In today’s Gospel the leper symbolizes many things: those who are separated, left out, suffering, sick, made fun of, and spiritually all of us who have inherited sin-sinners. The leper kneeled before Jesus and begged for healing. He makes an interesting statement, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” The leper accepts whatever Jesus’ Will is. After a lifetime of ridicule and being ostracized, the leper knowing that Jesus can do all things stays humble and obedient by accepting God ‘s plan for Him. It is the leper’s faith and obedience to God’s will that saves him! This is a great lesson for us and a difficult teaching to live.

Whatever pain and suffering life throws at you, whatever the temptation the Devil tempts you with, or any test God tests you with in this life be humble, obedient, and faithful to God and He will be, “Moved with pity, stretch out His hand, touch you, and say, ‘I do will it, be made clean’.”