Humbly submit your will to God (thy will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 10:25-37: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Jesus reveals to us the answer to the most important question a person could ask the One with the greatest Power, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” The lawyer responds with the Great Commandment, love God above all and neighbor as self. If you believe in an afterlife, a spiritual realm, then this is the answer on how to get there.
Jesus reveals what will happen on judgment day. There are only two kinds of people, Peter Kreeft says, on judgment day, the one who answers “Thy Will be done” or the one who says, “my will be done”. Either we make a decision to give up our life and allow Christ to be the center of our lives and transform us or we don’t. He asks us to surrender each day.
What actions of love mean the most to our Creator, mercy and compassion. God wants us to suffer with others and forgive them. We have all been in situations where we could judge and label someone so we don’t need to help them or we throw all judgment and labels out the window and help.
The 1st century Jews Jesus is speaking to would have known quite well that He was calling them out. The Samaritan was a half-Jew, unclean and an enemy according to the law of Moses. Jesus is making a point. It doesn’t matter what religion, color of skin, race, or how many sins a person has sinned, if someone needs help have a heart and help them.
The interesting thing is I see myself failing in this area everyday with my own family. I am selfish and don’t help. Think of it this way, God is constantly giving love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to us. When is the last time you could forgive yourself and be reconciled to God.
When is the last time Father told you your sins were not forgiven because you passed the limit of sins or it was too big of a whopper? When is the last time you asked Jesus to suffer with you and He didn’t? Jesus is our center, our unchanging rock, we give up our life so other’s can see Christ in us and glorify the Father. This is pleasing to Him.
Jesus teaches us in today’s Gospel the answer to inheriting eternal life. We must accept God as God, give up our life to make Him the center, then do what He did for us by doing it for others (compassion, mercy, love, forgiveness, a relationship/friendship).
If there was another way, Jesus would have revealed it. The only audience we need to fit in with, be popular with, or belong to is Christ and all of the angels and saints. Holy equals happy. Giving without expecting anything in return is common place for this audience.
Jesus taught us in the Gospel last week, “Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give.” MT 10:8 Loving, forgiving, and suffering with others is their characteristics. So, you have a decision to make, God or self. Eternal life depends on it and no doctor or scientist have found a cure for death yet.
Today’s challenge: Ask God to give you the graces you need to forgive as He forgives us. When is the last time you went to confession and the priest told you he could not forgive your sins? Who have you not forgiven or shown mercy to in your life? If you’re like me, it’s probably the person right next to you. Take time today to forgive and heal a relationship as God does for you!
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
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