“NO SERVANT CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS.” LK 16:1-13 God is ALL IN for us! How will we respond?
Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 16:1-13: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Jesus teaches us to be prudent in using wealth in time of crisis. This can also mean to be prudent in financial matters. We should not waste our hard earned money on things we do not need. We save our money. We should keep a budget and make sure God receives our first fruits.
Everything we have comes from God, giving back to Him on Sundays is a way to show our gratitude. When we give money to God, He understands it comes from blood, sweat, and hard work. He knows the sacrifice we are making for that money. Do we stop to think about that when we put our money in the collection basket?
This could also include being wise with money that will be inherited by one’s children, giving to charity, and setting up trust funds. The average American has $6,100 in credit card debt. This parable is for them!
Second, Jesus teaches us to be responsible to those in authority. This would be God, our parents, teachers, coaches, our boss, paying taxes to the government, and law enforcement. Obedience is the first step to holiness. If we cannot obey our parents or someone in authority on earth, how will we train ourselves to be obedient to Christ?
Third, Jesus warns us that it is impossible to serve God and be a slave to material goods. We can make a conscious decision to believe Jesus Christ died on a cross, rose from the dead, and gave us new life through Baptism. We can use this sanctifying grace to grow in holiness throughout our lives through repentance, changing our lives to conform to Christ’s life, seeing life in a completely different way.
What a difficult task for someone with a fallen human nature and the Devil roaring like a lion trying to snatch our souls? Christ desires to be the center so He can order things in your life. Otherwise, the wheels will come off and we will be going in a vicious circle over and over.
We can choose to come to Christ in the sacraments, strive for holiness, receive His grace, love, and mercy openly, “With God anything is possible”. God’s love for us is radical. He is all in for us (look at the Crucifix). The best way to respond to His love is to be all in for Him!!!
One measure you can use to ask yourself if you serve God or material goods is what you look forward to most when your work is finished. Another is what you put first when you have free time. What you are dedicated to is what you will get up early to make sure it is accomplished. What we serve is what we spend the most time with. If any of these are material goods and not God, we have work to do. Me too! Where do we start?
Prayer in silence. God wants a relationship with us. Be still, be silent, surrender to God the time He blessed you with to spend time with Him. Write in a journal what He said. Over time you will be amazed to see His presence in your life and His guidance.
Today’s challenge: Make a budget even if you have little money and look to see where you can give back to God. Buy a spiritual book instead of using your money just for entertainment. Submit to God each day when you wake, thank God at each days end. Work on one area of your life where you can do a better job of putting God before material goods.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will live again!)
Heart, Fight, Trust
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