Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 19:1-10: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
Today, Jesus shows us the proper attitude towards wealth. Zacchaeus is the opposite of the Rich Young Man who went away sad because he had many possessions. Zacchaeus does whatever it takes to allow Christ to come to him, even climb a tree. Coming to Christ believing and trusting Him, Zacchaeus, shows that the proper attitude towards wealth is to not allow it to control a person. He shows the ability to have wealth and not be attached to his material possessions and gives a percentage of them to the poor.
God is generous to us in love and mercy. We are alive and breathing right now because of Him. Everything we have comes from Him. We are nothing without Him. It would be wise for a person to recognize God’s love for them and share it with others. Fr. Ben Green says, “God can’t be outdone in generosity.” Try to out do Him especially in the area of giving up material possessions and wealth. Generosity is a fruit of the Holy Spirit a result of using the gifts of the Holy Spirit in you! Generosity fights the deadly sin of greed.
Today’s challenge: Become poor in some area of your life-food, cell phone usage, video games, TV, sports, drink, favorite material thing. Give to those in need. Share from your need not your surplus.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will rise again!)
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