Humbly submit your will to God (thy will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 7:36-50: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Jesus teaches us today without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven. These two actions are intertwined so completely that they make up the fiber of God’s nature. God did not need to create us, He is God. He needs nothing. He is complete in Himself and we can not add anything to Him.
He is made up of love and wanted to share it. We are the creation that is a result of this overflowing love. We are made in God’s image and likeness along with our parents, who loved each other so much that they decided to give one another themselves in the vocation of marriage.
I suck at forgiving. I am stubborn and hard-headed. I think I am always right! Thank God he gave me a big heart and is good at slapping humility on me often. The woman bathed Jesus’ feet with tears. When is the last time you cried in the confessional? Me either. Every sin hurts God and will have to be repaid. We must truly be sorry and continue to work on our limitations and sinful habits. St. Teresa of Avila said, “Don’t allow your sins to become bad habits!” This is the journey to sainthood!
When is the last time God didn’t forgive you when you asked Him to? Why do we judge, talk about others, be mean, and live selfishly? We are all in the same boat and have faults. Begin healing your relationships with forgiveness, embrace someone today like Jesus does for you in the confessional each time you have the courage to come back and face your sins.
At that moment, we begin to understand true love and boy does it feel good, even overwhelming at times. Thank you God, send us your grace so we may reflect you better. Amen!
Today’s challenge: Forgive, feel the burden released, and experience love and joy. Tears will flow!
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
Jesus tells everyone in the gospel today that in order to enter heaven, they must have love and mercy. If you saw a homeless person on the street, would you avoid them? Or would you give them clothes and food? That may not seem like a lot to you, but to that person, it’s very important. By showing love and mercy towards them, you can help them to feel better or to be better. God asks us to follow his image and example. That’s how we get to heaven.
I think that Jesus is trying to say that no matter how big of a sin you could possibly commit God will always unconditionally love you untill the end of time.
Jesus teaches us today without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven.
This part of the reflection stuck out the most because if you don’t love the other people around you, then what is there to love anyone. You can’t just love the people you know, also love the people you don’t, then you will see the gates of the Kingdom.
In today’s scripture reflection I heard God telling me that, we all sin and sometimes we make bad mistakes in life, some that we wish we could not do or just restart, but what we have done is done and its what we choose to do after we make the mistake. Whether that be to say sorry or to do something for or to help the person feel better. We can be as sorry or feel as bad as we can but either way we messed up, and we need to fix what we did wrong and learn from it.
I also suck at forgiving. but when I do i feel great. it kind of feels like a burden is being lifted off of your shoulders. And Confession is the ultimate forgiveness. there we are forgiven of our sins. Its also nice to know someone has forgiven you.
In today,s gospel the Lord enters a house of a pharisee and sits at the table a women who is a sinner comes and cleans his feet puts ointment on them and the pharisee says this women is a sinner but the Lord says all she sins have been forgiven because she showed true love.
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” if we trust God in our faith we will be saved. But if we chose to be lead away from God we shall not be saved.
Today the woman was forgiven because of her faith. This tells us that faith can help in so many different ways. when you have faith anything is possible through God. If the woman didn’t have faith she would’ve gone to a bad place but her faith saved her.
In todays scripture it talks about forgiveness. “Begin healing your relationships with forgiveness, embrace someone today like Jesus does for you in the confessional each time you have the courage to come back and face your sins”. Its always good to forgive and not hold a grudge. Jesus teaches us to forgive, it can help free you from the control of the person who harmed you.
When is the last time God didn’t forgive you.stuck out to me because when truly is the last go did not forgive God has always loved me and forgave me when i have sinned every single day i commit a sin yet every day God continues to love me its like he sees something in me so he forgives.
Today In the Gospel it talks about forgiveness. In there it said that God didn’t have to make us but He is God so He made us in the image and Likeness of Himself. In there it also takes about without Love and Mercy one cannot enter Heaven. This is where confession comes in because God gave us confession out of His love for us and then when we go to Confession he offers us Mercy. Because of this we need to take advantage of confession and try to get closer to God.
, “Don’t allow your sins to become bad habits!” Today God is calling me and is telling me that we shouldn’t do the bad, even if we want to really bad. Bad habits can become sins if they are bad and you keep on doing them too. I have a bunch of bad habits that are probably sins, like sometimes I have a potty mouth. Instead focus on God and think W.W.J.D (what would Jesus do?). He wants us to live to follow in His footsteps, but every time we sin we get a step away from His path. Think good and don’t let the devil deceive you into his thoughts.
What Stuck out to me was that she dried a man’s feet with her hair.
I think in this Gospel Jesus Christ is trying to tell us that if we clean another
brothers feet then we will be cleaned.
“her many sins have been forgiven;
hence, she has shown great love.”
I like this line because it shows that you don’t need to buy forgiveness. When wanting to be forgiven some people buy gifts but all you need is love and to show your sorry.
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
On judging day God is not looking for all the things you have in life it is who you have in in life and how you love Him.
Today Jesus talks to his disciples about the woman cleaning his feet and that she is cleaning them with tears and her hair. So even though she has committed many sins it is okay because she has repented and is very sorry for her sins. Today we know that this is God’s love God will love us after every single sin. This doesn’t mean that we should just commit sin and not feel bad. As long as we know we are sinners shouldn’t sin and make an effort God will forgive us because God loves us no matter what. The apostles are not understanding how he forgives her and then Jesus explains it. They still don’t understand and think who does this man think he is. We know of course that everything he has done is righteous.
“Begin healing your relationships with forgiveness, embrace someone today like Jesus does for you in the confessional each time you have the courage to come back and face your sins.” Begin healing your relationships with forgiveness is inportant beauaesb evine Know your going thoeer soming thing you should always forgiveness and be kind and italso really inportant to shoes the right pepole to be frwands with. and do the right thing with them
In today’s Gospel Jesus forgives someone who has sinned a lot. Jesus was at a table with a Pharisee and Simon when a woman came in. She had strayed away from God for a long time and when she came in she washed Jesus’s feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. She also kissed them and anointed them with the ointment. Jesus saw that she was very sorry for her sins and so he forgave her. We are all called to forgive others even if they have done terrible things. We all need to love everyone equally and care for all of them. Treat others how you would want to be treated.
Today’s Gospel is about how we need God forgiveness in order to make it to heaven. We can achieve this forgiveness by going to confession and confessing our sins. but in order to have a good confession we must have faith that God can save us in the Gospel it says “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” meaning that if we have faith that God can save us we will be saved
I feel like this story is hard to understand. So what they are trying to say is that the woman cleansed his feet with ointment, and tears. Jesus said to Simon. ” if 2 people were in debt and one person owed 500 days, wages and the others owes fifty, which of them will love more. Simon then said that the one with the large labor.” our sins are so big that it represents the cross. If we know the love of God and if we put our full lives God, we will be like that woman. This is similar in the Chosen when the women bought the most expensive ointment and she said it was for a King. She then cleansed his feet and that’s where the “Your faith has saved you” came in. When we give everything that we have no matter what it is for the good. People say that keeping all the money to yourself will save you. But I say no, money won’t save you, power won’t save you, and fame will never save you. Because there is one person who is more famous than anyone and he was the word at the beginning, he created the heavens and the earth, he is the one that died from your sins. It’s Jesus, he has been there and he will always will be. Jesus knows what you have been through because he went through the same thing as well. We all carried that sin that kept holding us down. We just have to walk with Jesus so that we can go back home.
I think when Jesus is asking Simon who loves the debtor more. He is trying to tell us that we should love him of our own free will because he forgives our sins
Today’s scripture stood out to me. We need to not make our sins bad habits. God loves us every sin hurts God, we can forgive them with confession. Forgiveness is strong God forgives us every time when we go to confession. we should pay it forward. When we have grudges it is a sin. Forgiveness is the way to stop a grudge from taking over you.
Jesus will love you no matter what
God is trying to tell me to forgive everyone even if you don’t what to.
something that stood out to me was that “Jesus teaches us today without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven. These two actions are intertwined so completely that they make up the fiber of God’s nature. God did not need to create us, He is God.”
I think this scripture tells us that if we don’t try to be Christ-like and forgiving with certain things, it’ll be difficult for us to enter heaven. I believe that if we follow Christ while being a good person, it does us good for when he meets us on judgement day.
Jesus says that without mercy and love we will not enter heaven, he wants us to love our enemies and not talk about them badly.
Something that I read and it stuck with me is that the Lord did not need to create us but since he has soooo much Love he wanted to share it for you and me. Also he has so MUCH LOVE he DIED for US. Jesus went on a cross died and resurrected deafeted death so we can go to Heaven. The Lord is so loving he also forgives us for our sins and everything he has So much mercy for us and he loves us more than we can imagine.
In today’s Gospel God is trying to tell us to keep our strong faith with God in order to be forgiven and saved by him.
In the Gospel it said that God will always forgive you If you are truly sorry and want his forgiveness but if you are just asking and don’t feel bad for what you did he will not truly forgive you but try to get you on the right path in life.
I think what God is trying to say is that he will loves us no matter what happens. He wants us to not think that we are right about everything and that we don’t care about other people just ourselves. And that we should be ready for judgment day and to make sure to confess up to the president/Jesus
I think this is calling me to forgive others, just like how God forgives all. We shouldnt judge others. Why? Because we are all in the same boat! All of us make mistakes. We should be more like God. Forgiving, and loving is what he is. Lets try to be like God today.
God is trying to say that no matter what you do and how many sins you commit, He will always love you.
In The Gospel today Jesus tells everyone that the way to get to heaven is to follow in his image and be kind to everyone. if there were someone in need would you assist them or give them food. That is how we go to heaven is to follow God and be kind.
Jesus Is telling me today that no sin is too big or too small all sins are forgivable. So this doesn’t mean go commit any sin but to try not to. But don’t let every little sin drag you down or think your life will end. The Lord is loving and forgiving.
“BUT THE ONE WHO FORGIVES LITTLE LOVES LITTLE”today’s gospel or scripture talks about the woman that washed Jesuses feet with tears forgive fear live burden
The Gospel today I think is trying to teach us that whoever has less of another has greater love. For example, the people who live in mansions and have lots of money love less than the people who have nothing. If the rich people owed the government $100 and the poor owed them $50 but they said they didn’t have to pay them this time, the poor would be a lot more grateful than the rich.
I think Jesus is trying to tell me that we should serve others and forgive them. When we do this though we should not expect anything in return because we will be rewarded in heaven. Also if we forgive and serve others we can be forgiven.
Today’s scripture is about forgiveness is the best thing you could ever do , that stuck out to me because it also said have forgiveness and also said that “I suck at forgiving. I am stubborn and hard-headed. I think I am always right! Thank God he gave me a big heart and is good at slapping humility on me often.” and that God gave every one the will to forgiveness and is the greatest thing that he could ever give you.
I think that God is trying to tell me that no matter how many sins i commit he will still love me. I think he is also tellling me to forgive others.
I think the Gospel is trying to tell us that if somebody did something mean or bad you should always forgive them.
“If this man were a prophet,
he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him,
that she is a sinner.” What that means to me is that God loves us even though we are sinners and that we need to confess our sins to him to be forgiven
A certain Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him,
and he entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table.
Now there was a sinful woman in the city
who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee.
Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment,
she stood behind him at his feet weeping
and began to bathe his feet with her tears.
Then she wiped them with her hair,
kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment.
I think Jesus was trying to tell me to forgive but not forget, because if you forget it isn’t forgiveness it’s forgetfulness.
I think today in the Gospel Jesus is telling us that no matter what, God will always love us. We also will love him more the greater our sins he forgives
I think what Jesus is trying to tell us is that no matter what if we are the biggest sinner in the world and run in front of the Pope saying I hate Jesus I think all the Catholics are dumb for believing in Jesus , God will always forgive us no matter what
In Today’s scripture what stuck out to me was “Without love and mercy one will not enter Heaven.” That is telling me that you need to love everyone and have mercy on yourself no matter what.
In today’s gospel, I think that Jesus is trying to tell us that no matter how many sins we have, Jesus will always love us and forgive us. In the gospel, he forgives the sinful woman because she showed great love.
Today’s scripture was about how we need to forgive just like how Jesus forgives us when we sin. Whenever we are truly sorry for our sins God forgives us, and we should forgive everyone else as well.
Jesus showed that our faith can save us. One of the best things God does is forgive, without his forgiveness we wouldn’t be where we are today. I think we should also learn to forgive those around us, and expect nothing in return.
I think that Jesus is trying to tell us in the Gospel today that God doesn’t love us less, even if we sin. We will sin, but God forgives us. He loves us so much!
Today’s Gospel means to me that Jesus loves you very much and cares about you so much. Jesus will always forgive you!
What I interpreted is that even if you have sinned a million times. That just by doing something kind of feeling sorry for your sins God in his glory will forgive you and your sins.
in today’s gospel I think that Jesus was telling me to have love towards everyone. Without love then we won’t be able to get to Heaven. We should love others as He loves us, with our whole hearts.
Jesus wants us to remember To be patient and forgive one another. To make it to heaven we have to do
those things. Im not the greatest at forgiving but just dont hold a grudge. We are all sinners but that doesnt
mean we cant make it to heaven. (: (: (: (: (:
Today’s Scripture is about forgiveness, is a amazing act, this Scripture stuck out to me because I sometimes have a hard time forgiving people so hearing this helps em understand what, it really means when you forgive. (The people in heaven are happy that you had no stubbornness to forgive the person that you forgave). If somebody ends up hurting you dearly then you also have the right to not forgive them until they show signs of the correct act and that they understand what they did was wrong. Also if you don’t forgive someone it is ok! It may take you a while to forgive them so don’t worry! God, still loves you and he will never stop loving you,even if you are a serious sinner.
Something that stood out too me today was that Jesus was saying even if you are a sinner your sins will be forgiven.If you have faith in God that he will forgive your sins, your sins will be forgiven.
We should forgive others because it is Christlike. It is what God wants us to do. God is willing to forgive us for our sins so we should forgive others.
I think what the Gospel is trying to tell me is that no matter what your sin is and no matter how bad the sin is God will always forgive you.
We need to be nice to others so they will be nice to others and then we will all be nice.
In todays gospel he is telling us that we must have a great love for the faith and not to bow down to the bad things in life and not to love everyone even your enemies
Today the woman was forgiven because of her faith. We are not able to enter Heaven without love.God always loves us even if we get distracted by other things.This tells us that faith can help in so many different ways. when you have faith anything is possible through God.Today the woman was forgiven because of her faith. This tells us that faith can help in so many different ways. when you have faith anything is possible through God.
Jesus is telling us without loving God we will not enter heaven. God did not need to create us. We are made in God’s image just like our parents.
In today’s scripture it talks about forgiveness. Whenever someone does something against us we need to forgive them for what they did. Just like how Jesus died for our sins so we can get our sins forgave so we can live with him in heaven.
In the Gospel, Jesus forgives all of your sins no matter how bad you think they are. He loves us to death, and he’ll never be mad at any sin you make, because he loves you dearly.
What I got from the reflection was that even the smallest of acts of kindness can add up. You need kindness and mercy in order to enter Heaven. If you can show genuine compassion and love to everyone then you will go to Heaven.
Todays scripture is talking about forgiveness. A women in this scripture asked for forgiveness. She was forgiven because of her faith. This proves that faith is everything. Faith can help us and we know God will always forgive us when we go back to him.
In today’s gospel, The woman cleaned and anointed Jesus’s feet. The pharisee said that if Jesus knew who she was, he would have never let her touch him. Jesus said that she came and cleaned his feet but the pharisee did not. I think that sometimes we are like the pharisee. We sin, but do not ask Jesus for forgiveness. The woman had done some bad things but still dropped down and cleaned Jesus’s feet. We need to be more like the woman and go to confession and acknowledge our sins.
In today’s gospel, Jesus anointed a woman even though she was a sinner. Jesus forgave her and he moved on. We should be able to forgive others and we need to love others, even if they are sinners. Jesus loved everyone and forgave everyone, even if they are sinners. That is why there are Confessions because Jesus wants to forgive others so they can meet Him in heaven.“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” I like this saying because I think that without Jesus, the world would be crazy.
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Whenever we go to confession the priest says something similar to that (i think it is, “go in peace, your sins are forgiven”). This Gospel is telling us that when we repent God is proud of us. When we finally meet God, I think he will look at the times we have sinned and when we have repented for them, so it is always good to go to confession and repent.
I think in this gospel Jesus is telling us to always love and care for others and we shall make it to heaven. He also is hinting that he will always love us no matter what sin we have committed as long as we are genuinely sorry.
He is complete in Himself and we can not add anything to Him. To me this is saying that he doesn’t need us. We need Him. He is the reason that we exist. He didn’t have to make us. It was His choice to make us. He made us because of love. He is the definition of love.
In today’s gospel, we hear about the woman who was a sinner who cleaned jesus’s feet. The woman came and cleaned his feet but the pharisee did not. I think that sometimes we are like the pharisee. We sin, but do not ask Jesus for forgiveness. The woman had done some bad things but still dropped down and cleaned Jesus’s feet. We need to be more like the woman and go to confession and acknowledge our sins.In today’s gospel, The woman cleaned and anointed Jesus’s feet. The pharisee said that if Jesus knew who she was, he would have never let her touch him. Jesus said that
I think today ´ s gospel is about not judging other people. We need to love everyone else no matter what.
Jesus is explaining to us that no matter what sins we commit we will always be forgiven if we go back to him. The sinful woman ,who wiped Jesus’s feet with her tears and hair, had her sins forgiven because of her repentance, but the Pharisee, that thought that he was all high and mighty because he was a Pharisee, did not because he did not repent for any sins he had committed.
What this scripture is telling me, is that we sin. everyone sins, i sin you sin. EVERYBODY SINS! even teachers, principals, pro athletes, religious people. because we are all children of God no matter what we do. He will always love us and we can never ever change that.
Forgiveness, I believe that forgiveness is a very strong word and everyone should and shall be forgiven of what they have done
in today’s gospel a woman is washing Jesus’ feet that woman is a sinner and Simon tells this to Jesus so Jesus gives us the parable of the two men and the debt. each person owes a debt but one is greater than the other. both the debts are forgiven. the question is which person is more grateful we would think the person with more debt and Jesus says he is right the woman however by cleaning the feet of Jesus she also repaid her debt and is free to go. us in our daily lives must repay our debt to God though for us jesus has already paid our debt. so we should always be thankful to God for sending his son.
But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” This stuck out to me because Jesus is telling us to forgive. Forgiving people matters as much as loving people does. Jesus forgives us all the time so why don’t we forgive other people.
The thing that stuck out to me was the analogy that Jesus used. It stuck out to me because it makes so much sense. “Two people were in debt to a certain creditor; one owed five hundred days’ wages and the other owed fifty. Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both. Which of them will love him more?” “Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment. So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.”
we are all bad at forgiving. But we have to thank God that we are here in this World and we thank him for everything he has done for us.
In today’s gospel it talked about forgiveness. You should always forgive someone even if it was wrong. Just like God will always forgive you of all the bad sins we do.
I think the Gospel is trying to tell us we could commit the biggest sin and Jesus would still love us. No matter what we do Jesus will love us it could be a small sin, or it could be a big one, but no matter what it is he will still love us.
God has always forgiven us. Never once did He not care about us and then not forgive us. God is love and love is to have respect and feelings for one another. God released us from the devil’s grasp by having His only son die for each one of us. This huge gesture shows us that He loves us, yet we don’t see it.
” When is the last time god didnt forgive you?” this really stuck out to me and made me think. All the time i ask myself if what i did (even if it’s not that bad) is forgivable by god! sometimes i need to remember that god will always love me and he will forgive me no matter what. Although jesus never sinned throughout his life on earth, he gets us and hes always there to be our friend and understand what were going through and that mistakes happen.
We all just need to learn and try our best to get better at forgetting, judgement can be a huge struggle. Judging people can even intervene with our forgiveness. If we want someone to forgive us for our simple mistake we better start forgiving them for simple mistakes as well and not holding grudges. treat people the way you wanna be treated.
Jesus teaches us today without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven. This is similar to forgiving somebody. When someone does something to hurt you you forgive them. When you forgive, you are granting them mercy. In today’s gospel the woman was deeply sorry and washed Jesus’ feet. Jesus is a great role model of forgiveness because he is mercy itself and all forgiving.
the scripture tells us that God is full of love and mercy. We are sinners and are the opposite of God, but he still loves us so much and that teaches us what true love really is. He wants us to love others as He loves us because He forgives us over and over so who are we to not forgive our neighbor and love them?
the women was showing great care for Jesus so much so that she used her hair to wipe Jesus’s feet.
showing that we should do the same to care for one another.
Jesus teaches us today without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven. Without mercy we could bring people down in to hell with us cause it to cause a chain reaction if they don’t have mercy to.We need God to save us and it we don’t accept the grace we could go to hell.
I think God is saying he always forgives us. That doesn’t mean we just sin all the time knowing that. WE should not take advantage of that because we don’t know when judgment day will come so we always need to try not to sin.
Today we hear about the power of Jesus’ forgiveness. He tells Simon the one who has more sins to be forgiven will love Him more, and we see this when it comes to the woman who sinned a lot. But he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” She believed in the power of Jesus’ forgiveness, when others were questioning what he was doing.
¨When is the last time God didn’t forgive you when you asked Him to?¨ This stuck out to me because God will always forgive us. Sometimes we might be scared to ask for forgiveness because we think God will be mad but he won´t. Or we might try to fix ourselves without God´s help but we should just go to God first. You do not enter the shower already clean, you enter the shower dirty.
This is one of my favorite passages from the bible and this quote stuck out to me today. “So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love.” I love this quote, especially the part that says “She has shown great love” because that’s what I strive for every day, to show great love. People underestimate how much one little act of kindness can help a person and through your acts of love and kindness you can change someone’s whole world. Just think about it this way. Love literally changed the world and the whole course of humanity. Jesus died on the cross out of love for us, agape love, which is a latin term for unconditional love. It has no limits. So Jesus changed the world with his love for us and I think we can change the world with our love for him.
Today this Gospel is telling me that if we come in true sorrow we shall have our sins forgiven. It also is saying that if we are forgiven of the most we shall be loving the most. Showing that if someone is away from God and they come back they will have much love for him and much love from others.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is telling us that no matter what you have done no matter if it was the worst thing possible or the best thing possible, you are still worthy of His forgiveness and Love. Simon was a follower of Christ and the woman was sinner but he still forgave and loved the sinner just as much.
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” this stuck out to me today, Jesus will forgive us if we have faith that He can and will forgive us. If we have faith in the Lord then as many times that we sin as long as we come back to Him we will be forgiven. Jesus will forgive us whenever we ask Him for forgiveness we just have to talk to Him and say sorry and actually try to stop doing that sin or else that apology means nothing.
The Gospel is saying if we are gonna ask for forgiveness from God, we need to be truly sorry. The woman cried as they washed Jesus feet because they had sinned and wanted forgiveness. We just have to have that sorrow in us for him to forgive us.
The Pharisee in today’s gospel sees the sinful woman asking Jesus’s forgiveness and thinks that Jesus should be angry at her, but instead Jesus welcomes her actions and confuses the Pharisee by saying that he, a Pharisee, is the one Jesus should be ashamed of.
In the Gospel today, Jesus dines with a pharisee. a sinful woman comes to Jesus and he forgives her, but the Pharisee judges him for talking to such a person. Jesus responds saying that everyone shall be forgiven, no matter how much of a sinner they were. Simply, those who have sinned more in their life before Jesus are usually more thankful that He has saved them than those who sinned little before Jesus. We are called to not be like Simon, no matter how much we sin, we should be SOOO thankful for Jesus because He quite literally died on the cross to save us.
I think today’s Gospel is about forgiveness, Jesus forgave a sinner because she showed care for him. We should forgive others and love others, even if they do more bad stuff than somebody else does. Jesus forgave and loved others even if they sinned.
in today’s Gospel, Jesus says “God did not need to create us, He is God. He needs nothing. He is complete in Himself and we can not add anything to Him.” I think Jesus is telling us that we should be grateful that we were born.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell us that Jesus is made up of love and that he loves everyone. He loves everyone and gets almost no love back. People say that there are other gods but they have no proof other than they had “dreams” about their God. The real God is Jesus and we have physical proof about it. Even though we have physical proof about it people still choose to not love him.it could be because worshiping God is too much work to them or they just don’t want too but they just make up excuses to not love God. We need to love God if we want to go to heaven so why do people not?
This tells me that even though you sin you can still love Jesus and you can always be forgiven no matter what you do.
I think that Jesus is saying that the one who praises Him and loves Him has more than the one who doesn’t.
Jesus forgives anybody no matter how large there sin is. He shows compassion to the woman and gives a perfect example.
I feel like God is trying to tell me is to concentrate on yourself and even if you make a mistake you can fix it no matter what
Jesus is teaching us to love no matter what other people have done and he is teaching us about mercy.
God is telling us to love one another and forgive the ones who might wrong you, because God wants us all to forgive and love.
This scripture is telling me that no matter how much of a sinner you are Jesus will love all equally.
This tells me that even though you sin you can still love Jesus and you can always be forgiven no matter what you do or how bad it is.
Jesus is teaching us to love other people no matter what they have done and teach us about mercy.
God did not have to create us he chose to.
I think what God is trying to say that we can always be forgave because of our faith this stuck out to me because I think its an important thing to know
Jesus is teach us about love and mercy.
What the gospel is telling me today is that even if you sin greatly Jesus will still love you. And that your actions gives off if your truly sorry for the sin you have committed. And that we should always forgive people if their truly sorry about it.
“Jesus teaches us today without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven. These two actions are intertwined so completely that they make up the fiber of God’s nature. God did not need to create us, He is God. He needs nothing. He is complete in Himself and we can not add anything to Him. ” That God is the way the life and the truth.
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that no matter how egregious of a sin you’ve committed, God will still love you and forgive you if you are truly sorry for it and repent. And also, from what the Pharisee said about the woman, I kind of got that people who seem bad to you, aren’t truly bad as they seem. So, forgive those that have wronged you and do not judge anyone. I think those people you should interact with more, so that you can learn about them and know about their true selves.
I think the gospel is telling us that he will always be there for us and always be there to love us even if we sin he will forgive us even if we keep on sinning he will keep on forgiving us.
what I understood was that the gospel is a gift unless you don’t believe in God or Jesus.
In Today’s Gospel: A woman cleaned Jesus’s feet and she was a sinner and God forgave her. I think God is telling me that I should always forgive others and to not hold grudges and no matter how much a person sins.
Jesus is pure love he always forgives us. And we should be so so thankful that Jesus loves us because he died on the cross for us!
In today’s gospel God is trying to tell us without love and mercy we will not inter into his kingdom in heaven
Something that I got out of this was that we have no room to judge anyone. Jesus said in the gospels, whoever is sinless cast the first stone, and that is what we should learn from this. Everybody makes mistakes, Father Jarrod, Bishop Kemme, and even Pope Francis, everyone makes mistakes because we are human, but the difference between, a regular person and those people is that they know that they can be forgiven by God, God will forgive us for anything that we do,except blasphemy against the Holy Spririt, but besides that there is absolutely nothing we can do that makes God not love us, and the sad part is that most people do not recongnize this, and it is our job to tell people about it, because if people relize how much God loves them, than they will be in a better place mentally.
Your reflection gives me hope for the future! Your insight is very mature and the Holy Spirit has guided you in this reflection. Praise God!
without love and mercy, one will not enter heaven. Truly stuck out to me because if we do not love our enemies we may never show them mercy meaning we will not make it to heaven by followings these simple acts one may enter the Kingdom of God.
What I got out of this scripture reflection is that everyone makes mistakes and that its not good to hold grudges on people because Jesus forgave the people that tortured him.
The scripture tells us that God is full of love and mercy. We are sinners and are the opposite of God, but he still loves us so much and that teaches us what true love really is. He wants us to love others as He loves us.