Today’s readings and Gospel give us a great  checkpoint on our journey to heaven (if that is where you want to go :))!  First, St. Paul reminds us that we must sacrifice the body if we want God to renew the mind.  We must sacrifice the pleasures of the body to discern God’s will in our life.  This is so powerful in becoming a saint.  If you are struggling with sin like I am we must fast, sacrifice, give something up daily and for sure every Friday (requirement of our faith).  If our sin is habitual we need to cut ourselves off from whatever is leading us to the sin: computer, Internet, cell phone, movies, TV shows, cable TV, people, friends.  Then, we must fast bodily.  Put a rock in your shoe, don’t use ketchup, mustard, mayo, or salad dressing, give up pop or dessert, cut down what you eat for a meal.  Last, pray to God from your heart in adoration, at Mass, or in the silence of your room.  God is found in communion!  Here you will find God’s will and what he created you to do and be.

         In the Gospel or Good News Jesus teaches us one of the greatest Truths and motivation for becoming a saint! 

Then Jesus said to his disciples,
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,
take up his cross, and follow me.
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world
and forfeit his life? Mt. 16:24-26

Many people looking for purpose and vocation in their life have had their hearts moved by this Scripture.  What is worth gaining in this world, if you lose your soul.  If you could be LeBron James, have 10 of the nicest cars, a Yacht, a mansion with a maid or butler, whatever you think will make you happy materially to make your life better, are all for nothing if you lose your soul.  Don’t forget that a mortal sin is worse than dropping the atom bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima! Thomas Merton  Guard yourself from all evil and keep your mind set on your reward-heaven!  Become a saint!