesus Christ our duty is to reject Satan and follow Jesus more closely each day (strive for holiness). Jesus gave all for you, are you willing to give all for Him? He wants to give you true happiness. He thirsts for your friendship. He thirsts for your soul.
Today’s challenge: Christianity is a religion that is a relationship with a person not a set of rules to follow. If you are searching for true happiness, seek Jesus the God Man. Take time each day to listen to Him.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
Heart, Fight, Trust
Jesus is about to reveal His identity in the upcoming Gospel readings. Listen to what He says and decide if you really believe.
This stuck out to me because it’s strong and that we need to listen if we want to believe, we can’t take a step back just to not listen and see what God has to say, it doesn’t work like that, you have to listen, and call to seek, all that is good.
In the Gospel you can see Herod is worried that someone will take his place and this shows us that we shouldn’t be like Herod and we should be ready for Jesus to come and save us, unlike Herod who thought he was going to take over his kingdom.
In today’s gospel Herod hears about how many prophets are coming to life and also hears John has also come to life but he does not not believe it because he beheaded him so how could he be alive well he doesn’t know but the Lord brought him back. Have a good day
Jesus loves us. No matter what we do, he always will. He just asks that we love him in return. We shouldn’t use Jesus, because he loves us. He is not a slot machine, nor should we sin because we know he will forgive us. Jesus asks us to follow him with our whole heart, soul, mind, body, and strength. Jesus is our friend. Should we treat friends like that?
Something that I thought was interesting, was that when everybody was saying,”John has rose from the dead.” or “Elijah has returned.” Harod was scared. Whether he admitted it or just acting like everything was fine, he was scared, and that is why he killed all of those innocent babies, because he was scared that someone was going to take his place on the physical throne, and not the throne of Heaven and Earth, and I think that we are like Harod a lot of the time, we are scared to lose power, or popularity in our schools, in our classes, or just with people we know, and I think that we should not do this, because we have to realize that we are here on Earth for a short amount of time, and the real goal is Heaven.
who is Jesus for you?stuck out to me because Jesus to me is Jesus but to others who believe in other religions he is nothing to them but truly he is everything to us.
Sometimes I feel like we all think of Jesus as a slot machine which really is saying to God I know the rules but I don’t care because I know that you will forgive and I feel like this is the main cause of sin which we all do. We need to not think of Jesus as this and we need to actually find a relationship with Him and just follow Him and not use Him for what He has done for us. We are human and we will all sin but when you do and you are truly sorry tell Jesus in Confession and he will forgive you.
Most people sin because they know if they go to confession God will forgive them, but this is a really bad mindset. If we are sinning just thinking its okay because we will be forgiven we should stop. If you sin and keep doing it over and over you will be forgiven but that doesn’t mean you will still go to heaven just because you were forgave. At the end of confession we say for these sins I am truly sorry. If you are not truly sorry then what is the point of confession.
Some words that stuck out to me were “One of the ancient prophets has arisen.”
I think this is talking about Jesus rising from the dead. Even though it is ordinary time
we may still celebrate Easter and Jesus rising from the dead.
Something that struck me hard today was that Herod was so confused because he thought he killed John. He thought “who are these people talking about”. This struck me today because he knew John was dead and he was curious on what they were talking about. The fact that he just ignored that there was a possibility that it was God. When we know that God is the only way to possibly bring someone back he just automatically assumed that it was impossible and they must’ve been mistaken.
Today’s Gospel is about if we really know who Jesus is not like how the people of Israel thought a prophet had returned or John was raised from the dead but if we really know that Jesus is the son of God and can forgive us of our sins. In order to get to Heaven we must believe in him and receive his forgiveness
“And he kept trying to see him.” you can’t always see God so you must believe in him, if you believe in him,he will reveal himself to you(Come,Holy Spirit). He is more than an invisible being he is the Lamb of God.Pray and you shall be saved.
I think that Jesus is trying to tell us that life will never be easy and that you have to get through the bad things to get to the good things.
Jesus tells us that we need to reject the devil. we need to strive not to sin. Sin only does bad for us not good. sin ruins relation ships and people in general. we need to avoid sin
In today’s scripture it says “who is Jesus for you”? Jesus is a friend, a protector, a role model, and, most importantly, a savior. He comforts me in the darkest of situations and does not hate me if I make a mistake. I think that this is a love all the world needs to know. and my relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in my life.
“Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? Do we sin knowing we can just go to confession so it is no big deal because Jesus will forgive us?”
I like this because sometimes we do that. We believe that when stuff is not going good we can go to God for everything and expect from Him to help us. I also see how people sometimes sin and say, its ok I’ll go to confession then its fine, when really were taking advantage of Him and His forgiveness.
In the gospel we have Herod saying that John is a prophet and he is a God. If we all pay attention to his story we find out that John wasn’t that. King Herod never pays attention to what’s going on, where the truth being told he never pays attention to it. Herod thinks he is the truth because he has power, he has fame, he has it all. Herod is the King, but not the King we bow down before. John in his time was a teacher followed by Andrew and Philip, he was telling them about repentance and how the lord will come and he will save you. Jesus taught us he will sort out all the fish the good and the bad, and he will treat the good with paradise and the others will need to be cleansed. John baptized us with water and that made us sons/ daughters of Christ. John prepared the way of the lord. Herod thought he was just on of those prophets. well he is the last prophet but he brought more than that. He brought people to Jesus to be baptized by the Holy Spirit.
When we are baptized we are forever inseparable from him. We should always pray to God for he is our creator. In the Gospel readings Jesus is slowly revealing himself to us little by little. One thing is keeping us from him, sin. If we go to confession often then sin won’t be as big of a problem than it should.
In the Gospel today, Herod is told that there is a great prophet among them. Some of them say that it is Elijah and others say it is John the Baptist. It is Jesus. Jesus came to save us from sin and bring us to everlasting life with Him in heaven. Jesus loves us and He gave up his life for us. We should also love others and care for them when they are hurting. We should try our best to imitate Christ in the Gospel readings.
“The question I would like to pose today is who is Jesus for you? ” Today God is telling me that I need to rely on this quote. Jesus is not just the son of God nd not just someone who save our lives, Jesus is our own Father and He is a person who loves us very much. Jesus died for us, He could’ve tooken over the whole world and He could’ve been this greedy, and mischievous person, but no. Jesus is the complete opposite, Jesus is our friend. Jesus is kind, grateful, and He is the most worthy of them all. He helps us figure out how to live and He helps us to know what’s right and what’s wrong, Jesus is more than a stranger. You feel His presence every time you go to church, and you can talk to Him about whats on your mind and He will listen. Sometimes it feels like Hes not even real and why should we be learning about this person that we didn’t even truly know that exists. That’s all good questions but if you believe then you can figure out for yourself, that Hes not just real but we should be grateful that we even get to know about this person, a person who truly shows us what it means to love. He created the good and the bad, sometimes we need the bad to make us good too. Sometimes we get to caught up in the moment that we forget the reason why we even are alive, just remember that Jesus for me is not just the highest of the all but Hes also a friend.
But Herod said, “John I beheaded.
Who then is this about whom I hear such things?”
And he kept trying to see him.
I think what Jesus is trying to tell us in this Gospel, is that you can’t just go look for God in the real world and expect to find Him. You have to find him in prayer and let him reveal himself to you.
I think that in today’s scripture God is telling me that my friendship, my relationship with Him is the most important thing in my life, our goal as children of God is to finally get to heaven, and be with him, but that can only happen if we are good and pray and try to be like him. God is good and we need to try and be like him in that way.
I think it was trying to tell me to make a friend that is new or never engaged with.
Herod heard that John the Baptist is alive and so are some prophets, so he gets worried and he was trying to find John and the prophets.
God was telling me not to just sin because you can confes it in confession. he wants to give us true happyness.
Something that I thought was interesting was that Jesus tells us over an dover and over again to reject the devil but we still do not listen and Jesus will always be there as some who you can listen and talk to.
Jesus is telling us that we need to reject the devil. Sin ruins relationships and people in general
Jesus wants us to know him and not just know about him, he wants us to talk to him like we talk to our best friend, he wants us to understand what his plan is for us and wants us to stay close with him.
In this gospel i think it is telling us that if you think you can do anything and God will just forgive you it is not a good idea to have. I also think it tells us that we can not just go to God and Jesus for anything we want. I think that when we make a mistake we should go to God for forgiveness but try to not do it again and think its okay. Lastly i also think We should only ask God for things we truly need.
I was readin this and I found the phrase “Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return?
That what people excpect from him and it just feels unfair. For our prayer to be returned we need to beeive in God and pour our hearts and souls into him. We need to have faith and not use him as a back rest. Think of him as a cane that if you dont beleive is there isnt there. Its obviosly right infront of you but if you refuse to believe it then it wont be useful;
In this Gospel I think that Herod is scared that he will be replaced if there is another prophet to come. So he tries to see who it is to maybe try to destroy him.
Something that I think God put on my heart when I was reading this is do we adore God and know he can whatever he wants. or do we look at him a genie who can grant your wishes if you believe. Jesus/God is not meant to be your Genie and a person who can do whatever you want. he is a GOD he can whatever he pleases and we should worship him and praise him because he came down onto earth and DIED FOR US. HE DIED FOR OUR SINS, NOT HIS. He deserves our life we should be burning in hell for sinning but God took all that misery, and all that pain. Jesus is not a genie, he is a GOD and a HERO.
Jesus is telling us that life will be hard and easy if you believe, but life will never be just easy or hard.
I feel like too many times we try to bend what Jesus is to how we want him to be. For Example in the slot machine example we think that because Jesus will give us everything we need, so instead we change that to thinking Jesus will give us what we want. Or in the confession example we twist forgiving sins into like a safety net if we do sin almost using it as an excuse to sin. To prevent this we must know Jesus not just know about him.
“Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? Do we sin knowing we can just go to confession so it is no big deal because Jesus will forgive us (sin of presumption)?”
I like this one part of the scripture because its telling you, that if you think God is a coin slot machine than your very very VERY wrong. He only grants wishes to those who are in need. Like the poor for example. If the poor are praying to Him for money and food because they NEED it, He’s most likely going to give it to them because they NEED the food and the money. He’s gonna give it to you because you want it right? NO! If you don’t need it he probably won’t give it.
a sentence that stuck out to me was “Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? Do we sin knowing we can just go to confession so it is no big deal because Jesus will forgive us” a lot of Christian/catholics expect for Jesus and God just to grant our wishes and do whatever we ask for. but that’s not true. And also for a sin to be no big deal? it is a BIG DEAL they think that its fine we can move on we don’t have to worry about it. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT?! we are hurting Jesus everytime we sin and that’s not okay.
To answer the question who is Jesus for me, he is my savior and I feel down or sad or sorrowful if I sin because I know he knows everything he is like a parent to me. I feel very sad for those people that say “its OK” “I’ll go to church next Sunday” Because the Lord IS forgiving but when you USE that forgiveness its too much and we need to realize that the Lord isn’t some guy to take our sin. He is here to help us when we absolutely NEED him. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t talk to him. He wants to talk to you and you just need to be open to him.
“WHO THEN IS THIS ABOUT WHOM I HEAR SUCH THINGS?” What that mean to me is that we need to search who Jesus Christ and keep on trying to find who Jesus is.
It is about Herod saying that he killed John and that he does not know who this prophet is and he wants to see him.
Jesus loves us no matter what we do, if we sin he will forgive us. Jesus also tells us to try our best to reject Satan the best we can , if you do end up not rejecting Satan, he will forgive us.
some were saying,
“John has been raised from the dead”;
others were saying, “Elijah has appeared”;
still others, “One of the ancient prophets has arisen.”
But Herod said, “John I beheaded.
Who then is this about whom I hear such things?”
And he kept trying to see him.
In today’s gospel something that stuck out to me was that we can sometimes be like Herod, doing the wrong thing for our own well-being. We need to have the right mindset to do the right thing even when it may not be what we want.
“Humbly submit yourself to God and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.” stuck out to me because when you humbly submit yourself to God it becomes a part of who you are.
What I think is going to happen, is that Jesus is about to reveal His identity in the upcoming Gospel readings, Listen to what He says and decide if you really believe.
I think that today’s gospel is trying to teach us to put our faith in Jesus, like we do so much in our friends or family. To trust him like he is a member of our community, and is a part of us in our everyday life.
I think that sometimes we take Jesus forgiveness for granted and because we know Jesus will love us through all our mistakes we think we can just do anything and it will all be ok because Jesus will forgive, but just because he forgives doesn’t mean it doesn’t make him disappointed in our actions.
I think today God is telling us that we need to believe in him, even when it seems impossible.
“He wants to give you true happiness, He thirst for your Friendship, He thirsts for your soul”. That stuck out to me because Jesus always wants to make you happy, and he wants to have a really good friendship with you. And then he thirsts for your soul because He wants you to have a good soul and heart in your body.
Jesus’ identity will be shown later on. We have to be ready for Him to come down from Heaven! In the gospel today, Herod is worried that some other King will take his spot. We should not be like Herod, we should be more like the Lord!!
I think that God is trying to tell me is that we have to think of God as our first priority above everything else.We can never think that we are better than God.
Jesus is not a slot machine but we still treat him like one by praying to him only when we need something in return, not just talking to him like a friend or family member about your day or what you are planning to do, because He can hear your thoughts and know your plans, but that’s not important you can still talk to him.
For me Jesus is so much its hard to put into words, he died on the cross for all people. And he is the everlasting covenant that cant be wiped away. Jesus paved the way for us so we could have a clear path back to the father. He was hurt so badly just for us, he saved all of us.
Trust God out of all people because he will always be there. Hes your protector, life is not easy. If you have full trust in God he
will provide for you and your family.
I think today’s Gospel means that Jesus will always love us! it is also saying that we should avoid sin, and to reject the devil.
Something that stuck out to me was that when Jesus was baptized it then says after baptism our should strive to love God even more than you did before because you have just been saved so that we can have eternal life so that is saying that after baptism you should reject the devil and not give in to his temptations.
A lot of people often think of Jesus and God as a slot machine. They ask and pray for something and then stop if they get it. God is more than that. He is not like that we have to pray and be consistent to get to heaven. Do not think of God as a slot machine. He is more than that he is our God.
“The question I would like to pose today is who is Jesus for you?” this stuck out to me because God is not only just our savior but he is a friend that you can talk to when u are feling down.
In today’s gospel Herod hears about how many prophets are coming to life.Herod was so selfish and worried that another king would come along.If we think about it we are all the same as Herod we are equally selfish.Though everything God always love us and it there for us.We just have to believe in Him.And trust His plan for us.
A part that stuck out to me, is that how Harod didn’t really like Jesus, but still wanted to see him. I think that is very powerful.
What I learned is that we should not take advantege of Jesus yes he will forgive you but he will know when you are using him.
Herod in today’s gospel is wondering who this jesus person is. Herod just like us is scared of Jesus Herod thinks he must try to kill him and we do the same we sin we persecute and we lie. we are by no means perfect but Jesus is we need to stop and worship to be the best of ourselves.
In the Gospel, Herod is shocked to learn that John had risen and other Prophets have been appearing. In the scripture, Ẅho is Jesus to you?”He is my Heavenly father, my Savior, My King.
To me in this Gospel I was thinking of the devil tempting us. Jesus is telling us that life can be hard and we just go to keep going and the devil will try to make us think not and the wrong things sometimes and Jesus just wants us to keep going.
In the scripture Herod is being selfish and not wanting anyone to take his spot. While Jesus is helping us be what we are called to do. he teaches us to be selfless and hope the best for everyone.
Jesus is not a slot machine where you expect Him to grant your every wish. We are supposed to reject Satan and follow Jesus. He wants us to be happy and go to heaven.
God is not a slot machine. We can’t put requests in and get it granted right away. It takes time. God is on his own time not yours. Since we can’t see Him we must believe Him.
In today’s gospel, Herod is confused because people are saying that a prophet has arisen, but Herod killed John the Baptist. He does not know Who Jesus is. I think that we need to be less like Herod. We sometimes put something else (in Herod’s case, power) in front of Jesus. We need to be more like John the Baptist.
Something that stuck out to me was “And he kept trying to see him” We need to come back to Jesus whenever we are not doing good in our life. Whenever I face stuff that doesn’t seem to have an answer, I usually just try to pray if I can’t do anything. If God doesn’t answer our prayer then maybe it’s not his final plan, or the best option.
in todays gospel Herod is still trying to figure out who jesus is. Herod is scared of Jesus and so are we, we prosecute lie and sin against him killing him and we need to be better we need to drop on our knees and praise.
Herod was rightly confused because the people that were telling him about Jesus were confused. They thought that one of the ancient prophets or John the Baptist had arisen. Jesus is not a prophet, he is much greater. He was and is the living God that will give us true happiness in Heaven.
In today’s Gospel, we see that Harod is described as “perplexed” after hearing about the people that have risen. That stuck out to me because it shows that even a mighty king doesn’t know of God’s works.
In today’s Gospel, Herod heard a lot of stuff like John arose from the dead, Elijah has appeared, and one of the ancient prophets has risen. In the scripture, it said that we use Jesus like a slot machine because we think that we can ask Him something and in return, He will grant it to you. We should not use Jesus like a slot machine but instead, we should use Him like we love him and we think of Him as our savior.
Jesus gave all for you, are you willing to give all for Him? Yes I would be willing to give all for Jesus. When I have to do it though then I come up with all these excuses. These excuses are all about why I shouldn’t do it. All of those though come from Satan. He is messing with your thoughts. If you say yes then Satan can’t get in God is in control. It shows that you gave up your life for God.
“Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return?” This stuck out to me because I feel like when we ask Jesus for something, we expect him to do what we asked immediately. We sin everyday and still expect that from him. Jesus wants us to spend time with him each day and go to mass. He wants you to become closer to him everyday.
Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? This stuck out to me because you should’nt pray just to get something in return because God he can do anything but he Knows when it is genuine and not genuine.
My relationship with Jesus is more important and stronger than any of my relationships on earth. whether its my mom, friends, spouse, animals, and objects. There is no one and nothing that can compare to the love of Christ! even if your relationships start to fall or you feel like your life is falling apart, God is always there with open arms ready to express his undying love.
We should not be sinning on purpose, and saying it will be fine because God will forgive us. We need to work to not sin. When we sin knowing God will just forgive us and we go to confession not fully sorry for the sin, there will be an empty feeling growing in us.
do we spend time in adoration with Jesus listening to what He has to say? Jesus is about to reveal His identity in the upcoming Gospel readings.He has revealed that he is the the son of the living God.HE said that he is the gospel.
To get to know Jesus we must talk to him. Just like in any relationship we must get to know him before we can fall in love with him. That is why we pray and that is why we go to mass.
We should listen to Jesus and believe everything he says. It can help you pray more and spread the Gospel more.
We are baptized. We know this and we follow God, yet we don’t listen to Him. God strives for us, our soul, our life, our love. Yet, we don’t realize it. He loves us so much that He sacrificed something that was dear to Him. Listening to God’s plan will get us through the difficult times in life, so put Him as the most important thing in your life.
In this scripture reflection Jesus is about to reveal to all the people what he came here for.
“who is Jesus for you” Jesus for me would be someone I can trust and know that he will be there for me. Jesus also in this wants us the believe in what he is saying that he is the lamb of God.
What I took out of today’s Gospel is that even a king and ruler of land doesn’t know the goodness of God. The Gospel said he was perplexed so that shows that it doesn’t matter who you are you still might not know Jesus.
Herod is confused, because he didn’t know who the people were talking about. In this instance, he isn’t even angry or trying to kill the person of whom everyone is speaking, he just wants to know more. I think that this is a good way to look at life. Even though the lesson is being taught by a man who did a lot of bad things, it teaches us that we should view things with curiosity instead of anger. God works in mysterious ways, and a lot of the time we don’t understand His plan, but He is working!
“Who then is this about whom I hear such things?” This stuck out to me because it shows that we don’t know exactly who Jesus is. He is a person of many mysteries, and prophecies. We need to keep Searching and looking for Jesus and Eternal Life.
¨Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? ¨
no, he is not. he is our forgiving god who loves us always. When you ask your parents for something, you may feel guilty, especially if it takes alot of effort or costs alot of money. Why dont we feel this way when it comes to Jesus? we dont realize that Jesus DIED SO THAT WE COULD LIVE!!!! that is a major sacrifice! And we should never take life, (or God) for granted!
The question we can ask ourselves all the time is who is Jesus to you? Most of us would probably say that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. To some of us though we might think of Jesus differently. We might think of Jesus as the guy to come and rescue us from every poor decision and bad situation we have put ourselves in. Jesus is not some guy who when we ring a bell will just appear and be there. We have to show that we are worthy of the kingdom of God and worthy of Christ. Adoration, prayer, church, Thanksgiving, charity, love, and respect to God. We have to show him these things for us to even be anything near worthy of Christ.
One thing that I learned is that we shouldn’t take advantage of Jesus and use him like a slot machine. Most of the time we pray to Jesus for their own wishes because we are selfish human beings. I think we shouldn’t be using Jesus as a slot machine anymore.
Today we hear that Herod wanted to meet Jesus, because he didn’t know who he was. Maybe Herod thought that He was a threat, or maybe he was simply perplexed. Either way news came to Herod about this man and He didn’t know who Jesus really was. We hear what other people say about Jesus, but we won’t really understand until we meet Him.
“Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return,“ This sticks out to me because this is what a lot of Christians tend to think. Some think that we can just sin however much we want and just go to forgiveness. But the whole point of forgiveness is to show that you are sorry and if that is how we think we probably are not really sorry. It relates to this verse Revelation 3:16.
I think that the gospel is trying to say is that Jesus isn’t a thing we go when all of our other plans. Jesus should be plan A because we don’t need anything else. Even for the little things Jesus wouldn’t mind if we need help with something small. Jesus should be our plan A and our only plan since he’ll never fail us and he will guide us to heaven.
We act like Jesus is a slot machine, we just you him for our pleasure. We only come to him if we want something. We never come to God just to give to God. God is our leader, God is our King, and he is the one that made everything. In one snap he can make you disappear. But he doesn’t, he looks after us, takes care of us, will always take our hurt, sorrow, whatever he will do anything for us. So we have to do some for him. And NOT use him.
I think God is trying to tell us that he is coming soon. We need to always be ready and always put him before non important things. Judgement day can come any day so we need to pray to God everyday and talk to him. He will always love us even though we sin, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to go to confession.
“Who then is this about whom I hear such things?” This stuck out to me today because we can relate to Herod when he says this. We might not know the Lord and whenever we meet with him when it is our time, we might not know who it is. If we want to recognize and follow Christ then we have to get to know Him by praying and reading the Scriptures. We will not recognize Him in Heaven if we do not recognize or look to Him on Earth.
If you sin and repeatedly do the same sins, God will forgive and accept you, but that doesn’t mean you will still go to heaven just because he forgives you. God wants whats best for us and just wants to love us and for us to love him.
“And he kept trying to see him.” I liked this verse from today’s gospel because for me I can physically feel Jesus and I can hear him all the time. (And what I mean by feel him is I can feel him in my heartbeat, in my chest. My heartbeat will change when I feel Jesus, I don’t really know how to explain it because it’s not like it beats harder or faster, it just feels different). I’ve even smelled him before. But I’ve never physically seen him but I know people who have. And sometimes that’s hard for me to understand because I am a visual person, I like being able to see things and the fact that God chooses almost every other way to come to me other than sight sometimes frustrates me because I really want to see him. And after reading this Gospel I feel like he’s telling me that I don’t have to physically see Jesus to “see” him. I can see him in every moment of my day, you just have to try to see him. He’s there in the sunrise, sunsets, and the stars. He gave us his creations so that we can see him through them. And when you try to see that, it makes everything seem even more beautiful than it already is.
Harold is now confused they think that john or Elijah are back from the dead and he said “I beheaded John he cannot be alive”
so he is trying to see him to find out but seems to be failing.
at first Harold is trying to kill Jesus and now he wants to see him now that does not make sense.
” Jesus is about to reveal His identity in the upcoming Gospel readings. ” this stuck out to me because we are about to learn more about Jesus. We should all read the gospel everyday so we can learn about Jesus’s life and strengthen our relationship with Jesus and be apart of His salvation.
We are all sinners and I feel that sometimes we may take advantage of God. We know that He loves us and will give us mercy for everything we do and we think we can do whatever we want and just ask God to forgive us and we just do it again and again. God is so merciful and we shouldn’t take advantage of that instead we should try to be like Him and give mercy to others for we are all sinners.
In today’s Gospel Herod is trying to figure out who Jesus is. So are we. We are always trying to figure out who Jesus is. No one knows for sure who he is we are all still learning.
I think it is terrible to sin and know it is a sin so in any ways and say “i’ll just go to Conffesion later.
Is He a slot machine where you put petitions in and expect Him to grant your every wish in return? This stuck out to me because, I feel like everyone prays for something expecting an answer right away.
To me Jesus is telling me that he is about to reveal his identity to us. Also to reject Satan from our lives.
What stuck out to me today is that when Herod couldn’t believe that John has rose from the dead after he beheaded him, he tried to see him. Just how sometimes God can be confusing but we have to keep our faith and to still believe in him through unbelievable times.
I think the Gospel is trying to say that even when we sin, he still, will always forgive us from our sins,because he loves us.
I think Jesus is trying to tell me to always belive in him even if I cant see him. I think its important to always trust in God and turn to him always.
Jesus tells me in todays gospel that what you hear is not always true. I think he is saying that we should not listen to rumors because they are not always true but to believe what only we know is true.
what I understud was we take for granted our wishes and we should care for them every day because one day that will all be gone
Who is Jesus for You.Jesus to me is a friend,a teacher,but also a savior.But that does’nt mean that we should expect everything we ask from him will be granted.If it is his will it will be done.
In today’s scripture Herod is very perplexed at the fact that people were saying elijah or john is risen. He does in order to see for his eyes that Jesus was risen.
The thing that stuck out to me is the people that said that john had risen from the dead and the reason that it stuck out to me is because Jesus was his cousin but it is still strange that he looked almost exactly alike his cousin to the point where people thought that Jesus was John.
One thing that stuck out to me was ” Jesus gave all for you, are you willing to give all for Him? He wants to give you true happiness. He thirsts for your friendship. He thirsts for your soul.” This stuck out to me mostly when it said “He thirst for your friendship, he thirsts for your soul” because it tells me that he truly wants me to become closer to him.
The thing that stuck out to me is the people that said that john had risen from the dead and the reason that it stuck out to me is because Jesus was his cousin but it is still strange that he looked almost exactly alike his cousin to the point where people thought that Jesus was John.
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that God will come again and we must be ready to see him. We mustn’t be deceived by fake gods or false prophets. The phrase, “And he kept trying to see him.” particularly interests me. Herod killed John and is trying to figure out what these people are saying or talking about. When we pray to God or call to the saints or apostles, we must do it intently and sincerely for us to truly see them, otherwise you will fail and have a hard time seeing the spiritual world upon you or an illusion.
In today’s gospel what stuck to me was that even if we hear God say no don’t do this and we still do it it comes back to us like when Herod said what how can this be if I beheaded john he knew that what he did was wrong yet he still did it.
I feel like Jesus is trying to tell me that I need to reject the devil and not to put him in my life and we cant pray just to get the stuff we want like toys and other things and some other people think praying will get them the stuff they want,but no some people think that but its not true God is not a machine he doesn’t generate anything except for love and when we do bad things that the devil trying to tempt us to sin and some people listen to it and so I think he is just trying to tell me is to try not to be tempted by him and and not to pray for the things you want.
In today’s Gospel Herod wants to kill Jesus but then he wants to see God that does not make sense on how he wants to kill God and then wants to see him. See God loves you no matter how much you sin, but sinning isn’t good. God loves us so much us so much that’s why he died for us!!
What stuck to me was Herod hearing that John was alive. His expression was confusing almost like he was in disbelief