Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 11:5-13: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Jesus reminds us to ask God for whatever we need physically or spiritually. Yesterday, Jesus taught us how to approach the Father in prayer through the Our Father prayer which has the 7 petitions to ask God the Father for everything we need (7 is the number of perfection in the Bible).
Today, I want you to reflect on what you’re asking for. What we want or what God has in store for us. Do we know what God wants for us or made us for? Jesus is letting us know today that the Father will take good care of us, is chasing after us, and that we don’t have to earn His love. The only person getting in the way of the Father’s love is us. We must rest in His arms and allow Him to love us.
Jesus tells us if we seek the Truth (God) we will find Him. If we ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, He will give it to us. Even though God knows what you will be asking for, He wants you to ask, to journey in a friendship with Him, to allow Him to be your Father and help you. Jesus is with you in your prayer, He cries with you in your suffering, He rejoices with you when you feel sorrow for your sin and ask for forgiveness for this is why He died.
Remember, you may not receive what you are asking for if it is not God’s will. He may be asking you to carry a cross to purify your soul in preparation for heaven or He may be testing your faithfulness to Him and is trying to stretch your heart to trust him more. He knows you and loves you more than you know and love yourself. He knows how to help you gain salvation. He wants you to participate in your salvation. Accept it with open arms and be ready to ask for His grace for the battle.
“God knows you better than you know yourself, God loves you more than you love yourself, God wants you to know His Will.” -Fr. Mike Schmitz
Today’s challenge: Allow God to help you, pray, seek, ask!
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
Today, Jesus reminds us to ask God for whatever we need physically or spiritually
This stuck out to me because sometimes, you just need to ask God what you need both physically and spiritually in life at any given moment. SO, don’t be afraid to ask God for anything you need in your life
I think Jesus is saying that whatever you ask for of the Lord you will be given it all you have to do is ask. Jesus is also saying that you should not give people what they did not ask for.
We do not always get what we ask for, but our needs our taken care of every day and we are so blessed. We do get what we ask for if it is the Father’s Will for our lives.
I think that Jesus is trying to tell us that if you let him come into our lives than good things will be done to you. God wants us all to be with him.
In the scripture it says that we all have to carry our own crosses and sacrifice, not only for ourselves but for others too. We have to carry our own crosses when we go threw something hard or we have to sacrifice when we do carry our own crosses, we need to be like Jesus and remember that at the end after all of it we will be closer to God and we will have grown . Jesus will always be with us in everything we do no matter what.
Today, Jesus tells us to ask him if we NEED something. And if we don’t receive it then its not Gods will. That just means he wants us to carry a cross to purify us.
in this scripture god is telling us ask and we shall receive.
Today Jesus says knock and the door will be opened to you. Jesus is saying that He is giving us all the tools to follow Him but we actually have to try to have a relationship with Him. Sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers which is fine because He knows what needs to happen and what doesn’t need to happen. He has a plan for all of us and even if it seems like He doesn’t answer doesn’t mean He doesn’t care. Even though He doesn’t answer sometimes does not mean we have to stop trying to talk to Him. God still answers prayers just in ways you may not think about. We all need to try and have a personal relationship with God.
These Words stuck out to me today “And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I think this is like the golden rule treat others how you want to be treated.
Also it means whatsoever you do to the least of your people that you do unto
“Ask and you will receive;seek and you will find”,if you ask God to reveal something to you he will and if you look for the right path you will find it,but if you don’t ask for God to help he will not help if you look for the wrong path you will never find the right path.Always ask and you will receive the goodness of the Lord our God!Always look for the right path or you will never find it!
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”. When we ask from the father we receive it but not in the way that we want to. For example when we ask to be strong, we are strong but we don’t know how to use it. But if we ask and we start being disciplined and start knowing how to use it. To me we can find God’s love in many ways, it’s all around us and that’s what makes us sons of God. If we start asking him for mercy, grace, and forgiveness. he will knock on that door to talk to you, you just have to let him into your life. It’s what we need from him. The world gives us the snake, the food that’s no good for you, but God the father will give you the bread that will fill you up and you will never thirst again, his blood will never run out and you will never thirst, but from the snake we shall die from thirst for it is poisoned. So go to the father, and you can fall into grace. We can’t hide from the father because he always finds us in the place where we can’t see him unless we open our eyes to see the light out the other end.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
This line sometimes lets people down in a way. I feel sometimes people ask and then they dont receive it they kind of think God is not there. Sometime you don’t receive because its not in Gods plan or will.
“Even though God knows what you will be asking for, He wants you to ask, to journey in a friendship with Him”
I like this because God want to have a relationship and we need to trust him and build that relation ship even though he knows everything already.
In this Gospel, I believe Jesus is trying to tell us that while we pray to God and tell him what we actually need spiritually and emotionally he will heal you. Once you talk to God through prayer you will feel way better and find yourself in a more positive position.
Today something that stuck out to me was that it might not be their friendship that will get you something but persistence will. This sticks out to me because you have to work for everything in life nothing is given. Except for God’s love but you don’t always understand God’s love so you must seek a close relationship with him by constantly praying and spending silence with him. This is hard though because sometimes we can feel like God is not there just because we cannot see him. That’s like saying that the wall isn’t there because I’m blind, but it is there we just don’t see it. God is everywhere even in us. He must constantly pray and try to have a close relationship with him and things will go well.
Today’s Gospel is about how God can fulfill our physical and spiritual needs if we ask for in the Gospel it says “For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” But God wont always give us exactly what we ask for he will gives us what we need in order to achieve what we want
“What we want or what God has in store for us.” I stud out to me because God has in store for us and he is wating for us. and wants us to make it to haven and by happy. so we need to listen to Gods words.
Something that I got out of this was that if we ask God for something than he will return his favor. So many of us think that Jesus can only answer payers to the most holy people in the world, yet it is the exact opposite, when the lowest of the low people try to talk to him, and pray to him, he can tell that those people need his assistance, as much as anybody, it being the lowest of the low does not always mean money, it can mean physical health yes, but it can also mean mental health, which is just as, or more important in my opinion, most of the time for people with mental struggles, they are too scared to talk to someone because they have been hurt by someone, so they do not want to talk to someone that might just do the exact same thing as the last, and that is sad, because the people that struggle the most are the ones that might seem the happiest, yet they seem so lost in their mind, and that is why God is always open for those who struggle with physical health, like money and housing, and mental health.
In today’s gospel the Lord talks about how when a friend asks for food for his other friend but that friend gives him nothing. That is not a real friend unlike the Lord is a real friend and will give what you ask for so that you may recive for your friend so he does not starve. May the Lord be with you. Amen
“Today, Jesus reminds us to ask God for whatever we need physically or spiritually.” Today Jesus is telling me don’t be afraid to ask God for help and He will help us, so if we need love then He will give us love, and if we need a hug then He will have someone give us a hug. He will send a person down and put them into your life because He knew you guys need each other. Sometimes you might be like I have no one in my life to help me and people that are in my life aren’t good, well look around, there is at least one good person that you are very very grateful for. Let God help you get to heaven because not everyone can do it alone, not even God Himself could do it alone too. So remember that, everyone is too weak alone, and make sure you have someone there to try to help guide you.
God loves all of us. He tells us, “ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” This means that God is willing to give us what we ask of Him but only if it is His will. Sometimes, God has something else in mind for us and we have to go along with whatever He tells us. God wants what’s best for us and we just have to trust him.
good wow this is great who ever made this scripture your awesome dude # yolo
In today’s scripture its saying that we need to find Jesus, he tells us that we seek the Truth (God) we will find Him. Jesus is with you in your prayer, He cries with you in your suffering. If u ever feel alone just know that Jesus is with u in your spirtually and always will be. he loves us very much. if you ever pray to Jesus about one of your problems and he doesn’t fix it, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. He works in his own ways differently. you need patience and to trust the Lord.
Today Jesus reminds us that whatever is weighing on our soul we should ask God to help us. He is our father and will never stop loving us and chasing after us. If we seek what is true in our lives we will find him. Just like every time at Mass we receive him through the Holy Eucharist. We can give up the sin that we carry everyday to him. If we reach him in prayer more we will grow a relationship with him.
God is the truth. He loves us and we don’t deserve it. The most high father loves us. The ruler of the world. We don’t deserve that as sinners who disobey him. Humans are so greedy they want, and want, and want and it’s never good enough. Though the Lord doesn’t care he grants our wishes and loves us more than we could ever imagine.
Jesus is asking us to ask Him for help. He is not demanding it, but he wants what is best for us. He tells us that God will help you in the end. It might not be immediate, but he knows what is always best for you in the end. Jesus might test you, and ask you to push a little harder, or go a little farther. It’s all worth it in the end.
In this scripture God tells us ask and we shall receive so as we all ask we forget to get reverent before we ask god may never hear us if we do not find that quiet space in our room or at the church we must be reverent and be willing to hear his voice.Amen
This is telling me that God loves me. He loves me more than anything in the world. He knows us more than we know ourselves. May we accept Gods love and he lead us to heaven.
Jesus is saying today that whatever you ask of Him, he will give to you, knock and it will be opened to you, and he says we all should be like this. He also says that if something is asked of you, give it to them.
In today’s Gospel God is asking us to knock on the door so he can answer into our needs. God wants us to know that we can trust in Him.
Jesus is telling us that we should give to others and our reward will be great in heaven. Jesus is also telling us that if we follow him if we ask God to fulfill our needs he will not hesitate to help those who fear him.
Something that stuck with me when I read this is that when we ask for God things that we want we usually will probably not get what we want. but when we ask God for understanding of the Bible or to hear why we were made like it says in the scriptures God Instantly gives us the answers or answer. God wants us to reach heaven so he gives us the things we need spiritually and some things that we want physically we don’t get because I wont help getting closer to God.
Today, Jesus reminds us to ask God for whatever we need physically or spiritually. And Jesus asks us to consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph, Also that to seek the truth of God because God knows us more then anyone will.
In the Gospel “it says knock and the door will be opened to you” I think this means that God is always willing to help you if you ask. He also says seek and you shall find this means the same thing but it different words if you ask God for something he will do his best to make it happen.
I believe God is trying to tell us that if and when we pray to him and we love him he will grant us our spiritual and physical needs but to not just take it for granted and ask for things we really need not just things we want or desire.
My enterprestation of this scipture is to not fully rely on God. He is a important figure in our life and helps us a lot but everytime something comes up or you get into an argument try not to ask God and use him as a way of not feeling sorry for ourselves. Try to work that problem yourself. Obviously if there’s something bad going on and you have no control of it a prayer is always useful.
I think it is the opposite. We need to rely on ourselves way less and fully rely on God. I am not saying that God has not given us everything we need to figure out our problems, but St. Augustine says, “Work as if everything depends on you, pray as if everything depends on God”. There needs to be that balance. We can’t be lazy, not work or try to work through our problems, and expect to eat. I think we are talking more about the Power of God’s grace and love as sinners who need a Savior.
I think Jesus is trying to remind us that we don’t need everything we ask for but the ones we DO need we must ask for, because if you really need it God will most likely grant it.
What stood out to me was “ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find”
I think it was trying to love the Lord [God} and be a servant no mater what and no mater what you ask, God already knows what you are asking for.
this scripture God is telling us that we will NOT receive everything that we ask for from God. We will also not get what we ask for if it is not from God’s will. But if it is from God’s will then we will receive it. and what it also thought me was “God knows you better than you know yourself, God loves you more than you love yourself, God wants you to know His Will.” this means we cannot but our selves before him because he knows us better than we know ourselves
One thing I got from today is that the Lord is sooo open to anyone who shall ask or pray. Also that goes along with todays challenge you can ask God to help you pray or open the door unto you. If you seek the Lord shall guide you and if you ask the Lord shall answer you. And if no answer is unto you you shall wait for the Lord God thinks thow is not ready for this answer or way.
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Suppose one of you has a friend
to whom he goes at midnight and says,
‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey
and I have nothing to offer him,’
and he says in reply from within,
‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked
and my children and I are already in bed.
I cannot get up to give you anything.’
I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves
because of their friendship,
he will get up to give him whatever he needs
because of his persistence.
I think what this Gospel is telling me is ask and you shall receive but only if its a need we cant just use God as a slot machine so we can get stuff
“ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE; SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND.” What that means to me is that we need to gain a personal relationship with Jesus. I also thought that we need to search for Jesus though prayer and reflect in a quiet place how I can do that.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I think that today’s gospel is telling us that all we need to do is ask what we need to God, and he will grant it to us. All that we need to do is just be open to his answers.
God today tells us to knock and well recieve. Yes we do indeed need to ask him for things such as forgiveness
and grace because we all need it in life so dont be afraid
to talk to God
I think today in the Gospel God is telling us to always help those in need and that God will always give to us what we need and more.
In today’s gospel, the message I got was that we need to always be calling on God in our lives. We need His guidance. If we need something, we pray to Him and ask Him for it and if it is His will, then He will give it to us.
I think Jesus is telling us we can ask God for anything. Nothing is impossible through God, Miracles happen in His name. “Ask and you shall receive”. He’s also telling us to help our neighbors like how we help our children, or in this case family and friends. If you can give and are able to give you should try to help those around you.
In the scripture it is telling us what we need or want what we ask for. So if you want something and your mom says no don’t cry about it say okay mom and put it back maybe some other time you will get it. What we want or need is Jesus’ love for every single person in the world. And Jesus will take good care of us.
I think in the scripture Jesus Is telling us to ask him what we need, but God will deliver what he thinks we need. God knows best and sometimes we get caught up in ourselves and forget that.
“”God knows you better than you know yourself, God loves you more than you love yourself, God wants you to know His Will.””
this quote will help you get through hard times for instance; if you think that nobody loves you; God loves you so much to there you don’t even know how much he truly loves you. God wishes the best for you and tries to make your life great, so whenever your down read this quote and you may understand again how much God truly loves us.
“God knows you better than you know yourself, God loves you more than you love yourself, God wants you to know His Will.” -Fr. Mike Schmitz. We might think we know what we need, and ask God fro it but might not get it. If we don’t get what we asked for we know that It is not Gods will. God loves us so much that he does what is best for us.
What I took from that is that I should give what I have when someone ask and That if I ask I shall receive what I ask for.
When it says “ask and you will receive it” I think it is saying when you turn to the Lord and ask Him to help He will help if you need it.
in today’s scripture it says “He may be asking you to carry a cross to purify your soul in preparation for heaven or He may be testing your faithfulness to Him and is trying to stretch your heart to trust him more.” This really stuck out to me because no matter what God Is always with you and always trying to build relationships with you. We should always ask God for help when we need it.
I think today’s Gospel means that God is just waiting for you to answer the door and accept him! If you don’t answer the door, He will never leave and just keep waiting.
I really do not like asking for help because that’s not how I feel I should be I feel I should already know everything and not need help, so I usually am not the best at math but I just do not like asking for help because its shameful in my opinion, so I think God just wants me to ask people for help when I need it not just doing it myself.
I think what God is trying to tell me today is that when he says “ask and you shall receive” we don’t have to try to earn God’s mercy and if we just ask him he will grant us with his mercy. When he says “seek and you will find” he’s saying that we cant just wait and sit there to find God, we must go and try to find him.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.¨ We need to be taking care of others, for we shall be opened up to the gates of Heaven!
If we ask for God’s grace we will receive God’s grace. If we ask we shall receive. If we need help and ask for it we shall be helped.
I think what god is trying to tell us is that we need ask for what we need.
I think that the scripture is saying that when you ask God for something maybe not now when you always want it but he will give it to you when it matters most and and that if you seek to get something that he will give it to you eventually.
You can’t always get what God is saying, but if we can’t we should not fall away if our faith is weak. We are the main barrier between God and us. We must tear down that wall to fully embrace God and to let Him empower us to do the good.
“What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish?Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg? If you then, who is wicked.” This part stuck out to me, because I think its telling us that we need to be kind and respect others, no matter what.
The scripture is saying that we can ask Jesus for help and he will try to help us. He doesn’t help all the time and you can just ask for whatever you want. Just like when we ask for forgiveness during confession he will forgive us. But we cant be greedy and be thankful for what we have.
What I got was that If we ask God for something He will not always give it to us. He already gives us so much and if it is not His will, then He will not give it to us. I trust God in His will.
Jesus is trying to tell us what we ask that we will recieve spiritually. If we ask the for the Holy Spirit, we will recieve/give it to us. He loves us and will do anything to get us to heaven.
In today’s scripture it is talking about sacrifice.We need to sacrifice in ways like Jesus did for us.We don’t deserve that as sinners who disobey him.We don’t deserve Him dying on the cross and going through all that pain for us.But God loves us unconditionally and never stops.
I think Jesus is saying some Catholics may be Catholics cause they have to and they don’t really know what you are supposed to do and how to pray. Jesus wants him to be in are hearts everyday and he wants us to pray with him and he will help
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells a story about a man who went to his friend asking for three loaves of bread. The friend was lazy and would not give the man bread, even though he had it. I think that the moral of the story is to share and be kind because if you are kind on earth, your reward will be great in heaven.
“Do not bother me; the door has already been locked and my children and I are already in bed.” I think this gospel is telling us that whoever said this is in the wrong. I think it is telling us that we should always keep our doors open for people in need of help, no matter what position we are in, we should try to help them.
What stuck out to me was “For everyone who asks, receives;and the one who seeks, finds.” this stuck out because we just have to pray. God loves us so much that he literally gave up his only son to die for our sins. Whenever we pray he wants the best for us so if we ask we will receive it eventually it doesn’t mean right away but God knows the best plan for us. If we seek for him he will always find us.
In todays Gospel I told me that God is always and will always be there for us no matter the situation God is always leaving his door open we just have to be willing to engage into him
The thing that stuck out to me was that Jesus said “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This stuck out to me because it shows that God wants to help us in any way possible or impossible. You just have to ask.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus told us that if we ask something physically or spiritually, you will receive. When I say physically, I don’t mean that if we ask for $100, we will get the $100. I mean that physically we can ask God to heal our body. We should not use Jesus like a slot machine and ask for everything but ask for healing or help. “ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE; SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND.” I like this quote because it means that since God loves us so much, he will give it to you if you ask Him.
Today, Jesus is telling me that if I ask I shall recieve. A lot of people think that God doesn’t care about you if you prayed to him and you don’t receive it immediately. He works in his own ways, and sometimes, you just have to be paitent. We also need to take care of others, no matter if they’re richer, or poorer, or the same as you! Doing good will always have a reward for you at the end.
When Jesus tells us “ask and you shall receive” he is not telling us that we will just get everything we want, but he is telling us that if we need help that we can call on Him and His Fathers intersession and it will be done, maby not in the way we intended it, but it will be done.
The thing that stuck out to me was that Jesus said “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This stuck out to me because it shows that God wants to help us in any way possible or impossible. You just have to ask Him.
Jesus today talks about that if you seek you will find ask and you will receive, knock and It shall be opened unto you. this is a problem with our culture today sometimes people are too shy to ask or to knock so they go unnoticed but we need to knock and we need to seek for we will find and we will receive and we will be opened up to for the Lord said so.,
“For everyone who asks, receives,” I think Jesus is trying to say if we ask for something for him, he will give it to us. Jesus doesn’t always give us everything we want. He wants us to spend time talking to him, so we know what his plans are for us. The more we spend time with him the more gifts he is going to give us for his plan he has for us.
God knows you better than you know yourself. Sometimes I forget God made us. He created us to be the way we are. God made us to be sons and daughters of the most high king. He is the reason we live. We live so that we can understand God. Not to label ourselves as an athlete or a singer. We are here to live within God’s presents. He is why we are here.
Jesus is trying to tell us anything we ask we will recieve it spiritually. If we ask for the Holy Spirit to come upon us the Holy Spirit will do so. Jesus told us if we seek the truth God will find us.
what i understood from this is that, we ask God for a lot of things. He does not always give us what we want and most of the stuff we ask for are material objects or stuff we don’t deserve. We need to earn all the stuff we ask from God but our biggest gift from him is his Grace and Love.
In today gospel it is saying if we ask we receive. God is very generous and will help us and will give to us.
Jesus wants us to seek the truth and find him. If we ask for Father he will be there. It is also saying who ever asks will receive.
What we want or what God has in store for us. Do we know what God wants for us or made us for? Jesus is letting us know today that the Father will take good care of us, is chasing after us, and that we don’t have to earn His love. you may not receive what you are asking for if it is not God’s will. He may be asking you to carry a cross to purify your soul in preparation for heaven or He may be testing your faithfulness to Him and is trying to stretch your heart to trust him more. You may never get what you want but you will always get what God wants for you.
I think Good is saying that when we ask him for forgiveness he always forgives us. ” ask and you shall receive” it is like we are asking for forgiveness and we are receiving it from God
The Scripture today is telling us to not rely on God for everything. God gave us some power and strengths and we should use that to do simple or hard tasks.
What I got from this Gospel is that God will always be there for us no matter what we do. We can do the worst thing in the world and God will still love us and want the best for us. God will always want us to come back to him no matter what. There will always be room for us in God’s heart. His doors will always be open for us to come back even if we have fallen away.
The scriptures state, “Ask and you shall receive.” God gives us spiritual goods to grow in love and mercy. Whenever he doesn’t give something to us, he wants us to bear our cross and to make the journey to heaven. Everyone has a goal. God’s goal is to give everyone eternal salvation.
“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds” This quote tell me that God is always there for us. If we ask for something in prayer and we don’t get it the next day, it isn’t because he doesn’t care. It’s because he knows what we need and what we don’t
If we ask God for something we need, he will answer. If we ask God for something that will not help us get to heaven he won’t answer. We have to watch what we are asking for. God loves us, but he wants us to follow him.
Jesus tells us not to fear asking Him for what we want and need. He wants us to be happy. At the same time, He knows what is really best for us, so when it seems like He doesn’t answer your prayers, maybe the prayers aren’t part of your story. Only He knows what’s really best for us!
What stuck out to me is when Jesus said “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find.” It stuck out to me because Jesus truly wants to help us out in any way that he can we just need to ask. If we ask we will receive and if seek Jesus in our life we will find Him.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” I think Jesus is telling us that he will always try and help us, but we have to be the one to ask, he won’t just give to us. I mean God is love but we have to help in our relationship, God can’t be doing it all, we have to come to him.
this scripture told me that God is always there for us. we can’t just use God for what we want, we ask and pray and if it’s his will then we shall receive, if not then God is taking us on a different journey than what we may have expected, but that doesn’t mean we turn away from God, we go to Him and keep praying for guidance on whatever he has planned for us.
In today’s scripture it was talking about sacrifice. We need to sacrifice some of the things we have for God, we need to be spending more time with him and talking to him.
What God is saying to us today is ask him for whatever we need and he will give it to us (if it is His will for us). He is not telling us to ask for material things, but for spiritual things and for stuff that he knows will be good for us. Whatever it is that you are suffering with in your spiritual life, ask Jesus to help you. He will.
What stuck out to me was “And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;and the one who seeks, finds;and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This stuck out to me because I think Jesus is trying to tell us if we ask for something we might get it.
“Remember, you may not receive what you are asking for if it is not God’s will.“ I think this part stuck out to me because sometimes we think God will always give us what we want. We might pray for these wordy possessions or something else but we will not always receive because it might not be in God’s will. We can ask God for what we want but he knows what is right for us.
I think today Jesus was telling us to put ourselves out there and ask for what we want. It is hard to be vulnerable sometimes and ask for what we want or think we need. We might not get exactly what we had in mind, but we get exactly what God had in mind for us. The first step is asking though.
“If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the holy Spirit* to those who ask him?” This line is saying everyone takes care of their own. Bad (and good) groups of people take care of their members. We belong to God, and if evil take care of those who belong to them, how much more will God, with his agape love, take care of us?
I think what this scripture is telling me is that we should not be afraid to rely on God! He is our shoulder to cry on and he is our father and our God and he will always be there for us even if we think we don ´ t need him.
Jesus is telling us that whoever asks shall receive. This goes to show that God is all generous and kind. His mercy is unlike anything. It is not telling us that we should ask for bad things and ask every day that I want this or that, no, it is telling us to ask for God’s help when we truly need it. Ask when we are in the darkness and are looking for the light.
I think that the gospel is trying to tell us that Jesus is always with us. He is looking out for us and staying with us at all times. He does everything for us and we do nothing in return. When people realize they are making no progress they give up. We cant give up on God especially when he does everything for us. Everything we have right now is because of God and without him we would have nothing. Even stuff made by humans like a table. That might have been made by a human but who made the wood from the table, God. Who made the person that built the table, God. Everything is made by God and i mean Everything. We need to love God the way he loves us, indefinitely. We are on with God.
Jesus in my opinion is kind of acting disappointed in his disciples he is telling them all you need to do is ask, knock, or seek and it will be given to you. and then he is referring to a father and a son that asks for a fish the father gives him a snake, he asks for an egg he gets a scorpion. and in my opinion that would tell me that my father does not want the good for me.
what stood out to me was “God knows you better than you know yourself, God loves you more than you love yourself, God wants you to know His Will.”
I love this gospel passage because my relationship with Jesus took a while to form because of the fact that I always thought I needed to be more before I could let myself go to him. In this gospel He tells us that we don’t have to have anything, we don’t need to be anything special, we just have to be willing to let Him in. It took me years to figure this out and to be honest I’m still figuring it out but what I’ve come to realize is that God really does meet you where you are. You don’t have to know what you want or really know anything about Jesus, all you have to do is go to Him and knock at his door and He will always open it for you. If there’s a little part of you that seeks Jesus, a little part of you that feels drawn to him. Embrace it now. Run to Him right now and don’t hold back. He’ll answer your questions later, just let yourself go to him.
we need to listen to God to here what he wants us to do with our lives. And what he is trying to teach us.
This is telling me that if we ask God for something we will receive something even if it is not what we hoped for.
Jesus tells me today that its never to late. Meaning that it will never be too late to come back to him.
Remember, you may not receive what you are asking for if it is not God’s will. You don’t always get what you. If you pray for something and you don’t get it its God telling you, you don’t need it.
I feel like he telling me two respect him and not to make enemies and to trust him
God is telling me that if I have anything that I need help with that I should ask God and I shall receive what I need. That does not mean that I will always get it, because God knows what’s best for me and if it is to be done, then it will be done.
In Today’s Gospel Jesus is telling me that when we ask him for things we need spirtullay like prayer and peace we just have to ask for the things we actully need.
what I think Jesus is trying to teach us is that everything is a journey like with the loves of the bread.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;seek; seek and you will find;knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds this stuck out to me because Jesus is basically telling us to ask for help and we will receive it. Jesus can help us with anything if we just repent and pray for him to fix it.
Come Holy spirit. The gospel is telling us that we should ask God what we spiritually and physically need and read the bible.
I think that God is trying to tell us to ask and we will receive. Or if we need help/prayer, he will always help.
I think God is telling me that God will always be here no matter what. He will always forgive me.
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that we must serve others and seek God’s truth. Like the homily on Tuesday, we must be contemplative and active in our serving and prayer. They go hand in hand together. When you serve, you must be sincere, don’t make it feel like you’re forced to. The same could be said with prayer and seeking God. Don’t pray to God because you’re forced to, but pray to God because you want to seek the truth and tell him something, like a friend. Go back to God and talk to him and ask him for his identity and your identity, not because you’re forced, but because you want to.
God may not give you what but what you need. Or he will give you it in a different way
The scripture talked about how God knows you better than you know yourself and that God loves you more than you love yourself
I think what the gospel is saying is that if we do good things good things will happen and if we do bad things bad things will happen so our actions have to be good if they are not good and you do bad actions then bad things will happen.
In today’s Gospel God is trying to tell us that if we forgive then he will forgive
In Today’s Gospel Jesus is telling me that when we ask him for things we need spirtullay like prayer and peace we have to pray for them and pray to JESUS!
God wants truth and wants us to know the truth
in todays gospel Jesus tells us ” if we seek the Truth (God) we will find Him. If we ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, He will give it to us.”