Humbly submit your will to God and consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary and Joseph.
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Suppose one of you has a friend
to whom he goes at midnight and says,
‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey
and I have nothing to offer him,’
and he says in reply from within,
‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked
and my children and I are already in bed.
I cannot get up to give you anything.’
I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves
because of their friendship,
he will get up to give him whatever he needs
because of his persistence.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
What father among you would hand his son a snake
when he asks for a fish?
Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?
If you then, who are wicked,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit
to those who ask him?”
Today, Jesus reminds us to ask God for whatever we need physically or spiritually. Yesterday, Jesus taught us how to approach the Father in prayer through the Our Father prayer which has the 7 petitions to ask God the Father for everything we need (7 is the number of perfection in the Bible).
Today, I want you to reflect on what you’re asking for. What we want or what God has in store for us. Do we know what God wants for us or made us for. Jesus is letting us know today that the Father will take good care of us if we allow Him to. We must rest in His arms and allow Him to love us.
Jesus tells us if we seek the Truth (God) we will find Him. If we ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, He will give it to us. Even though God knows what you will be asking for, He wants you to ask, to make a friendship with Him, to allow Him to be your Father and help you. Jesus is with you in your prayer, He cries with you in your suffering, He rejoices with you when you feel sorrow for your sin and ask for forgiveness for this is why He died.
Remember, you may not receive what you are asking for if it is not God’s will. He may be asking you to carry a cross to purify your soul in preparation for heaven or He may be testing your faithfulness to Him. He knows you and loves you more than you know and love yourself. He knows how to help you gain salvation. He wants you to participate in your salvation. Accept it with open arms and be ready to ask for His grace for the battle.
“God knows you better than you know yourself, God loves you more than you love yourself, God wants you to know His Will.” -Fr. Mike Schmitz
Today’s challenge: Allow God to help you, pray, seek, ask!
Be a servant, become a saint!
“Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,” People are asking us all the time, please pray for me, please hang out with me, please play a game with me, and sometimes we turn them down because you don’t like them, or they’re wierd. I encourage all of us to reach out to all the people that reach out to us.
Today we hear that God will give us what ever we need Phisically or spiritually as long as it is a good thing. He says Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you will find, and Knock and the door will be opened. Its just showing that he cares for us and will give use anything if we ask.
We can’t get stuff if we don’t ask, We ask jesus why something is or isn’t happening, but we don’t ask for that something, we don’t take time to pray and think and ask for something. If we don’t ask we can’t recieve.
Nothing can be impossible if someone is persistent enough to achieve it. The message is as simple as keep trying, persisting, and praying until you get the desirable result you ask for. We should keep on praying to God, because He never gets tired of hearing our thanksgiving and requests.
Today the gospel tells me that being a good friend is important. I believe this because this scripture talks about how you should give things when you are asked. When you are a good friend to all people and not just the people you know you can make a big impact on people. This sets a good model for others to follow and to look up to. So when people ask something of you i think that you should help them or at least try to help them.
Today I learned that Jesus gave us the Our Father so we can talk to him we can get stuff we could never do like saving peoples lives he preforms miracles all the time to help us. He loves us so much and we need to do is spend 2 minutes just silent and talk to him let him know how we feel and he can relieve us from stress,sadness, or anger he works in many ways.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
this is the thing that stuck it the most this is so so so important to know and understand that he will be there to give you whatever you want just ask
In our prayers we ask for what we need help with for those who are in a rough patch in life. If we pray our prayers will be answered in some sort of way maybe not right away it will take some time but he answers prayers when it is the right time. And if something happens which is the opposite of what you prayed for do not be mad at the Father for everything happens for a reason and he has a plan for why it happened just let him speak to you through your prayers.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This stuck out to me because when people say God isn’t speaking to them or telling them something, thats not true. That just means we arent trying hard enough or we arent letting him speak to us. We need to be fully open for God if we want him to speak to us. If not, we wont hear him.He will always answers we might just not be open to his answers.
Today I think Jesus is telling us that whatever we need we can seek and he will provide for us. We just have to ask him. God will always have an answer for us and always be there if we need him. I think this because in the reading it says:
“I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.”
If we ask God for help he will help us because we are his sons and daughters and he loves us very much.
This Gospel is basically telling us that if we talk to God and ask Him for what we need, He will give us what we need. If you want something from the store and you don’t have any money what do you do? You ask your parents! If we ask nicely then ,unless it is something stupid, they will most likely get it for you. In the same way we must ask God for what we need help with and if we ask nicely then He will give us what we need. We need to remember to not ask for the biggest thing in the whole store but just something that will help us a little bit. In the same way; don’t ask God for the biggest things and start off little. If you don’t get something from God, it is not His will for you to get it. We must pray to Him to ask for the right things that he wants us to ask Him for. Your parents are willing to give you something and the greatest parent we have is God. He will give us what we need just like our parents.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” This sentence stuck out to me because Jesus is telling us not to be afraid to ask for anything from him, even if it is a small thing. He is also saying that we need to seek a relationship with Him. He is telling us we need to “knock” on the door of His heart so that way we can get what we need or what from Him.
We ask God for what we need in prayer through saying the Our Father. The Our Father has seven petitions which is everything we need. We shouldn’t ask for what we want but for what we need and for what God has in store for us.
God is always their for us and if we need the holy spirit he will help us by giving it to us.
but that if we need to open our hearts for Gods love.
that we should be truthfully to God and to do what he asks of us
Ask and you shall receive. A lot of people, me included, take this to mean that if you ask, you will get. We translate this into the modern mindset, changing it to mean that God will give us whatever we want, whenever we want it. Some of us might deny it, but who of us is guilty of getting frustrated when we don’t get a response from God when we pray and ask for something. Jesus tells us that we will give our friend the bread because of his persistence. We need to keep asking God, and praying to him. This doesn’t mean that we just pester God until he gives us what we want, oh no no no. Rather, when we keep asking, it shows God that we actually believe that he can accomplish this request. That even though we may not have received a response yet, we believe Jesus still hears and listens to our plights. Just remember, that if we ask for something, it might not be something that will benefit us. Jesus will only give us something that gives us happiness or joy. So, when you ask for something, HIS will, not yours, be done.
Jesus says that if we seek Him we will find Him. If we ask, we will receive (although not immediately). We pray to follow Him.
Jesus says that if we seek Him we will find Him. If we ask, we will receive (although not immediately). When we pray, we are following Jesus.
If we ask God for something he will respond and say yes because if you ask you shall receive only if we pray and worship God though.
God is telling us to speak to people if you need help. If you want something, you cant get it unless you ask for it. We need to help others no matter how they look, how they act,and ect.
If you keep praying and asking God for something it will happen unto you. You need to persistently pray, you can’t just pray once for something and expect to get it usually. You need to keep praying like you really mean it. God will eventually answer your prayer as long as you stay strong to his word.
Jesus wants us to ask for stuff,we pray and we might get it or might not.He may be testing your faithfulness to Him.He says we shall receive him but it might take so time so we have to keep praying.When we pray we are following and listen to Jesus which is what he wants us to do to follow after him and to spread the Word.
Jesus is telling us that when someone else needs food, water or any other thing as best as we can just like God provides us.
Today Jesus tells us to ask and we will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. He tells us to ask God for anything and He will listen. It doesn’t mean he will grant our wishes if it is not His will, but He will listen – and if it is His will, then it will happen.
I think that god is telling us in this scripture that he gives us what we will ask for so do not be ashamed to ask.
I think Jesus is trying to tell me that whatever I ask for He will give me IF it is His will for me. “And I tell you, ask and you will receive;seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives;and the one who seeks, finds;and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” We have to be open and listen for God’s voice for what He wants your vocation to be. Also He is always listening and always there for us, we just have to turn to Him and He will help us.
What I heard /thought from the scripture was that we need to have god as our friend and find him and pray. Evan though sometimes he doesn’t respond immediately. I think that because it says “And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; This sentence in the scripture is saying to me that God is always there for us. That stuck to me because I have to ask a lot of help from God and like what it said in the scripture ask and you receive I ask and he gives. Pray to God. What stuck to me was, it said Jesus knows you better than you know yourself. Jesus knows everything and you can rely on him.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?
If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” stuck out to me because it shows that if you are persistent and you never give up you can do lots of things.
“For everyone who asks, receives” I think that this means that God will care for us and help us, it may not be right away but he will help us; we need him.
Something that stuck out to me, or something that I got from it was to rely on God and Jesus. God is almighty and has power over everything so putting our trust in him is the best thing that we could do for ourselves. Also I got from this is to be a good friend to everyone because your heavenly father(God) is everyone’s friend, it says “he loves us more than he loves himself”.
Today, Jesus is telling us to ask God for anything spiritually or physically. He is telling us to ask, and we will receive, seek and you will find, and knock and the door will be opened to you.
‘And I tell you ask and you will receive’ This stuck out to me because if you need/want something, what are you going to? You ask when you want/need something. We ask our parents for money, clothes, etc. We ask God for money, happiness, etc. But do we ask Him for His forgiveness, His love?
My favorite quote or line today is “And I tell you, ask and you will receive. Ask and you shall receive this is only something that God’s grace can do for us nothing in this world can give us what God can. But it also says those who are wicked shall not receive what they want but something they deserve. This is when the man decides to not get up and lend him three loaves of bread because the doors are locked but ask for the doors to be opened and they will open but this man does not lend him three loaves so this unkind man will not be given what he asks because he didn’t help someone.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive,“ It stuck out to me because it is saying is that what Jesus means is that we can ask God for things and he will take care of us because he loves us more than we do ourselves. He wants us to ask questions to find him so we can develop a better relationship with him.
Jesus is telling me to be a good friend,cause if your friend needs something then get up and give them whatever they need it could be mentally or physically.Either way give them what they need like how Jesus did to us.‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey and I have nothing to offer him,’and he says in reply from within,
‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked and my children and I are already in bed.I cannot get up to give you anything.’I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship,he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.
When it says ask and receive, I think it means, in a human way, that if you ask for something, you should get it. I think God means that if you ask, and he thinks it will help you grow closer to him, I think he will give it to you.
I think Jesus is saying that if we would just ask for his forgiveness and other things we need, The Father would give it to us. He is a righteous God and would not ignore us or betray us. Whatever we do, He is there to forgive us and give us what we ask for.
This gospel is telling us to ask and receive, seek and you will find. God wants us to know that he is always watching and loves all of us, and he appreciates us.
When we ask him, we receive because of his love, when we seek, we will find because of his love. God is calling us to become his servants and to become saints as well.
In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that anything we ask of him he will give it to us. He says, “Everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” I am asking God to help me become more Christlike. Although Jesus says “ask and you will receive,” if it is not God’s will it won’t happen because His will for you might be for you to do something hard. God loves us and wants us to be with him.
Jesus tells us that whatever you need will be provided, as long as you know how to ask for it. He tells us that if you persevere, and never give up, he will lead you and provide you with whatever you need.
If you want God you must ask when you ask you will get it.
Jesus says that when we want something we must pray and ask for it but not to just think people know exactly what we need so he says for us to pray and ask and we shall receive .
Today gospel is about being a good friend and if yous ask god for forgiveness you shall receive it and eternal life
“Ask and you will receive.” Sometimes you feel like you keep asking but God isn’t answering. That is because we are not truly listening. You need to pray. Really pray. God will always answer. It just may not be right away.
“ask and you will receive” I think this means that it means that we just need to ask God and whatever we ask for will come to us.
Jesus tells us that anything we ask of him he will give it to us. God wants us to know that he loves us and is watching over us.
When it says ask and receive and seek and you will find. I think it means if you grace or spiritual help and ask for it God will provide. If you seek Jesus and the Holy Trinity. God will help us if we ask him for it. God wants us to get to Heaven and be more Christlike
Jesus is telling us today that even the most evil fathers give their children gifts, so if we could imagine the quality of gifts from a GOD father, let alone the BEST father. I think He also tells us to respond kindly to others when they need something, so that when the day comes that we need something, they will be more inclined to give it to you.
We need to allow God to love us. Jesus says that “anything we ask of him we will give it to us”, everyone who asks something of him will receive it. God loves us and wants us to be with him no matter what. He will always be ready for us to come to him.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” I think that God is telling us that we can’t just expect him to fix our problems. We have to seek out his help and when we do that he will always answer us. Maybe not in the way we expected or wanted but in the long run he knows what is best for us and what will make us happiest.
I think God is trying to tell me that if I ask for something I will get it because he cares for me but he wont just give me anything. God knows what we need and if we ask for anything and he just gives it to us then what is the point, what are we fighting for. God gives us what we need not what we want.
Jesus is telling us that it takes sacrifice and is important and not only a good friend is to be good but it’s to be with him just like God does. prayer is a time with God and like in the scripture “knock and the door is open” this tells me that no matter what God loves us and his kingdom is open we will receive it. so being a good friend is to be with him/her and pray for them every day and they shall receive what they ask. the Kingdom Of Heaven!!
I think Jesus is trying to tell me that if you ask him to help you with something that he will help you but the answer wont be right in front of you. You’ll have to work for it.
For everyone who asks recives.¨ I Think God is trying to tell us that he will always be there for us and that and he will alwyas care and love for us no matter what. And if we need or want something what do we do? we ask for unnecessary things like money presents etc but do we ask for forgiveness from Jesus. Jesus was saying if you ask God for your needs Physically or spiritually and he will take care of us.
For everyone who asks, receives and the one who seeks, finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. I am asking God today to help guide me through my science test. For Him to make sure I will be nice loving to one another when they need help.
I think that He is trying to say that if you talk to God he will respond and if you get away from God he will find us. God will do anything for us, He already has. He will talk to you but you have to listen and talk back to HIm. We just have to try and get close to him and he will take it from there on.
The saying lend me 3 loaves of bread for a friend that has come back from a journey and by doing that you have help some one and if you ask and you will receive. And if someone forces you to give them it you give them a smaller portion of what they said.
The gospel tells us ” Ask and you shall receive”. I think most people twist this to mean that God will give you anything you want if you just keep on asking. We need to realize that it really means that if we ask for God’s help in growing closer to him, he will reach out to us and help us become closer to him.
“Do not bother me; the door has already been locked” That stuck out to me because if you ask someone for something they won’t always say yes, but God would never lock the door on us no matter what. if we want something spiritually or physically we ask God, because he is all we need and he is everything.
I think Jesus is trying to tell us in this scripture that we will not be ashamed to ask.
Today the gospel is trying to tell us that, If we find the truth God we will find him. And he will give you anything you ask of spiritually and physically He wants to give you a friendship with him. He wants to be with you forever in Heaven.
this is telling us that we have to follow God, ask him for something, and it may not come that second, but he will answer your prayers, and you will receive what you asked for as long as it’s God’s will.
One of the gospels says (Ask and you shall receive) I think most people get this mixed up and think if you just ask God he will give it to you but its not true. You cant just give him one second of your day to get what you want. He gives us his time of day everyday every night. A relationship doest work when you dont have 50 50 effort. You need to give the effort and pray to him and then you will recive happiness.
What God is trying to say is that you can ask for something but some people will give you something you don’t want. If you go to the right person then they will give you what you want. So if they give you what you want, imagine what the Father can give to the Holy Spirit if you just ask them.
We should always trust in what God has to say to us. We have to hear what he is trying to say to us. We should always trust in Jesus. He knows our plan and what is best for us. We do not know what is best for us only God does.
For Jesus to help us we have to ask him for help. If we don’t want to have his help we won’t get his help. We have to pray and worship him if we want eternal life with the Lord. We won’t be able to have life with Him if we don’t want and ask for life with Him. My favorite line from this scripture is “Jesus tells us if we seek the Truth (God) we will find Him”.
We do our best and act our best for our friends and family so why not God? He is our everlasting Father who gave us everything and continues to give us everything. He has given us so many different ways to open up to him we just need to use them and pray to God. God knows what’s best for us and will help us in our time of need. We just need to let him and pray to him.
This reading is basically saying that we get what we give. It’s God’s explanation of karma and how it comes back around. But it really is true because the way we treat other people eventually affects us. It just takes different amounts of time for it to affect us.
What I really take out of this is that we can ask God for anything. For help on a test. for healing. for a certain situation to be made better. God wants to be our spiritual father and he wants us to rely on him. And we do! I for one during the day whenever it comes up i’ll ask him something or thank him for helping me. I would be a wreck without him. God wants to help us so why don’t we let him be in our lives.
‘if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.’ When I was in 4th grade my teacher told me a story. “One day, there was a flood, and a man stood on top of his house and prayed for God to save him. A raft floated by, and the driver asked him if he needed help. the man said, ‘No, God will save me.’ The raft floated on, and a few minutes later, a motorboat pulled up. the pilot also asked him if he needed help. The man refused again, so the boat went on. Soon after that, the man’s house collapsed and he died. When he went to heaven, he talked to God. He asked him why he hadn’t helped him. God replied, ‘Who do you think sent the boats to you?’
What I think He is saying is that if I knock I shall receive. I also think he is saying that he wants to build a close relationship like a friendship with me.
It talks about asking God for things but we also need to learn to not use him as a slot machine and learn to figure somethings out on our own.
We ask but how many times do we receive what we asked for? Over half of the stuff we ask for we do not get but we still ask and ask and ask and ask. Jesus tells us to ask him persistently. Just because he didn’t give us the thing we asked for does not mean he won’t in the future. As Jesus for what you need but also trust that He will give you what you need and want when its time.
God loves us all and knows us all more than we know our selves, we will receive help from if when we really need it.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. for everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Jesus tells us this because not many ask him for a miracle, but God wants us to ask more of him, God wants us to go to heaven so we can be with him eternity. God wants us to ask us for things, but God doesn’t always do that because it won’t help us or someone else get closer to Him. I suppose he does that because he knows what we will need. He knows what will help us and what will hurt us.
if we truly want to be together with God we need to grow a good relationship with him. We need to spend some of our time throughout the day to be with him., TRULY be with him not just flipping through the pages of the bible. When we grow a good strong relationship with God is when we will spend our life with him and eternal life with him also.
In the gospel Jesus is telling us that we do not give Him anything in return for what He has done for us. He says that if He were to open our door and ask for something as small as 2 loaves of bread we would not give it to Him. In the Gospel it says that when the door was opened the man said that he would not give any loaves of bread because he and his children were already in bed. It’s telling us that we need to give more to Him and not worship other things.
“I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.” Friends have to protect each other and love one another. We have to protect the Eucharist and love God. God is our best friend, so we should be open to talking to him.
This is so straight foward which is why it’s one of my favorites. Ask for forgiveness, and receive forgiveness and on and on and on again. Ask and you shall receive, Jesus will give you all that you need and more.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
God always answers the door, he never stays in bed. He always wants to listen to you and hear you story.
When it says ask and receive I think it means in a human way. That if you ask for something you should get it. I think God means that if you ask. He thinks it will help you grow closer to him. And I think he will give it to you.
Jesus is telling us that he will always be there with us. He never leaves us! When we ask for him he is heir. Jesus does not mean that we will get everything we ask for he means that when we need him he is always there and will always be there.
God reminded me that he is always here for me and if I ask I will receive. So He is always there for me when I am happy, sad, lonely, and mad.
Today Jesus is telling us to pester Him with requests. Not with material good requests but requests with prayers. Begging Him to give us the Holy Spirit. Begging Him to teach us how to pray, begging Him to give us His mercy. As He tells us, “And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
He is telling us to ask Him for spiritual things that will get us back to Him. Every good thing that we get or happens to us is a work of the lord. Appreciate that and know that Jesus loves you.
If you are praying for something, you might not get the thing that you were expecting out of it. We must be ready for what he will send us. We have to be willing to take up our cross and follow Him.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. In the scripture when he says this i think what it means is whenever you call to the Lord and ask him for forgiveness or help he will be there to forgive you hes there to help you in your day to day life all you need to do is ask and he will give it to you.
I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence. I like this because it shows us what a true friend would do for you out of love for us. Even if it was midnight we should help a friend or someone in need. Show your mercy to people and spread kindness to everyone you see.
Just like the man asks his neighbor for bread, we ask Jesus for forgiveness. He doesnt have to give it to us, he doesnt owe us anything, but he stills does everything he can to help us.
God knows us better than ourselves. God loves us more than we love ourselves, and loves us more than anyone could ever love us.
life won’t always be easy. Which is why we need God in our lives. If we don’t have enough love in our hearts, he will put love in there. If we don’t have enough of whatever we need, God will give it. He fills our brokeness, he heals the sick. He came down to save us. He gives us what we need. All we have to do is ask.
Jesus is saying that if we just talk to him when we need him then that he will help us. Jesus is always there for us when we need him. And will always have answers for us. Just like in the readings today.
“I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door
will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
This Gospel is telling us something important. He is telling us that we can go to Him for anything! If we pray and ask Jesus for something He will give it to us, that is if it’s something we truly NEED not want. Unlike us Jesus knows the true difference between our wants and needs. Jesus wants us to always be joyful, along with praying to Him. Think of it as your teacher if you don’t do your homework, don’t study or zone out during classes, you can’t ask the teacher to give you all A’s. If we only pray to God when you want or need something He might give it to us because He loves us so much. We need to pray to God like your best friend.
I think Jesus is trying to tell us that friendships are very powerful. Everybody needs 1 true friends. They dont have to even be super close but as long as you know that they are there for you that is all that matters.
it has always struck me when I listened to this Gospel that asking for a fish and getting a snake instead, i mean who does that? I think that God is saying that we might not get what we want, but we might get a blessing in disguise God does not always give us what we want because it might not always be good for us. he gives us what he knows will help us get through life even when it is hard.
“love is paitent love is kind” i say this because when i read todays passage thats all that came to mind a common phrase ask and you shall recieve tends to get mixed up todays scociety sometimes god removes things or people form your life because he heard conversations you didnt, he saw things you didnt. no matter how bad you want something from god no matter how much you ask hes not always going to give in order to protect your feelings because he loves you beyond your comprehension!!
God is telling us to help our neighbors when we are able
“Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you will find, and Knock and the door will be opened.” this stuck out to me because it tells me that God will always help us as long as it is good. It shows that he cares for us and will give us anything good if we ask.
If we ask Jesus for something he will give it to us.
Ask and you shall receive to me this means that God will provide you with all your needs Also if you ask for Gods help you will get it
Today what i learnt is that we need to be persistent with our prayers so that they might be answered. “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find” If we ask God enough times through prayer then our requests will be seen too .
I think God is trying to tell us that whenever someone needs to borrow something let them borrow it because you will be rewarded later on.
i think this scripture reflection is telling us that we need to listen to god and see what he is telling us. And hes not gonna ask you to do something really crazy hes just saying follow him and read all these.
And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; This sentence in the scripture is saying to me that God is always there for us. That stuck to me because I have to ask a lot of help from God and like what it said in the scripture ask and you receive I ask and he gives. t has always struck me when I listened to this Gospel.. If we don’t have enough of whatever we need, God will give it.
Jesus is telling us to share what we have so that others can do the same thing for when you need the same. Don’t be the wicked one that gives away the evil things and keeps the rest for them self but be the person that gives and are happy about it and feel good and not angry.
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.This stuck out to me because we need God in our life to get to Heaven and just God in genural
God is telling us when we ask the door will be opened and we shall receive but if we are still bad after that the door will be locked. We need to be ready and willing to help others.
The lord tells us always help others and those in need for they are gods greatest creation as well. We should respect all who are respectful.
God is here for us and will help us in times by giving us whatever we need because he wants us to satisfied
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Jesus is telling us that he is there always and that we will receive it if we ask. We need to listen when we ask so we can hear his voice and know what he wants us to to or what he is saying to us.
I think Jesus is telling us that we will always help us if we ask. “ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE; SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND.” This part stuck me out because it tells us that God will always help us and if we ask, we shall receive it in prayer. God will always love us and he will help us in life. When we pray God will listen to us and we will get what we ask for. God is always with us
Ask and you shall receive is what God said to me this means that Jesus is the door and we have to ask him to open it and he will open it so when we come to God and want to be with God he will help us along the Journey to get to heaven hey is the key to the gates of heaven and we have to follow him by asking him to help us even if we are ashamed of it we cannot be embarrsed to ask for help sometimes.So we need to follow Jesus even if we dont want too. we need to pray to God to help us on our journey to heaven.
God is telling us that he will give anything to us. But we can’t just pray to God and ask him to make us rich or anything like that. Do not be selfish. Last night, I prayed that I would do well on my big science test. I know that God will give me a good result.
Jesus is trying to tell us that in are prayer we need to listen very closely.We pray that we can get closer to God and that we will get closer to being in heaven with him.Jesus is also telling us to not be scared or ashamed to ask him questions.
My favorite quote of the day is this “And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” I think God is telling us to pray to him and that we shall receive what he is trying to say to us. Not only that but he also wants us to give him everlasting love for himself! He gave his only begotten son for us and that is the reason we are on this earth today.
What stuck out to me is “ask and you will receive.” This sticks out to me because God is willing to give us what we want.We just have to ask through prayer.Sometimes it seems like God is not answering but really it might just not be the right time. As long as want you want if good and wil help others or yourself God will answer.
If we pray for things that you need, God will give it to you if you need it. God provides for us.
When it says “ask and revive” I think God is telling us that we need to be more open and more willing to ask God for help, but we can’t just expect him to give us everything. We can’t use him as a vending machine where we just press a few buttons and it pops up. “It may not revive if what your asking for is not in Gods will” he only gives us what we ask for if what we ask for is in Gods will for us, I mean would you want to give your friend something that could hurt them, no of course not because you don’t want to hurt them, to push them of the path.
Today, I want you to reflect on what you’re asking for. What we want or what God has in store for us. This scripture is telling us to be patient and God has a plan for us we need to trust his will because he won´t let us down. It´s telling us to keep trying and to keep praying. We should also spread the word because if we give to him he´ll give back
Ask and recieve, that’s what God tells us. We can ask for forgiveness, and we can recieve communion. God May not always be there to answer, all of our prayers, and requests. But he can, and will always be there for us. No matter what we do or fee. Because He cares about us so much
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find; He is telling us to recieve communion and go to Confession.Jesus Said take this and eat of it and that is what we recieve at mass.
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
this stuck out to me because it is basically saying that God will help you to do anything you put your mind too and that he will accept you for who you are.
“Ask and you shall recieve.”, now, what does this mean to us? it means that god is always willing to help us but sometimes physical items, we may not recieve. When he gives to us. he attempts to focus on mental needs and blessings.