Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Today, Jesus reveals something about himself that no other religious leader ever reveals. Fr. Robert Barron, in his Catholicism video series, talks about the verses today in which Jesus asks, “Who do people say that I am?” I am refers to our being, our make up. ”I AM who AM” also refers to God or “Yahweh” in the Jewish Torah. No other religious leader or founder asks a question about their ontological make up, or being. Don’t forget this comes after Jesus has healed and cured many people and fed the 5,000. Then, Jesus is frustrated because the Apostles still don’t see or hear the message He is sending. Jesus is trying to show the Apostles and the world that He is the Messiah, the Son of the living God! Today, Jesus comes right out and says it!
““Who do people say that I am?”
They said in reply,
“John the Baptist, others Elijah,
still others one of the prophets.”
And he asked them,
“But who do you say that I am?”
Peter said to him in reply,
“You are the Christ.””
This is the identity of Jesus Christ. The 2nd Person of the Trinity, human and divine, God made Man, Word made Flesh who dwells among us. Jesus later goes on to say that He must die and rise after 3 days. The reason this is so important is that Christian hope (Pope Francis catechized on this) is born in the resurrection. Jesus either is who He says He is or He is a liar and a blasphemer. If He is the latter, He has fooled the smartest and holiest people in the last 2,000 years. He rose from the dead to prove He is God and everything He taught us is Truth. Truth can’t contradict itself according to St. Thomas Aquinas. He has the Words of everlasting life.
So what’s the point? We have to make a decision. If we believe and give up our life for Christ, we are saved. If we don’t, what do we believe is the truth? What is life really about? If you don’t believe in something, you will fall for everything. Today, Jesus gives us some solid knowledge to form ourselves and understand our Christian identity. Our religion is not a set of rules to follow, it is a Risen Person who is God to fall in love with. This God is madly in love with His creation, so much so that He sent His only Son to be the one Sacrifice for all, and stays with us in His Holy Spirit. As baptized believers, we are never alone. Jesus grafted Himself onto us and breathed His Holy Spirit onto us.
After you fall in love with this Man, you will come to know the Father’s love. You will ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in each moment of your day and before you read the Scriptures each day. You will be so overwhelmed with His presence that you will want to share it with everyone you come in contact with each day. It is like a fire inside of you, that you have to share. In your suffering, you will ask this Man to be with you and He will comfort you because He knows all about suffering. You will ask Mary and Joseph to pray and intercede on your behalf, because Jesus never turns down a request from His mother and foster father. There is no more difficult question in life and there is no greater reward. That is the adventure of striving for holiness in the Christian life!
Today’s challenge: We are made in God’s image and likeness. The Divine became human, so the human could become divine. Through our baptism in dying with Christ and rising with Him in new life we are born again to become holy and fight Satan. Believe you have the power within you by Jesus Christ to fulfill your baptismal promises. Dialogue with others about why you believe what you believe.
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
Something that I got out of this was that we should be like peter, and fully believe that Jesus is the Christ. We need to try and not think like humans, and think how God would.
“But who do you say that I am?”, this is the phrase that is showing itself to me because I feel that we all say God is a different person to us.I say this because many people think of God as the Father,The Son,And the Holy Spirit,but other people may see him as a friend or a brother,and even there spiritual guide. “But who do you say that I am?” is the quote that you should keep with you for the rest of your life because this quote will have many meanings but only you can take the meaning that fits your life.
I think that Jesus is trying to tell us that you just have to believe in him and if you don’t nothing will happen but we need him in our life and he will always be by our side when you need help no matter what.
Today’s gospel the lord is trying tell the apostles that he will die and rise again but peter will not believe him and Jesus tells him ids talking like Satan and a human being not an holy apostle. Peter is taken aback by this statement of the lord and apostles were shocked at peters words as well .
Today Jesus literally tells us what is going to happen he tells them that the most highly worshiped people are going to hate the apostles and Jesus. They do this because they doubt he is the son of Man because he is not this king of great glory with all mighty earthly power. Instead Jesus comes with heavenly power, he comes with spiritual power. Then even in the presence of the son of God we humans still doubt that he is the son of Man. This just goes to show our human nature is so bad and twisted.
”I AM who AM” stuck out to me today in gads scripture because its true Jesus is who he is and i am who i am and no one can change that
I think in today’s Gospel that Jesus is trying to say that he IS the Messiah the Son of God and the Bible is one of the oldest sources we have today that has proven things true so we should believe this. Also another like hidden message I think is that the devil can tempt anyone you can see in the Gospel that Jesus says to his apostles get behind me satan you are thinking not as God does but as human beings do.
“We have to make a decision”
This stuck put to me because we do have to make a decision yes or no what’s it gonna be. If we want to follow Christ we have to say yes. If we want to be the best versions of ourselves then we have to say yes. Yes is the only right answer to what God is calling us to do, if we deny him whats there greater to come into the world? So go, spread the word to the people around you, and say yes to Gods word.
God wants us to follow Him. Jesus told the diciples what was going to happen to Him, and instead Peter rebuked Him. Peter did not want to hear what Jesus had to say, so instead of listening, he got mad at Jesus. Jesus then rebuked Peter and said “Get behind me Satan.” Jesus wants nothing more than to follow Him into the kingdom of heaven, and we need to rely on him to get there.
You are the Christ. The apostles where some of the most holy people and even they had flaws. all humans have flaws. there was only two perfect people Jesus and Mary and we crucified Jesus.
In today’s Gospel Jesus asks his disciples who they say he is. They say “’John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.’ And he asked them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Peter said to him in reply, ‘You are the Christ.'” Then Jesus warns them to not tell anyone and He tells them that He will suffer greatly and will be rejected by many people, be killed, and then rise in three days after His death. Jesus tells all of them what is going to happen to Him and He is describing His crucifixion and resurrection.
“Get behind me, Satan.
You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.”
I like this line because I think it has a strong meeting. Peter rebuked him and that is the devil in Peter. Humans like to doubt and always have the temptation to sin, that’s what I think he means when he say you are thinking like a human being. If you were thinking like God, you would believe and trust Jesus’s words. You would go and spread his word and listen to what Jesus said. I also like how Jesus is speaking to the devil and saying get behind me, like he’s protecting us.
Todays gospel is about how Jesus is the Christ and how he must die and rise again to save us and we have to make a decision to either trust God, follow him and spend eternity in heaven or not trust him and spend eternity in hell
Just like I am who I am God is who He is. God is the person that died for us. Sometimes people make God to be who they want Him to be. Some people don’t like God so they think of Him as a bad person. When we read the Bible slowly we figure out who Jesus was and who He is. God reveals Himself through scripture and it is up to us how we are going to accept who He was or if we are going to think differently of Him.
Who is Jesus, sometimes we think of him as a man, but really he is a man with two natures. Jesus was born in humility. Jesus has brown hair and blue eyes. As Christians when we think deeper Jesus is more than just a man, he is described in four words. Christ, lord, savior, and shepherd. When we add all of these up, we realize that he is our father. The king of kings is our father. How many times when we go to mass we don;t know who Jesus is . Jesus is more than just a concept of our mind, he is the reality in which he came down as a man. This is why he has a human nature, and a divine nature. Jesus came to us the body and blood in which he shed from himself for our sake. This is why he is our savior, he never stops saving unless we are reunited with him. God protects us in our good days and in our bad days. Why do we have to treat him badly. We might love him, but do we Love him. In your prayer try to focus on two things, try to seek Jesus so you can speak to him, then later you can find who Jesus is. When you get to doing this a lot longer Jesus is the Goodness in your life. Give, pray, love, Do not be Afraid.
In this Gospel, I believe Jesus is trying to show us how long it took us to know him. When everyone tries and fails to figure out who He is, Peter is the only one who says “YOU ARE THE CHRIST.” Yet after Jesus says what is going to happen, when He is going to be crucified and how He was going to rise from the dead on the third day, Peter actually takes the Lord to the side and rebukes Him. He shows us how much we doubt the Lord, the world, and ourselves because we can’t believe the truth because sometimes we ignore it. Jesus points out how we, the people of the world, think. He shows us that we are not thinking in the right way because the right way is Him.
This Gospel is telling me that God is with me always. He is one in 3 persons. He is the man who gave flesh, who knows all about suffering. Lets embrace our savior!
Something that spoke to me when i was reading this is that no other god that people have has ever proclaimed to be God. only Jesus the one true God has proclaimed to be God and he was done miracles in his name and in his fathers name and they have been healed like raising the dead like Lazarus, or when he raised himself from the dead. Jesus has healed the blind, the deaf, and healed many sick people like the woman who touc he’d his cloak and she was healed because of her faith.
What stood out to me was: Our religion is not a set of rules to follow, it is a Risen Person who is God to fall in love with. This is true because if it was a set of rules to follow than it would be a burden to everybody, but because it is not it is only a burden to those who let it be a burden.
in todays gospel Jesus was telling us that we are never alone. all we need to do is believe in him and he will show.
“WHO DO PEOPLE SAY THAT I AM?” MK 8:27-33.In today’s Gospel God goes to Caesarea Philippi to preach.He asked his diciples who the people think he is.I think that he is trying to tells us to not obey false God’s in a way and to believe always
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reveals the truth to us, we need to listen and not just hear it, but really listen. We can’t just listen to what He says and just live our lives like we never even heard Him, we have to really listen and act on what He says. We have to believe what He is saying and act on it
God was telling me to always believe in him and to allways stick up for what you believe in. Everyone is made in the likeness of God.
Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” This stuck out to me becuase it reminds us that we are less than God, we do not think the same as him he is above you and think more pure thoughts. Humans are imperfect so if you strat thinking like God you will be perfect.
In today’s Gospel God asks us who we think He is. If we believe then we should follow him. If we do not believe then we shall not be with Him.
I believe this scripture is trying to tell us to give God a chance, and for us to try to believe in him because he is our savior and our king and if we believe in him we will find eternal life and peace in heaven with him.
Today Jesus is asking us if we actually think he is God. If he is God we best act as if he were in our midst. This is because God is always watching us and always waiting for us. We must live for him all the time not just at mass or in public but anywhere and everywhere. God is with us let’s live like it!
“Jesus gives us some solid knowledge to form ourselves and understand our Christian identity.”
this means that we have a choice to make, with the knowledge that Jesus gave us. we can rather believe in him, or believe in the devil. this knowledge he gave us is to pray to him,
and lastly the knowledge that he gave us was to make the right decision
In today’s scripture it talks about The identity of Jesus Christ,The 2nd Person of the Trinity, human and divine, God made Man, Word made Flesh who dwells among us.Today, Jesus gives us some solid knowledge to form ourselves and understand our Christian identity,and how our religion works and what Christianity is about.
It was telling me to only trust those who tell me true things and those who lie to me, don´t trust them
Today Jesus told me that it is hard to believe. God knew of this so he sent Jesus but still how must we know that he is truly God? Well that’s why God gave us the great gift of faith. We have to have faith in God and Jesus cause if we don’t then what is the point. The Lord sent his son to Mary a virgin. That is not natural. There are so many ways that God proves his love for us we have to be open to them. But we can only receive these signs if we have faith.
I think this reading is just clarifying what God and Jesus truly are. Jesus is the stucture of heaven he is the structure of the holy trinity he is holding everything together for us so we can strive to meet him. Everyday we can meet him through our prayer. As log as we devote ourselves and take time eout of our day to pray truly with our heart and mind we can meet him and truly talk with him.
“Who do you say that I am?”
Jesus wants to know who we think he is, for if you think he is just a lowly man that doesn’t mean anything, you are not thinking as God does. God thinks love, he thinks love for everyone and everything. We think that whatever WE do is right but what we do that is not following God’s path and love, it is wrong. For since we have gotten sin from Adam and Eve then we think that whatever we do is right because we are not thinking how God is thinking therefore we are not following what God does, which means we won’t be accepted as easily into heaven. So we need to think how God is thinking and we need to believe that Jesus is truly Christ, human and divine. God isn’t just a random guy we worship, NO! God IS love, God IS help. God IS sacrifice.
Todays gospel is about how Jesus is the Christ and how he must die and rise again to save us
“You are Christ.” The Gospel is telling us that you need to trust in Jesus Christ and everything He does in life you just need to trust in Him whatever it is.
In this Gospel Peter is right. Jesus is Christ. In our everyday prayer we need to understand that Jesus is
The most important person in our life.“But who do you say that I am?”
Jesus wants people to find him out by themselves
““Who do people say that I am?” We need to follow Peter’s example and say that Jesus is Christ are king. And to never denied God and always put God first.
I would probably do the same if I just heard my teacher say I am God and say that he will rise from the dead and stuff.
“Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but how human beings do.” I think that this means that people doubts as Satan doubts, but God doesn’t doubt because He is all knowing, He doesn’t doubt like us and Satan.
I think what God is trying to tell me today is that he was trying to foreshadow that he was was not only the Christ but he is the one that has been sent down to save us from our sins and lead and guide us to the gates of heaven
When Jesus asked the disciples when they said He was, they answered Him telling what others thought He was. When Jesus asks Peter who He was, Peter answered with “The Christ”. We can think of God in many ways with our imagination. We were given our own thoughts at birth and it is a gift. We need to learn that not all ways that we think of God are good. We need to think of God as the one who came to save us and loves us.
Everyone else didn’t believe but Peter did. Peter didn’t give up on believing because everyone else didn’t believe he just kept believing in Jesus.
I believe that God is Christ and that He is the one and only God.
this scripture reflection tells me that we have to truly know who God is and who we are. We always need to know him and he will help us know ourselves.
Today in the Gospel, Jesus tells us that it is not easy to believe in Him sometimes. But, we have to try. He was the one who saved us. He is the one who healed the sick. He is the one who washed His disciples feet. He is the one who DIED FOR US. No matter what happens in life, we have to try to believe.”Who do you say that I am?” To me, that means Jesus wants to know if you believe He is the Chosen One. Do you believe that He is Our Savior?
when it says that peter says that he is the Christ but then began to rebuke him it is kid of like saying that you believe that he is Christ but don’t really know what it means to believe.
I think Jesus wants us to know who He is. We should welcome Jesus into our life He will never quit and will always love us. He loves us so much, He who is a sinless man, died for our sins so that we might have a chance with eternal life with the Father.
The message I got from today’s gospel is that we should believe that Jesus is truly the Christ and that we should not think otherwise, like the typical minds of humans in that time. We need to know who Jesus is to us and believe what He says. Jesus stated what would happen to him, and Peter then rebuked him. I believe the Jesus then rebuked Peter because Peter did not want to hear the truth and what is coming.
“WHO DO PEOPLE SAY THAT I AM?” MK 8:27-33 Peter says that Jesus is the Christ, i got out of this that we should be like peter and believe that Jesus is our Christ and savior . Jesus is always who he says he is and it took a long time for some people to understand that Jesus is the son of God. I say that Jesus is our Lord and savior and the son of God.
I think in the Gospel today when Jesus says “Who do you say that I am?”, he is asking us if we believe that he is God, and that he is here to save us all.
“Get behind me, Satan.
You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” This stuck out to me because it shows that God is greater than us. God knows better than us.
In today’s Gospel Jesus asks his disciples who they say he is. They say “’John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.I think Jesus wants us to know who He is. We should welcome Jesus into our life He will never quit and will always love us. He loves us so much. He is always there for us and will never leave our side, even if we might leave His.
In the gospel it talks about how Jesus was wondering what people called him. They said in reply,“John the Baptist, others Elijah,still others one of the prophets.” Then he ask his disciples who they think he is and they say Christ. Then he warned them not to tell anyone about him.
God wants us to believe in him. He wants us to believe in him so we can find our way back to him and be in heaven eternally with him.
In today’s Gospel Jesus reveals he is the one true Christ to his disciples. We all know Jesus is God but his disciples have to believe he is and that they aren’t just following a crazy guy around. Even Jesus’ own disciples sinned and sometimes didn’t even believe him. Most other religions think we have such strict rules, and maybe we do, but the thing God wants even more than for us to follow his Commandments is our hearts. He wants us to believe in him fully.
God wants us to follow him Jesus told the disciples what was going to happen to Him, and instead Peter rebuked Him. Peter did not want to hear what Jesus had to say, Jesus then rebuked Peter and said get behind me Satan Jesus wants nothing more than to follow Him into the kingdom of heaven, and we need to rely on him to get there.
Jesus is saying that he is God. Never walk away and always love. He was resurected from the dead. He healed, and spread the word of God to all of Jerusalem.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks the apostles, “Who do people say I am?” They replied by saying, “John the Baptist, others Elijah,
still others one of the prophets.” This shows that the people did not know yet that Jesus was God. When Jesus asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter said to him in reply, “You are the Christ.” Showing his love to God.
“He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise after three days. He spoke this openly.” Jesus knew he was gonna be killed, but he loved us so much that he was willing to die.
“But who do you say that I am?” I liked that phrase because a lot of times people think of Him as who He is really not. People will wear chains of Him on the cross but not actually praising the Lord. They make videos of them wearing Him on the cross while practically mocking Him. We need to strive and worship Him for who He is and thank Him for what He has done for us.
Today Jesus says that he must suffer so that we can be saved. this is why we love our God. he is willing to die for us; sinners who are rude and hate him. yet Jesus still loves us we should be grateful for our God for he is awesome
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells Peter how His life is gonna end and what’s going to happen during his years. Peter doesn’t believe and trust in Jesus because he thinks that Jesus is not God but just an ordinary man. We should believe in Jesus so that He can take us with Him to Heaven. If we believe in Jesus, we know that Jesus can do anything because He is God. If we believe in Jesus, we can do anything because He will always be there with us if you believe in Him.
In today’s gospel I think Jesus is having us know He is God and human and he wants us to know that and believe in Him. Jesus is making sure that we know Him and love Him.
Jesus said, “But who do you say that I am?” We need to ask ourselves that question Jesus asked. What role does Jesus play in our life? How important is he to us? How do we view Jesus and how do we pray to him? Jesus is fully human and divine. If we have trouble we can just talk to him. He will understand us and he will help us. Jesus has infinite knowledge and infinite kindness. Trust in him and we will prosper against the evil of our world.
Today, the Gospel says, “Who do people say that I am?”
They said in reply,
“John the Baptist, others Elijah,
still others one of the prophets.”
And he asked them,
“But who do you say that I am?”
Peter said to him in reply,
“You are the Christ.”
This tells me if we believed fully in him like Peter, he will always be with us, but if we don’t believe in him fully like the others, life will be tough.
When Jesus says “Get behind me, Satan.You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” He was initially talking to Peter, but He is also talking to each one of us. He is telling us that the doubt of Him is of Satan, and that our human nature falls in line with Satan, but we can go to God, and we will be saved.
I think what God was trying to say here is that we need to believe in him this is one of his scriptures in the bible that take more faith than this we need to believe in God and believe that he is the son of the father.
““Who do people say that I am?” What this meant to me was we should always care what other think about us, no matter how negative someone can be towards u we shouldn’t listen to them, instead we should spread positivity to our peers.
In today’s gospel, no one knows that Jesus is the son of God except his apostles, and he tells them that he will be rejected by the scribes and will be killed then rise again after three days. It’s crazy to think about how these people rejected the son of God! It’s also wild to think about how Jesus let them do it. He knew what he was going to go through yet he let it all happen.We need to be more like Jesus. Whenever we feel rejected, or we know something is going to be hard, just think about Jesus and how he took the blows. We know that our reward in heaven will be great.
What i am understanding is that Jesus true identity is himself, and he who loves us. We can’t make God whoever we want him to be like “even if i sin God still loves me!” while yes that is true, but we shouldn’t just use him like that, we need to believe in him for him and he will do the same for us.
“We have to make a decision”, this stuck out to me even though its simple, it reminds us all that we have free will to love and follow god or to go off and live our own lives. Jesus loves us so much he gives us free will and allows us to do whatever we want, if we want to follow God, we can. if we dont want to, we dont have to. But God deserves love and praise which we can give him, which is why we encourage others to be catholic and follow christ.
Jesus is no one but himself. He is the one who has come to save us. He demonstrates that in today’s gospel by predicting his death, and also by saying “get behind me Satan” when Peter doubted him. He shows who he really is and his dominion and power over death.
Peter knew that Jesus was the Christ even when others knew not. We need to know that Jesus is the Christ even though there are nonbelievers who will try to rebuke Jesus. But we must be strong and rebuke them as Jesus rebuked Peter for rebuking him.
Something I got out of this is that we need to believe that Jesus is fully Christ. We need to think how God thinks and believe what is good, true, and beautiful. When someone asks who Jesus is our response should be like Peters. We should say he is fully Christ.
In today’s gospel I believe that what Jesus is trying to tell me is that he is God. When he said “Who do people say that I am?” stuck out to me because not all of us talk good about Jesus and we need to. Jesus wants us to know who he is and put out faith and trust in him.
Why did God send Jesus to die on the cross? To save us. In Jesus’ lifetime, He told the apostles that He would die and rise again after three days. To a regular person, this sounded like blasphemy, which would put Jesus in prison. But to us believers, it was true. Jesus died just for us to be with Him and to be able to fight Satan.
The reason this is so important is that Christian hope (Pope Francis catechized on this) is born in the resurrection. Jesus either is who He says He is or a liar. If He is the latter, He has fooled the smartest and holiest people in the last 2,000 years. He rose from the dead to prove He is God and everything He taught us is Truth. Truth cannot contradict itself according to St. Thomas Aquinas. He has the Words of everlasting life.Jesus is who we need it is who we want to be.
Something that i understand from this passage is that Satan will constantly try to interfere with our lives in a negative way and that God is saying he is the Messiah and the Bible has that written all over it.
“Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Jesus rebukes Peter in response to Peter rebuking Him. He then uses Satan and human beings interchangeably. We are God’s children, but like children we have to learn to be adults like our parents. When we think like the rest of the world thinks, we are going along with Satan and his plans. We must trust our Father to take care of us. Peter didn’t trust Jesus’s words, and he was disbelieving. But, like we trust our parents to help us make decisions(like what food to eat for dinner, what summer camps we go to, what classes we take), we must also trust our Father in Heaven to look out for our best interests.
“Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Today in the Gospel this stuck out to me. Jesus is telling Satan to leave, to go away and never come back. In order for us to get to heaven, we must reject Satan. We must put away our pride and give everything to Jesus. The human person allows Satan into their lives, but Jesus wants us to reject the evil one. Therefore, we must take up our cross and follow the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be with him in paradise.
I think that the gospel is trying to say is that, we need to listen to God. Were like Jesus’s Apostles, he was trying to tell them a message and they didn’t pay attention or brushed it off. Now he’s trying to tell us a message but we keep on brushing it off. We need to stop what were doing for a second and just listen to God. It would only take a minute and yet people don’t even bother to listen to God’s message, but for what reason. If we have free time we just use it to play games or go on social media to post about something. Why don’t we post about God, is it embarrassing to show your faith to other people? We need to stop and listen to God, even If it is for a second because he has been listening to us our whole life.
God says I am who am. This is important because people often forget who Jesus is. Why do we go to mass, why do we pray, why do we worship. Remember who God is and what he has done for us. I am who am.
this scripture is telling us that we have to find out who God is for ourselves and to not let others opinions get in our heads. We have to find out what we believe in and God wants us to believe in Him and even though it may take time for us to find out what we believe in and what we don’t, God will always be there and He will be waiting for us for however long it takes for us to turn to Him and give ourselves, our life, to Him.
something I got out of this was that we need to be like Peter and not be like the others who don’t truly believe that Jesus is the Christ, human and divine.
“But who do you say that I am?”
Peter said to him in reply,
“You are the Christ.”
I think what Peter is trying to say is that Jesus is Christ. He is our savior that loves us. He will never leave us and he cares about us. Jesus is truly a good man that is Christ.
“We have to make a decision” This stuck out to me because we have to make the decision if we wanna stay on the right path and follow Jesus or If we wanna go on to the devils path. We have to know that God is the option we need and want and that we should not abandon Jesus
If we believe and give up our life for Christ, we are saved. When you read it you think it is so easy until you try giving up your life for Jesus. It is so hard but so worth it. God created us in His image and we need to show Him how much we care about getting to heaven. Treat others how you want to be treated.
“But who do you say that I am?” This stuck out to me because it matters what Jesus is to US. Jesus says, “Who do PEOPLE say that I am?” He asks what do others say he is then what he is to them. What Jesus means to us matters more than who he is to others because in the end it is your relationship with Jesus not others relationship with him.
Today in the Gospel Jesus was asking his disciples who they think He is. Some said Elijah. Others John the Baptist. But Jesus is the Messiah.
This gospel passage is telling us that to truly believe you not only have to say it bet also have to do it as well.
I think this Gospel reminds me that our God suffered for us. He went through pain for everyone. He died for our sins to save us and get us to Heaven to be with the Father. He loves us so much and he wants us to love him back.
Something that stood out to me was: So what’s the point? We have to make a decision. If we believe and give up our life for Christ, we are saved. If we don’t, what do we believe is the truth? What is life really about? If you don’t believe in something, you will fall for everything. Today, Jesus gives us some solid knowledge to form ourselves and understand our Christian identity. Our religion is not a set of rules to follow, it is a Risen Person who is God to fall in love with. This God is madly in love with His creation, so much so that He sent His only Son to be the one Sacrifice for all, and stays with us in His Holy Spirit. As baptized believers, we are never alone. Jesus grafted Himself onto us and breathed His Holy Spirit onto us.
I think God is telling me we shouldn’t think like others unless it’s for good. We shouldn’t be easily influenced by others and we should believe what we want to. We should be righteous and holy.
in today’s gospel what stuck out to me was “but who
do you say that i am ?” i think this really stuck out to me
because God wants to know who do you say what God is
and how do you respect God and follow him .
all humans are born with original sin. Which means that we will always be tempted by the devil. We can’t get into sin or it will become a habit. If you let Jesus take the weight of your shoulders and trust in him he will do it gladly. So let him.
In today’s Gospel Jesus is telling me that I should open my eyes to him. Let him enter into me and takeover in a spiritual way. So that I can be holy. So I can enter into the kingdom with him him. Also, to take advantage of the suffering he has gone through for me. I must open my eyes to see who he truly is and who I truly am.
I think he is trying to tell me to be myself and don’t let others get in your head don’t let them make you feel sad or mad and to always love others and help out others.
“Who do they say I am”.When Jesus asks the apostles this question they say things like Elijah,John the Baptist,and other great prophets but we have to remember this.He is GOD.He is not just another prophet.He is the one true God.I think sometimes we see him more as a human being than divine.He is both.He is God and he is human.He is love.He is are friend.
“Get behind me,Satan. You are thinking not as God does,but as human beings do.” I think the Gospel is basically trying to say that no one will ever be as powerful as God, and God’s words will always have way much more meaning than what us humans say.
God is like a fire inside of you that you have to share. “You will be so overwhelmed with His presence that you will want to share it with everyone you come in contact with each day.”. Today’s scripture talks about if your suffering ask this Man to be with you and He will comfort you because He knows all about suffering
In today’s Gospel it really stuck out to me that God asked his disciples who do people say I really am. They say John the Baptist and an other says Elijah, but no, God ask them a another question. Who am I to you? They are all you are Christ! Our Lord and Savoir.That means if you believe in God as your Lord and savoir and God and your friend your father Do you think that? Because if you believe in all of that God the Father will never give up on you, Because he loves you very much and you should love him back with all of your heart. God Loves You!!
I think what God is trying to tell us here today is that Jesus is God and is all-knowing and all-powerful. God came down in the Son, where he had to be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and scribes, and suffer and be killed to save us. God loved us so much and was so humble that he sacrificed his only son to give us mercy for our sins. When we think of God, we often think of a mighty person in Heaven who watches us and loves us. But, he’s really a spirit who loves and dwells in you and others. When we receive the Eucharist, we receive Jesus’s body in us and grace. Jesus is the Savior and Son of God, who we worship and believe in. We need to trust in God and believe in God to gain eternal life in Heaven. To repent, you mustn’t think like a human being and put everything on you. You need to put everything on the Father, God, as he is the Creator of life. We must put God as the core of our lives.
“So what’s the point? We have to make a decision. If we believe and give up our life for Christ, we are saved. If we don’t, what do we believe is the truth? What is life really about? If you don’t believe in something, you will fall for everything. Today, Jesus gives us some solid knowledge to form ourselves and understand our Christian identity. ” This stuck out to me because its telling me that what do you have to lose if you believe in God. If you don’t believe in him, then what will happen but if you do believe in him and our faith is right then what’s the worst that could happen.
In the gospel today Jesus asks his disciples “who do you say that i am” do we believe that God is our savior or just someone who tells us what to do we have to decide who we say God is. We have to have a stronger relationship with God that with our own mothers we will probably do anything for our moms that’s what we have to do with God we will lay down are lives for Jesus Christ.
God loves us and wants us to follow him and live. like in the song
“Come Follow Me”.These words mean a lot to me because
[ sometimes i have trouble following God and no matter what
God will always be one in three persons and he will also always
love me.