Humbly submit your will to God (Thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Prayer is essential to the heart of a person who is yearning to find meaning and purpose in their life. It requires complete silence, being completely still, and total surrender to God’s will. It is fruitful when reading God’s Word and journaling what God put on your heart. Trust begins to be formed and a relationship begins to be developed.
A quick visit to a quiet church or Adoration chapel are great places to develop a prayer life. In the quiet of the morning has been the most fruitful for me. Then, it is important to talk to Him throughout the day in spontaneous prayer. When you are traveling to school or work and see the beautiful sunrise, when you pray with others at school, when you go to Mass and receive Him God speaks if you listen.
If you don’t know what to say, just ask Him. Jesus, give me the words I need to speak. He will help you. Jesus prayed often and taught us how to pray the Lord’s Prayer. It usually is not an instant response, it takes time, maybe even years. The persistent widow is a great model of prayer for us.
Bishop Barron says, “Prayer is the still-point in which everything in the cosmos is circling around you.” He also explains in his book “The Strangest Way”, that prayer is God the Father and God the Son speaking to each other about you. So cool! It’s crucial for a soul to sit silently in that still-point and listen to what God is saying about you everyday in the same place at the same time.
Never give up praying, do it daily no matter how hard it is. God is always faithful, remain faithful to Him. The rewards are eternal. For me, no matter how hard life gets, I have a friendship that calms me and guides me after many years of wrestling over life’s toughest issues. Jesus and I are best friends and He brings a very deep and abiding peace within me. He is truly alive and I can feel His presence. This is the fruit of many long hours of prayer in my life.
Today’s challenge: Set an alarm on your phone to pray at the same time in the same place everyday. Start small, just a couple minutes a day, then it will grow. If you don’t know what to say, just ask God. He knows how to pray. Prayer takes many forms, find one that helps you, challenges you, and builds a lasting relationship with the One who loves you more than you love yourself and will do anything to bring you back to Him, even send His only Son to fulfill the covenant He promised by giving His very life, His blood, and now His Spirit lives on in us! Isn’t this what you are truly desiring in the very depths of your heart. It is a scary place to go to, but the rewards are eternal!
Be a servant, be a saint today!
#Christian YODO (You Only Die Once; We will rise again!)
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