Anyone who reads today’s Gospel with little Old Testament knowledge may miss a huge point Jesus is trying to make!  Many of Isaiah’s prophecies come true in the New Testament.  Jesus opens the scrolls in His hometown of Nazareth and reads one of the prophecies about the Messiah.  The Christ who was to come and make the kings and tyrants lowly and lift up the poor.  The one to bring the promise of saving the Israelites and people from the slavery of sin and overcome death.  The one that will perform miracles and make the deaf hear and the blind see.  As he rolls up the scrolls, He says the Word has been fulfilled in their hearing.  No prophet is ever welcome in their hometown.  They are ready to send Him headlong off the highest point outside the city and kill Him.  Amazingly, he slips by them in their midst!  How would we react today with all of the social media and YouTube?  We would have videos of Jesus performing  thousands of miracles, speaking about peace and a spiritual world called heaven.  With these miracles right in front of our eyes, there would still be many in the world who would not believe He was doing this by His own power.  It is too radical and too difficult for a human to do, therefore it could not be true.  He, of course, would have many followers, too.  

    We must search our hearts in silence and listen to God to find.  What would we believe if Jesus was doing this today?  What is Truth?  Would you believe His words?  What do you hope for and believe in?  What do you fill your mind and eyes with?  Jesus said at the Last Supper, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, whoever believes in me will have eternal life!  Is it really miracles we need or is it faith!  Reason can take us so far, but we must have Faith to reach heaven.  Keep searching for God, He is everywhere in everything!  Peace!