Humbly submit your will to God (thy Will be done) and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Feast of St. Andrew, 1st Apostle called, 1st feast on the new Church calendar
As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers,
Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew,
casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen.
He said to them,
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
At once they left their nets and followed him.
He walked along from there and saw two other brothers,
James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John.
They were in a boat, with their father Zebedee, mending their nets.
He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father
and followed him. Mt 4: 18-22
God the Father is radically in love with His creation, us. He chases after us everyday. He sent His only Son, Jesus, who calls us everyday. How do we respond? He is found in every soul you encounter, every prayer, every spiritual book, in confession, and every consecrated host. How do you respond? Since He died for us and resurrected we have hope.
He gave us sanctifying grace, an intellect and a will, the Sacraments and the Mass, to each one of us individually a role in the Church with specific physical and spiritual gifts (just like each apostle had different gifts). We are allowed to speak directly to God’s heart through prayer. He loves hearing our prayers and this makes Him very happy. We have everything we need right inside us and in front of us.
How will you respond? You have the ability to set the world on fire by being who God created you to be (St. Catherine of Siena). Respond to God’s call with vigilance and no fear! Set the world on fire by lighting the fire within you and starting with your own life and in your own home.
Today, St. Andrew earns the first spot on the new Church calendar, cycle B for 2023-2024, as he does every year. He is actually the first apostle called, not his brother Peter. Andrew was a very close follower to John the Baptist. John let him know that Jesus was the One, the Messiah, whom John was made to prepare the way for, “The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God,[a] who takes away the sin of the world.” JN 1:29
Andrew then ran after Jesus and asked him where he was staying. The rest is history. When is the last time you have had an encounter with Jesus? He is always present and waiting.
Today’s challenge: Celebrate the new Church Year by setting a goal to convert one area of your life that needs the most work. Advent is a time of waiting. What helps us to learn how to wait? Fasting. It may be that you need to do something instead of give something up. As Mother Teresa says, “It is not how much we accomplish, but how much love we put into each act.” Keep on loving! One simple act of love each day could transform a life, a family, a parish, a community!
Be a servant, become a saint!
#Christian YOLO
He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him. This stuck out to me because this is what we all should do. If God calls us we should immediately drop everything and follow him. He has done so much for us and all he wants in return is for us to follow him.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” we need to have more apostles more people that need to be fishers of men because some people don’t even know who Jesus is. Tell everyone the good news.
Jesus Chose these men and Changed them forever. He Chose these unschooled, unsophisticated men to be His Change Agents in the world. And God’s message through them has changed the history of the world!
he called them to be fishers of men to get more people to follow Jesus but he’s not just calling them he’s calling everyone but he’s calling to you specifically to go and try to convert people to go and spread the word because for all you know the second coming could tomorrow or even some time today so go speed the word and help people be a fisher of men with the apostles stand side buy side with them and spread the word.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This phrase stuck out to me because he is calling Peter and Andrew to follow Him. We are Peter and Andrew and he wants us to drop all of our earthly possessions and follow Him. He doesn’t want us worshiping a thing or another person. He wants us to love Him and be with Him always.
God calls us to him. Today in scripture God calls four apostles the first is Andrew. God calls us to love him and he calls the apostles to be fishers of men. This to me means that we are called to help others and to call others to the faith. Our job in this world is to work to get others to heaven and get to heaven. This is our purpose in life this is what so many people are looking for. If we just stop and listen to Him and follow His words we will be able to get ourselves and others to heaven. That is what he calls us to, He calls us to holiness in Him.
A part that stuck out to me was
““Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.””
I think today Jesus is trying to tell us to go after him “Come after me,”. Jesus is calling us to do what Peter and Andrew did. To stop what we are doing and go after him, to take time throughout our day and realize Jesus is always present we just have to seek him to find him. And not get distracted by material goods, like get home and go to our rooms and sit on our phones but take time to talk to him and find him because he is always there waiting for us to come to him.
God will follow us until we are found. Jesus goes and speaks for us to come back and how do we respond to the love God and Jesus gives. He gave up his life for us to be able to go to heaven with him. When we are here on earth we can talk to Jesus thru prayer. we can thank him, he adores us and wishes to hear more from us.
this scripture is talking about how God is always talking to use and telling us to come and follow. We should stride to be the people in the scripture, when he tells us to come to him we should immediately. He is always calling us, to do better. No matter if you think no one loves you, cares about you, or your just being ignored. God is always open to talk to you. Your his creation and he hates to see you suffer, but we have free will, if God didn’t give us free will the world would be absurd. I know i’m getting off topic but God didn’ t make hell for us he made hell for the devil and the fallen angels. We go their by free will. Not giving our lives to him, we should hear this call and go to him immediately. It all can start by just a simple breath, closing your eyes, saying your name 3 times, and saying God please help me.
God has a plan for each one of us. We can pray to him for guidance and to help us reveal his plan to us. God is always there and listening you just to need to simply take time out of your day that is meant for him. He gave every human being that has and will ever been on this earth his whole life just for you. In return he can talk to him for at least 10 minutes of our day. Turn to him and give yourself completely up to him.
In this Gospel it is telling us how Peter and Andrew became apostle and Fishers of Men. This Gospel for me I imagine it as God as a man on a dock with his line in the water and in the water below is every single one of us. He’s at the dock waiting for us to bite on his hook and to real us back to him. Once he catches us he makes us fishers as well and he sends us to go catch people to bring them back to him. So it means that God created all of us, he is always watching us in the water in front of him and he’s waiting for us to realize that hes there.
Just like Jesus called Andrew, Peter, James, and John; we must listen to Jesus calling us and respond to Him. It is really important to realize that we need to be who God created us to be and realizing what that means. Then we have to be able to do what He wants us to do. There is a difference between realizing what you are supposed to do and doing it. God gives us our talents and we need to realize how to use them and use them for God’s will. We need to encounter Jesus; He is always here with us and we can talk to Him in our thoughts and in prayer. Advent is a time of anticipation of Jesus so we can use this time to think and pray to prepare ourselves for Jesus coming on Christmas day.
Just like the apostles, we are called to follow Jesus. We are called by God to share the gifts that He gave us and to be who we were created to be. Prayer can help us create a relationship with God and to find out who we were made to be.
I think the two sets of brothers must have a very monotonous life if they were willing to just follow a random stranger. I heard once that they followed Jesus right away because they felt a calling. Everyone has a desire to be useful. We want to fulfill our purpose, to mean something to someone. Jesus gives us that purpose, so when he comes and calls, we feel that desire to do something. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were just fishermen. They were simply working away their lives, fishing and paying taxes. When Jesus came along, it gave them a “quest”. They were given a purpose to their life, instead of just rotting away until they died. When Jesus comes and knocks on our door, we need to be ready to get up and go like they did, to follow Jesus with devotion, because he will never let our lives be worthless!
This is again another story we hear of God chasing after us to be with us and love us. Why do we have so many stories of God chasing after us? Because HE LOVES US, all of us, uncondisionally. And that’s what we all want to hear. We all want to know we’re loved and cared about. He doesn’t care what everyone else thinks, he doesn’t care what you do, or what you look like, or how many friends you have. He cares about you because you are beutiful in God’s eye. And that’s why he loves you. Thats why he loves All of us. So he is chasing after us with all of his love yelling for us. But we run away, faster and harder. Because we don’t want to trust in something we can’t see, and because we’re afraid.
follow him without heisitation
We are called to follow Jesus every day. We can jump out and immediately follow Him like Peter and Andrew or we can wait in the boat. Peter and Andrew didn’t wait, they followed Jesus immediately without question, meanwhile we wait and contemplate if we can follow him.
It is also St. Andrew’s feast day.
The scripture said to me that we are called to follow Jesus and believe. I use that in my life because I need to remember that Jesus is always there for us.
“come after me and i will make you fishers of men¨That stuck out to me the most because he is calling us to follow him and he will make us holy.We should follow jesus and worship him because that is the right way.
I think that was trying to teach us that once called, we should follow Jesus. When Jesus tells us to follow him, we should drop EVERYTHING and follow Him. God loves us and we should love Him back, yet some of us don’t. That makes Him unhappy considering everything he’s done for us.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
At once they left their nets and followed him.
He walked along from there and saw two other brothers,
James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John.
They were in a boat, with their father Zebedee, mending their nets.
He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father
and followed him. This stuck out to me because it shows that God is madly in love with you and will even send his only son to save us and to make a better connection with us.
Just like how the apostles were told to follow Jesus and went right away to listen we must follow him and his intentions for us in our vocations.
In this gospel, Jesus told Peter and Andrew to follow Him. They then went to two other brothers and had them follow Jesus. Jesus is calling us to become fishers of men. This means that he wants us to serve Him. His love is everlasting and mistakes life.
I think this means that we are all called to be followers of Jesus no matter what has happened or if you think you have sinned too much or you don’t deserve him because we are all called to be with him no matter what we have done and he will love us unconditionally and the only thing stopping us from following is ourselves.
I believe that Jesus is telling us that we need to be nicer to peers because we are nice to him but we forget to be nice to others.
Jesus is telling us that we are all children of god and we need to be nice to peers to get to heaven.God gave us the gift of free will and humans use that alot to do bad stuff and he is telling us that we need to go to confession to be forgiven.“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” stuck out to me because when he got Simon and Andrew to follow him its like him calling us to be with him like how he called Andrew and Simon to follow him. He wants us to follow him so we can have his mercy an sit with him in The Kingdom of Heaven. He is calling us everyday but we keep ignoring him and we can do better.
We are not only called to Jesus but to also follow Him.Just like Andrew followed Jesus,we should do the same.We can talk to God in prayer;He is the one who created us.Jesus will always be there for us that is why he died on the cross for us.
If you really want an encounter with Christ you have to persistently pray every day. You need to focus more on God then anything else he created you so you need to show him love. It is okay to be on electronics sometimes but we shouldn’t put them before Christ ever. You need to show love and persistently pray to have a chance to encounter Christ.
We are called to follow Jesus. We need to be praying everyday to find out what we were made to do. We need to sit in silence so we can hear the plans he has for us.
I think something that stuck out to me was that they just outright left. They stood up and left Zebedee to go follow Jesus. He found two people fishing and told them to come with him and they did. This stuck out to me because it is just as sudden as someone just outright wanting to worship God and love him. Like father Jarrod where he was just suddenly pulled to be a priest.
Jesus said, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus was telling them they will bring people into the Catholic Church. Jesus calls for us everywhere we go, we need to listen to him calling for us and follow him. We should respond by sharing our gifts with the rest of humanity to make the world a better place.
Jesus wants us to follow him as fishers of men, and we need to recruit more fishers of men. We need to leave our bouts behind, whatever it might be.
I think today Jesus is telling us that He gave each of us different abiilities and gifts, but we can all use them to help get ourselves and other people to heaven. He is also telling us that there are many places we can find Jesus, and He is always calling us. Not just one time on Wednesday, but every day! He did not limit us to just being able to see Him in the Mass, but we also have the sacraments, prayer, the bible, and many more.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This stuck out to me because Jesus only said 11 words to the Apostles and they got up and left their boats and families. When he says this to them all I can think is ‘what does this mean?’ Jesus wanted the Apostles to help him get more people to come and follow Him, to come and believe in Him. Reading this I cannot believe that Jesus went to the Apostles said that sentence to them and they just got up and left with them. The Apostles had so much faith for Jesus that they just left with Him. This is why the Apostles are role models to me, because they believed in Jesus being the Messiah that they got up and left with him.
To me God is saying that they left their nets to follow Jesus’ voice and that was how they responded to him and HE is saying how should you respond if you were in that situation “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
At once they left their nets and followed him.
I think that Jesus said that he would make them fishers of men because he wanted them to gather people and teach them the Catholic Faith. I also think that Jesus wants us to tell other people about our faith. It would be hard to give up everything you had to follow someone like how the apostles did.
I think what God is trying to tells us is to listen to him and follow him because he is calling out to us every second, but we can’t here him because every time we sin we ignore what God has to say to us. You might think that playing games and doing other stuff makes you happy but it really doesn’t make you happy.What really makes you happy is listening to God and hearing what he says for us to do because we are his servants and we need to listen to what he says and we will all go to heaven and live by God’s side forever.
I think what Jesus is trying to tell me today is I can become a saint right here and right now. I can use St. Andrew as an example to become a saint. He is the first spot on the Catholic Church calendar. I can do good now and be a saint now by doing God’s will and doing good.
“COME AFTER ME” I think this means that we should follow God forever
We are all called to Jesus and to share the gifts that god has given us but to do that we need to pray and worship Christ so our relationship with him is stronger and more powerful through our souls.
” Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” That stuck out to me because it shows that Jesus calls ordinary people and sinners. All you have to do is to try your best and that is good enough for him.
today’s scripture is about how we need to follow Jesus and leave other stuff that is Jesus behind us and follow him
This verse really speaks to me, because it is literally Jesus calling us to leave all physical possessions behind us and simply follow him. It shows the great faith of the Apostles, and how we are called to have the same faith as them.
Jesus calls his apostles to him. He called fishermen. Some of the lowest of the Jews to follow him. So no matter where you are in life, Jesus is calling you. Calling you to holiness and himself.
I think that God is trying to tell us too follow him, but we have to believe that he is within us and around. God is trying to tell us that all we need is him in this world.
Jesus is telling us that not only that they are fishers of men, but what he is saying is that he wants them to gather the men to the kingdom and the teachings from the scriptures. we need to remember that we are born here to worship God and to be apostles of our faith. this is a great story because Andrew heard about the messiah and the prophet, he kept faith and knew it was Jesus.
We need to follow Jesus as Andrew and Peter did and love him with our whole heart.
Jesus called out to the apostles as he calls out to us. We are called to follow and worship Jesus. We form our relationship through love and prayer. We strengthen our relationship through love, prayer, and all the sacraments.
One the things I love about Andrew is how he chased Jesus, because that’s what we’re supposed to do. We’re supposed to go after Jesus. Our faith is meant to be a journey following Christ.
What Jesus means by “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” it means that he wants you to tell people the word or the lord and spread the faith.
God is trying to call us to him. He is calling us to share his gifts that he have gave us and he wants us to be who we are. Just like Prayer it brings us closer to God and bring out who we are made to be
god has a plan for each and every one of us. we can pray so that he can guide us in the right way.
I think the message is when Jesus calls you, immediately go to him. Jesus isn’t just calling us for fun he has a meaning in everything he does. if he calls you its probably because he knows you can be better in something else that you do and he wasn’t to guide you in the right direction.
God calls us to be fishers of men. The job we have is to missionaries even in our daily life. We are called to spread the word of the Lord. God loves every single person on earth no matter what they’ve done. God wants to be close to everyone and our job is to let people know that.
God is so powerful. One word changes reality. God the Father is radically in love with His creation, us. He is in crazy love with us. It doesn’t like us he loves us with all of his heart. Andrew called the first Apostle. That would be awesome. He was and is always with Jesus.
God says we as individuals have a gift. And we are called to use them just as the apostles did.
I think in this passage he us telling us to come to him hes not calling us for fun.
This is telling us that when Jesus calls you, He will help you as long as it’s with his will.
“Come with me and I will make you fishers of men,”
He is saying that we need to do a better job of spreading the Gospel, no matter what you think the consequences are, if your going to get made fun of, or even killed, you should still spread the Gospel just like they did.
God loves us unconditionally and will listen to our prayers. We can call on God for anything we need because he will be there for us. We have everything we need in God. When he calls for us we should follow, not because we have to, but because we love God and trust in him.
Jesus is calling us to be Fishers of Men. What that means is that once Jesus has told you his ways and doings you should spread it to other people that you know and love. Once you have done that people will tell other friends and family and then Jesus Christ and Catholicism will be known everywhere for all people.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” this is one of the most famous scripture quotes in the world. it shows us that God sent his only son to live among fishermen, unwealthy people. he could have come down as himself and destroyed the entire world in an instant. He didn’t. Instead, he became one of us, one of the common people. most of us would not forfiet our chance to rule over the entire universe just to be killed by the non-believers. He loves us more than we can possibly comprehend. the least we could do is pay attention to him.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus is telling us that we do not need earthly things. Jesus is telling us that Heaven has everything we could ever need. Jesus is so powerful that He filled up an empty net and made it full. The fishermen could have just thought that it was a coincidence and not followed Him but they did. If we don’t care or try to live more like Christ, it will be hard to get to Heaven. All the pain and suffering is like a cold or flu compared to the joy that you will experience in Heaven.
God is always calling out to us, but we make the dissension to go with him or to ignore him and stay. All of our earthly possessions mean nothing when you truly want to be with God. God has a plan for each one of us we just need to make the choice to listen to him and follow.
“He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him.” God loves us so much. He has the power to do anything. He has a plan. We should forget about the material things and follow Jesus for he has a plan to protect us.
It’s amazing to think it didn’t take that much for the Apostles to start following Jesus. All it took for the first Apostles was Jesus telling them to follow Him. It shows just how powerful God’s love for us is, so powerful that it can touch our hearts through just words.
God gave us all that we have right now and everything in our future. He will always love us no matter what. God gave us the opportunity to go to heaven even though we don’t deserve it.
He called the fishers of men to follow him and spread his word. Jesus changed Peter and Andrew and made them his followers. “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” He called them to be his followers and make them holy in Christ.
We see today how some of the apostles reacted when Jesus called to them. Today they just went with Him but is that how we react when Jesus talks to us? Do we drop everything to follow Him? Probably not. How can we drop everything when we still have to go to school and soon to a job? How we drop everything is not physically but when you pray you aren’t just going through the motions. You are actually praying and praising our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to realize that when Jesus is with us we need to savor every moment because that time will be the best thing that will ever happen in this time.
What I think Jesus is trying to tell me is to leave everything and follow him. What I mean by leave everything behind is leave all the brokenness, hurting, suffering, behind and come to him where there is Joy. He wants us to follow Him so that we can be happy.
Jesus tells us that we need to follow him to be fishers of men. He isn’t calling out Andrew and Peter, He is calling out us telling us to drop everything and follow Him and you will find rest for your soul. He tells us that we will then preach to others and we will be like Him in the sense that we are fishers of men
At once they left their nets and followed him.
At least for me, there is no way that I would follow some random guy just because he said to. They must have felt a calling, deep down inside to go with him. Many times in the Gospel we hear Jesus say something and people listen, he calls out demons, he chases the merchants out of the temple. He must be who he says he is, the Son of God. His words had such an effect on people. He must be God.
You should stop and follow Jesus. God loves us all.
Jesus is telling us that not only that they are fishers of men. What he is saying is that he wants them to gather the men to the kingdom. The teachings from the scriptures. We need to remember that we are born here to worship God and to be apostles of our faith. This is a great story because Andrew heard about the messiah and the prophet. He kept faith and knew it was Jesus.
God called andrew and he followed. He calls us and we should respond. let us act as st. andrew did, and follow him when he calls us to be his.
Jesus is trying to tell us that he wants us to spread when he says fishers of men he’ s saying to spread the gospel and take in more people to teach and then they spread and so on.
On the road to heaven, we must make many sacrafices for God. Maybe we want to party, and have fun, and be irresponsible and stuff like that, but we need to give all that up for God if we want eternal life
Jesus is telling us that no matter what we life, God always has a plan for us. Peter didn’t know that he was going to be the first pope of the catholic faith its what God had planned for him. He trusted God. Like we all need to do. We need to put out faith in God an follow what he has for us.
In this scripture reflection it did not really teach me but it reminded me that God the Father is in love with us and is chasing after me calling my name.
God is in love with us more than we can comprehend, He sent Jesus and He also calls us everyday. He calls us everyday, but do we respond? Sometimes no, sometimes yes, sometimes we can’t even hear him, but we have to hear it and follow it everyday.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” this stuck out to me because it’s saying that we need to follow His footsteps and preach the gospel.
I think Jesus is calling us to him. Jesus calls us each by name. He loves us individually.
the Lord is radically in love with all of his creation what matter is the way we respond to him to help grow are relationship we respond through prayer and conversation with God so we must always pray to him so we can be better Catholics and children of God
“At once they left their nets and followed him.” I like this saying since they just dropped everything that they had for Jesus. He told them what they should do and they did everything for Him, in His name. They followed Him through thick and thin even though they might have been beaten or persecuted they followed Him. It takes courage to follow someone who you’re not supposed to and stick with them but that is what the apostles did and they did it with pride.
Everyday Jesus calls us just like He called the Apostles. We just have a harder time listening to Him because of how distracted and how much is going on in our lives. We must slow down and become one with Jesus. We will be happier and at peace if we listen to what He says. We have been called, how will we respond.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
We are God fishers of men, we need to follow him. He is calling us to become apostles
I think that the lesson today is trust in god. he is asking us to follow him, to love him, to serve him. when we place our trust in him, we it makes us love him even more. trust is the anchor.
Today is the feast day of St. Andrew the first apostle called. Jesus says that if we come after Him He will make us fishers of men. This made me think about how following Jesus isn’t easy like fishing sometimes. Jesus tells us that we will be persecuted for our faith but if we love and follow Him we get to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
I like the way that in this scripture the brother followed him immediately. We need to be more like them they trusted him and we should too. We need to always put our trust into God and believe in him that he will do what’s best.
“He gave us sanctifying grace” This is the most important thing in our entire faith is the reason we are able to go to Heaven and we don’t even deserve it.
Jesus is trying to tell us that he wants us to spread when he says fishers of men he’ s saying to spread the gospel and take in more people to teach and then they spread and so on.
Jesus is telling us to be nicer to eachother.
I think this scripture is telling us that we need to follow Jesus and listen to Him whenever he calls us.
God is saying that every one of us has a gift and that we need to use it like his apostles did
When Jesus called, the apostles came right away. Thats how our love for God should be. We need to follow him to live a good life.
I think Jesus the trying to tell us that he is always calling us and that we should listen to become more like him.
Jesus has a plan for us. He knows everything that will happen in our lives even after we pass away. If we need help to know what will come in our future he will help us and he will give us a chance in life to be succesful even if we are sinners.
God is trying to tell us that we need to trust in him. People don’t trust God sometimes because, he doesn’t answer them IMMEDIATELY. We need to trust God. If we trust God, we can live a good life by following God on the right path. We should be chasing Jesus, Jesus shoudn’t be chasing us.
I feel that the line God the Father is radically in love with His creation, us. He chases after us everyday. is very important cause we need to be reminded that god loves us
“God the Father is radically in love with His creation, us. He chases after us everyday.” This sticks out to me because it says that God is madly in love with us and will do anything for us. There is nothing we can do to make God stop loving us. No matter what he will always love us and cherish us and chase after us.
I believe the says that when he calls we come to him as so did simon and andrew with james and john.
Something that stuck out to me is “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” because Jesus is telling us that once we obey the comandments and do what he tell us then we will be exepted into Heaven
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” I think Jesus is trying to tell us to follow him and love God.
I think God is trying to tell us that we should follow him. “Come after me and ill make you fishers of men”. This part struck me because God is trying to tell us that we should follow him and we will go to heaven with Him and Jesus.
We are all called to follow Jesus and just like St.Andrew did we should follow in his footsteps. If I follow in Jesus’s foot steps I can be a saint right here right now.
In this scripture reflection Jesus is calling each and every one of us to be is disciples, sinners or not he still comes after us. It is up to us to answer his call.
God created the world and everything in it and we should be able to repay him with great and bright praise. St. Andrew was the very first apostle of Jesus and is the brother of St. Peter. He is a very special saint today and will be remembered
jesus wants us to be followers of him and to become one of his own people for you too make it too heaven.
Come after me and I will make you fishers of men really stuck out to me because it was a really good analogy because they were fishermen but also because it was telling them they could do great things and help Jesus “fish” people and “reel” them into Christianity
“Come after me and I will make you fishers of men” I think today Jesus is trying to tell us that we need to spend more time with him. Like, taking time to sit in silence, or pray to him or any other saint. And not just going home and watching your TV, phone computer/Mac book, or I pad/tablet. It is important for us to make time for him, even if it’s just a Glory Be before bed, or in the morning.
Something that stuck out to me was how much faith that they had, all that Jesus said was “Come and follow me,” and they did, that just seems so crazy to me, because if some random person came up to me and said to give my whole life to him, I would run away. This shows how special of a person Jesus was, and how we should all do the same.
What I think Jesus is trying to tell me is to leave everything and follow him. What I mean by leave everything behind is leave all the brokenness, hurting, suffering, behind and come to him where there is Joy. It is important for us to make time for him, even if it’s just a Glory Be before bed, or in the morning.
we need to folow him and trust in his word, let him be your light when you are lost just how the fisherman followed and listend to jesus. his plan is greater than your own. follow him and be lead to eternal life in heaven!
One simple act of love each day could make someones day and maybe change their life.
Jesus called them to be fishers of men to get more people to follow Jesus but he’s not just calling them he’s calling everyone .
Jesus calls his appostiles his fishermen, fisherman are not rich, not respected but Jesus did respect them. It shows we dont have to be the best of the best to be accepted by God.