Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer Prompt before reading LK 10:38-42: Come, Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray, interpret the Scriptures for me so that I may know the Truth about who God the Father and God the Son are so that I may know who I am.
We live in a busy world which causes anxiety and worry. The media increases everyone’s anxiety and worry by putting death and murder on constantly or continual criticism of someone and we only get a certain part of the story. This leads us to live lives where we are afraid to let our kids play outside, we are led to believe one race is the cause of our problems, and constant criticism of the problems in our country.
All of this has to do with money. Sex and violence sell, people who control what goes on a device don’t care about our souls just our money. The pornography industry is trying to get young people addicted with free porn so they will have paying subscribers when they get older. Social media is creating hate and division, but is a great opportunity to evangelize.
There is only one Truth, Jesus Christ. We were created and chosen to be like Mary and sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. Jesus will form and transform us, then we are called to serve in our vocations. When we are the busiest, it is the time to make time for prayer and being with the Lord. Jesus will put things into perspective for you and you will be able to survive the busiest, most hectic, days of your life.
Today’s challenge: Make time to spend with the Lord, it will be the best decision you will ever make. The best way to pray is to take the time according to Thomas Merton.
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YOLO
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